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At sea and in the mountains. Abkhazia 2012 Part 1 (Road) – UAZ Patriot, 2.7 L, 2015 on Drive2

The review of the owner of the UAZ Patriot is a journey. Early morning July 28. Four in the morning. By someone's unfamiliar voice, the alarm clock sang. The first thoughts in the head: can postpone on later? But having gathered the will in a fist, I send my wife to wash and sleep for another 15 minutes. Again I sang the alarm clock, get up, wash, dress. Despite two and a half hours of sleep I feel …

At sea and in the mountains. Abkhazia 2012 Part 1 (road)

Early morning July 28. Four in the morning. By someone's unfamiliar voice, the alarm clock sang.
The first thoughts in the head: can postpone on later? But having gathered the will in a fist, I send my wife to wash and sleep for another 15 minutes.
Again I sang the alarm clock, get up, wash, dress.
Despite two and a half hours of sleep, I feel like a shift – the upcoming trip throws adrenaline into the blood.
All things are collected, packed and loaded to the UAZ. Complete tanks are flooded.
Somehow we will wake Katerina and, while she dresses, we recall whether we took everything, check the documents, because without them we will be deployed at the border.
And we are going to Abkhazia.

The company has gathered mental: friends since student times – 4 families with children; Two travel by train, and two – on a car.
Our goal: to come earlier than the train and solve the problem with housing immediately for all 4 families and then meet friends on the border.

We meet with the second car on the Moscow tract and drive.
Above the route, I carpel for two weeks, re -read the topic on E1.
The fedeles, and especially the loaded M5 did not want to go very well, so the following route was designed:
Ekat – Revda – Druzhinino – N. Sergovsk – Mikhailovsk – Tastuba – Karaidel – Dyurtyuli – Birsk – Nurlat – Cat – Dimitrovgrad – Ulyanovsk – Penza – Balashov – Borisoglebsk – Rtishchevo – Arkadak – Suvorikino – Salsk – Khaodynsk – Shaumyansk – Shaumyansk – Tuapse is the border.

Cons: Long longer 300 km,
Pros: much less traffic, traffic police, cameras, etc.

The first day of the road

At the entrance to Druzhinino, a considerable rain began, which accompanied us to Caraidel, so the dust on the grader did not threaten us.
Ponton at Karayidel passed quickly, in Birsk they stood for about 10 minutes while the barge passed.
The first stop was made at Birsk.
We chewed themselves, fed local geese.

In Bashkiria and Tatarstan, the weather improves, landscapes from mountains change to hill-toy. An unusual abundance of endless fields for us.

In the evening we drive up to Ulyanovsk, passing along the imperial bridge over the Volga.
The sun begins to sit down …

For the night we stay in Ureno-Karlinsky, Motel Sandey.
We have a snack in the cafe, agree on the start time on the second day and go to bed.

The second day of the road.

In the middle of the night, a alarm clock set at 6 in the morning begins to ring.
On the street is dark, no hints of dawn, and the condition for a rest does not pull, a catch is felt.
Of course, we did not translate the clock and now 4 in the morning, rearrange the alarm and sleep on.
After 5 minutes, Anton calls: What time do we get up at 6 in the morning?

Stood in the Correct 6 in the morning
We are already met by the sun

While waiting for food in the cafe, Katerina made friends with the kitten.

We are going further, today our goal is to leave for Volgograd.
The Karsun -Inza – Nikolsk road is the settlement of satisfactory quality and desert, the cities are quickly passing, Karsun returned us to the USSR with its appearance.
We left for the M5 and it began … trucks, “paravoziki”, a bunch of amateur to overtake appeared, the speed fell to 50 km. This continued before the turn to Balashov, then again beauty is an empty road.
After Arkadak, a surprise was waiting for us-an asphalt with the apogee in the village of Krasnoye Banner, swollen every 50-100 meters. Then it became better and better.
So, we drove into the steppe of the Volgograd region. Such a strong wind blew that the car demolished. They opened the windows, reduced sailing -only now it has become acceptable again.
On the road there and there came across monuments dedicated to the war.
They rode a deserted road to Suvorikino, although it was there that there was an ambush of the traffic police: a speed sign of 50 (without a step reduction) and a steep descent – the speed was dropped to the laid and passed without stopping.
After Suvorikino to Chernnyshkovsky, there was a terrible distillation of about 50 km with great traffic, night, wind and ruts.
The rush was a truck that overtakes another in the forehead of the car that was walking in front of me.
Thank God everyone managed to brake and accept to the right and got off with a slight fright.
We spent the night in some kind of motel, right at the DPS post, the cafe is not so hot.

The third day of the road.

Near the motel Clabdishche of the dead ships:

In the morning, not Emesh left, dined later, after 300 kilometers.
We drove through the Shaumyan pass – 7 km of Graider.
At the top of 50 meters of asphalt and the cafe halt.
We ordered barbecue (140 r for 100g. Ready), well, like it is not expensive, and in the end we hung 3,000 for 2 families (and an extremely mediocre taste).
Here they fused, so fused. But now we carry our knowledge to the masses: “People, do not eat kebabs on the Shaumyansky pass! They are expensive and tasteless! ”

By evening, we drove into Tuapse, there a cork and a serpentine were already waiting for us.
Having drove about an hour and realizing that we would come to the border only at night, they began to think how to do it: go to the end of the border at night and then look for housing at night, or spend the night on our side and move to the border in the morning?
We saw a minibus with Abkhazian numbers on the side of the road, stopped, talked with the abhaz guys.
The child at this time found his favorite dolphins

They reassured us with the situation on the border and advised us to go to the border in the morning.
What we did: spent the night in Lazarevsky.
We went, greeted the sea. Anya and Katya bathed.

The fourth day is a passage

At 6 in the morning they moved to the border.
We stood in traffic jams in Adler, the last refueling “under the throat” and go to the signs in the fun (navitel does not know these interchanges yet).
About 9 hours we are on the border.There are 7 cars in front of us, but they all passed in 30 minutes (they showed documents, entered the checkpoint, opened the trunk, closed the trunk, registered at the counter (drivers in their window, passengers in theirs), drove to the Abkhazian side – they registered the vehicle there and drove off.
ALL. We are in Abkhazia!
Having passed 50 meters from the checkpoint, we stopped, admiring the surrounding world, which was strikingly different from our side.

Notes from the travel diary:
“…Here we are in Abkhazia!
Beautiful mountains rise in the clear air. Everything is filled with freshness and peace …

Everything is different here.
Instead of walls made of concrete blocks – man-made masonry.
Instead of rusty iron bumpers – textured stone ones.