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History of meetings of the national teams of the USSR/Russia and Canada on hockey – RIA Novosti, 02.24.2010

The rival of the Russian national team in the quarterfinals in Vancouver will be the Canadian team, as during the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin. Then the Russian team beat Canadians with a score of 2: 0. According to the head coach of the Canadian team, this time he does not expect any special surprises from Russians and fears only Alexander Ovechkin’s actions.

History of meetings of the national teams of the USSR/Russia and Canada in hockey

Players of the national team of Russia and Canada during the match of the hockey tournament Baltic Cup

The rival of the Russian national team in the quarterfinals in Vancouver will be the Canadian team, as during the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin. Then the Russian team beat Canadians with a score of 2: 0. According to the head coach of the Canadian team, this time he does not expect any special surprises from Russians and fears only Alexander Ovechkin’s actions.

The rival of the Russian national team in the quarterfinals in Vancouver will be the Canadian team, as during the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin. Then the Russian team beat Canadians with a score of 2: 0. According to the head coach of the Canadian team, this time he does not expect any special surprises from Russians and fears only Alexander Ovechkin’s actions.

The chronology of the confrontation of the domestic and Canadian hockey school has been there for more than half a century.

Until 1954, the ancestors of hockey – Canadians – were considered invincible. It was that year that the Soviet team dispelled this myth, beating Canadians in the final of the World Cup with a score of 7: 0.

After this meeting, the rivalry of the national teams of the USSR and Canada acquired a special fundamentality, later supported by the legendary in the history of world hockey, fights in various tournaments – super series, world cups, olympiads, youth and adult championships.

For the first time, match meetings at the highest level between the national team of the USSR and the “Stars” team of the Professional Hockey League (NHL) of Canada took place in the fall of 1972. Under the terms of this competition, match meetings consisted of eight games: four in Canada and four in the USSR. Matches in Canada ended with the victory of Soviet hockey players – 7: 3, 1: 4, 4: 4, 5: 3, matches in the USSR – the victory of the Canadian national team – 4: 5, 3: 2, 4: 3, 6: 5. General score of match meetings 9: 7 in favor of the Canadian national team.

In September – October 1974, the next meeting was held at the highest level of the USSR national team with Canadian professionals, but already with the national team of the World Hockey League (VHA), which also included eight matches. Soviet hockey players won this match meeting with a total score of 11: 5.

Since that time, regular meetings with NHL professionals at the level of national teams and club teams began.

In September 1981, in the final of the Canadian Cup, the USSR national team defeated Canadians with a score of 8: 1.

Russian and Canadian hockey players met at world championships: in total at the world championships in recent history, the national teams of Russia and Canada held 12 matches in which 5 victories were in the account of Russians, 7 among Canadians.

In 1992, in Czechoslovakia, at the World Championships in the group stage, the Russian team defeated the Canadians with a score of 6:4.

In 1993, in Munich (Germany) in the group tournament, the Canadian team won the Russian team with a score of 3:1, but in the semi-finals our team won with a score of 7:4.

In 1994, at the World Championships in Bolzano (Italy), the teams of Russia and Canada met in a group tournament. The Canadians won 3-1.

In 1995, in Galva (Sweden), Russia won the group tournament with a score of 5:4.

In 1996, at the World Championships in Vienna (Austria), the teams met again in a group tournament. The Russian team won with a score of 6:4.

In 1996, in Austria, in the semi-finals, the Canadians won with a score of 3: 2 (shootouts).

In 1997, at the World Championships in Helsinki (Finland), in the final group match, the Canadian team won with a score of 3: 1.

In 2001 in Hannover (Germany) the teams met in the first group stage. Team Canada won 5-1.

In 2003, in Turku (Finland) in the second group stage, the Canadians again won with a score of 5:2.

In 2005, at the World Championships in Vienna (Austria), the teams met in the semifinals. Team Canada won 4-3.

In 2008, at the 72nd World Championship in Quebec (Canada), the Russian team won the final match against the Canadian team with a score of 5:4 in overtime, becoming world champions for the second time in their history.

In 2009, the Russian national ice hockey team won the final match of the World Championship, defeating the Canadians. The decisive match, held in Bern (Switzerland), ended with the score 2:1. Washers in the Russian team were thrown by Oleg Saprykin and Alexander Radulov. Team Rossi defended the title of world champion.

The teams of Russia and Canada met at the World Cup tournaments, which were held only twice – in 1996 and 2004.

In 1996, in Vancouver, the Russians lost to the Canadians with a score of 3:5, and in 2004, in a tournament held in Toronto, with a score of 1:3.

At the Olympics, the national team of the Soviet Union, and later the CIS, played 9 matches with the Canadians, 8 of which ended in victory over the Maple Leaves. In the final of the 1992 Olympics in Albertville, our team won with a score of 3:1.

In February 2006, the Russian team defeated Canada and reached the semi-finals of the Olympic hockey tournament in Turin. However, she took fourth place in the main hockey tournament of four years, losing in the match for 3rd place to the Czech hockey players. The champions were the Swedes, who defeated the Finns in the final – 3:2.

On February 24, 2010, at the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver, the quarterfinal meeting between the Russian and Canadian teams will take place.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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History of Salad Olivier: who invented, the origin of the dish and recipes. Sport-Express

Salad Olivier: The dish that was invented in Russia is almost forgotten after the revolution and became again popular in the middle of the twentieth century. The story of a popular and beloved New Year's salad.

The story of the Olivier salad. How the original recipe has changed

Salad Olivier: The dish that was invented in Russia is almost forgotten after the revolution and became again popular in the middle of the twentieth century. The story of a popular and beloved New Year's salad.

The story of a popular New Year's salad has been going on more than one and a half centuries. Despite the fact that today this dish is an integral part of the holiday, it was not always the case. Today, the salad is known not only in Russia, but throughout the world, where it is called Russian salad. We tell the story of the dish that was invented in Russia is almost forgotten after the revolution and became again popular in the middle of the twentieth century.

The story of the famous salad

The Olivier salad was invented in the 1860s as a cook of Belgian and French origin Lucien Olivier. Olivier was a Moscow restaurateur and owner of the Hermitage restaurant on Trubnaya Square. To date, the restaurant building has been preserved, located at: Petrovsky Boulevard, house 14. It contains publisher and theater.

The Hermitage was considered a chic restaurant from the first days of its existence. Olivier popularized French cuisine in Russia, and the French menu was personalized for Russian cuisine. He asked the employees at the registration stance to wear Russian peasant clothes. Most of his visitors were merchants. Therefore, the chef prepared food corresponding to the status of its visitors, and they in return gave him an excellent fee.

19th century. Moscow. Restaurant

Initially, the cook came up with a salad, but a dish. It was called mayonnaise from game. Today it is believed that according to this recipe, the Frenchman boiled a hazel grouse and partridges, cut into small pieces and laid on a plate alternately with jelly cubes from chicken broth. He also added boiled tails of Omar and pieces of calf tongue to the dish, which were seasoned with Provencal sauce (mayonnaise).

The central part of the plate was filled with a small hill of boiled potatoes and pickled cucumbers-cornish. According to the border, the dish was decorated with boiled eggs, which were cut into slices. The latter, by the way, were intended not for food, but were added only for aesthetic purposes, that is, they were elements of jewelry.

The dish immediately became very popular. Everyone who could at least somehow get to the restaurant wanted to taste it. Although the institution was aimed at the Moscow elite, the restaurant later opened its doors for university students. And sometimes other groups of people got there. According to legend, once, when the chef saw how some kind of ignorant awkwardly mixes all the parts of the dish in one heap, he was horrified.

Therefore, the next day, Lucien Olivier, in order to express his contempt for such an attitude to food, defiantly combined all the ingredients and abundantly poured them with mayonnaise. However, his new creation has become even greater success.

And then the first dish “mayonnaise from game”, the progenitor of our salad Olivier, one might say, died almost immediately after birth, unable to withstand competition with a generous portion of meat, vegetables, eggs and other products, eventually losing its original aesthetics.

The first recipe for olivier salad

Today it is believed that the original and classic recipe for Olivier's salad looked like this:

· Cooked fillets of two hazel grouse;

· Cooked calf language;

· 100 grams of black caviar;

· 200 grams of green salad leaves;

· Big Omar or 25 boiled crayfish;

· 250 grams of small salted cucumbers;

· 100 grams of capers;

· 5 cooked hard eggs cut into pieces.

All this is accompanied by Provencal sauce, in which it is also necessary to add 350-400 grams of olive oil, whipped with two yolks, vinegar and French mustard. The ingredients were cut into cubes, and then mixed with the sauce, which today is considered mayonnaise.

History of Olivier's salad in the twentieth century

The death of Lucien Olivier occurred in 1883, and he took the secret of his own dish with him to the grave. Later, many cooks tried to restore it or reproduce something similar, but most of this did not succeed.

After the revolutions of 1917, the restaurant of the French cook was closed. The Olivier salad and its ingredients, such as the hazel grouse, caviar, lobsters and more, began to be identified with the bourgeois class and were not approved by the Soviet regime. However, the dish continued to exist and change in its composition, although it lost its former popularity.

In the 1930s, Ivan Mikhailovich Ivanov was the chef of the Moscow restaurant. He was also a former student of the cook Olivier. Ivanov adapted Lucien Olivier's salad under Soviet reality, replacing some inaccessible ingredients, for example, such as a hazel grouse with a chicken. The Russian cook called the new dish capital salad.

Capital Salad Recipe

Since it was almost impossible to get hazelchikov and capers in the USSR, and the desire to prepare something similar to the famous French cook salad was present, the ingredients for the dish were chosen: the following:

– small potatoes – 6 pieces;

– carrots – 1 piece;

-boiled egg-3-4 pieces;

– onions – 1 piece;

– salty cucumber – 4 pieces;

– canned peas – 250 grams;

– mayonnaise – 200 grams;

– Salt and pepper to taste.

The tongue must be washed and put in a pan, but 300-400 grams may be enough for the salad. Cook for 3-3.5 hours over low heat, then cool and clean. Cook potatoes and carrots until cooked, and then clean and cut with eggs.

The rest of the vegetables are also finely chopped, put in a large bowl, add peas and mix. Then add mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly again.

Olivier in other countries

In many European countries, Olivier's salad is called Russian salad, but the name “capital” is also found. The dish is very popular in the countries of the Balkan region. For example, in Serbia, a salad is called a Russian salad and also often served on New Year's holidays. In North Macedonia and Albania it is called Salad Ruse.

In the Bulgarian cuisine, a ham is sometimes added to the salad instead of sausage or meat. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the salad was given a name Ruska or Francuskawhich is also popular during the holidays. And in Croatia and Slovenia it is usually done without meat and potatoes.

In the Czech Republic it is called a potato salad and often served during Christmas. In Poland, the salad has become more vegetarian, in many cases the meat is not put in it, but some housewives add meat in home kitchen. In Greece, salad is also usually eaten without meat.

In the countries of Northern Europe, Olivier is called Italian salad. And in Finland, instead of potatoes, they sometimes put spaghetti. In the countries of the Asian region, such as Bangladesh, Pakistan or India, it is usually made of potatoes, peas, apples, pineapples and mayonnaise.

Modern recipe for olivier salad

In the late 50s and early 60s in the USSR, the salad began to appear more often on the tables of ordinary residents. The ingredients in it continued to change: instead of meat, they added sausage, additionally they began to add boiled carrots, pickled cucumbers, and later peas.

Since some products were in short supply and it was not easy to get them, they made Olivier only on special holidays. However, over time, when meat and mayonnaise became available due to large-scale industrial production, the salad has gained new popularity. And soon it became a traditional New Year dish.

Ingredients for Olivier salad (a portion of 4-8 people):

· Potatoes-400-500 grams;

· Carrots-400-500 grams;

· Boiled eggs-5-6 pieces;

· Salted or small-salted cucumbers-200-300 grams;

· Sausage (boiled or other)-200-300 grams;

· Mayonnaise-200-300 milliliters;

· Onions (on -hand or green) – 40 grams;

· Bank of canned peas, salt and pepper.

All ingredients, except peas, must be finely chopped and crushed into a large bowl. Then add peas and mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly.

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Historical certificate – SibGUFK

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports

Without Kevordo

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The Department of Chemistry, Hygiene, Physical Culture and Medical Control was organized in January 1954 on the basis of previously existing in the OGIFK and newly introduced disciplines. The first head of the department was a graduate of the GDIFK named after P.F. Zlesgft and OGMI Elpedinskaya Elizaveta Yakovlevna.

In 1965, there was a division of the department into two: Biochemistry and Hygiene and Medical Control, exercise therapy and sports massage, and in 1973 the formation of the Department of Sports Medicine and Sports Massage and Physical Culture.

From 1966 to 1976, the Department of Medical Control, exercise therapy and sports massage was headed by Kand. Med.Sauk, Associate Professor I. Manuilova

Since 1987, the reverse process began – the unification of the departments into more powerful units, and at that time the department was organized: Sports medicine, exercise therapy and sports massage. Head – Candidate Med. Nauk, Associate Professor Osipov A.I.


In 1988, the Department of Medical and Biological Support of Physical Culture and Sports was created. He was headed by the Department of Kand. Med. Nauk, Associate Professor Kurtev S.G. The department was training students in the specialty Theory and methodology of physical rehabilitation.

With an increase in the number of students from the Department of MBO-2 in 1998, the Department of Sports Medicine and Hygiene was allocated, the head of the Kand. Med. Nauak, Professor Kurtev Sergey Georgievich and the department of “physical means of rehabilitation” with the head of pedagogical sciences, Professor Polustraev Alexei Vasilyevich.

From 2006 to 2018, the doctor of biological sciences, Associate Professor Nalobina Anna Nikolaevna headed the department.

Currently, the department is called the Department of Theory and Methods of Adaptive Physical Culture. Since 2018, the department has been headed by a candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Talamova Irina Gennadievna.

Currently, the department is preparing students in areas 49.03.02 Physical culture for persons with deviations in the state of health (adaptive physical education), the profile Physical rehabilitation; 49.04.02. Physical culture for persons with deviations in the state of health (adaptive physical culture), profiles Physical rehabilitation, Adaptive sport, Sports preparation for persons with health deviations, including disabled people.

In different years, they worked at the department or continue to work:

Elpedinskaya E.Ya. – Ph.D. Med. Nauk, Associate Professor, Head of the Caphedra from 1954 to 1966;

Manuilova I.L. – Ph.D. Med. Nauk, Associate Professor, Head of the Caphedral from 1966 to 1976;

Osipov A.I. – Ph.D. Med. Nauk, Associate Professor, Head of the Caphedral from 1973 to 1988;

Kurtev S.G. – Ph.D. Med. Nauk, Associate Professor, Head of the Caphedral since 1986. SibGAFK has been operating since 1978;

Polstruev A.V. -Dr. Ped. Nauk, professor, head of the department from 1998 to 2006;

Nalobina A.N. – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head. cafe from 2006 to 2018


Peshkova G.P. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor; Revenko R.I.; Pshetatskaya R.N.; Alekseytseva M.F.; Kichigina L.B.; Voskresenskaya N.N.; Lazareva L.A.; Miroshnikova R.I. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; Burovykh A.N. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; Kichigin V.S. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; Safonova Zh.B. – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor; Kozitsina F.R. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; Flyanka I.P. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor; Yakimenko S.N. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; Medvedeva L.E. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; Kopteva T.V.; Kalinina I.N. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; Sorokina L.G. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor; Ratsina S.A.; Tikhonov S.V. – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Litosh N.L. – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor and others.

In the history of the development of the department, the following main areas of research work can be distinguished.

In the 70s, under the guidance of Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor A.I. Osipov, the state budget topic Improvement of the integrated methodology for assessing the health status and functional fitness of athletes at various stages of the annual training cycle was actively developed. The development of this problem was solved within the framework of scientific and methodological support for the training of athletes of national teams of various levels.

In parallel, issues of rehabilitation of athletes after diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system were developed.


In the 80s, these areas of research were continued in the state budget topics developed at the department Improving the methodology for comprehensive monitoring of the health status and functional fitness of highly qualified athletes and Methodology for complex recovery and improving the performance of athletes. Within the framework of the departmental topics, the features of the morphofunctional indicators of athletes of various specializations and the level of sports qualifications living in the geoclimatic conditions of Western Siberia were studied.

Within the framework of the state budget topic, the Problem of increasing the efficiency of training highly qualified athletes was actively developed, on which Burovykh A.N., Polustruev A.V., Kichigin V.S., Klepalchenko A.M., Sergeevich E.A. and others. The main research areas developed at that time at the department: Methodology and technology for the improvement of various social groups of the population (head Polustruev A.V.) and Development of differential adaptability of sports activities, methods for preventing injuries and diseases (head Yakimenko S.N.).

Throughout its history, the teachers of the department have been actively involved in providing scientific, methodological, medical, preventive and consulting assistance to various groups of the population and in the preparation of national teams in various sports.

The staff of the department regularly conducted observations of athletes of various specializations and, on their basis, developed and applied restorative and rehabilitation measures.So, from 1978 to 1991, Manuylova E.L., Peshkova G.P., Kichigina L.B. participated in the scientific and methodological support of the Russian national fencing team; with biathletes – Burovykh A.N., Kichigin V.S.; with weightlifters and athletes – Kichigin V.S., Goryunov V.M. Polustruev A.V. was constantly searching for health-improving and preventive technologies with different groups of the population. and Voskresenskaya N.N.

The department regularly held mass recreational activities in the system of industrial production of PCB Vostok Alekseytseva M.F., Miroshnikova R.I.; factory Elektrotochpribor and other enterprises.

Throughout the history of the department, many Ph.D. dissertations related to rehabilitation issues have been defended: Burovykh A.N. (1967), Kichigin V.S. (1985), Peshkova G.P. (1975), Polustruev A.V. (1985), Guliev N.A. (1996), Safonova Zh.B. (1980), Shavkun T.V. (1985), Blyudik V.S. (1990), Sergievich E.A. (1991), Miroshnikova R.I. (1982), Yakimenko S.N. (1995), Kuklicheva T.E. (1998); Artyomenko E.P. (1996), Medvedeva L.E. (1999), Kalinina I.N. (2003), Sorokina L.G. (2001), Nalobina A.N. (2005), Stotskaya E.S. (2012) and others.

Throughout the entire activity of the department, employees and teachers have prepared a large number of teaching aids, methodological developments, texts of lectures on exercise therapy, physical rehabilitation and therapeutic massage. A great contribution to the educational and methodological activities of the department was made by such teachers as Burovykh A.N., Peshkova G.P., Eremeev I.N., Manuylova I.L., Kurtev S.G., Dubeley G.S., Osipov A. .I., Lazareva L.A., Polustruev A.V. Nalobina A.N., Talamova and other teachers.

The department has an extensive lecture and methodological material. Equipped with modern training devices, specialized classrooms, audio and video equipment, developed educational videos based on program materials.

The department has a powerful material and technical base, including the Omsk School of Massage.

Students study a number of basic and additional disciplines. Having come to the university, students already have basic training received in secondary medical institutions. The largest volume of training sessions is devoted to the acquisition of knowledge in the field of rehabilitation. The educational process includes the study of both classical methods of rehabilitation with the help of massage, and the study of author's methods of rehabilitation. Theoretical provisions are further developed and consolidated in educational and clinical practices in medical institutions in Omsk.

In addition to training sessions, the department conducts extensive educational and cultural work. It has already become a tradition to hold the Initiation into Students evening, where senior students share the secrets of student life with newcomers. Graduation parties are also remembered for their colorfulness. Other holidays are regularly celebrated at the department and in groups.

Despite the fact that the department is not directly related to sports, students and teachers participate in the sports work of the university.Students annually participate in cross-country competitions, kettlebell lifting competitions, mini-football, swimming, basketball and others. Teachers of the department also participate in sports events.

In 2020, the IX Festival of Adaptive Physical Culture was held. This large-scale event brings together specialists in the field of adaptive sports, physical rehabilitation, and adaptive physical education. Within the framework of the Festival, competitions in the types of adaptive sports, competitions of professional skills, an Olympiad in adaptive physical culture and the All-Russian scientific and practical conference Actual problems of adaptive physical culture and sports are held.

The department carries out extensive scientific and methodological work. The results of the work of students and teachers allowed us to win prizes at student conferences both at our university and in other universities. Students have publications in collections of scientific articles.

The department has a modern research laboratory Medical and biological support of sports of the highest achievements.

To date, the Department of TM AFC occupies one of the leading places in the training of specialists in physical rehabilitation, adaptive sports.

Over the entire period of existence of the department, a large number of highly qualified specialists have been trained. Our graduates work in various medical and educational institutions not only in Omsk and the region, but also in Siberia and the Far East.

The department is a regional center for methodological developments in the field of physical rehabilitation. For many years, the department has carried out training, retraining and advanced training in physical rehabilitation, therapeutic physical culture and massage.

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Using outdoor games as a means of developing motor activity | Article in the magazine "Young scientist"


Using outdoor games as a means of developing motor activity

Chokotov, E. N. Using outdoor games as a means of developing motor activity / E. N. Chokotov, O. V. Fadeev. – Text: direct // Young scientist. – 2012. – No. 12 (47). -S. 607-609. – URL: (date of application: 05.05.2022).

The game is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity characteristic of man. With his formation in the modern world, a person owes a greatly to the game. By the game, it is customary to understand the conscious activity aimed at achieving the set conditional goal [1, p. eleven].

The game can be a means of self -knowledge, entertainment, rest, a means of physical and general social education, a means of sports. Games are a treasury of human culture. Their variety is huge. They reflect all areas of material and spiritual creativity of people. They can be divided into 2 large groups: mobile and sports. Sports games are the highest stage of development of outdoor games. They differ from the moving uniform rules that determine the composition of the participants, the size and marking of the site, the duration of the game, equipment and inventory, etc., which allows competitions of various scale. Competitions in sports games are in the nature of the wrestling and require participants in great physical stress and volitional efforts [4, p. 6].

The game has long been an integral part of a person’s life, it occupies leisure, brings up, satisfies the needs for communication, motor activity, and obtaining external information. Progressive Russian scientists – teachers, hygieneists (P.F. Zlesgft, A.P. Usov and many others) revealed the role of the game as an activity that contributes to qualitative changes in physical and mental development, which has a versatile effect on the formation of his personality.

Sports games are traditionally popular among all categories of the country's population due to the versatile effect on the human body, including emotional. Therefore, they serve as an effective means of physical education in a wide age range [2, p. 21].

A variety of movements and actions performed by participants in outdoor games are of great healing value. They contribute to strengthening the motor apparatus, improving the total metabolism, increasing the activities of all organs and systems of the body and are an active vacation, especially for persons engaged in intense mental activity.

Outdoor games relate to those manifestations of game activity in which the role of movements is pronounced. The sports game is characterized by creative active motor actions motivated by its plot (theme, idea).These actions are partially limited to the rules (generally accepted, established by the leader or playing). They are aimed at overcoming various difficulties along the path to achieving the goal (win, master certain techniques) [3, p. 22].

The most important result of the game is joy and emotional upsurge. It is thanks to this wonderful property of the game, especially with elements of competition, more than other forms of physical education, which are adequate to the needs of the body in motion. For a purposeful training of some muscle groups, along with outdoor games, playing exercises that do not have a complete plot, development of events (for example, relayers) can be used.

The diverse motor activity inherent in outdoor games, which carries the embryo of a sports competition, is extremely useful and even necessary for the proper development of the motor and psychological sphere and the education of personal qualities. Therefore, sports games are not only a means of full development of the body, but also wide open gates into the world of physical culture and sports [5, p. 6].

The most important feature of sports games is that they represent a universal type of physical exercises. Games classes affect the motor and mental sphere of those involved. The choice of behavior in constantly changing conditions of the game determines the wide inclusion of consciousness mechanisms in the processes of control and regulation. As a result, the strength and mobility of nervous processes increases, the functions of regulating the activity of all body systems with the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system are improved.

At the same time, game activity is difficult and variety of movements. As a rule, all muscle groups can be involved in them, which contributes to the harmonious development of the supporting engine apparatus.

The variability of game conditions requires the constant adaptation of the movements used to new situations. Therefore, motor skills are formed by flexible, plastic. Dexterity is being improved, the ability to create new movements from previously learned.

In game activity, the need for creativity inherent in a person finds its expression. The variety of game situations sets the playing a wide variety of tasks that require the right solution. The result and directly the process of solution itself bring to playing internal pleasure, causing the desire to experience it again and again [2, p. thirty].

Thus, the game is a process of satisfying the needs of an individual in physical and aesthetic activity, in creative, socially significant activities.

Movements are called games with relatively simple content, where natural movements are used, and the achievement of the goal is not associated with high physical and mental stresses.

The actions of the participants in the game are determined by its plot and are conscious acts of behavior due to the current game situation and the chosen way to resolve it. The actions of the players are of a competitive nature and are expressed in the desire to emerge victorious in every single combat and during the entire game.

Thus, gaming activity appears as a special kind of competitive activity between individual participants and teams. To resolve a particular game situation, participants use special actions called game techniques. These actions can be individual or collective [3, p. 28].

Each participant must master all the variety of individual actions in order to be able to resolve any situations that he encounters during the game. In the most frequently repeated situations, game skills are used, which are a fixed way to perform game techniques.

The actions of the players are distinguished by a special variety, but in each of them two interconnected sides can always be distinguished: external and internal. Under the external should be understood the chosen way of solving a motor problem, which has a certain motor structure, due to a specific situation and the laws of motion mechanics. The other side is made up of mental processes associated with choosing the right solution.

In the conditions of modern civilization, due to a sharp decrease in human motor activity, the role of systematic physical exercises, outdoor games increases [4, p. 34].

The importance of outdoor games in the education of physical qualities is also great: speed, dexterity, strength, endurance, flexibility. Games foster feelings of solidarity, camaraderie and responsibility for each other's actions. The rules of the game contribute to the education of conscious discipline, honesty, endurance, the ability to pull oneself in hand after a strong excitement, to restrain one's egoistic impulses.

In the institutes of physical culture, sports games are a special subject, including: history, theory, teaching methods, practical mastery of the technique and tactics of individual games, and the development of pedagogical skills. Each sports game has its own characteristics. At the same time, various sports games have initial features that allow them to be divided into certain groups: team and non-team, with direct contact with the enemy and without contact, with an additional projectile (stick, rocket, bat) and without it. When determining the influence of sports games on the body of those involved, as well as their significance in the system of physical education, it is necessary to proceed from the general characteristics of game actions. In outdoor games, a variety of movements and actions are used: walking, running, jumping, sudden stops, turns, various throwing and hitting the ball (puck).Players, appropriately using gaming techniques, strive together with their partners to achieve an advantage over the enemy, which is active. Outdoor games are one of the effective means that help relieve nervous tension and cause positive emotions.

Leshaft emphasized that the game, unlike strictly regulated movements (for example, gymnastics), is always associated with initiative moments of solving physical problems. The game is the need for restoration of both physical and spiritual forces. Outdoor games help not only in solving a number of special tasks, but also (bearing in mind the nature of the game activity) is always met by a good appointment with students, a new interest in training sessions. The game is an impetus for sports. Make a game or relay, i.e. Turn on the “emotional” lever from the students to continue training with desire and interest. In sports, games are widely used, the main content of which is to promote the development of strength, speed, dexterity and other qualities. The game is also the best output after training. The game is morally strong -willed education.

The game is rightfully occupied by one of the central places in the field of physical education. Only the game is both a means and method of physical education.

Game activity is characterized by a number of fundamental features that distinguish it from other types of human activity.

Game activity is active, creative, causing an integral reaction of the body. It takes place with the participation of all functional systems of the body with the leading role of mental processes and brain activity.

Game activity proceeds within the framework of certain targets, the achievement of which serves as an incentive motive for the actions of the players [5, p. 32].

The effectiveness of outdoor games for solving the problems of physical education largely depends on the conditions of their conduct – emotional saturation, a variety of motor content, the presence of a spacious room, a site, a sufficient amount of necessary objects and a creative approach to both players of games.

Kuramshin Yu.F. Theory and methodology of physical culture. Textbook. – M., Soviet Sport, 2007. – 320s.

Matveev L.P. and Novikov A.D. Theory and methodology of physical education. Textbook for physical education institutions. – M., “Physical Culture and Sport”, 1976. – 190 p.

Tailors Yu.I. Sports and outdoor games. Textbook for secondary special educational institutions of physical education. – M., “Physical Culture and Sports”, 1984. – 220s.

Shevchenko A.A., Perevshchikov Yu.A. Fundamentals of physical education. – Kyiv, publishing house of the School of School, 1984 – 280s.

Basic terms (generated automatically): game, game activity, physical education, action, motor apparatus, the action of the playing, the right solution, the body system, sports game, physical culture.

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Ishimbaysky sportsobraz

A review of sporting events over the past week.

Ishimbaysky sportsobraz

Ishimbaysky sportsobraz

From February 16 to 19, the championship and championship of the Russian Volxboxing FFO in the disciplines were held in Kazan: “full contact” and “K1”.

According to the results of the competition, Ishimbaets Ivan Orlov won first place, and Elena Samburskaya was the third.

From February 16 to February 20 in Ufa, the republican championship on Russian checkers among boys and girls under 14 years old was organized. 18 medals in three disciplines and 4 vouchers for the Russian Championship were played. 50 athletes from Ufa, Ishimbay, Sterlitamak and the Ufa district participated.

Ishimbaytsy became the owners of 8 medals: three gold, two silver and three bronze.

The first two places – at Milana Mustafina (Lyceum No. 12), Zlata Parakhina (school No. 2) won 1 gold and 1 bronze medals. Camilla Dautova (gymnasium No. 1) took the second and third places. Sofya Stepanova won a silver medal, and Rinat Kireev – bronze.

Milan Mustafina and Camilla Dautov won the trips to Samara, to the championship of the country. In total, the national team of the republic included 5 Ishimbaytsev.

From February 19 to February 20, tournaments dedicated to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland were held in Ishimbay. In three competitions, 62 shashists played. The winners in their age groups were Mikhail Trambukin, Kirill Skrynnik, Artyom Kamilla Ishmuratov, Asel Fakhrieva, Polina Barmina, Aydar Abdullin, Gleb Poroshin, Stanislav Mikhalev, Rufina Khubbitdinova, Milan Valieva, Samira Magadieva.

From February 19 to February 20, the inter -regional judo tournament among girls dedicated to the memory of A.A.'s memory was held in Sterlitamak. Shermanova and L.G. Shermanova. More than 100 athletes from different regions and cities of Russia, such as Moscow, Perm, Orenburg, Izhevsk, participated.

According to the results of the competition, the Ishimbay athlete Samira Kantyukova won a bronze medal.

On February 19, the next tour of the Bashkiria Championship on mini-football was completed among young men born in 2011-2012. Our players, representing a sports school No. 4, played with rivals from Sterlitamak. At first, the Ishimbai won the Sports School with a score of 3: 1, and then won at Atlantis 5: 2. Training our team R.V. Suyargulov.

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Irkutsk Trade Newspaper


Without a keyword

“The holidays are over, everyday life has caught up with us,” the Kalinov Most group sings. It seems that quite recently we bought New Year's gifts and made up a menu for the festive table, and now the time has come to clean up the Christmas tree until the next New Year. However, many have already taken the forest beauties out into the street, because collecting needles showering on the floor is still a pleasure, but those whose apartments are decorated with artificial spruce can take their time. Still, the tree in the room sets a certain mood, especially in the evenings, when you turn on the garland, and the room is lit up with flickering lights. In the evening, prepare a delicious cake – hearty or sweet¸ make a salad or roast and do not rush to drive away the holiday, because the monotonous winter days will still have time to get bored. By the way, dear readers, have you noticed how the day has already arrived? Even if only for a couple of tens of minutes, but nonetheless. And it is impossible not to say about the past earthquake with its numerous aftershocks. Worried, be honest? For example, this time I was more frightened than before, because the force of the shocks was rather big, and this dance of furniture continued decently. May there be fewer such “surprises” in the New Year, and more positive ones! We are now sharing some good news with you.

Cultural institutions are having a hard time right now. Here comes the tax burden

The Committee on Budget, Pricing, Financial, Economic and Tax Legislation of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region sent a draft federal law to the Council of Legislators of the Federal Assembly, which proposes to exempt cultural institutions that are autonomous institutions from advance income tax payments .

Rosconcert caught on false notes in the public procurement symphony

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation revealed procurement law violations at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture Rosconcert .

Ildar Uzbekov: In 2018, historical values ​​were also stolen in Europe

Rossiyskaya Gazeta published an interview with Ildar Uzbekov . Patron and co-owner of an art gallery in London commented on the incident with the theft of the painting Arkhip Kuindzhi Ai-Petri. Crimea from Tretyakov Gallery .

Russian cinema interested in colorful trio

The economic performance of domestic cinematography, which has been improving in recent years, is increasingly attracting the attention of lovers of easy money. Many have set their sights on the big investments that have begun to flow into the industry after record box office domestic films.

Legislation to be amended to take into account cultural public procurement

Head of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev promised that the legislation concerning competitions and purchases in the field of culture would be amended in the near future, taking into account the interests of theaters. He made a promise on Friday at the GITIS Educational Theater.

Hybrid policy for cello with an orchestra

On January 26, “Special Guest” (this phrase from official news) of the Irkutsk regional Philharmonic became a cellist Sergey Roldugin . He took part in concert of the Governor's Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Choir . The concert was dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust, which for some reason was not reported in the original news about Roldugin's performance in Irkutsk . International Memory of memory of the victims of the Holocaust It was the day after the concert, but in this case it does not matter.

Vladimir Putin called on the governors not to produce poverty. This is he about theaters

The network of state theaters in Russia can be optimized. This was stated Russian President Vladimir Putin In Yaroslavl at a meeting with theater figures. It is clear that the leaders of the territories now have a carte blanche to reduce subsidies for the foci of culture. And the local intelligentsia? Yes, what will happen to her: they’re grooming – and they will go further to drink vodka.

Monkulture offer: bookstores in theaters, libraries and museums

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation A bill will introduce to the State Duma, which will grant bookstores the right to rent premises in libraries, theaters, museums and other cultural institutions on preferential conditions.

The Krasnoyarsk authorities suddenly opposed the tour of the teenage group Fredson

AT Krasnoyarsk canceled Concert of the teenage group Frendzon . The organizers report that the cause of the city hall is the reason for the owners of the sites.

The city of Russia

Yuri Dudia No one needs to represent. This is the most discussed and most unable interviewer in modern Russia. A man is very talented and undead, with natural and unnatural gaps in education. Generously awarded by nature by the appearance of a complete moron and served by hairdressers who bring this gift of nature to true perfection. Yura recently interviewed a young rapper Gone.Fludd . The level of moronism of the creative pseudonym chosen by the rapper, of course, is also worthy of a high assessment. But the Irkutsk people in this interview may primarily be interested Chelyabinsk city .

Gospel of Mark

The second for October and the second consecutive is a memorial text. So fate ordered that – people left very significant, significant and iconic for the city of I. from the city cut off the piece. Irkutsk has become smaller twice in a row.

The monopoly was authorized in the public procurement For the sake of science and culture

State Duma adopted in third reading a law allowing scientific institutions realize State procurement The only supplier has.

On the code

So that there is no misunderstanding with the heading, I will quote the dictionary of the Russian Argo: « Hit on the code – (or go) to switch to the final part of the musical work, composition, to complete the performance of a musical work..

Cyclists plundered Russia

Yesterday I had a chance to work as a jury member at a youth debate. The debate took place between the team LenKom (Komsomol members, novice communists) and a team MGER (Young Guard, beginning United Russia). Political debates between future political stars are very interesting, I will definitely write a column about debates on occasion, but today about boiling point in which these debates took place. Because I was going to write about it for a long time.

The world through the eyes of youth – a piece of enthusiasm for everyone

Photo exhibition The World Through the Eyes of Youth ISU started exhibiting in Irkutsk Regional Library named after Molchanov-Sibirsky . The grand opening in the new comfortable urban space took place on September 7th.

A shrine in a junkyard or a junkyard in a holy place. A heartbreaking story about the protection of religions in Russia

Bayandaevsky District Court satisfied the claim of the environmental prosecutor's office to invalidate the decisions of the mayor of the district on the allocation of land for the construction of a landfill in the cult place of worship of the Buryat people Buryutyn Tude.

For speculation in culture it is proposed to punish mercilessly

Government of the Russian Federation contributed to State Duma a number of laws relating to the implementation and ticket refund for cultural and entertainment events.

Strength in the rules

In the city of I., kipish, or in a new way, it would be correct to say – hype. Oh God, Irkutsk Mayor's Office tearing down signs and posters from buildings ! What is especially terrible is that they are torn off, among other things, from buildings “recognized as objects of cultural heritage.” Signboards and posters, as you know, are the best way to preserve cultural heritage from damage. And they are liquidated, leaving the cultural heritage naked and defenseless against the natural and climatic conditions and the views of the townspeople. The fact is that from August 1, they began to act in Irkutsk. you will not believe! … regulations! And “the improvement rules approved by the Decision of the Duma of the city of Irkutsk regulate the placement of information materials: posters, announcements, leaflets, posters, printed messages, images and inscriptions only in specially designated places.” Just think, the city of Irkutsk is known throughout the universe as city without rules – intends to live by the rules.

Breathe, baby, this is our Dashi

AT Irkutsk Gallery of Modern Art Viktor Bronstein The opening of the exhibition took place on July 13 Dashi Namdakova Another dimension. Thanks to the prompt assistance of Sberbank, Irkutsk residents can be the first in the world to evaluate the new collection of the famous sculptor.

Sweet I. from the bitter city of I.

columnist , as a media genre, does not imply even the slightest manifestation of false modesty. Moreover, one of the reasons why serious people are fond of columnism is the well-known principle “if you don’t praise yourself, no one will praise you.”So, leaning not only to zeroled shyness, but also to the verified facts, responding to the frequently asked by local and nonresident the question of who invented the word book City I., I responsible directly and honestly: “I came up with. And I can tell how.

It is just right to write the opera: the Buryat Theater is accused of overspending funds for fabric

Violations of the Regulation on remuneration and premiuming employees The administration allowed Buryat Opera and Ballet Theater . The amount of unreasonable payments amounted to 63 million rubles.

High -quality fucking in Buryatia is undergoing money. In the name of identity!

Winner festival Yokhora Night in Buryatia He will receive 100 thousand rubles for the best dance performance. According to the organizers, today Yohr is performed everywhere, but not always correct. In this regard, the organizing committee of the festival intends to come to each team and conduct clarifications on the competitive program, position, as well as conduct consultations on the synchronous movement and songs, writes Vostok-Teleinform with reference to the press service Theater Baikal .


One of the dictionaries says: Fordybach – simple. To contradict, stubborn, boldly respond, arrogant. “With people like Petka,” he thought is dear, “you have to knock down right away FORS ; And then they will now begin to Fordybach ”(P.D. Boborykin,“ Vasily Terkin ”, 1892)”. Do not be surprised that Vasily Terkin in the example in the dictionary with a second -bit pre -revolutionary writer Boborykin, and not with the usual Soviet Alexander Twardowski. This is one of the most mysterious coincidences in the history of Russian literature. Tvardovsky named his combat merry fungi Vasily Terekin, completely unaware of Boborykin’s novel, whose hero was a reserved merchant Vasily Terkin.

Chinese investment project in Buryat forests: the local population persuades not to apply taboos

Public Council will be created in Zakamensky district of Buryatia To control the implementation of a large investment project for forest processing. Issues related to large projects were discussed on May 10 in the government. Participation in a meeting chaired by the deputy chairman of the Government for Economic Development Igor Zuraev Representatives of the district, deputies of the People’s Khural, employees of the Republican Forestry Agency, the Republican Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Natural Resources adopted. The meeting was also attended by the Director General LLC MTK-Jenkey who plans to do the implementation of the project, Lee Shubo . Recall that there was a very sharp situation when the plans of entrepreneurs from PRC (with the support of the authorities Buryatia ) came across a sharp distrust of the local population.

Buryat circus is torn to tourist attractions number one

Visit Circus of Buryatia They offered to include in tours for residents of the Irkutsk region and foreign tourists. Especially for this plastic Buryat show tour operators visited the Angara region, Vostok-Teleinform reports with reference to the press service of the circus.

Know your homeland: developers of cultural and educational tour routes will be rewarded with a ruble in Buryatia

Developers of the new cultural and educational route in Buryatia 150 thousand rubles will be awarded. The republican competition of projects “Know your Motherland”, which started in April, was established by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for the regions of the republic. This was announced at a government briefing today, May 7, by the Minister of Culture Soelma Dagaeva , writes Vostok-Teleinform.

New Irkutsk people

– I saw you on Saturday at the action Burn, Putin, in hell!.

– I was just passing by.

– Come on. You have the words Down with the autocracy! were on the forehead in neon style letters Irkutsk printed.

Longrid city, spire city…

Thanks to the hype that has arisen around the proposed developers from company Instead of the Irkutsk brand project . Thanks to the hype, those who like to jump up don't have to invent anything. You just need to approve the proposed product, or at least not join the general condemnation of it. And you will do well to yourself – a unique cucumber!

ISU Youth and Student Choir celebrates its 50th anniversary

This year the choir of youth and students Irkutsk State University celebrates its 50th anniversary. In honor of this significant event, the creative team invites Irkutsk people to a concert, which will be held on April 1. This was reported by the press service of the university.

Irkutsk University spoke about the history of its choirs

The anniversary website of Irkutsk State University has published another essay, this time dedicated to history of university choirs .

Sports Betting California

Irina Nechitailo: “When you are a good puppeteer, you can revive even a teapot”

Puppet theater actress on why the work of a puppeteer is similar to playing a musical instrument.

Irina Nechitailo: “When you are a good puppeteer, you can revive even a teapot”

Puppet theater actress on why the work of a puppeteer is similar to playing a musical instrument.

Irina Nechitailo: “When you are a good puppeteer, you can revive even a teapot”

The premiere of the children's performance The Dog That Couldn't Bark based on the fairy tale of the same name by the Italian writer Gianni Rodari took place in April at the Krasnoyarsk Puppet Theater. The main role in it was played by a young actress Irina Nechitailo. We talked to her about working in the theater.

– Irina, how can you contact a puppet theater artist? Are there any expressions that an actor might be offended by?

– There are reservations about puppet theater and puppet theater. When we studied, we ourselves said “puppet”, and they corrected us: “Ai-yay-yay, the puppet theater is a small house, and we are a puppet theater!” But now they are also calm about such an expression, and few people beat their chests with their fists for the “real” name. As for the name of the profession, both “puppeteer”, and “puppeteer”, and “puppet theater actor” are correct. We call ourselves that and that.

— How did you get into the profession?

– As a child, I didn’t know what a puppet theater was at all – I had never been to the Irkutsk Theater. Initially, I studied at a ballet school in Ulan-Ude, at the age of 16, due to illness, I had to give up ballet – I decided to become an actress. And that year, only puppeteers were recruited at the Irkutsk Theater School. At first I was upset – it seemed that these were some kind of “squirrel bunnies”, something hackneyed and uninteresting. I still decided to unlearn a year, and then transfer to a drama actor.

I was lucky: the master of the course was the chief director of the Irkutsk theater Aistenok Yuri Utkin, an incredible specialist in his field. It was he who showed us that the puppet theater can be completely different, and magic happens on the stage and it is not clear where the puppet ends and where the person begins. I fell in love with this magic and stayed. Although being a puppeteer is not easy. There are different types of puppets – puppets, glove, cane, muppets, finger puppets, flat ones … And each one needs to be mastered, so the puppeteer has a double load – he must play for himself and for that guy.

– It usually seems that playing in the puppet theater is not difficult: the actor stands, just moves the puppet and speaks in a squeaky voice.

– These are Soviet stereotypes. Now and the time is different, the artist must go to the “living plane”, where the actor and the puppet are partners. The performances have also changed a lot, and we do not hide behind a puppet – we sing, dance just like the actors of the drama. Again, it seems to me that it was fashionable then to make a voice like from a cartoon. At the moment, this is almost non-existent, the director most often repels the capabilities of the actor and his organics. The whole theatrical world strives for naturalness in the image, including in the puppet theater.

– I know that many viewers go to the theater to the actor.Is there such a thing in the puppet theater? Do they see you behind the doll?

– Not as often as in other theaters, but it happens. I remember that after the premiere of the play The Train, a girl came to me backstage and gave me a homemade unicorn. Her mother said that they go to me: “We love you very much and follow your performances. Your daughter sewed a unicorn for you.” It was very nice. Such situations are quite rare – in my practice there were a couple of such spectators. Children remember a bright doll rather than an actor. There was another story. In 2014, we staged the play My Magic Sock for the little ones. This production opened the baby scene for 24 spectators. Then a little spectator came to see me at the premiere. She also attended this performance in 2022. Eight years have passed, and already a 12-year-old girl came up to me and said that she was at that same premiere. At that moment, of course, I felt very strange: “What? How many years have passed? How old am I then?!”

– Do you have any favorite roles?

– Rather, favorite performances. My Magic Sock is my favorite. Firstly, this is a one-man show, you are alone on stage with a doll, there is nothing but you, a hero sock and a basket. No music or scenery. There are 12 children in front of you, and you have nothing and no one to hide behind. Then no one else did baby performances, and there was a feeling of jumping into an ice hole. You stand as if naked, and you need to fill the hall with your energy and keep the attention of the children throughout the performance. It seems to me that baby performances are a very important experience, it is not for everyone.

— Do puppeteers have “dream roles”? For example, every dramatic actor dreams of playing Hamlet.

“Puppeteers have the same dreams. The same Shakespeare is staged, and you want to play Hamlet or Ophelia. Or there is special material you want to play. For me, it's Maeterlinck's The Blue Bird. I love this fairy tale – it seems to me that the material is completely puppet. Ready to play any role.

– You have to get used to the role. Do you need to get used to the doll?

The doll is like a musical instrument. Even if you, for example, are a guitarist and already know how to play, you have to adapt to each new instrument. Same with the doll. You need to get used to her, find out how she walks, lies, sits, if she looks at you, then at what angle. And during the performance, when you bring your hero to the fore, then no one should pay attention to your face, at that moment you are not playing, but the character is in your hands.

– You said that there are many types of dolls with a variety of controls. What are your favorites?

– The most interesting for me are circus puppets. They are on strings, like regular puppets, but they have their own trick – for example, she can juggle or walk on her hands. Unfortunately, few people make such dolls, because it is quite expensive and difficult. But they are interesting for the artist in terms of puppetry.

When you're a good puppeteer, you can even bring a kettle to life. I am personally interested in working with small dolls.In the conditions of intimacy, every gesture must be verified. Probably, the ballet past affects – I dance with puppets. Of course, the huge reed puppets of the Chinese theater, such as the dragon, are also impressive.

– The theater recently hosted the premiere of the play The Dog That Couldn't Bark. What is the show about and why is it worth watching?

– The idea is very simple – how important it is to have your own voice. Once upon a time there was a Dog that did not meet other dogs. And she wanted to learn how to bark, but she did not know how to do it. And everyone she met tried to teach her in their own way: the Rooster – to crow, the Cuckoo – to crow, the Farmer generally believed that the Dog needed to keep quiet. And only after meeting another Dog, she realized what her voice should be. I would recommend everyone to watch the show. This is one of the few productions where there are no negative characters. All the characters have different personalities, and they are not evil. Lately I've been wondering how important this is. When there is a lot of aggression and negativity around, it is important to laugh at simple jokes and relax your soul a little.


Irina Nechitailo advised which performances in the puppet theater should be paid special attention to.

– The first performance for very young – All year round, about the seasons without words. A very lyrical performance.

— For children under 12 — The Dog That Couldn't Bark.

— For teenagers — “I am a fist. I AM ANNA. The performance makes you think. It's about how often they don't hear us. About bullying, school and your place in the world.

— For adults — Imaginary Sick for fun, or The Recluse and Six-Fingers for reflection.



Date and place of birth: January 1, Irkutsk

Education: In 2010 she graduated from the Irkutsk Theater School with a degree in Actor-puppeteer and head of the creative team (course master – Yuri Utkin).

Career: from 2010 to 2011 she worked in the troupe of the Irkutsk puppet theater Stork. In February 2011, she entered the service of the Krasnoyarsk Puppet Theater. From 2016 to 2018, she taught acting and was the developer of children's educational programs at the Open Youth University. She staged a private performance for the little ones Very Voracious Caterpillar. In 2018 she returned to the troupe of the Krasnoyarsk Puppet Theater.

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Health app.
With a healthy dose of updates.

The Health app is designed to help you keep all your important health information in one, safe, convenient place. And with iOS 15, we've added even more powerful features to this app. You'll find new ways to share data with loved ones, a new walking stability metric to assess your risk of falling, and lots of visual insights in the form of trends to help track changes in your health.

Health app
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It receives data from the iPhone, Apple Watch's built-in sensors, compatible medical devices, and apps that use HealthKit.

The Health app keeps your data safe and private. Your information is stored encrypted and does not leave your device. Your health information is always under your control.

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Give your loved ones the opportunity to monitor your health indicators – so you can all be calmer. That's why the Health app has new health sharing features. This is a powerful new way to keep in touch with those who are especially dear to you.

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Whether it's your family members or caregivers, you decide who you share your health information with in the Health app. Once they have access, they can see your mobility and activity data, trends, and more.

Learn about the health of all your.

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Open additional information. Health benefits.

Learn about the health of all your.

You will receive notifications of significant changes in metrics if they are in health data categories that are publicly available. For example, notifications about a sharp decrease in activity or about the occurrence of consistent trends, such as the normalization of blood pressure. You can also receive the same notifications that your loved one receives, such as pulse notifications, including irregular heart rhythms.

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Open additional information. All about you.

All about you.

Interactive diagrams show you how your health data changed over time. The same diagrams allow you to study the data in more detail. For example, with their help you can evaluate how actively you moved on a certain day, a week or a month. Or you can choose your favorite type of training, and then see the frequency of heart contractions during the lesson.

Look after your trends.

A new advanced analysis of trends helps to see how your indicators – for example, blood sugar, pulse or breathing frequency – change over time. And if a new trend is found in your data, you can get a notification about this.

Follow sleep wisely.

Pay increased attention. You can configure the sleep schedule and create a set of fast commands that will come in handy when going to bed. And you can also check how regularly you manage to achieve your goal by the duration of sleep.

Measurements of breathing frequency in a dream.

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More apps. More information.

The “Health” application can receive data from tens of thousands of third -party applications that help to form healthy habits – to monitor nutrition, conduct meditations, engage in fitness, and so on.

Open additional information. More apps. More information.

More apps. More information.

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The sensors of your Apple Watch and iPhone collect data that allow you to calculate mobility indicators. For example, the value of asymmetry when walking. Such information helps to better understand the general state of your health.

Open additional information. A serious step for your mobility.

A serious step for your mobility.

In the “Health” application, you can see the values ​​of your cardiophability, walking speed, rise speed and launching the stairs, as well as a predicted walking distance for a special six -minute dough. Thus, you get easy access to important indicators of your health.

The new indicator Stability when walking.

Using the indicator “stability when walking”, you can evaluate balance, strength and gait. Now you can receive notifications if the level of your stability when walking becomes low or very low, that is, the risk of falling will increase.

Open additional information. The new indicator Stability when walking.

The new indicator Stability when walking.

Traditional methods for evaluating equilibrium, stability and risk of falling suggest a visit to a specialized clinic and filling the questionnaire. Now another way has appeared. Just carry the iPhone with you, and soon you will find out what your level of stability when walking: normal, low or very low. And in the “Health” application you can see exercises that help improve stability when walking.

The phases of the cycle are easy to track.

The “Tracking of the Cycle” application helps record information about the menstrual cycle, indicate symptoms such as cramps in the lower abdomen, and note additional factors, such as breastfeeding. The application can also predict when the next cycle or a favorable period for conception will begin. 2

Open additional information. The phases of the cycle are easy to track.

The phases of the cycle are easy to track.

The “Health” application creates visual graphs that help to quickly evaluate the duration and feature of each cycle. And now it now uses heart rate data that comes from Apple Watch to improve their own forecasts.

Reliable protection of personal data is based on everything.

We create more and more opportunities to share health data. But everything is based on confidentiality. All functions are developed taking into account personal data. Information about your health does not leave your device and is encrypted when you block it using a code of a code. Information transmission occurs in an encrypted form. Your data is always under your control.

Health data is protected.

The “Health” application allows you to store all the important information about your health in a single, safe and convenient place on your device.

Open additional information. Health data is protected.

Health data is protected.

When you block the phone using the Code -Parol, all the data of the “Health” applications with information about your health and the body – with the exception of the medical card – are encrypted.Information about your health is automatically synchronized on all your devices using iCloud. In this case, the transfer and storage of data in the cloud is made only in encrypted form. Applications that need access to Healthkit are required to familiarize the user with their confidentiality policy – be sure to study such a document before giving access to information about your health and body.

Under your personal control.

Only you decide what information should be stored in the “Health” application, which applications are discovered by access to your data and which people you allow you to receive information about your health.

Sports Betting California

Interview with Nikita Kobelev: it seems to me that the public always lacks strong experiences – W

Interview with Nikita Kobelev: it seems to me that the public always lacks strong experiences we managed to talk with director Nikita Kobelev, who recently released the premiere in

Interview with Nikita Kobelev: it seems to me that the public always lacks strong experiences

We managed to talk with director Nikita Kobelev, who recently released the premiere in the Mayakovsky Theater. “Tales of the Vienna Forest” is a new work of the young director based on the play by Eden von Horvat, not so famous for the general public in Russia.

– Nikita, you have the glory of the dramatic pioneer, in particular, for the theater. Mayakovsky. Tell us what your preferences are connected with? Do not like Chekhov and Ostrovsky?

– I rather like unintended material more, like the opportunity to tell a new story. Chekhov and Ostrovsky are wonderful authors, I have plans to someday touch them.

In fact, I do not try to choose something new on purpose; I just look, read a lot of plays. And, of course, something fresh, unknown is always interesting. The material is important to me, and I think a lot about it, it is important that he hurts me. For example, I read the text for the “Tales of the Vienna Forest” four years ago, but only now I put it. If during such a time the texts did not disappear from my head, but constantly attended nearby, and I returned to them in my thoughts, it means that they have something real.

In addition, it seems to me that some authors are worth opening here. We do not know about many beautiful texts, and it seems to me to introduce the viewer to them a very curious task. At least in order not to go to theaters around 5-6 main names, but still new plays arose.

“Tales of the Vienna Forest” is just a wonderful play, and was not implemented in Russia undeservedly, although it was translated in the 80s. Apparently her time has not yet arrived at that moment.

– Four years! You always keep the material on an internal check for so long?

-Sometimes it is just that you need to realize something. You read and understand that you are ready to put this right now. And there are texts with which you work gradually. For example, the man who took his wife for a hat.

– Yes, you surprised the audience with a staging of Oliver Sax. How will you surprise the audience with your new work?

– (laughs) It seems to me that the play von Horvat is very acute. She is about different generations-gives a holistic portrait of Viennese society on the threshold of fascism and the economic crisis of the 30s. And, of course, written with such black humor.

The text explores human nature and its crisis. Its transformations. When we took up work, the actors said that a lot in the play is in tune with what they are happening in their lives, what they think about ..

At the same time, there are a lot of associations and references in the play (some even see the echoes of the film “Dislike”), many layers: love, family, public, religious.And dramatic – the girl, the heroine of the play Marianne, moves from purity to darkness, due to various life circumstances.

How was the rehearsal process going? Did the actors manage to capture the characters right away?

– It took some time to figure out who will play whom. And after successful joint readings, everything went forward.

Was there a complete understanding?

“It never happens that everything goes very smoothly. And here the material itself presupposes a certain acting courage, expense. Yes, perhaps, in comparison with European trends, everything is quite restrained. But for us, for the Mayakovsky Theater, there are some sharp things that the actors have not done here yet.

– Do you think our audience will be ready to accept your performance?

“If I did everything thinking about whether the audience is ready to accept…
It seems to me that the public always lacks strong experiences. And if we manage to create these experiences, I will be glad. At the same time, I think there will be people who, like me, will be interested in different layers of the performance. I think there is a viewer who is waiting for such a theater.

– Do you remember the moment when you staged the first performance at the Mayakovsky Theater at the invitation of M. Karbauskis? Did you feel at the time that this story would have a sequel?

– When I felt that there was such an opportunity, I admitted to myself that I would like to stage more in this theater. We previously discussed with Mindagaus that if the performance is successful, there will be an opportunity to cooperate. And everything happened even before the premiere of “People's Love” – Mindaugas watched the run-through and offered to work further. This is how we have been working all these years.

– Remembering yourself at that moment, what can you say about yourself today? How has the director Nikita Kobelev changed? Has there been a creative transformation?

– When I felt that there was such an opportunity, I admitted to myself that I would like to stage more in this theater. We previously discussed with Mindagaus that if the performance is successful, there will be an opportunity to cooperate. And everything happened even before the premiere of “People's Love” – Mindaugas watched the run-through and offered to work further. This is how we have been working all these years.

Let's give the public a chance to appreciate it.

– And who are you interested in as a director now? Whose work are you interested in seeing?

— This question is often asked. In recent years, I really like the work of a person who is banned from entering Russia, Alvis Hermanis. I saw his work not only here, but also in Riga. I like his sense of the theater, proportionality to a person and mild aggressiveness at the same time. I always look forward to the performances of Robert Lepage, Michael Thalheimer is also very interesting.

– Last season, the term “immersive” set the teeth on edge, there were many attempts to present this direction of theatrical art. Are you interested in this area?

– We did one performance – Decalogue – more of a promenade than an immersive theater.For me, the immersion theater in the attraction is located. Indeed, for the viewer this is a new experience, but what is it from the theater, and what about the attraction?

– Does the word attraction have a negative connotation here?

– Well, why, no. I just will not call a blockbuster copyright cinema. Although I watched the council of a little immersive performances to make a judgment, but nevertheless, it seems to me that in the form in which there is an immortal theater now, at least in Russia, this is an attraction where the form is more important than the content. The viewer does not go to him because he is interested in the topic, the game of actors or the director, but for the sake of new sensations. I see how people respond to this new form, for them this is interesting experience and experiences. But this is like a 3D ocher-they tried everything, but only James Cameron in Avatar managed to use competently. The rest tried to repeat, then everyone was tired, and everyone returned to 2D format. The attraction only in skillful hands becomes art.

– In the plans, apparently, you do not have such a form?

-There is no wrong one yet, but, for example, I am interesting, the promenade theater. Experience with the Decalogue turned out to be very curious. The performance is 3 hours and 40 minutes without an intermission. And people do not get tired-they are absolutely included in action, and in the final everyone always get up for some reason. That is, apparently, the form of transition from one scene to another turns off fatigue at some point.

“What do you think, could“ Tales … ”be suddenly immersive?”

– No I do not think so. Let there are many different places of action.

“A man who took his wife for a hat” could probably become a prospector. But, first of all, it is necessary to understand why to turn the performance into a fermentation. For the Decalogue, the task was to open the scene on the Sretenka, to “hold” people, as it were, the streets of this area, and, at the same time, the theater itself – therefore, this form turned out to be organic

– You said that you prefer to give time to the material to postpone in your head and you are ready to return to it if it is relevant. Are there any ideas for the future today?

-There are 2-3 ideas that I have in my head. I hope some of them come true next season.

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