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How will public urban ground transport in St. Petersburg go from April 1. What minibuses were canceled and which were replaced by buses

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How will public urban ground transport in St. Petersburg go from April 1. What minibuses were canceled and which were replaced by buses

The problem of urban passenger transport in the metropolis is the sharper, the more people use it. In the context of the pandemic, no one wants to push in the stuffy tightly stuffed bus, which stands in traffic jams for 1.5-2 hours, first will take the passenger from point A to point B. But the Petersburgers will now have to put up with it because

Legal and maneuverable commercial minibuses – an alternative to social ground transport in the city on the Neva is abolished, completely. Finally.

What carries us 2022 and how many commercial routes of St. Petersburg were shot from April 1 – the answer in this article.

Transport – 2022: How will it be introduced, what new transport service model and what will it change?

From April to July 2022, St. Petersburg was phased to a new transport service model (hereinafter referred to as-NMTO). Why does the city need a “new model” and what will change for residents and guests of the northern capital?

The main goal of the NMTO is the transition to a fundamentally new single standard for the quality of transport services.

For this, St. Petersburg will refuse morally obsolete and unsafe vehicles – minibuses. They will be replaced by modern comfortable and environmentally friendly buses (in any case, the Ministry of Transport of the city states). The administration will launch a updated route network, create more than 200 new stopping pavilions, and will extend the effect of benefits to all ground public transport.

  • More than 2,800 buses decorated in the same style will leave for the roads of the city,
  • 92 new routes will appear.

The entire mobile composition will be modern, low-floor, equipped with climate control systems, ensuring the safety and informing of passengers.

Approx. From Pechkin: It seems to sound good. How is it really? Did all citizens today, April 1, when part of the routes have already been canceled, managed to get to work/study on time?

I stage of the transport reform of St. Petersburg from April 1, 2022

To implement it, the city will need 864 buses, which will go to routes with a fully finished infrastructure: stops, dispatch stations, and turning rings.

Passing ticket “60 minutes” (in ground transport)

In addition, to provide passengers, the opportunity to save on transfers, a special tariff will appear 60 minutes. It will allow you to make an unlimited number of transfers on ground public transport within an hour (tram, bus, trolley), while:

  • The first trip is paid at 40 rubles,
  • the second trip is paid 10 rubles,
  • and the third and subsequent will be free.

Note. from Pechkin: The authorities of the city, probably, live on another planet where there are no traffic jams, and they have little idea that in an hour few people will have time to make more than one transfer to get from point A to point B. Only if, out of harm, it gets off at every stop, so that roll out 50 rubles on municipal transport. As practice shows, citizens do not travel by land transport if the trip is more than an hour long. and usually this was done WITHOUT a change, whether it was municipal transport or commercial: that is, I sat down and drove off. And for long trips, the preferred metro, but for some reason it is NOT included in the 60 minutes tariff.

Transfer ticket “90 minutes” (in ground transport and metro)

The transfer ticket “90 minutes” will allow citizens to make one metro ride and unlimited quantity trips in ground transport within 90 minutes from the moment the first trip was activated.

Tickets “90 minutes” are recorded on a separate electronic medium (Podorozhnik card) and cannot be recorded on electronic media simultaneously with other types of long-term travel tickets. At a time, from 1 to 30 “90 minutes” tickets can be recorded on electronic media (“Podorozhnik” card), which must be used within 180 days from the date of registration (purchase).

Zone rates in 2022

From April 1, 2022, zone fares are canceled on bus routes No. 200, 201, 210, 211, 213, 215, 216, 273, 278.

Regardless of the travel distance, a single fare will be set on these routes:

  • 40 rubles when paying with an electronic ticket recorded on the “Podorozhnik” card,
  • 60 rubles when paying in cash, QR-ticket or bank card.

A single electronic ticket granting the right to travel within a fixed amount

Fare payment for cash and QR-tickets

In 2022, land transport will phase out the acceptance of cash directly in the passenger compartment of buses.

It will be possible to pay for the fare with a Podorozhnik card, a preferential electronic ticket, a bank card or a one-time QR ticket.

From April 1, it will be possible to purchase a one-time QR ticket for cash at metro ticket offices and kiosks of the Organizer of Transportation. The sales network of one-time QR-tickets will expand.

List of routes on which it will not be possible to pay in cash directly on the bus:

from April 1: buses no.

1 Cr, 2 Cr, 3 Cr, 2 A, 4, 5, 10, 16, 21, 25, 30, 34, 35, 36, 43, 53, 55, 58, 63, 64, 68, 69, 72, 73, 78, 83, 85, 88, 89, 95, 96, 99, 108, 111, 112, 117, 119, 122, 129 A, 134 A, 134 B, 159, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167 , 169, 173, 176, 180 A, 183, 185, 189, 191, 192, 207, 208, 229, 230, 233, 235, 247, 248, 251, 255 A, 255 B, 259, 267, 279, 283, 285, 290, 293, 302, 303, 306, 307, 309, 310, 311, 312, 315, 324, 350, 358, 374, 386, 388, 399, 406, 433, 435, 462, 487, 497, 567;

Stage II will start in June 2022

On new routes and routes with a change in the route will go 693 new buses. Preparation of the necessary infrastructure for this stage will be completed by the summer.

Stage III will start on July 15

During this period, more 1,244 buses. This number, according to lawmakers, will be enough to completely replace the usual minibuses with social public transport.

Note. Pechkin: Let's wait and see how convenient these innovations will be. There is no pasture for the price: a fixed-route taxi cost 50 rubles and drove me from point A to point B without a transfer. I could easily sit down and drive to my destination.

Now, citizens will need to:

  • wait for the necessary transport twice, or even three times (and this is in our St. Petersburg weather conditions with rain, snow and squally wind 8 months a year),
  • it is not always easy to sit down, because the transport is by no means empty,
  • keep within 60 minutes when transplanting.

New bus routes in 2022

List of all new bus routes that are introduced from April 1, 2022:

  • Bus 21 (Metro station Ladoga – metro station Chernyshevskaya).
    Bus 78 (Railway station Ruchi – Akademika Baikov str.). Bus 180 A (St. Zhenya Egorova – Residential Complex New Scandinavia)

Bus 180 A (St. Zhenya Egorova – Residential Complex New Scandinavia).

Bus 207 (Zhenya Egorova St. – Kronstadt, Grazhdanskaya St.).

Bus 208 (Repishcheva St. – Grazhdansky Prospekt metro station).

Bus 230 (Piskarevka – Uralskaya st.).

Bus (233 Okkervil River – MEGA Dybenko).

Bus 235 (Staraya Derevnya metro station – Zemsky lane).

Bus 247 (Metro station Grazhdansky Prospekt – MEGA Parnas).

Bus 248 (Metro station Prospekt Prosveshcheniya – MEGA Parnassus).

Bus 251 (Wayside alley – metro station Vyborgskaya).

  • Bus 267 Metro Vyborgskaya – LCD Novoorlovsky
  • Bus 279 (Staraya Derevnya metro station – Udelnaya metro station)
  • Bus 283
  • Bus 285 (River Okkervil – Rusanovskaya street)
  • Bus 290 (Ekateringofka River Embankment – Rzhevskaya Square).
  • Bus 293 (LC Novaya Okhta – metro station Pionerskaya).
  • Bus 302 (Sestroretsk, Sestra River Embankment – Priozernaya Street).
  • Bus 303 (Metro station Begovaya – Priozernaya street).
  • Bus 324 (Metro station Shushary – state farm named after Telman).

399 Pos. Bugry, Shosseynaya street – st. metro station Ploshad Muzhestva

21 Art. metro station Ladoga – st. metro station Chernyshevskaya

Information about routes around the city

Every region will undergo changes. In order not to clutter up the post, I give a link to the city transport website, where you can find detailed information about the routes you need.

Replacing commercial routes with social ones from April 1, 2022

the list reflects: route number – route – duplication:

Metro Pr. Enlightenment -TC MEGA Parnassus .

A new route No. 248 will open

Metro Grazhdansky pr.-TC MEGA Parnas

A new route No. 247 will open

Metro Ulitsa Dybenko – TC MEGA Dybenko

A new route No. 233 will open

Metro Lomonosovskaya-K-4 Pl. Alexander Nevsky-

Single Document Center

The route is duplicated by bus number 55 (it will resume work on 04/01/2022 on the section: Alexander Nevsky Square –

Single Document Center)

Settlement Bugry-Metro Polytechnic

A new route No. 399 will open

Uralskaya st. – Mechnikov Ave.

A new route No. 230 will open (from 04/01/2022)

Metro Kupchino – diesel force st.

The route is completely duplicated by bus number 53 on the extended highway to Rybatsky (from 04.04.2022)

Metro Pionerskaya – Zemsky per.

A new route No. 235 will open.

Metro Veterans Avenue -Lul. Resistance

The route is duplicated by bus number 88

Metro Veterans Avenue – st. Resistance

The route is duplicated by bus number 89

Dvinskaya st. – railway station Rzhevka

A new route No. 290 will open (from 01.04.2022)

Metro Special-Glukharskaya St.

The route is duplicated by buses No. 85, 171, new route No. 112

Vyborg Highway-Pos. Bugrs, Shrosseyaya st.

The route is duplicated by bus number 99

Metro Lomonosovskaya -UTKINA WARE

The route is duplicated by buses No. 8 and No. 119

St. Kollontai – st. Telman – st. Kollontai

A new route No. 255 B.

Marshaka-metro Old village

A new route No. 293 will open

Metro Star-the Khvoz named after Telman

A new route No. 324 will open.

Metro Udelnaya-metro Civil Prospekt

A new route No. 208 will open.

Metro Polytechnic – st. Academician Baykov

Duplicated by trams No. 55, 61, trolleybuses No. 4, 13, 21, bus No. 69

Metro Ozerki – Railway Dibuna Platform

A new route No. 259 will open

Railway Art. Streams – st. Academician Baykov

A new route No. 78 will open

Furniture st. – Novokolmyazhsky pr.

A new route No. 279 will open.

Metro Prospekt Prospect – st. Vasenko

New routes No. 283, No. 230 (from 01.04.2022) are opened, duplicated by trolleybus No. 38.

Sestroretsk, st. Volodarsky – Priozerny Street.

A new route No. 302 will open.

  • K-305 a

Priozeriya St. 04.04.2022 a new route No. 303 will open.

Parachute st. – Piskarovka

A new route No. 267 will open.

Metro Dybenko Street – Oktyabrskaya nab., 118

A new route No. 285 will open.

Metro Prospekt Prospect – Kronstadt, Civil Street.

A new route No. 207 will open.

Metro Prospekt Prospection – 6th Upper Per. – Suzdal highway

The route is duplicated by buses No. 113, No. 139, new route No. 180 a

Changes in bus routes

  • Bus 19 (Belorusskaya St.

The route does not work – it closes. Transport service is provided by route No. 131

  • Bus 25 A (Krestovsky Island – Beloostrovskaya St.)

The route does not work – it closes. Duplicated by bus number 25 and new route No. 29

  • Bus 34 (Star st. – Shushary, school st.)

Extension on the street. Lensoveta, st. Ordzhonikidze, Ave. Cosmonauts

  • Bus 36 (Star st. – Metro Bucharest)

Extension from the Bucharestskaya metro station to Mginskaya St., and from the Zvezdnaya metro to the Moscow highway, 33.

  • Bus 51 (Gribakini Str.

The route closes. Bus No. 53 was extended along the route No. 51 route No. 51

  • Bus 53 (Metro Kupchino – Trinity Field)

The route was extended to Rybatskoye to the Stuel Establishment stop stop.

  • Bus 55 (metro Square Alexander Nevsky – Marshal Tukhachevsky St.)

Restoring movement. The route will resume work on the highway Square of Alexander Nevsky – a single center of documents.

  • Bus 58 (Ataman Street – Khrustalnaya St.)

Extension to the metro Elizarovskaya. Changing the route in the area of ​​Kremenchug ul.

  • Bus 69 Ave.Cultures – metro station Polytechnicheskaya

Movement restoration. The route will resume work along the highway from Kultury Ave. to the Politekhnicheskaya metro station.

  • Bus 70 ring (Dvinskaya st. – Sennaya pl. – Dvinskaya st.)

Extension of the route on Kanonersky Island along Putilovskaya emb.

  • Bus 96 (Malaya Balkanskaya st. – Obukhovo metro station)

The route will operate on the section Metro Kupchino – metro Obukhovo

  • Bus 110 (Staraya Derevnya metro station – Olgino camping motel)

The route does not work – it is closed. Duplicated by buses No. 101, 211, 216

  • Bus 112 (Railway station Lakhta – ZhK Yuntolovo)

Extension of the route to the station. metro station Specific (along the route of the minibus K-232).

  • Bus 134 A (Lakhtinsky Razliv – Athos St.)

Extension of the route in Kolomyagi: from Parachute st. along Repishcheva st., Verbnaya st., Novokolomyazhsky pr., Malaya Desyatinnaya st., Desyatinny per., Afonskaya st., Verbnaya st., Repishcheva st. to the final stop Repishcheva street.

  • Bus 134 B (Afonskaya st. – Lakhtinsky spill)

Extension of the route in Kolomyagi: from the final stop Repishcheva ul. along Repishcheva st., Verbnaya st., Novokolomyazhsky avenue, Malaya Desyatinnaya st., Desyatinny per., Afonskaya st., Verbnaya st., Repishcheva st., Parachute st. and so on.

  • Bus 156 (St. Kosciuszko – St. Kosciuszko, 82)

The route does not work – it is closed.

  • Bus 159 (Malaya Balkanskaya St. – Roschinskaya St.)

The route is directed from Blagodatnaya st. on Syzranskaya st., st. Reshetnikov, Moskovsky pr.

  • Bus 162 (Happy St. – Neudorf branch)

Route extension from St. Connections on the street. Novye Zavody, Ropshinskoe shosse, Saint-Petersburg highway, Saint-Petersburg prospect, st. Avrov to the railway station. New Peterhof:

  • Bus 163 (Prospect Marshal Zhukov – branch Neudorf)

Redirection to Veteranov Ave. and Budyonny Ave.

  • Bus 164 (Podvoisky St. – Khimiki St.)

Direction of the route along Nastavnikov Ave (check-in at Irinovsky Ave, Industrialny Ave, Entuziastov Ave is cancelled).

  • Bus 166 (Metro station Staraya Derevnya – Kamyshovaya st.)

Restoration of traffic without changing the route.

  • Bus 169 (Khasanskaya st. – metro station Pr. Bolshevikov)

The bus is directed from the metro station Pr. Bolshevikov along Rossiysky pr., st. Chudnovsky, st. Krzhizhanovsky, st. Latvian Strelkov, Rossiyskiy pr., Rossiyskiy viaduct and further along the route.

  • Bus 176 (St. Ruchi – Suzdalsky pr).

Cancellation of arrival at Tikhoretsky pr. and st. Academician Baikov.

  • Bus 183 (Metro station Ladozhskaya – pr. Kultury)

The route will operate on the section from the Ladozhskaya metro station to the Novaya Okhta residential complex.

  • Bus 306 A (Pension Dunes – Sestroretsk, Kurortnaya st.)

The route is closed. Duplicated by bus number 306

  • Bus 314 (Sestroretsk, Kurortnaya st. – Beloostrov, Sestroretskoe highway)

The route is closed. Duplicated by bus number 315

  • Bus 315 (Sestroretsk, Kurortnaya street – railway platform Pesochnaya).

Check-in is organized in Beloostrov on the Sestroretsk highway (along the route of bus No. 314).