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18 (3318) › PDF version of the newspaper › Novaya Gazeta in St. Petersburg

PDF version of the newspaper Novaya Gazeta in St. Petersburg

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Dear readers! The archive of publications of the St. Petersburg editorial office of Novaya Gazeta is located at this address.
Read our latest materials on the website of the federal Novaya Gazeta


medical workers have died in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (*according to the Memory List)


Novaya Columnist Boris Vishnevsky on Why the Dictatorship Can't Deal with Crises

PDF-archive of the St. Petersburg Novaya Gazeta

Click on the cover of the issue to download its PDF version

18 (3318)

No. 18 (3318) dated February 18, 2022

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Fresh release

photo stories

“I took off from the mortar along with everyone “for the Motherland, for Stalin.” The foreman hit, I fell into the trench. Saved my life

Dear readers! The archive of publications of the St. Petersburg editorial office of Novaya Gazeta is located at this address. Read our latest materials on the site of the federal New.

Dmitry Travin,
Research Supervisor, Center for Modernization Studies, European University at St. Petersburg

The online publication Novaya Gazeta in St. Petersburg was registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor), media registration certificate EL No. FS 77 – 55835 dated October 30, 2013.

Founder: Media.S-Pb LLC. Editor-in-Chief: Kachalova D.L. Editorial e-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: 8 (812) 331-71-82. 18+

All rights to the materials published on this site belong to ANO RID Novaya Gazeta. Any use of materials and news of the site is allowed only in agreement with the editors with a mandatory hyperlink to the site