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How to spell the word fitness trainer and fitness room

How the word fitness is spelled in combination with other nouns, the rules say only with a hyphen without exceptions

How to spell the word fitness trainer and fitness room

What is fitness? There is no clear answer to this question. Everyone finds their own meaning in this word. For some, fitness is a job, for some it's a vacation, some see it as a way of life, and for some it's just a pleasure.

Fitness is general physical training, which includes various programs of physical activity. Among them are various dance complexes, as well as strength training on simulators. Usually fitness classes are combined with proper nutrition.

The word fitness is of American origin. It is formed from the English adjective fit – being in good shape, healthy. The semantic meaning is much broader – the physical and mental health of a person through his readiness for physical work. The book Health Fitness defines general fitness as the pursuit of an optimal quality of life that includes social, mental, spiritual, and physical components. The term positive health is also used.

How do you spell the word fitness with other words?

If the word fitness is used together with other words such as coach, center, gym. instructor and so on, we always write with a hyphen!

Fitnesstrainer is a professional sports consultant who draws up a sports program

Today I visited the fitness room with a friend, they were very satisfied with the program

fitness center is hyphenated

There is a version that fitness originated in ancient Greece. These were classes to prepare for the Olympic Games.

Nowadays, “officially” fitness appeared in America about 30 years ago. Soldiers trained to improve their physical condition.

It is physical education that is synonymous with the word fitness in its current understanding.