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The world of equal opportunities "on the network is the All -Social Society of the Deaf

The “world of equal opportunities” on the Web Festival of Social Internet Resources “World of Equal Opportunities” was created by the United Country Disabilities Fund in 2010. In a few years

World of equal opportunities on the Web

The Festival of Social Internet Resources World of Equal Opportunities was created by the United Country Persons with disabilities Fund in 2010. For several years of the festival, more than 600 sites took part in it, among which are the deaf sites. The winners of the competitions of previous years were DeafsportNews (the winner of 2010 in the nomination “Sport of equal capabilities”) and Deafnet (2013 winner in the nomination “Life continues”).

And now the organizing committee of the festival announces the start of receiving applications, which will last until April 15, 2014. The authors of sites that are created by people with disabilities are invited to participate in the anniversary V festival or are devoted to solving their problems.

You can apply in the following nominations: “Children as children” (sites created by children with disabilities or devoted to them, as well as sites of orphanages of disabled people, boarding schools), “Life continues” (social networks, forums), “One world, one dream ”(Official sites of public organizations of disabled people),“ Opening of the year ”(sites for the first time participating in the festival),“ Rainbow of Life ”(blogs, personal sites, home pages),“ Sports of equal opportunities ”(sites dedicated to the sports of disabled people). For the first time this year, winners and laureates of previous festivals in the League of the Champions League nomination can take part in the festival.

When evaluating competitive materials, the social and social significance of the site, a creative and original approach to the presentation of material, the effectiveness of increasing tolerance in relation to people with disabilities, the effectiveness of the effect of competitive material on the target audience, design and usability of the site, content and interactivity of the site will be taken into account.