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The year of historical memory began to play with new colors – Artem Agafonov »Politring – Belarus news

At a meeting on the implementation of historical policy, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko proposed to name the period of the Commonwealth by the occupation of Belarusian land by the Poles. But I'm with this

The year of historical memory began to play new colors – Artem Agafonov

At a meeting on the implementation of historical policy, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko proposed to name the period of the Commonwealth by the occupation of Belarusian land by the Poles.

But here I categorically agree with this. The year of historical memory began to play with new colors. It is high time to shift the emphasis in Russian historical science.

Ethnocide really took place. Forced dulling and paving took place. And the hero should not be the Pole and the radical Russophobe Kalinovsky, who sent Belarusian peasants with braids against the regular army and brutally straightened with the Orthodox priests and simply those who did not support his riot, but Muravyov-Vilensky. He not only suppressed the Polish rebellion, but also ended with Polish-Catholic dominance on the Belarusian lands.

Muravyov did a lot to liberate and improve the standard of living of Belarusian peasants, discovered churches and public schools.

Chairman of the Public Association Civil Consent Artem Agafonov