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What are the sports | What kinds of sports are winter, water, unusual, extreme, at the Olympic Games |

The division of sports is carried out according to features that are common to all disciplines. Consider what sports are in the world, and how they are characterized

Without a keyword

The article is devoted to what kinds of sports are.
Currently, there are a fairly large number of sports disciplines. Sports are divided into game (team and individual), combat, cyclic, power and extreme. The most popular of them are game types, namely football, hockey, volleyball, basketball, tennis. Football is deservedly the No. 1 sport for most people on our planet.

It is estimated that there are more than 200,000 sports in the world. And this is not the limit, because they are created almost daily. In Russia, there is an official list of sports, where 159 entries are made. In addition, each type is divided into at least 3 subspecies, and the maximum of this value reaches 200. For example, motor racing has 104 subspecies.

Sports classification

Sports are divided into main groups. The first place in the number of disciplines is occupied by gaming competitions. The second place is occupied by the classics – light and weightlifting, martial arts, sports and rhythmic gymnastics. In third place, increasingly gaining popularity, extreme sports. In addition, there are specialized sports competitions: auto and motorcycle racing, cycling, shooting, skiing, swimming, etc.

The division of sports is carried out according to features that are common to all disciplines. Consider what sports are in the world, and how they are characterized:

  • individual – sports in which one participant competes (golf, billiards, tennis, chess, croquet, etc.);
  • cyclic – moving the body in space with the help of cyclically repeating movements (biathlon, swimming, skating, kayaking, cross-country skiing, a number of types of athletics, etc.);
  • team (game) – a team of players participate in the competition, which, as a rule, competes with a similar team of opponents (football, hockey, handball, basketball, tug of war, etc.);
  • power – participants compete in exercises with special heavy equipment (weightlifting, kettlebell lifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting);
  • martial arts – an athlete defeats another as a result of force impact under certain conditions (boxing, sambo, aikido, kick-boxing, belt wrestling, hand-to-hand combat, etc.);
  • complex coordination – requiring from the participants special skills related to the control of their body and coordination of movements (parkour, diving, skiing, sports acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, etc.);
  • Technical – competitions related to the use of the technical achievements of society (Bobsli, shooting, speedway, karting, motorbell, rally, etc.);
  • Applied – participants in the competition demonstrate the skills of a military or economic plan (sport fishing, horse sport, sailing, sports orientation, casting);
  • extreme – competitions are associated with a great risk to the life of participants (mountaineering, diving, speleology, sports tourism, winter swimming, etc.);
  • Aviation – the use of aircraft (helicopter and glider sports).

Classical sports.

Light athletics in spectacle is comparable to team games: running at various distances, long jumps, height, pole jumps. Throwing shells: disk, spears, hammer.

What are the classic sports

Heavy athletics sets its task as a record raising weight in the bench press, jerk and a push of the bar standing. This includes weighty sport, bodybuilding.

Martial arts include all types of struggle: classic, sambo, judo. Amateur and professional boxing. National martial arts: karate, taekwondo, Jiu Jitsu, hand -to -hand combat. Fencing on swords, rapiers, sabers.

Sports gymnastics is the performance of a complex acrobatic program. Speech on classic sports equipment: horse, crossbar, bars, rings. Jumping through the shell from the run, with the performance of acrobatic elements in the air.

Rhythmic gymnastics is represented among women. This is the implementation of gymnastic exercises in musical accompaniment, showing the flexibility and grace of the body.

Winter sports

On the eve of the Sochi Olympiad, interest in them only increases. They are especially popular:

    – Competitions of shooting skiers; – The most beautiful, aesthetic and cultural winter sport; – A young but actively developing type of winter sports.

What are winter sports

But everyone surpassed everyone, of course, hockey. According to one version, this name comes from the ancient French Hoquet, which means shepherd staff with a hook. Hockey – team sport; A game, the main driving force of which is the desire to score the maximum possible number of goals into the opponent’s goal with the help of individual or command actions.

Back in the 16th century, the Dutch practiced in the game with clubs and a ball on ice. Later they taught this the British and Scandinavians. But modern hockey with washer owes its origin to Canadians. Numerous reservoirs and long winters helped the inhabitants of this country come up with affordable entertainment. Initially, instead of a washer, a heavy ball was used, and the number of players reached 50 or more.

In 1870, hockey with a puck became a mandatory competition at all sports holidays. The first rules for the game were invented by students of the University of Mac Gill, and in 1879, Canadian Robertson proposed a version of the first official rules, then the first rubber washer was thrown into the game.

Montreal became famous for the fact that it was here in 1899 that the world's first covered venue for playing hockey was built. And even then she had artificial ice. The stadium could place an unprecedented number of spectators at that time – 10,000 people. All these events took place simultaneously with the registration of the Canadian amateur hockey league. It is worth adding that the first team of professional hockey players is also Canadian, and was organized in 1904.

What are the water sportsWater sports

All sports related to water are commonly called water or water. Competitions can be held both in open reservoirs and in pools; Both between the teams (synchronous swimming, water polo), and between loners (surfing, diving), using additional equipment (academic rowing, sailing), and without it (swimming, jumping into water). More details about water sports here.

Ten sports are listed in the program of the Olympic Games, three more – regatta, surfing and diving – have every chance of getting there in the near future. Competitions for these types have long been held regularly according to clearly agreed rules and attract a large number of fans.

A special approach is given to the choice of equipment for classes and competitions. Indeed, in addition to its aesthetics and amenities, it should also have water-repellent characteristics, the ability to quickly dry and resist the constant cycles “getting wet-drying”.

The popularity of these sports is quite high and has its own audience of fans.

What are extreme sportsExtreme sports

This is a sport with a risk to life. Dangerous and unpredictable. Extreme views include: mountaineering, climbing, acrobatic freestyle, giant slalom, motor-carbatic, maunningbort, diving, flyboard. Surfing is a particularly rapidly developing and popular sport among youth. New directions and currents in the extrem section appear daily.

Today, about 40 species are already known and, it is possible that a new one is born at this moment. Everywhere: on Earth (BOVING, TIAL); On the water (aquabike, windsurfing), in the air (parachutism, deltasplaneryism), under water (diving) and even underground (speleology), a splash of adrenaline and human emotions finds the use of.

It is this category that demonstrates what kinds of sport can create human fantasy. It is possible that some of them can be seen among the Olympic disciplines.

What are specialized sportsSpecialized sports.

  • Swimming for long and sprint distances with a brace, rabbit, mixed style. Synchronous swimming: solitary, paired, command. Jumping in water with 3, 5, 10 m tower.
  • Ski races at different distances, jumping from springboard. Biathlon. Snowboard.
  • Skating. Short track. Figure skating. Curling.
  • Cycling. Tours with stages of up to 250 km and command races of persecution.
  • Auto and motorcycle racing: high-ring, rally, cross.The world famous races are and rally.
    : Bobsley, Skeleton.
    , Ping pong.

There are about 200 species in total. And every day they are becoming more and more.

Game sports.

What are the gaming sports

Game sports are most popular. Their audience and the number of fans have no equal. There is no person in the world who does not know about football, hockey, basketball. The discoveries of world championships and final games watch billions of spectators.

American football, rugby, baseball, volleyball, hockey with a ball are no less famous. The main distinguishing feature of command sports is entertainment. This explains the popularity and number of people involved in their amateur level. The opening of children and youth schools, sections, clubs that give the opportunity to engage in the team game professionally.