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Fitness club Uni -Dance Ulyanovsk – Pole Sport Kids (acrobatics)

Pole Sport Kids (acrobatics)

Pole Sport Kids (acrobatics)

This is an alternative to gymnastics, acrobatics and choreography. The program of the children's Pole Sport complies with the norms of the federation of sports choreography and equalibrics. The training program for Pole Sport Kids (children's acrobatics) is adjusted precisely for the children's category, taking into account all age characteristics, body structure and musculoskeletal apparatus.

Classes with benefit

Children's gymnastics and Polekids as a whole, according to doctors, are very useful for a developing organism. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory and vegetative system. In addition, child gymnastics strengthens the immunity, increases the working capacity and resistance of the body to adverse conditions. In the classroom, children will learn how to perform beautiful tricks on a vertical metal pylon, acquire a good physical shape, strengthen the bone-muscular apparatus, become dexterous and fast!

Young athletes are engaged in general physical training, paying special attention to stretching, which allows the child to develop comprehensively (develops all muscle groups, reaction rate, speed of thinking, the respiratory system of the body, coordination of movements, vestibular apparatus, plastic and much more).