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Without Kevordo (Season 2), a game in Kalmara watch online October 17, 2021 # Playing Kalmara live broadcast # game of squid: watch all episodes on October 17, 2021 All episodes: game in squid

Without Kevordo

(Season 2) Playing in Kalmara online October 17, 2021 # Playing Calmar live broadcasts #pamara: watch all episodes on October 17, 2021 All episodes: game in the squid watch online series game in Kalmara for free in good quality game of Kalmara watch online Free #3

The pluses of the series. 2) a solid soundtrack 1) a good cast of actors for the main roles of what I did not like in the series: – Actors do not grimace on camera that in Japanese and Korean series a rarity, especially in Japanese. Although even such an expression in this series will seem to be excessive in this series. All moves in the series are calculated at a time. Maybe my intuition is too developed, or maybe the screenwriter tried poorly, but the two main hooks – the finals of the seventh and ninth episodes – I guessed at the beginning, so watching these lines was bored. In addition, it is initially clear who will go to the final. In my opinion, this is unforgivable, taking into account the fact that the author will swear and swear that he wrote the script for nine years. But he has a heavier sin – my uncovered gestalt, namely an unwound storyline with investigation. In order not to throw spoilers, I can only say that her finale is very poorly completed by the plot built around the character. Of the pluses, I can note a good acting (except for single wooden cases), a pleasant soundtrack, camera work and an episode with a game of pebbles. In general, it was interesting to watch, with the exception of a boring principle and a tedious ending. The series is not bad, but disposable, from the category that once looked, put a checkmark and forgot. Why is there such a general interest in him and where enthusiastic reviews come from – I am frankly incomprehensible. And let's still attach the creators, because they pulled costumes from the “Paper House”, and no one noticed this. The case when unnecessary advertising only harms. An interesting movie for those who do not repel meaningless (well, almost) and a merciless massacre. It is not recommended to look at the company – miss all the details that could pay attention to. With all its minuses, this is a good movie. Cruel, but vital and really makes you feel the philosophy that the creators propose. Let's see what the series will surprise in the 2nd season, if it is at all. Otherwise, the rating for me will be clearly lower. In the meantime. Conceptually, this is the royal battle, only with restrictions and with the pretense of the fact that great good goals are pursued here.However, the life of a person, like that of other representatives of the genre, is valued very conditionally and only by the participants themselves. Winning not only life, but money. So much so that in general they will never be remembered again. And the archetypes of the main characters – you can also say a classic – Gouging, Quiet-loner, Gangster, Rolling Major, Gastarbeiter (Hindu) and Grandfather-on-out. The task of all non-trivial – to survive and take the money. Because in the harsh reality they are not only bankrupt, but in severe debts and in line for disassembly for spare parts. About the image. The director of the series, Hwang Dong Hyuk, did a good job with the set design and visuals. The style of the series allows the viewer to involuntarily see the division between the players and the organizers. One side is one color, the other is another. Everything is subject. The squid game drawing contains three shapes: a circle, a triangle and a square. It is these figures that are painted on the masks of soldiers. The beds in the waiting room are arranged in a specific order. All food, accessories – everything is brought in portions to the point of madness and always in packages, boxes with the same style. The scenery is worked out with high quality and as minimalistic as possible, so that the viewer concerts his attention on what is happening. The picture is pleasantly pleasing to the eye throughout the series. If you have never seen Asian creativity in similar genres a la 'The Hunger Games', then you might like this work. If you have something to compare with, then there will be a persistent feeling of secondary and weak elaboration. Besides, I'm not interested in the characters at all. The unfortunate Koreans are dying nameless and useless. Why should we empathize with them? Because they are dying? Or because tragic music was added to each death, as if hinting that it was time to shed tears? Personally, I was touched by only one death, and that was due to the monologue of the character. Well, you understand, right? A pop dystopia in two hours of screen time evokes more feelings than an allegedly top series. As for the main characters: the situation is no better. I don’t really want to worry about the main one, because, as the first minutes of timing show, he himself made every effort to make his life sink to the bottom, and when the light at the end of the tunnel dawned, and I kindled audience sympathy for him, he managed to disappoint me. His friend, comrade, and brother initially causes chills due to his stony expression and secretiveness. I would appreciate the girl if she had a good acting game, but for lack of one, I can’t write her down as a favorite. There are a lot of hard scenes in the series, and with each episode, they become more bloody and sophisticated. Every time it seems that now the director will certainly not leave anyone alive and the series will end right now. The only calming thing is that you see on the tape that there are 9 episodes, which means that the story will continue until the last one.Factors on the surface of a lot: conjugation of genres, the style of Korean cinema, a story clinging to the floor of a poke. “Game of Kalmara” is a series that shows what a person is capable of, for the sake of achieving the goal, what sacrifices he is ready to make, for which to take responsibility and that even at first glance the right people will also lose their appearance to the most desired things. The picture teaches that even in a difficult situation you need to remain who you were created – a person. This series is, no matter how many contemporary realities. But these are all the little things. -Persons of the game ordinary people who are not gifted with intelligence, but with game addiction. And on the one hand, this is a plus, because the ingenious characters who expect the game a lot of moves ahead, as well as the sudden turns of the plot that turn the game 'upside down', most often look like the author’s failure to register the normal rules of the game, and What is happening on the screen looks like a “piano in the bushes”, and not as a result of the actions of the characters, within the framework of the described rules. Works that have coped with this task. I have enough fingers of one hand, and even then with huge reservations. And on the other hand, this is a minus, because for such characters it is difficult to create a game, which will be interesting to watch that will keep the viewer in suspense. But what is shown in the series, rather realism, it is enough to look at how the world solves the problem of Covid and only this observation makes this feature a plus despite the fact that I personally am a lover of smart characters and more complex games.