
The basic rules of volleyball – briefly on the points

The game of volleyball was founded in 1895 in the USA and had the original name Flying Ball. William J. Morgan was a college physical education instructor. At one of the lessons, he suggested hanging a net 2 meters above the ground and throwing the ball. This is how volleyball was born. Two years later, the first volleyball was produced. This type of sports game was the result of a mixture of basketball, tennis, baseball and handball. In Europe, the basic rules of the game appeared in 1925 and have been fixed to this day.

The basic rules of the game of volleyball – briefly on the points

The basic rules of the game of volleyball – briefly on the points

The game of volleyball was founded in 1895 in the USA and had the original name Flying Ball. William J. Morgan was a college physical education instructor. At one of the lessons, he suggested hanging a net 2 meters above the ground and throwing the ball. This is how volleyball was born. Two years later, the first volleyball was produced. This type of sports game was the result of a mixture of basketball, tennis, baseball and handball.

In Europe, the basic rules of the game appeared in 1925 and have been fixed to this day.

Volleyball regulations

Volleyball is played by 2 teams of 6 people. To win, you need to score 25 points and win three games. The fifth game, as a rule, lasts up to 15 points. You can win a point for a team as follows:

  • When the ball lands on the opponent’s court;
  • If the opponent, when serving, hit the ball into the net or threw it into touch;
  • If the opponent touched the net with his hand;
  • If the opponent stepped over the line when the ball was served;
  • If the opposing team makes the fourth and subsequent touches of the ball;
  • When double-tapping the same player;
  • If the opponent has served before the whistle of the referee.

In addition to technical violations, a penalty point can be awarded by the referee for unsportsmanlike behavior of both the player and the coach. As you understand, a lot of points can be obtained due to the mistakes of opponents. Therefore, when playing volleyball, it is necessary to think over the strategy of the game in advance and act together.

If we talk about the official rules, then the game goes on 3 games of 25 points each. There is no draw. If both teams score 24 points each, then the game continues until one of the teams has 2 more points.

The draw decides which team will serve first. Each transfer of the ball from one team to another is accompanied by the movement of players in the zones of the playing field in a clockwise direction.

Refereeing in volleyball

Volleyball has its own refereeing team:

  • The first referee occupies the refereeing tower, which is located at one of the ends of the net.
  • The second referee takes the opposite position from the first referee outside the playing area.
  • The secretary sits at the table near the second referee and records the match process.
  • The side and front lines are controlled by four judges on the side and front lines.

Such a variety of refereeing can be explained by the many controversial points of the competing teams. Sometimes the millimeter decides the fate of the winning point. To resolve disputes about the ball getting into touch or whether the participant touched the net, video replays of the game are watched and the refereeing team makes a decision.

Playing field

And now let’s take a closer look at the elements of the placement of players and the functions of each zone on the field. The volleyball court consists of 6 zones, each of which is assigned to a team member.


It is made behind the front line of the field. The person occupying this zone opens the game. It is from this position that you can set the tone of the game. In order for the serve to be effective, the athlete needs training. As we said at the beginning, due to inexperience and inattention, you can give a point to your opponent from the very beginning of the game, throwing the ball out of bounds, or even worse, not reaching it to your opponents. If you carefully watch the game of professional athletes, you can see how strong the players can serve.


The player who takes this place is called the libero. His zone accounts for half of all opponents’ strikes. He is located in the center of the field and stands under the blow of the opposing team’s serve. The task of such a player is to take the serve and play the ball with the team. The player of this zone does not participate in the attack and does not place blocks.

This element involves the highest members of the team. Their main function is to block, preventing the ball from entering their field. As practice shows, a block can bring a team up to 40% of points. Up to three participants can participate in this element.

When receiving the ball, the player hangs the ball of the top serve on other players. He can use a deceptive maneuver, thereby misleading the enemy.

Forward kick

It is he who brings more than half of the points to the team. The athlete, running up, makes every effort to hit the ball harder and the opposing team had less chance to hit the ball.

Volleyball is a team sport. Only with the right and thoughtful strategy, the team will be able to win. It is also necessary to remember that each team member is responsible for the zone assigned to him and must perform the necessary functions. If during the game you climb onto someone else’s fixed position, there is a chance to interfere and cause a loss.

Outlined the basic rules of the game of volleyball. All features of the game can be continued indefinitely. To know them all, you need to play yourself and, through trial and error, delve into the rules. But what we learned for sure is that this team sport is interesting and diverse, which makes us love it even more.