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Film blood sport. Actors and a short description.

The article tells about the legendary action movie with the participation of Jean-Claude Van Damme Bloodsport, which was released in 1988.

The film Bloodsport. Actors and short description

American action films of the 80s and 90s. became a real classic of this genre of cinema. One of the most prominent of them is the film Bloodsport. The actors of the film won world fame largely due to their participation in this particular film, and the most famous among them, of course, is Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Short description

The plot of the action movie Bloodsport, whose actors gained worldwide fame after the release of the picture, is based on the story of the main character, played by Jean-Claude Van Damme. His character Frank Dukes is a military officer who leaves the US military to take part in an underground martial arts competition. From early childhood, he trained and mastered the skill of hand-to-hand combat with a Japanese master named Senzo Tanaka.

bloodsport actors

In Hong Kong, where this competition was held, Frank Dukes fights in several fights, in which he wins. In the final battle, he comes out victorious with great difficulty, after which, having finished the championship, he returns to his homeland. Bloodsport – a film (1988), whose actors played the roles of real people, is based on the story of the real Frank Dukes. By the way, he was personally present on the set of the film.

Bloody sport. Actors and characters

The main role in the film was brilliantly played by the unsurpassed Jean-Claude Van Damme, for whom this film became one of the best of his career. In many ways, it was due to this work that Van Damme gained worldwide popularity. Almost all the actors of the film Bloodsport were first seen by the audience of the Soviet Union on television screens in 1988.

bloodsport movie actors

In addition to Jean-Claude Van Damme, such actors as Bolo Yen, Victor Wong, Forest Whitaker and others starred in the film. Despite the fact that the film was received rather cool by critics, it became a real legend of action films, and today it is considered almost a classic of this genre. And although he did not receive a film award, worldwide recognition and the love of fans made this film one of the most outstanding and memorable representatives of its genre.


The action movie Bloodsport, whose actors demonstrated the highest level of martial arts and a good acting game, deservedly received universal recognition. And the main actor, Jean-Claude Van Damme, liked the film so much that he copied many scenes from it into his own project called In Search of Adventure.

bloodsport movie 1988 actors

The merits of this film in world cinema may not be too great, but for a Russian person it was an acquaintance with the first foreign action films, so the picture became truly legendary.Indeed, before its premiere in the USSR in 1988, the inhabitants of the country were not familiar with how militants look like in the West. In many respects, it was precisely due to its exoticism and unusualness for the Soviet audience that the film aroused such great interest on the territory of the USSR. And even today this film is still loved by Russian people, because it evokes nostalgic feelings and memories of the glorious 90s, although the film looks somewhat naive and rather weak by today's standards.