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There is no way back, especially if you have a Russian nationality in your passport”: a family from the Kharkov region spoke about moving to the Belgorod village of Chernyanka – MK Belgorod

A family from the Kharkiv region, five days after the start of the special operation, was able to get out of their village and leave for the Belgorod region

“There is no way back, especially if you have a Russian nationality in your passport”: a family from the Kharkov region spoke about moving to the Belgorod village of Chernyanka

“There is no way back, especially if you have a Russian nationality in your passport”: a family from the Kharkov region spoke about moving to the Belgorod village of Chernyanka

“There is no way back, especially if you have a Russian nationality in your passport”: a family from the Kharkov region spoke about moving to the Belgorod village of Chernyanka. Photo: screenshot from 8-PIN YouTube channel video

A family from the Kharkov region, five days after the start of the special operation, was able to get out of their village and leave for the Belgorod region. Spouses Mikhail and Irina spoke about the oppression of Russians in Ukraine, the events of February 24 and the escape to Russia.

Husband and wife came from the Ukrainian village of Tsirkuny and settled in a small house in Chernyanka. Their story is told by

Irina and Mikhail were born in Russia. He is in Sakhalin, she is in the Krasnodar Territory. We studied in Kharkov, where we met. The city became their home, the couple lived in the Kharkiv region for 50 years. But after 2014 things started to change.

“This Ukrainization has begun, or, to put it simply, the abolition of everything Russian. We started with the language in schools, the children could only speak Russian at home … They began to feel all this hatred on themselves very clearly, they just didn’t have the “face” command, ”the spouses say.

According to them, residents began to be forced to go to the Ukrainian schismatic church, celebrations for May 9 were canceled – people began to celebrate this day only in the family circle.

Mikhail and Irina told about the events of February 24 – at five in the morning they woke up from the fact that the chandelier rang. At first they thought it was an earthquake. But then they heard the sound of gunfire. They hid in the basement, where they sat for five days, but then they realized that it was dangerous to stay at home.

The decisive factor was the arrival of shells, which set the neighboring houses on fire.

“We just jumped out and went in what we were. Fortunately, there is still gasoline in the tank. We were met by Russian armored personnel carriers, so they took us out, saboteurs were shooting from the landings. The troops escorted us all the way to the border, to Zhuravlevka,” the couple recall.

After the Belgorod region, the family with other arrivals from Ukraine was sent to a temporary accommodation center in the Lipetsk region. But later they decided to return and settled in Chernyanka. There are several reasons – a daughter and a grandson remained in Kharkov and the spouses want to be closer to them. They say that until they are “pulled out” to Russia, they will go nowhere. Yes, and they liked the people in the Belgorod region.

“We liked it here, everyone is sincere, they empathize. We haven’t had this for a long time, only among a narrow circle of friends, ”said Mikhail.

The husband and wife do not plan to return to Ukraine yet, even if everything calms down. Yes, and if you want to go back will be difficult.

“There is no way back, especially if you have a Russian nationality in your passport. And in Kharkiv, many have it like that,” says Irina.