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Loga Park in the old village of Rostov region – a revived fairy tale

The most fabulous park of the entire Rostov region, Park Loga in the old village is a place to visit. What can be seen here and how to get, read here

Loga Park in the old village of Rostov region – a revived fairy tale

Natalia 3 804 0 Rostov region how to get, nature
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Returning from the holiday of winemaking and viticulture Donskaya vine in x. Pukhlyakovsky, we decided on the way to call in the old village-a small settlement in the immediate vicinity of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. It would seem, what could be remarkable, an ordinary village, of which hundreds in the Rostov region? And it is notable for the unusual fairy -tale park Log.

The glory of this park has long stepped beyond the Rostov region. Therefore, when planning a trip to M4 to Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar Territory or Crimea, be sure to look into this amazing park. What for? Read further, you will understand everything! 😉

A few words about the old village

The old village is a small farm in the Rostov region with a population of about 8.5 thousand people.

The first settlement on the left bank of the Seversky Donets arose in 1671. He was called the village of Kamenskaya. But the spring floods constantly flooded the gentle left bank and the stanitsye eventually moved to the bugrous right bank. So the city of Kamensk arose, and the village of Kamenskaya itself became called simply – the old village.

Entrance at the entrance to the old village

Entrance at the entrance to the old village

Every year, a small village is noticeably transformed. One has only to turn off the M4 “Don” in the direction of the old village, and immediately catches the eye that all electric and telephone pillars are painted in the color of the Russian tricolor. And there is no particular garbage on the streets, the houses are all neat.

But, of course, the very bright pearl of the village is currently Park Loga – an unimaginable fairy tale of the Rostov steppes.

Excursions in Rostov-on-Don

The story of the creation of the park in the old village. A little about the author

The idea of ​​creating a park belongs to the local entrepreneur Sergei Alexandrovich Kushnarenko.

He grew up with an ordinary rural boy in a working family. Enthusiastically helped parents on the household. Loved in childhood to be in the den. From the memoirs of Sergey Alexandrovich: “We spent free time in childhood in the logs. So called the most beautiful and picturesque place in the old village, where all the inhabitants of the farm gathered on May Day and Victory Day. We had our own friendly company of 15 people. After school, throwing his briefcases home, we ran there, built dugouts, climbed trees, played football. Thus, childhood and youth flew quietly. ”

Over time, the boy grew up. Army, service in border worshipers, many years of searching for oneself in the profession. Who was he just not: a loader, a mason, and a mechanic.He sold vegetables, distilled cars for sale, and in the 90s purely accidentally engaged in his own paintwork.

S.A. Kushnarenko - author and creator of Park Log

S.A. Kushnarenko – author of Park Loga

Everything that Sergei Alexandrovich is taken for, he is trying to do in good faith for people.

Now he is a successful entrepreneur, director of the prestige large paints and varnishes. At the factory, which can also be seen in the old village, 700 types of products and the same number of packaging materials are produced. 550 people work in production, for whom Sergei Alexandrovich created the most comfortable conditions: spacious cabins, flowers, trees planted in a ruler, lawns, own sports complex, pool, dining room. According to the entrepreneur himself, a person works better when creating comfortable working conditions. The way it is. Production is growing, and the village is becoming more beautiful every year.

The idea of ​​creating a park in logs originated in S.A. Kushnarenko back in the 90s. When the local authorities began to take a fee for garbage collection, a picturesque logist was simply overwhelmed with household waste. A real spontaneous landfill was formed. Sergei Alexandrovich decided to correct the situation. At first, along with the workers of their enterprise, they took out garbage, cut down with dry, and on weekends arranged picnics with barbecue in nature. Then the first gazebo and two paths appeared – from the author’s house in the logs to the house of his son. Over time, the territory was gradually landscaped. Sergei Alexandrovich himself came up with how to organize a particular site. “It’s simple like a drug,” hesitates more and more. New projects and plans are born every day – says the author.

The park was opened for visitors in 2012, and work on landscaping and landscaping did not stop for a day. He still continues to grow and delight tourists and residents of the village with new miracles.

Interesting fact! A.S. Kushnarenko is also the creator of the stele and the monument to the Cossack and the Cossack at the entrance to the village.

Rent a car

Loga Park in the old village

The modern park of the old village occupies an area of ​​16 hectares, where on every meter of the earth you will find bright unusualness. Already at the entrance, guests are greeted with bread and salt Cossack with a Cossack, everywhere greens, flowers, unusual sculptures. Even urns and lampposts are decorated with funny trees. There is its puzzle and a pond tortoise tortilla, and Emeline a stove, there are funny attractions, and marvelous animals and birds, and equipped places for a picnic, where anyone can come completely and comfortably rest.

However, it is better, as they say, to see once 😉

From the parking lot it is clear that we have before us the famous Loga Park

Already from the parking lot it is clear that we have the famous Park Loga. Everywhere there is a big construction

At the entrance they meet a Cossack with a Cossack

At the entrance they meet a Cossack with a Cossack

For its picturesque, the park in the old village is called little Switzerland

For its picturesque, the park in the old village is called little Switzerland

Everywhere paths, flower beds, flower beds

Everywhere paths, flower beds, flower beds

And the trees here grow so outlandish. Well, for example, spruce, birch and pink tree

And the trees here grow so outlandish.Well, for example, spruce, birch and pink tree

Deer, moose, wild boars, wolves “live” here. As if only now they ran out of the forest

And here the cat catches fish

And here the cat catches fish

There are a lot of fish in the ponds. All colorful

There are a lot of fish in the ponds. All colorful

A small pond, willow, arbor.

Small pond, willow, gazebo …

And here is the fabulous lake of Torlill Turtles

And here is the fabulous lake of Torlill Turtles

On the bridge, each column is decorated with an unusual figure

On the bridge, each column is decorated with an unusual figure

And here is the owner of the waters of sea, river and pond

And here is the owner of the waters of sea, river and pond

Do these heroes not remind you of anyone? In my opinion, we have already met them here (click on the picture)

Do these heroes do not remind you of anyone? In my opinion, we have already met them here (click on the picture)

There is a Loga and the present in the Park of the Loga. At the entrance, outlandish trees are greeted

There is a Loga and the present in the Park of the Loga. At the entrance, outlandish trees are greeted

Not without a cat

Not without a cat

Mysterious creatures are everywhere

Mysterious creatures are everywhere

So the stump lurked on the edge of the waterfall

So the stump lurked on the edge of the waterfall

And here is a pig with a gnome

And here is a pig with a gnome

The animals are unprecedented, but ordinary people in the mirrors of marvelous are reflected

The animals are unprecedented, but ordinary people in the mirrors of marvelous are reflected

And here Baba Yaga with her friend Koshchei sits at the hut, waits for naughty children :)

And here Baba Yaga with her friend Koshchei sits at the hut, waits for naughty children 🙂

The hut of the lumberjack is guarded

The hut of the lumberjack is guarded

What about a fairy tale without a waybill?

What about a fairy tale without a waybill?

And the Russian hero was not deprived of attention

And the Russian hero was not deprived of attention

And the waters and the miracle-shoulder with the clock of the overseas

And the waters and the miracle-shoulder with the clock of the overseas

Storks on a tree are sitting

Storks on a tree are sitting

But the eagle on the stone sat down and the waterfall turned out

But the eagle on the stone sat down and the waterfall turned out

Everything is marvelous here! Even urns!

Everything is marvelous here! Even urns!

There are living inhabitants in the park

There are living inhabitants in the park

Handsome pheasants pace through the territory

Handsome pheasants pace through the territory

They live here well! And besides the pheasants of swans, ducks, chickens, deer.

They live here well! And besides pheasants swans, ducks, chickens, deer …

The train will carry through the entire park

The train will carry through the entire park

You can admire lilies in the pond

You can admire lilies in the pond

Signs help to preserve this amazing beauty

Signs help to preserve this amazing beauty

Here is another

All buildings in the park are also fabulous

All buildings in the park are also fabulous

Playground without a gram of plastic

Playground without a gram of plastic

Well, of course, the power zone. Here for example a restaurant ' тетерев''='

Well, of course, the power zone. For example, the restaurant Teterev

Samuquer-codge so that they do not pass by. Yes, and do not pass. Such aromas. Mmmm.

Samuquer-codge so that they do not pass by. Yes, and you will not pass … such aromas … mmmm …

Here the chefs are conjured by young cooks

Here the chefs are conjured by young cooks

And then marvelous dishes in restaurants are served

And then marvelous dishes in restaurants are served

That's who knows what kind of salad is a wonderful adjapsandal or shakar?

That's who knows what kind of salad is a wonderful adjapsandal or shakar?

Well, what is easy to guess here :)

Well, what is easy to guess here 🙂

Come to this amazing, magical park - Loga Park!

Come to this amazing, fairy -tale park – Loga Park!

And this is far from all the picturesque corners that can be found here. Truly real little Switzerland, a real fairy -tale country, where it is good and comfortable for both children and adults.

And in the author’s head there are still many interesting ideas and projects. And who knows, maybe tomorrow you will see completely different logs, and maybe over time this fairy -tale park will become a real tourist center of the Rostov region, included in the programs of numerous routes along the endless cowers of the Don.

How to get to Log Park?

As I wrote above, there is a park in the old village next to Kamensky-Shakhtinsky, on the left bank of the Seversky Donets.

By car

You can get to the Log Park along the M4 Don highway. Without reaching the bridge over Seversky Donets, turn along the sign to the right (when driving from Moscow in the direction of Rostov-on-Don), then right on the street. Budyonny to the turn from the street. Bolshevik. A few more meters and you are already at the entrance.

Public transport

First you need to get to the Kamenskaya station.There is a direct train from Rostov-on-Don, as well as through Kamenskaya, all trains south of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Minsk, Arkhangelsk and other cities pass through Kamenskaya.

At the station, look for a bus of route No. 25. He will take you to the old village.

You can also get to Kamensk-Shakhtinsky by bus. Any route to Rostov-on-Don passes through Kamensk along the M4 Don highway. At the bus station, you need to find a bus number 25 or a taxi.

That's all. When planning a trip to M4, do not be too lazy to look into the old village, in the amazing and fairy -tale park Loga.

“Everyone must create beauty around him. If you earn decent money in Russia, then do at least something good for your homeland. ” – calls Sergey Alexandrovich Kushnarenko. There would be more such wonderful people who love their country and everything that surrounds them and then our Russia will become even more beautiful. Bright emotions from your travels 😉