
Basketball – Forum

Basketball is a sports team game with a ball. Basketball is played by two teams, each consisting of five players.

About Basketball

Basketball sports team game with the ball. Basketball is played by two teams, each consisting of five players. The goal of each team is to throw the ball with their hands into the opponent’s net ring (basket) and prevent the other team from taking possession of the ball and throwing it into their own basket. The basket (mesh ring) is at a height of 3.05 meters (10 feet) from the floor. There are 5 people from each team on the court, in total there are 12 people in the team, substitutions are not limited. For a ball thrown from close and medium distances, 2 points are counted, from a far one (because of the three-point line) – 3 points. A free throw is worth one point. The standard size of a basketball court is 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world.

Basketball has been part of the Olympic Games since 1936. James Naismith was there as a guest. The regular World Basketball Championships for men have been held since 1950, for women since 1953, and the European Championships since 1935.

Europe hosts international club competitions ULEB Euroleague, ULEB European Cup, Challenge Cup.

The game reached its greatest development in the United States, where one of the strongest basketball championships was organized – the championship of the National Basketball Association (NBA).

In the winter of 1891, students at the Youth Christian Association College in Springfield, Massachusetts, simply languished in physical education classes, forced to perform endless gymnastic exercises, which were considered at that time almost the only means of introducing young people to sports. The monotony of such activities had to be urgently put to an end, to introduce a fresh stream into them, which would be able to satisfy the competitive needs of strong and healthy young people.

A humble college teacher named James Naismith found a way out of what seemed to be an impasse. On December 1, 1891, he tied two peach baskets to the railing of the balcony of the sports hall and, dividing eighteen students into two teams, offered them a game, the meaning of which was to throw more balls into the opponents’ basket. A start was made. Could Dr. Naismith then have guessed what a great future awaits his offspring?

The idea of ​​this game originated in his school years, when children played the old game duck-on-a-rock. The meaning of this game, popular at that time, was as follows: throwing a small stone, it was necessary to hit the top of another stone, larger in size, with it.

Quite pragmatically named basketball (English basket – basket, ball – ball), the game, of course, only remotely resembled the enchanting spectacle that we know under this name today.There was no dribbling, the players only threw it to each other, standing still, and then tried to throw it into the basket, and only with both hands from below or from the chest, and after a successful throw, one of the players climbed onto a ladder attached to the wall and removed the ball from the basket . From a modern point of view, the actions of the teams would seem to us sluggish and inhibited, but the goal of Dr. Naismith was to create a team game in which a large number of participants could be involved at the same time, and his invention fully met this task.

Initially, the rules of the game of basketball were formulated by the American James Naismith and consisted of only 13 points. Basketball has changed over time, and so have the rules. The first international rules of the game were adopted in 1932 at the first FIBA ​​Congress, after which they were repeatedly adjusted and changed, the last significant changes were made in 1998 and 2004. Since 2004, the rules of the game have remained unchanged. The rules of the game are somewhat different in the NBA and championships held under the auspices of FIBA ​​(World Championships, Olympic Games, Continental Championships, international and national championships of European clubs)

Basketball is played by two teams, usually twelve people, each of which has five players on the court at the same time. The goal of each team in basketball is to get the ball into the opponent’s basket and prevent the other team from getting the ball and putting it into their team’s basket.

The ball is played only with the hands. Running with the ball without hitting it on the floor, intentionally kicking it, blocking it with any part of the leg, or punching it is a foul. Accidental contact or touching of the ball with the foot or leg is not a violation.

The winner in basketball is the team with the most points at the end of playing time. In case of a tie at the end of the main time of the match, overtime is assigned (usually five minutes of extra time), if the score is equal at the end of it, a second, third, etc. overtime is assigned until the winner of the match is revealed .

For one hit of the ball into the ring, a different number of points can be counted:

The game officially begins with a jump ball in the center circle when the ball is legally tapped by one of the jumpers. The match consists of four periods of ten minutes (twelve minutes in the National Basketball Association) with breaks of two minutes. The duration of the break between the second and third quarters of the game is fifteen minutes. After a long break, the teams must exchange baskets.

The game can be played in an open area and in a hall with a height of at least 7 m. The size of the field is 28×15 m. The shield is 180×105 cm from the stand. From the bottom edge of the shield to the floor or ground should be 275 cm.The basket is a metal ring covered with mesh without a bottom. It is attached at a distance of 0.31 m from the lower edge of the shield. The circumference of the ball for playing basketball is 75-80 cm, weight is 600-650 g.

Foul is an infraction of the rules caused by personal contact or unsportsmanlike conduct.

A player who receives 5 fouls (6 fouls in the NBA) in a match must leave the playing court and may not take part in the match (but is allowed to remain on the bench). A player who receives a disqualifying foul must leave the match venue (the player is not allowed to remain on the bench).

The coach is disqualified if:

Each foul counts for team fouls, except for a technical foul received by a coach, team official or bench player.

Personal foul – foul due to personal contact.


If the foul is committed on a player who is not in the throwing stage, then:

If the foul is committed on a player in the throwing phase, then:

unsportsmanlike foul – a foul committed as a result of contact in which the player did not try to play the ball within the rules.


If the foul is committed on a player who is in the throwing stage, then proceed in the same way as in the case of a personal foul. If the foul is committed on a player who is not in the throwing stage, then the injured player takes 2 throws. After free throws, the ball is thrown in by the injured team from outside the area on the extension of the center line. The exception is fouls committed before the start of the first period. In this case, after the free throws, a jump ball is played (as in the case of a normal start of the game). If a player commits 2 unsportsmanlike fouls in one match, he shall be disqualified.

Disqualifying foul is a foul due to egregious unsportsmanlike conduct. A disqualifying foul may be received by a player, substitute, coach or team official.


The number of free throws and the throw-in after them are charged in the same way as an unsportsmanlike foul.

technical foul – a foul not caused by contact with an opponent. This may be disrespect for the referees, an opponent, a delay in the game, violations of a procedural nature.


Any player on the non-offending team scores 2 free throws. After the throws have been made, the discard is done in the same way as an unsportsmanlike foul.

Main elements of the game:

Of particular importance in modern basketball is the fight under the shield. The well-known basketball motto is: “Whoever wins the shield wins the game,” and one of the main statistics of a basketball player’s performance – whether it be a single game or an entire season – is the number of so-called rebounds and blocks.

How old is basketball?

Did you know that a game that is very similar to basketball in our understanding was a favorite pastime of the Maya Indians (civilization has existed since about 2000 BC).to 900 AD) and the Aztecs (civilization existed in the XIV-XVI centuries). We know a lot about Aztec basketball from archaeological finds, including playing fields, balls and figurines of players. In addition, in some parts of Mexico, a game has survived to this day that is impossibly similar to tlachtli, only it is now called “hip ulama”.

The Aztecs played ball on a field specially equipped for this, on both sides of which rings were fixed (in contrast to modern basketball – vertically). The goal of the players, who were divided into teams, was to pass a heavy rubber ball through the opponent’s hoop. The Aztec game was cruel, since the rubber ball was very heavy, and among other things, the losing team was often sacrificed to the gods.

In its modern form, basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, a physical education teacher at Springfield College in Massachusetts. In his version, students, divided into teams, had to throw a soccer ball into peach baskets fixed on opposite sides of the hall (see History of Basketball).