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Fedorovskoye tosnensky district how to get there – Interesting places and popular routes

Fedorovskoye tosnensky district how to get How to get to Annolovo in Tosnenskiy Rayon by bus or minibus? Directions to Annolovo (Tosnenskiy Rayon) with public transportation

Fedorovskoye tosnensky district how to get there

How to get to Annolovo in Tosnenskiy Rayon by Bus or Shuttle?

Directions to Annolovo (Tosnenskiy Rayon) with public transportation

Questions and answers

These Bus lines stop near Annolovo: 493.

Public Transportation to Annolovo in Tosnenskiy Rayon

Thinking of a trip from Annolovo to Tosnenskiy Rayon, Russia?

Finding your way to Annolovo just got a whole lot easier with Moovit! Find your nearest stop and get directions using the Moovit or Moovit desktop app.

You can take a bus or minibus to get to your destination. These routes pass near Annolovo: (Bus) 493.

Looking for a stop near your destination? Try one of these options: Annolovo.

Do you use the bus app to check the bus schedule? And the timetable for the trains to see the timetable of the trains? With Moovit you have all the information you need in one free app!

Moovit helps you find the best route to Annolovo with the most up-to-date timetables. Install the app to get turn-by-turn directions on your trip, as well as discover the expected arrival time of transport in Real Time and see which route will get you to Annolovo the fastest. Install Moovit and you'll see why this app has made it to the top transport apps list on Google Play and the App Store.

How to get to Annolovo in Saint Petersburg by Bus or Shuttle?

Directions to Annolovo in Saint Petersburg with public transport

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Annalovo

How to get to Annolovo by Bus?

Click on the bus route to see step-by-step instructions with maps, arrival times and updated schedules.

What are the closest stations to Annolovo?

The closest stations to Annolovo are:

Which Bus lines stop near Annolovo?

Public Transportation to Annolovo in Saint Petersburg

Looking for a way to get to Annolovo in Saint Petersburg, Russia? Your trip is now easier than ever!

Download the Moovit App to find the fastest way! View the updated timetable for the bus or minibus to Annolovo. Discover the latest schedules for all available rides from Annolovo with real-time turn-by-turn directions.

The Moovit app tells you about stations and stops near your destination. Choose from a list of stops closest to Annolovo: Annolovo.

Choose bus or minibus options to get to Annolovo. Here are some routes that pass nearby: (Bus) 493.

Want to get to Annolovo and vice versa, but do not know the exact address? Knead the destination on the map and Moovit will help you find better routes to the desired point!

Moovit helps to find the fastest and most convenient route and the most convenient departure time. You no longer need to use a bus application to find a bus schedule, and an application for trains to find a racket of electric trains. In Moovit you will find all the transport information that you need! That is why the Moovit application is included in the list of the best transport applications according to Google Play and Apple Store.

Anno? Lovo (Fin. Anola) – a village in the Fedorovsky city settlement of the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region. Wiki

Route Pavlovsk – the village of Fedorovskoye

With the help of our site, you can lay the route of the Pavlovsk movement – the village of Fedorovskoye both in a car and on public traffic (bus, train). All routes are formed on the basis of Yandex and Google services. We are glad that our service turned out to be useful to you and you were able to find out how to drive by car from Pavlovsk (Russia) to the village of Fedorovskoye (Russia).

The distance between Pavlovsk and the village of Fedorovsky

If you go on the road by car, then the distance between Pavlovsk, Pushkin district, St. Petersburg and the village of Fedorovskoye, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region is 12.6 km.

Travel costs

Distance in a straight line

Distance along the road

The beginning of the route
v Less than 1 minute – 0 km
Village Pioneer, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region, Russia Less than 1 minute 0 km
v Less than 1 minute – 0.5 km
Cottage village of Slavyanka Villa, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region, Russia Less than 1 minute 0.5 km
v 4 minutes – 3.4 km
Cottage village Pavlovsky Park, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region, Russia 5 minutes 3.9 km
v 9 minutes – 3.5 km
Glinka village, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region, Russia 14 minutes 7.4 km
v 8 minutes – 5.1 km
Garden partnership Slavyanka, Gatchinsky district, Leningrad region, Russia 23 minutes 12.6 km

Fuel consumption calculator:


We selected several options for air tickets for this route. The search for air tickets was carried out taking into account the price, time of departure. If you want to buy an inexpensive ticket Pavlovsk – the village of Fedorovskoye or on another route, then follow the link.

Train tickets

Need inexpensive railway tickets in the village of Fedorovsky or in Pavlovsk? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Railway tickets in Russia.

Bus tickets

Need inexpensive tickets for intercity or international buses in the village of Fedorovsky or to Pavlovsk? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Tickets for intercity buses.

The nearest airports to the village of Fedorovskoye

The nearest airports to Pavlovsk


Need to choose and book an inexpensive hotel in the village of Fedorovsky or to Pavlovsk? On our site there is a convenient resource of online booking hotels. Just follow the link to the hotel selection page.

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Taxi in Fedorovskoye

You can order a taxi in Fedorovskoye at a 10%discount. In order to use this offer, fill out and send the order form, or call the phone? +7 (812) 648-21-21 (promotional code: TUEY)

Let's return 10.8 rubles. On a bonus account to pay for subsequent trips.

min. Distance: km.

The cost of a taxi St. Petersburg-Fedorovskoye

Auto class St. Petersburg-Fedorovskoye
(or vice versa)
St. Petersburg-Fedorovskoye-St. Petersburg
Economy 1200 2340
Comfort 1320 2570
Universal 1410 2750
Minivan 1910 3720
Business Class 1910 3720
Minibus 3240 6320

The price is relevant in any direction! The best price: 1200 rubles.

Information about the village of Fedorovskoye

  • Population: about 3 thousand people
  • Status: Village
  • Enters in: Tosnensky municipal district
  • Subject of the Federation: Leningrad region
  • Main transport highways: Naberezhnaya streets, new, field, postal, industrial, central, highway
  • The nearest railway station: 34 km

Fedorovskoye – a village in the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region, the administrative center of the Fedorovsky rural settlement. The Fedorovsky Posad was formed during the time of Peter the Great and is in an environmentally friendly area, far from harmful production facilities and overloaded highways. Nearby is the forest zone and the Izhora River. The Palace-Park Museum-Reserve Pavlovsk is only a 5-minute car.

The village is located 1.5 km from the border with the Pushkin district of St. Petersburg, has convenient transport ties with the city and road highways (Rossiya Road, the Yam-Izhora road). You can get to St. Petersburg not only through the Moscow highway, but also through the city of Pavlovsk, Pushkin and further along the St. Petersburg and Pulkovo highway. In the village, bus communication is carried out with Pavlovsky and St. Petersburg. A 10 -minute drive is Pavlovsky Station. On the train, you can get from the city of Pavlovsk to the Vitebsk station (Art. Pushkinskaya) in 40 minutes.

The cost of a taxi from Pulkovo Airport to Fedorovskoye

City Economy Comfort Universal Minivan Business Class Minibus
Fedorovskoye 850 950 1020 1410 1410 2630

St. Petersburg-Fedorovskoye (rest)-St. Petersburg

Sale of an apartment in Fedorovsky, Tosnensky district

Residential complexes of Fedorovsky

1440000 RUB from 1,440,000 rubles.

Nikolskoye G, Pervomaiskaya St., 1.

1750000 RUB from 1,750,000 rubles.

3150000 RUB from 3,150,000 rubles.

D. Fedorovskoye, st. Postal, 11.

2100000 RUB from 2,100,000 rubles.

With Nikolskoye, MKRN B

3100000 RUB from 3,100,000 rubles.

Telmana P, Ladoga B.

Fedorovskoye D, Pochtovaya St., 11, building 1.

Tosno g, Oktyabrskaya St.

Nikolskoye g, st. Dachnaya, st. Garden, Soviet.

Tosno G, M. Gorky St., 19, Ph.D.

Sorting: by rating

Not far from the Pavlovsky Park, a two -room apartment is sold near the transport interchange and a public transport stop.Developed near the house. fully

No. 254256 Bright warm angular apartment, 3.5 km from Pavlovsk in the well -maintained and comfortable G.P. Fedorovskoye. Good condition, glazed loggia. fully

No. 236217 near the city of Pavlovsky in the city of P. Fedorovskoye (two km from the Pavlovsky Park) for a three -room apartment on the second floor of a five -story building is sold. fully

No. 255558 is a chic, spacious and very warm apartment with excellent repair. Double -glazed windows. They did everything for themselves. Good energy. More than 3 years. All documents. fully

A 2-room apartment is sold, the location of the village of FEDOROVSKOY, Tosnensky district. Pavlovsk (5 min. Transport) and Pushkin. Direct minibus to m. Completely

I will sell 1 by sq.m. with renovation in Fedorovsky (Tosnensky district of Len. Obl.) 30 min. from metro Kupchino, 2 floor. 2-storey brick house, total. 32.9 m, room. 18m. fully

2015 EMLS ID 1310620 was built. The low -rise area Happiness is located in the village of Fedorovskoye, Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region in the direct. fully

ATTENTION. Apartment for the price of the developer. This is already property. Want to live in your home and in the city. But you think that it is too expensive. fully

On sale 3 sq. In Fedorovsky, Central St. (10 minutes from Pavlovsk), 2nd floor, direct sale, documents are ready. Nobody lives in the apartment, from furniture. fully

No. 210851 (79) Comfortable 3KV 3.5 km from Pavlovsk, a successful layout and location, glazed loggia. Convenient transport communication and developed. fully

No. 214879 (23) in the village. Fedorovskoye (the closest suburb of St. Petersburg) on ​​the street. The central is a three -room apartment with an area of ​​54 sq.m. Rooms area. fully

No. 207025 (79) good 2kkv at 3.5 km. From Pavlovsk in a promising settlement with developed infrastructure and an excellent message with St. Petersburg. Counter purchase. fully

Want to buy an apartment in a new building?

Indicate the search criteria

No. 208083 (79) good 2kkv at 3.5 km. From Pavlovsk in a promising settlement with developed infrastructure and an excellent message with St. Petersburg. Counter purchase. fully

No. 181538 (79) Bilateral apartment 3.5 km from Pavlovsk. Developed infrastructure, convenient transport communication. Without a balcony, windows to the north and south. fully

No. 191096 (23) One-room apartment on the 4th floor of a five-story building in 1995 In the village with developed infrastructure (school, kindergarten, clinic, shops. Completely

In the basis of 2 ads for the sale of real estate in the village of Gory in the Leningrad region, cost from to the average cost of the property – (average price per 1 sq. Meter –

Schedule of average prices for the sale of apartments. Fedorovsky village

Type of real estate Medium. price Change from 04.10.2020 Price scatter (as of 09/19/2020)
Apartments in a new building 2 011 172 rub. + 279 094 rub. 1 675 000. 2 295 000 rub. For the object
Apartments Second 2 498 712 rub. + 11 949 rub. 950 000. 4 900 000 rub. For the object
Type of real estate Medium. Price m 2 Change from 04.10.2020 Price scatter (as of 09/19/2020)
Apartments in a new building 51 106 rub. + 8 248 rubles. 1 675 000. 2 295 000 rub. For the object
Apartments Second 58 473 rub. + 3 032 rub. 950 000. 4 900 000 rub.Engineering systems for country houses ??


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Extract on the object Pochtovaya street, 18, Leningrad region, Tosnensky district, gp Fedorovskoye – cadastral number 47:26:0102002:105
Select the required statements for the order:

An extract from the USRN on the history of all transactions with this property contains information about the former owners, full name, date of transfer of rights and reasons for the change of rights.
– Full name of all owners since 1998
— Series and number of the certificate of registration
— Transfer dates
– Additional Information
Delivery time: 1-2 hours. (max. 48h)
Printing: electronic digital signature
A full check on the legal purity of real estate before purchase includes all extracts from the USRN, a check on the FSSP database for the presence of an arrest, a check on the FNP database for collateral, and the presence of court cases on real estate. lang=en style=height: 28px;per object

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Fedorovskoye tosnensky district how to get there
?? 8(812)408-07-36

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?Qualified teams
?Drawing up a project taking into account the individual characteristics of the house and your wishes
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Engineering and construction company ??Amikta??

Engineering company ??Amikta??

?? tel. 8 812 408 07 36
?Guarantee for installation and materials
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?Individual project taking into account the features of the house
?Quality European equipment and materials

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?Guarantee up to 50 years

?Teams of professionals
?Selection of an individual technical solution
?Reliable certified European equipment

?Protection against rising prices when signing a contract Internal engineering systems for private houses ?? Full construction



?ISK Amikta?


? tel. 8 812 408 07 36

Engineering and construction company ??Amikta??

?Warranty, contract
?Professional installation from certified specialists