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A single day of informing Sports Belarus. News Negoreli Secondary School No. 1

A single day of information Belarus is a sport Within the framework of the project School of an active citizen on May 23 a single day of information Belarus is a sport was held. Participants

Single Awareness Day Belarus Sports

As part of the implementation of the project School of Active Citizen on May 23, a single day of information Belarus is a sports was held. The participants of the event were students of grades VIII-X, deputy director for educational work Yurgel O.M., class teachers. The guests of honor of the information day were physical education teachers, family dynasty, graduates of our school Yury Antonovich Bankovsky and Elizaveta Yuryevna Bankovsky. The meeting began with congratulations from Yuri Antonovich and Elizaveta Yurievna on their professional holiday – the Day of Physical Culture and Sports Workers, then the teachers told why they chose this particular profession, spoke about the achievements of their graduates, and noted students who have achievements in sports competitions today.

Further, a creative group of students of the ninth grade introduced the audience to the content of information blocks: “Sport is the visiting card of Belarus”; European Games: sport unites the continent; Belarus welcomes the II European Games.

To discuss the information obtained in STEP 1 “We will find out”, the students were asked the following questions: Why is Belarus rightfully considered a sports country? What sports are the most popular in our country? What testifies that sport has become a visiting card of our country on the world stage? In what sports are republican competitions among children and teenagers held? What is the peculiarity and significance of the European Games? Why was Minsk chosen to host the II European Games? other.

During the implementation of STEP 3 WE ACT we discussed participation in the poster contest Belarus welcomes the II European Games; creation of videos “My Hour of Bright Survivors”, organization of sports days, meetings with famous athletes dedicated to the 2nd European Games.