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Read online "Alien dispute" – Yana Malyshkina – page 1

Read the online book of Yana Malyshkina “Alien dispute”, a book from the “Alien dispute” series, in the fantasy genre, lovingly fantastic novels, free of charge, without registration

Without Kevordo

This was read in a blazing ice-green look. This was felt by the way he barely restrains, so as not to go into a combat uniform. This was felt by the smell of ice ozone of deadly spells, which were twisted around him with whirlwinds … and at the same time.

And yes, I tried very hard to convince myself that the highest would not kill me at all. It will not drop a reputation because of such a trifle.

But others were not sure of that. Around us at one point, not just an empty space formed. Around it was a dead zone.

Even a howling ice gust of wind seemed to me. Ahhh, no. This is the highest slightly in itself from rage. Therefore, he covered with a thick, half a meter, by ice a marble column.

Everyone masterfully pretended that they did not see anything. In the sense of one with clearly suicidal inclinations, the girl and the highest on the verge of murder. The fears drove them away, away from here. And the curiosity that they would do with me, kept in strong chains in place.

And it is bitter to admit, but the man had the right to him. I would be in his place in general … ahem … well, if it were the highest, then I would become a pancake. I would crush it.

A cheerful melody came through the horror, a cheerful laughter was heard … which now seemed more mocking and sinister.

There would be any other lord in his place, he would have called, of course, could scold, but did not look with such a murderous look. And the magic is deadly called up.

Who knew that this bastard, Kessi, would substitute me and pushing me into a spatial hole? And it seems to be good that she is only fixed on the ballroom, but …

But when I collapsed to the upper knees, who was sitting in a deep chair on the other end of the hall … It was no longer fun.

There is also magic, not even drinking, although it has a liquid consistency. The slaughter mixture of the most stupid magic!

When a flickering multi -colored liquid spilled out of a high glass and resulted in a man, I was scared. Strongly. I know what kind of liquid it is and what effect it will be about.

And now the man was not just pushing, but also enclosed in an ice crust, sink to an icy chair, his black hair was covered with hoarfrost, a camisole with silver sewing eloquently crunched during the inhalation of a man, and a pretty icicle hung on the nose.

The latter looked funny. But I did not laugh, realizing that if at least one nervous laugh breaks from my lips, he would be the last in my life.

It’s just that the highest dragons have a fad about reputation, honor, dignity and so on. They are also very strong magicians. Because of what, our Lords, even in the most intolerable form, will not call the highest to the duel. The instinct does not give self -preservation.

But … I have such a problem. When I am very, very, very frightened or worried, then the magic works for me, but … with additional effects.

But it happens to me very rarely. And I was sure that I had already completely got rid of this misfortune. But apparently not.

After all, for a whole year everything was fine! A whole year! No wonder so much was practiced. And if it were not for the case of this at all. And all because of …

Above the man’s head, beautiful watches appeared with gold … which did not allow to remove any last wolf at a certain time. AND…

I sincerely hoped that the highest would not have to walk in this form until dawn! Since the last wolf's watch considered a magic cocktail and my freezing.

Now I was sitting on a generally pretty man … whose forehead had a horn. He was drawn by a green escape with vulgar pink colors. Among the hair and pieces of ice, poisonous films grew up, which waved handles to everyone and … showed indecent gestures.

On the left on the ice surface of the chair lay, twitching a little, a chic fluffy snow -white tail. For some reason with a blue bow at the end.

In this cocktail, to my great regret, there was also the magic of illusion. And now on the highest showed a tasteless, magnificent, female dress with … patch breasts. A camisole and an ice crust shone through the dress.

And to finish off, all this sparkled with rainbow light, not leaving even a chance that someone will not notice it. And to me – that I will survive after the wrath of the highest.

And all this could be on someone else, it would even look funny and funny. But in this case it was scary.

So I managed not only to humiliate a man, but to mortally insult. Yes, and before everyone. That is a deadly insult in a square.

And the highest breathed deeply deeply. The ice crackled, the small baby sprinkled onto the chair and my hem and … new ice was formed on his chest.

– What, will you be silent? Don't even apologize? – The poisonous notes were deserved. And low with a light hoarse voice of the highest unexpectedly caused cold goosebumps.

Conscience and education also demanded to apologize. At least. This is the highest still does not know that a watch is ticking above his head.

For this, you have to open your mouth, but I … I can’t. Absolutely, completely impossible! And so disgraced and disgraced the man nowhere.

And the whole point is that before dousing a man and moving, I took a sip from a glass. It was curious why everything was so delighted with a cocktail. And although I needed him for another, I could not resist and drank it. A little!

If you drink everything, then the effect will be what a man is now in front of me. But if little, then completely different.

Maybe you will let multi-colored bubbles instead of words or like a nightingale, hair will suddenly dye in a different color or something else. But so, harmless.


2 hour 55 min ago

5 hour 51 min ago

3 days 13 hours 45 min ago

About the book: Nastya Darling – (not) the desired duchess
Yes, writers are now almost like in a student proverb: First, the student works for the test, then the test works for the student

So the authors, having worked on their pseudonym, can, in principle, do not work, because the pseudonym begins to plow on them.
And now the favorite, to which I used to have a normal attitude, being able to buy from the well-known designers at auctions at a price commensurate with the monthly salary of an average teacher, can afford to take the most hackneyed plot, and encourage something there on Perhaps it will ride.

There is no need to complicate anything there, invent a new one. We take the Russian woman, the one that will enter the burning hut, and the horse will stop for a horse, we say that she is 70 years old, to justify the tricks that she will twist in the plot, we bother her in the body of the 20 year old girl and rushed! There will be no problems before this woman who could not solve her long tongue.

In short – hack. The heroine Hamlo, and all the characters surrounding her are stupid. If they are not stupid, then it will certainly be positive and will help her.
What is one scene where this fragile woman beat a drunken man who tried to rape her. Put on her knees, chopped it and donated to the whole yard.

Boring, predictable and slightly vile.

I didn't really like the novel. The detective line is not bad.

About the book: Francis Woodworth – a special proposal
I read it for a long time on the plot, then I could not stand it to the chapter of 20 and threw it. Everything was interesting to me – whether GG would remain with this freak moral, or will cost. Apparently it was not done. It is written well, but the template on the template and the emperor is straight disgusting. Next time I will listen to Chuyka and not read books where Vasin is indicated in the authors. Now, of course, the name of any author is not a guarantor of quality, but Vasina in my opinion kills all living things.

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