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Magadans are unhappy with reducing bus flights | News

The Magadans are unhappy with the reduction in bus flights in Magadan from April 6, the frequency of bus flights in the directions of Magadan-Uptar-Sokol and Magadan Palatka was reduced. Find out about it

Magadans are unhappy with reducing bus flights

Since April 6, the frequency of bus flights in directions was reduced in Magadan from April 6 Magadan-Upar Sokol and Magadan Palatus. The townspeople can learn about this in the building of the Magadan bus station from ads at the checkout or on the ticket sales website

So, instead of the previously operating 27 daily flights on routes 101 (Magadan-Uptar-Aerport) and 111 (Magadan-Aerport) only 12 remained on the route 101/111 Magadan-Uptar-Aerport. The reduction is more than doubled.

The reduction of routes in the direction of Magadan Palatus was even more significant. If earlier there were three flights a day with departure from Magadan and the same amount back, now there is only one flight from Magadan and a tent.

Magadan-Aerport bus schedule, photo 04/14/2020

Magadan-Palatus bus schedule, photo 04/14/2020

It is curious that on Site of the City Hallresponsible for movement along the route Magadan-Aerport, and regional Ministry of Transport (Magadan Palatus) these changes could not be found. Residents are notified in fact.

Some associate the reductions with the self -isolation regime and the reduction in the number of passengers on routes. However, the residents of the city themselves talk about the opposite. The buses have become crowded, this is unlikely to contribute to the safe distance between citizens in the conditions of the epidemic.

We hope that the situation will be brought to the attention of the leadership of the city and the region, which will evaluate the current situation.