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Fedorovskoye tosnensky district how to get there – Interesting places and popular routes

Fedorovskoye tosnensky district how to get How to get to Annolovo in Tosnenskiy Rayon by bus or minibus? Directions to Annolovo (Tosnenskiy Rayon) with public transportation

Fedorovskoye tosnensky district how to get there

How to get to Annolovo in Tosnenskiy Rayon by Bus or Shuttle?

Directions to Annolovo (Tosnenskiy Rayon) with public transportation

Questions and answers

These Bus lines stop near Annolovo: 493.

Public Transportation to Annolovo in Tosnenskiy Rayon

Thinking of a trip from Annolovo to Tosnenskiy Rayon, Russia?

Finding your way to Annolovo just got a whole lot easier with Moovit! Find your nearest stop and get directions using the Moovit or Moovit desktop app.

You can take a bus or minibus to get to your destination. These routes pass near Annolovo: (Bus) 493.

Looking for a stop near your destination? Try one of these options: Annolovo.

Do you use the bus app to check the bus schedule? And the timetable for the trains to see the timetable of the trains? With Moovit you have all the information you need in one free app!

Moovit helps you find the best route to Annolovo with the most up-to-date timetables. Install the app to get turn-by-turn directions on your trip, as well as discover the expected arrival time of transport in Real Time and see which route will get you to Annolovo the fastest. Install Moovit and you'll see why this app has made it to the top transport apps list on Google Play and the App Store.

How to get to Annolovo in Saint Petersburg by Bus or Shuttle?

Directions to Annolovo in Saint Petersburg with public transport

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Annalovo

How to get to Annolovo by Bus?

Click on the bus route to see step-by-step instructions with maps, arrival times and updated schedules.

What are the closest stations to Annolovo?

The closest stations to Annolovo are:

Which Bus lines stop near Annolovo?

Public Transportation to Annolovo in Saint Petersburg

Looking for a way to get to Annolovo in Saint Petersburg, Russia? Your trip is now easier than ever!

Download the Moovit App to find the fastest way! View the updated timetable for the bus or minibus to Annolovo. Discover the latest schedules for all available rides from Annolovo with real-time turn-by-turn directions.

The Moovit app tells you about stations and stops near your destination. Choose from a list of stops closest to Annolovo: Annolovo.

Choose bus or minibus options to get to Annolovo. Here are some routes that pass nearby: (Bus) 493.

Want to get to Annolovo and vice versa, but do not know the exact address? Knead the destination on the map and Moovit will help you find better routes to the desired point!

Moovit helps to find the fastest and most convenient route and the most convenient departure time. You no longer need to use a bus application to find a bus schedule, and an application for trains to find a racket of electric trains. In Moovit you will find all the transport information that you need! That is why the Moovit application is included in the list of the best transport applications according to Google Play and Apple Store.

Anno? Lovo (Fin. Anola) – a village in the Fedorovsky city settlement of the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region. Wiki

Route Pavlovsk – the village of Fedorovskoye

With the help of our site, you can lay the route of the Pavlovsk movement – the village of Fedorovskoye both in a car and on public traffic (bus, train). All routes are formed on the basis of Yandex and Google services. We are glad that our service turned out to be useful to you and you were able to find out how to drive by car from Pavlovsk (Russia) to the village of Fedorovskoye (Russia).

The distance between Pavlovsk and the village of Fedorovsky

If you go on the road by car, then the distance between Pavlovsk, Pushkin district, St. Petersburg and the village of Fedorovskoye, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region is 12.6 km.

Travel costs

Distance in a straight line

Distance along the road

The beginning of the route
v Less than 1 minute – 0 km
Village Pioneer, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region, Russia Less than 1 minute 0 km
v Less than 1 minute – 0.5 km
Cottage village of Slavyanka Villa, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region, Russia Less than 1 minute 0.5 km
v 4 minutes – 3.4 km
Cottage village Pavlovsky Park, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region, Russia 5 minutes 3.9 km
v 9 minutes – 3.5 km
Glinka village, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region, Russia 14 minutes 7.4 km
v 8 minutes – 5.1 km
Garden partnership Slavyanka, Gatchinsky district, Leningrad region, Russia 23 minutes 12.6 km

Fuel consumption calculator:


We selected several options for air tickets for this route. The search for air tickets was carried out taking into account the price, time of departure. If you want to buy an inexpensive ticket Pavlovsk – the village of Fedorovskoye or on another route, then follow the link.

Train tickets

Need inexpensive railway tickets in the village of Fedorovsky or in Pavlovsk? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Railway tickets in Russia.

Bus tickets

Need inexpensive tickets for intercity or international buses in the village of Fedorovsky or to Pavlovsk? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Tickets for intercity buses.

The nearest airports to the village of Fedorovskoye

The nearest airports to Pavlovsk


Need to choose and book an inexpensive hotel in the village of Fedorovsky or to Pavlovsk? On our site there is a convenient resource of online booking hotels. Just follow the link to the hotel selection page.

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Taxi in Fedorovskoye

You can order a taxi in Fedorovskoye at a 10%discount. In order to use this offer, fill out and send the order form, or call the phone? +7 (812) 648-21-21 (promotional code: TUEY)

Let's return 10.8 rubles. On a bonus account to pay for subsequent trips.

min. Distance: km.

The cost of a taxi St. Petersburg-Fedorovskoye

Auto class St. Petersburg-Fedorovskoye
(or vice versa)
St. Petersburg-Fedorovskoye-St. Petersburg
Economy 1200 2340
Comfort 1320 2570
Universal 1410 2750
Minivan 1910 3720
Business Class 1910 3720
Minibus 3240 6320

The price is relevant in any direction! The best price: 1200 rubles.

Information about the village of Fedorovskoye

  • Population: about 3 thousand people
  • Status: Village
  • Enters in: Tosnensky municipal district
  • Subject of the Federation: Leningrad region
  • Main transport highways: Naberezhnaya streets, new, field, postal, industrial, central, highway
  • The nearest railway station: 34 km

Fedorovskoye – a village in the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region, the administrative center of the Fedorovsky rural settlement. The Fedorovsky Posad was formed during the time of Peter the Great and is in an environmentally friendly area, far from harmful production facilities and overloaded highways. Nearby is the forest zone and the Izhora River. The Palace-Park Museum-Reserve Pavlovsk is only a 5-minute car.

The village is located 1.5 km from the border with the Pushkin district of St. Petersburg, has convenient transport ties with the city and road highways (Rossiya Road, the Yam-Izhora road). You can get to St. Petersburg not only through the Moscow highway, but also through the city of Pavlovsk, Pushkin and further along the St. Petersburg and Pulkovo highway. In the village, bus communication is carried out with Pavlovsky and St. Petersburg. A 10 -minute drive is Pavlovsky Station. On the train, you can get from the city of Pavlovsk to the Vitebsk station (Art. Pushkinskaya) in 40 minutes.

The cost of a taxi from Pulkovo Airport to Fedorovskoye

City Economy Comfort Universal Minivan Business Class Minibus
Fedorovskoye 850 950 1020 1410 1410 2630

St. Petersburg-Fedorovskoye (rest)-St. Petersburg

Sale of an apartment in Fedorovsky, Tosnensky district

Residential complexes of Fedorovsky

1440000 RUB from 1,440,000 rubles.

Nikolskoye G, Pervomaiskaya St., 1.

1750000 RUB from 1,750,000 rubles.

3150000 RUB from 3,150,000 rubles.

D. Fedorovskoye, st. Postal, 11.

2100000 RUB from 2,100,000 rubles.

With Nikolskoye, MKRN B

3100000 RUB from 3,100,000 rubles.

Telmana P, Ladoga B.

Fedorovskoye D, Pochtovaya St., 11, building 1.

Tosno g, Oktyabrskaya St.

Nikolskoye g, st. Dachnaya, st. Garden, Soviet.

Tosno G, M. Gorky St., 19, Ph.D.

Sorting: by rating

Not far from the Pavlovsky Park, a two -room apartment is sold near the transport interchange and a public transport stop.Developed near the house. fully

No. 254256 Bright warm angular apartment, 3.5 km from Pavlovsk in the well -maintained and comfortable G.P. Fedorovskoye. Good condition, glazed loggia. fully

No. 236217 near the city of Pavlovsky in the city of P. Fedorovskoye (two km from the Pavlovsky Park) for a three -room apartment on the second floor of a five -story building is sold. fully

No. 255558 is a chic, spacious and very warm apartment with excellent repair. Double -glazed windows. They did everything for themselves. Good energy. More than 3 years. All documents. fully

A 2-room apartment is sold, the location of the village of FEDOROVSKOY, Tosnensky district. Pavlovsk (5 min. Transport) and Pushkin. Direct minibus to m. Completely

I will sell 1 by sq.m. with renovation in Fedorovsky (Tosnensky district of Len. Obl.) 30 min. from metro Kupchino, 2 floor. 2-storey brick house, total. 32.9 m, room. 18m. fully

2015 EMLS ID 1310620 was built. The low -rise area Happiness is located in the village of Fedorovskoye, Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region in the direct. fully

ATTENTION. Apartment for the price of the developer. This is already property. Want to live in your home and in the city. But you think that it is too expensive. fully

On sale 3 sq. In Fedorovsky, Central St. (10 minutes from Pavlovsk), 2nd floor, direct sale, documents are ready. Nobody lives in the apartment, from furniture. fully

No. 210851 (79) Comfortable 3KV 3.5 km from Pavlovsk, a successful layout and location, glazed loggia. Convenient transport communication and developed. fully

No. 214879 (23) in the village. Fedorovskoye (the closest suburb of St. Petersburg) on ​​the street. The central is a three -room apartment with an area of ​​54 sq.m. Rooms area. fully

No. 207025 (79) good 2kkv at 3.5 km. From Pavlovsk in a promising settlement with developed infrastructure and an excellent message with St. Petersburg. Counter purchase. fully

Want to buy an apartment in a new building?

Indicate the search criteria

No. 208083 (79) good 2kkv at 3.5 km. From Pavlovsk in a promising settlement with developed infrastructure and an excellent message with St. Petersburg. Counter purchase. fully

No. 181538 (79) Bilateral apartment 3.5 km from Pavlovsk. Developed infrastructure, convenient transport communication. Without a balcony, windows to the north and south. fully

No. 191096 (23) One-room apartment on the 4th floor of a five-story building in 1995 In the village with developed infrastructure (school, kindergarten, clinic, shops. Completely

In the basis of 2 ads for the sale of real estate in the village of Gory in the Leningrad region, cost from to the average cost of the property – (average price per 1 sq. Meter –

Schedule of average prices for the sale of apartments. Fedorovsky village

Type of real estate Medium. price Change from 04.10.2020 Price scatter (as of 09/19/2020)
Apartments in a new building 2 011 172 rub. + 279 094 rub. 1 675 000. 2 295 000 rub. For the object
Apartments Second 2 498 712 rub. + 11 949 rub. 950 000. 4 900 000 rub. For the object
Type of real estate Medium. Price m 2 Change from 04.10.2020 Price scatter (as of 09/19/2020)
Apartments in a new building 51 106 rub. + 8 248 rubles. 1 675 000. 2 295 000 rub. For the object
Apartments Second 58 473 rub. + 3 032 rub. 950 000. 4 900 000 rub.Engineering systems for country houses ??


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Fedorovskoye tosnensky district how to get there
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Sports Betting California

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FIFA 14 → Files

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Download 1945 original persons from EA Sports from FIFA 19, converted for FIFA 14 installation: 1) Copy the contents of the archive in the game folder; 2) We make the regeneration of files in the Creation Master 14, or File Master 14..

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In liva you can find about the same number of markets as in the prematch. Fartbeth rolls up to 60 options for tennis prestigious tournaments. Enough markets for separate sets, there are enough offers for handicaps and total. In Live, the bookmaker sometimes includes up to 70 positions on tennis.

Basketball paintings on the Fartbet website contain up to 80 markets. Naturally, the most proposals for fights of the National Basketball Association and the Euroleague. More than half of the bets on the handicap and total, which is understandable.

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Horse Betting

The Euroleague canceled two guest matches of Zenit BC because of Covid-19

The team from the banks of the Neva was temporarily suspended from participation in the European tournament. As it became known on October 13, the Euroleague canceled two guest matches of the Zenit BC with the Spanish clubs Baskonia and Valencia because of the coronavirus. Matches were supposed to take place on October 13 and 15, respectively. “Several players of Zenit gave a positive result on the COVID -19, while the list of admission did not have at least eight players suitable for the game,” the League official website says.

The Euroleague canceled two guest matches of Zenit BC because of Covid-19

BC Zenit

© Basketball Club Zenit

The team from the banks of the Neva was temporarily suspended from participation in the European tournament.

As it became known on October 13, the Euroleague canceled two guest matches of the Zenit BC with the Spanish clubs Baskonia and Valencia because of the coronavirus. Matches were supposed to take place on October 13 and 15, respectively.

“Several players of Zenit gave a positive result on the COVID -19, while the list of admission did not have at least eight players suitable for the game,” the League official website says.

The decision on the fate of matches will be made by a disciplinary authority in accordance with the special regulations of the Euroleague adopted in connection with Covid-19.

According to the St. Petersburg team, eight players fell ill with coronavirus: Arthrats Gudaitis, Anton Pushkov, Vladislav Trushkin, Austin Hollinz, Mateush Ponitka, Igor Volkhin, Bill Baron and Kevin Pangi, as well as four members of the coaching staff: Javier Paskual (head coach), Ingigo Zorzano , Sergey Voznyuk, Yaroslav Yalovchuk and masseur Andrey Kozlov. All infected are in isolation and under the constant control of doctors.

Recall, at the end of last week, Zenit BC announced the identification of three Covid services in the team. However, then this did not prevent the basketball players from playing in St. Petersburg with the Spanish Barcelona, ​​winning 74:70.

Nfl Betting

Euro 2020: schedule of 1/8 finals, latest news, score

Of the 24 teams at the European Championship 2020/2021, 16 are left. Tomorrow, Wales and Denmark will find out who will get a ticket to the ¼ finals of Euro 2020/2021 06/25/2021, Sputnik Kazakhstan

European Football Championship 2020: schedule of matches of the 1/8 finals

Schedule of matches of the 1/8 finals of Euro 2020 - Sputnik Kazakhstan, 1920, 06/25/2021

The European Championship 2020/2021 gave a lot of emotions already at the group stage. Tomorrow, June 26, the 1/8 finals begin, where the most interesting things will happen. We present to your attention the Sputnik Kazakhstan infographic on the date and time of the matches.

  • June 26, 22:00: Wales v Denmark (Amsterdam Arena, Netherlands)
  • 26 June, 01:00: Italy v Austria (Wembley, London)
  • 27 June, 22:00: Netherlands v Czech Republic (Puskas Arena, Budapest)
  • 27 June, 01:00: Belgium v ​​Portugal (Olympico de Sevilla v La Cartuja, Sevilla)
  • 28 June, 22:00: Croatia v Spain (Parken, Copenhagen)
  • 28 June, 01:00: France v Switzerland (National Stadium, Bucharest);
  • 29 June, 22:00: England v Germany (Wembley, London)
  • 29 June, 01:00: Sweden v Ukraine (Hampden Park, Glasgow)

Match times are specified in Nur-Sultan time.

Recall that eight teams have already left the tournament: Turkey, Russia, Poland, Hungary, North Macedonia, Scotland, Finland and Slovakia.

Sports Betting Maryland

Everton – Chelsea |

It’s time to play football without a kevard! Finally, the transfer window closed, and football clubs, managers and football players themselves will be able to engage in their immediate duties-

Without Kevordo

It's time to play football!

Finally, the transfer window closed, and football clubs, managers and football players themselves will be able to engage in their immediate duties-to provide their fans with quality football.

In the Saturday of Saturday, two teams will converge on the Saturday evening, whose transfer questions distracted them from the game in August. The Liverpool “Blue” were destabilized by the situation taking place with the two team leaders: Maruan Fellyni and Leighton Bens, whom the former coach wanted to lure with him into the “Red Devils”. And I am practically sure that in the first place in Martinez’s thoughts was the question: how to hold their best players and by whom to replace them?

While the London blue, without losing anyone, could not decide on the position of the main striker for the season. A fairly conservative and gravitating style of the game Jose Mourinho involves the presence of one striker on the field, capable of clinging to balls and realizing assumiral moments close to one hundred percent. It is obvious that the Portuguese Demba and Romeo Lukaku, the Demba Ba and Romeo Lukaku, have not been meeting the requirements, and therefore he tried to buy another “Didier Drogba” in the last days of the transfer window. The choice fell on the one’s available at that moment. And the Saga about the transition of Rooney did not add stability in the team.

Now it is time to show what the compositions available to the coaches are capable of.

The match is checking.

The upcoming match I see a real check for both one and the other team. Did the coaches solve all the problems with the compositions? The game should show what the teams claim to be in the season and how they themselves position themselves in the English championship.

Mourinho will finally meet an opponent, in the game with whom you can show what football Chelsea will play. Why are the first three games not so indicative in this regard? Yes, all on the same issues with the composition. The first two games Portuguese looked at the players of his team, experimented with an attack. Well, visiting Manchester, the game of retention 0 – 0 was obvious and predictable. Everton is a completely different matter. The Liverpool team for many seasons lives at the top of the standings and does not look like an unconditional outsider in the game with Chelsea, but it is not as strong as Manchester United. Chelsea is obliged to go for three points. Will the new “old” coach be able to play from the standpoint of strength? Or will the Londoners build a “bus” with more or less strong rivals the whole season?


Everton, although he began the season without defeats, did not win a single victory in three meetings.Although I could win at least two, but something was missing: either luck or concentration. Now, there seems to be nothing to be distracted. Baines remained with the team, and Fellaini was replaced by two very good players: Barry and Lukaku. In my opinion, having these two guys in the team is better for Everton than one Marouane. And the support zone is covered, and the attack is strengthened! True, Lukaku's loan agreement between Chelsea and Everton states that the young striker has no right to play against the Londoners. However, for sure, Martinez must show everyone that he is able not only to save teams from relegation, but also to fight them for high places and the European Cup zone. The match against Chelsea at home is a great opportunity to showcase your coaching skills.


Unfortunately, I don't expect more goals from this game. Most likely, we will see very viscous and power football. Liverpool are smart enough not to throw themselves at such a formidable opponent with an open visor, but the Londoners will not attack without looking back, realizing that their opponents are not whipping boys. The outcome of the match may well be decided by one goal. And I'm ready to bet that this goal will be scored by the guests somewhere in the middle of the second half.

Online Betting Sites

This day in sports history.

This day in sports history. Sports section

Without a keyword

We will post interesting facts from the history of sports in this thread, and probably the birthdays of athletes.

Fanny Blankers-Kun (Holland), 1918 – Athletics. Multiple Olympic champion in 1948 in the 100m, 200m, 80m hurdles, 4x100m relay.

Georgy Mondzolevsky, 1934 – volleyball. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, two-time Olympic champion and world champion.

Elizabeth Chase (Zimbabwe) 1950 – field hockey. Olympic champion in 1980.

Ulrika Knape (Sweden), 1955 – diving. Olympic champion in 1972.

Alexander Zavarov, 1961 – football. Midfielder of the national team, Kyiv Dynamo and Juventus. Winner of the Cup Winners' Cup in 1986, winner of the UEFA Cup in 1990, multiple champion and winner of the USSR Cup, winner of the Italian Cup in 1990.

Valentina Ognienko, 1965 – volleyball. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Olympic champion in 1988.

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April 27


Valery Maslov, 1940 – bandy, football. Dynamo Moscow player, multiple world and USSR champion, multiple winner of the European Champions Cup in bandy. Champion of the USSR in 1963, two-time winner of the USSR Football Cup.

Franz Roth (Germany), 1946 – football. Midfielder of the national team and Bayern Munich. Repeated winner of the European Cup, winner of the 1967 Cup Winners' Cup, multiple champion and winner of the German Cup.

Alexander Melentiev, 1954 – shooting. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Olympic champion in 1980.

April 27, 1974 was born Alexander Tochilin, Dynamo Moscow player.

Andreas Gregor (GDR), 1955 – rowing. Olympic champion in 1980.

Mike Neal (USA), 1970 – baseball. Olympic champion in 2000.

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On April 28, 1902, the English football club Manchester United was founded.

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Victor Bannikov, 1938
– football. Goalkeeper of the national team, Kyiv Dynamo and Moscow Torpedo. Repeated champion and winner of the USSR Cup.

Dainis Kula, 1959
– Athletics. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Olympic champion in 1980 in javelin throw.

Walter Zenga (Italy), 1960
– football. Goalkeeper of the national team and Milan Inter. Two-time UEFA Cup winner, Italian champion in 1989.

Olga Slyusareva, 1969
– cycling. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Olympic champion in 2004, multiple world and European champion.

Diego Simeone (Argentina), 1970
– football. Midfielder of the national team, Atlético Madrid, Inter Milan and Lazio. Two-time winner of the Copa America, winner of the UEFA Cup in 1998, champion and winner of the Spanish Cup in 1996, champion and winner of the Coppa Italia in 2000.

Hamish Carter (New Zealand), 1971 – triathlon. Olympic champion in 2004.

Rosalia Galieva, 1977
– gymnastics. Honored Master of Sports, Olympic champion in 1992.

Bradley Wiggins (Great Britain), 1980
– cycling. Olympic champion in 2004.

Dmitry Torbinsky, 1984
– football. Midfielder of the national team, Moscow Spartak and Lokomotiv.

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Stages of development of Yaroslavl football

Stages in the development of Yaroslavl football The birth of the game Local sports history says that the first football team in Yaroslavl was the Railway football club, organized as

Stages of development of Yaroslavl football

The birth of the game
Local sports history says that the first football team in Yaroslavl was the Railway football club, organized, as the Northern Territory wrote, exclusively from the youth of railway workers. Almost simultaneously, a second football team appeared under the Young Life society. The first match between them took place in 1907. From this date, the history of Yaroslavl football is counted.
Amateur teams existed at sports societies, youth teams – in a real school, a male gymnasium and a cadet corps. In the Yaroslavl province, they played football in Rybinsk, Danilov, Myshkin, where the famous six football heroes come from – the Butusov brothers. One of the strongest in the province was the Chaika team, formed in Gavrilov-Yama, at the Lokalov linen factory.
According to the Kostroma Listok newspaper, in 1911 a match between the teams of Yaroslavl and Kostroma took place: “On Sunday, July 30, a football game was held between the Kostroma team of the sports club and the Young Life team, on the call of the latter. The victory remained in the hands of the Yaroslavl team, who scored the ball in the 30th minute in the first game. The second game was a draw. There were up to six hundred people in the garden.”
After the revolution, there were several football teams in Yaroslavl. The strongest were Sparta and Union. In 1923, they merged into the OKS (United Sports Club), which later received the name of the railway sports club – SKZH. SKZH actively met on the football fields with the clubs of Moscow and Leningrad. Krasnaya Presnya, Pishcheviki, Khamovniki, Ruskabel and others came to visit Yaroslavl. Subsequently, the northern railway team was renamed Lokomotiv.
In addition to SKZH, Mars, Krasny Perekop and Fakel also played in Yaroslavl. All these teams were departmental and belonged to the leading city enterprises.
In the mid-1930s, there was a team of trade unions of Yaroslavl. Since the 30s, the football championship of the Yaroslavl region has been regularly held. Created in the 30s, the Dynamo team was the strongest in the city until the war. In 1935, at the Spartakiad of the Volga region, the team of Yaroslavl shared the second or third places with the team of the city of Gorky.
During the war years, football life continued, but not so intensively. In August 1943, the team of the region participated in the Spartakiad of the Volga region held in Gorky, where it took sixth place. In June 1944, a friendly meeting with a team from Kostroma took place.
In the post-war years, interest in football flared up with renewed vigor.In 1947, the Torpedo team was created at the car factory, and since 1948, Lokomotiv has become the strongest in the region. Yaroslavl “Lokomotiv”, successfully speaking at republican competitions, made efforts to enter class “B” of Soviet football.
The Yaroslavl team RTI (a plant of rubber products) reached noticeable successes in the All -Union Arena. Under the leadership of Vladimir Mikhailovich Vinogradov, the former goalkeeper of the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv, the team successfully represented the region in the All -Union Arena and in 1956 reached 1/4 of the Russian Cup.

Chemists, they are Shinniki
The famous Shinnik arose in 1957. The team, belonging to the tire plant, then bore the name Chemist.
This is how the team announces this.
In the winter of 1957, the regional sports committee received a telegram, which confirmed that the city of Yaroslavl was given the right to declare a team of masters for the USSR Championship among class B teams. And in early April, the Yaroslavl newspapers already talked about how the Chemist was preparing to start in the championship. So big football came to the city.
The first official match “Chemist” spent on April 7, 1957 in Stavropol with local “labor reserves” and won with a score of 3: 2. The first goal in the history of the team was scored by V. Konovalov. According to the results of the season, the team took 13th place, having completed the first task – to gain a foothold among class B teams.
In the same year, Yaroslavl players also held the first match of the USSR Cup. But in Zaporozhye, they were just waiting for an epic defeat – 0: 7. Nevertheless, during the first three seasons, the then “chemist” every year was progressively rising in the table of the championship of the USSR.
In the 1958 season, in the year of the 60th anniversary of domestic football, the Yaroslavl residents held the first international meeting in their history. In July, the Rakovski team from the Bulgarian Dimitrovgrad came here. Why Bulgaria is explained by nothing more than production relations of the Shefa enterprise. The meeting ended with a devastating victory of the Chemist with a score of 4: 0.
There were 1960 games ahead – the anniversary season dedicated to the 950th anniversary of Yaroslavl. Therefore, increased attention was paid to the sports results of the “shinnik”.
This year, the team received a new name-according to the numerous requirements of the fans-vagaries, who wanted to declare their beloved team in any city and at any stadium.
The most vivid sporting event of the anniversary year was a friendly match in Yaroslavl with the Moscow Spartak. The teams dispersed the world – 2: 2, and one of the heads was scored by the best scorer of Shinnik N. Parshin, who himself left the Moscow Spartakites.
Football experts noted a high degree of readiness of the team, which, of course, has already grown out the status of class “B”. Therefore, it was the Yaroslavlites who entrusted the right to represent Soviet football in a tour of Morocco.As the chronicle says, in Africa the team held four meetings, losing only one. And even then, from this defeat, probably, not a single club, not only in the USSR, but in the whole world, would have been insured. Yaroslavl lost to the team of the Armed Forces of Morocco, which was patronized by the king himself and, as a result, the referee in the field.

Life of a Yaroslavl football player
And between tours weekdays lasted at their own stadium. The football life of the 1960s was strikingly different from the current one. In general, football was freer from commercial considerations, but it was partly concerned with ideological dictates. We must not forget that the team belonged to the enterprise. Therefore, the actual interference in the affairs of the team from the factory management was noticeable. But not only the management of the plant or the party committee controlled what the sporting achievements of the shinniks were. It was customary for the players to go to the factory and report to the workers.
Belonging to one of the leading enterprises of the city turned into some life benefits. The directorate of the YaShZ could from time to time assign bonuses to athletes, in addition to a salary of 120 rubles. What is 120 rubles in the 60s? It's pretty small. This, frankly, is simply in no way comparable with the salaries of modern athletes.
In addition, through the plant, shinniks could receive apartments, sometimes cars, which was very rare, and sometimes such scarce things as a civilian suit or a sheepskin coat. Medical care was also supposed to be in the medical unit of the YaShZ.
In general, the material base of the team was very decent. Football surroundings were much simpler than in our time. So, the current “blue-blacks” did not even have a recognizable “branded” form. It was generally not in the order of things (except that Spartak, it seems, always performed in their own red and white colors). And the football boots always failed after three or five games, and the spikes had to be filled again, for which a special person was kept with the team who repaired the equipment. Now it seems surprising that neither the design nor the material of football shoes were regulated in any way, and each athlete could decide for himself what kind of shoes he needed: say, with a heavy toe or softer to provide a different impact effect, and what sizes should be spikes.
With medical support for training and matches, everything was also much simpler than it is now. If modern teams have to have a whole staff of medical personnel, then one doctor handled it.
So the first generation of Shinnik players did not have to rely too much on service or promotion. The main thing is sports enthusiasm, coaching experience and, of course, the love of Yaroslavl residents.

In class A
Let's return to historical chronicles. The 1962-63 seasons, when Shinnik was able to achieve the highest sports performance in its original history, began to continue the combat football chronicle.
In 1962, in the first class B zone, the Yaroslavl team got very strong opponents. And chief among them were the Spartacists of Leningrad. Naturally, the fate of the first place in the tournament was decided in face-to-face meetings. These meetings aroused great interest of the audience. Suffice it to say that, as the chronicle testifies, the match in Leningrad gathered 40,000 people, Yaroslavl fans and a large group of journalists arrived. The fight was broadcast on the radio, the report was led by the legendary Leningrad goalkeeper V. Nabutov. The fate of the match was decided by two goals scored by Yaroslavl Mitin and Galanov. Thus, having scored 50 points and having the best difference between goals scored and conceded, Shinnik took first place in its zone.
However, in order to make a step into class A, the Yaroslavl team had to meet in the final tournament of the strongest teams of the RSFSR. The tournament was held in Krasnodar, and that November did not bring good luck to Shinnik. The club lost all four matches, but regardless of these sad results, the Yaroslavl team was still included in the second group of class A created by the decision of the Federation.
Season-63 was decisive for the team. The debut in class A was brilliant. Shinnik won first place and got a ticket to the big leagues. Team matches gathered an unprecedented number of spectators, an average of 25 thousand, but the stands, despite the expansion, could not accommodate everyone.
Here is an almost legendary fact: when the Yaroslavl team played an away match in Frunze with the local Alga, it was also crowded at the Yaroslavl stadium. The whole city met the heroine of space Valentina Tereshkova. She was informed that Shinnik won 3-0 in distant Kyrgyzstan and dedicated it to the famous compatriot. Literally, a telegram left the stadium for Central Asia: “I am heartily happy about your convincing victory, thank you. I am confident in your continued success. I shake your hands. Valentina Tereshkova. The success of the team in the season-63 was based on a successful combination of experience of veterans and the enthusiasm of youth. Indeed, that year was a year of triumph.
In 1963, the shinniks won the so-called small gold medals of the champions of the USSR in the first league. As it turned out later, these awards were given out for the first and last time in history.
The 1964 season was remembered by Yaroslavl football fans for a long time. After all, the great Soviet football players shone at the Shinnikov stadium: L. Yashin, I. Netto, V. Ivanov, V. Monday, V. Metreveli and others. A whole constellation of players of the first magnitude is going to the championship-64 in Shinnik – Isaev, Maslenkin, Ivakin, Artemiev, Fedosov. In the same year, the Yaroslavl team went on a big tour of equatorial Africa, visiting Nigeria, Dahomey, Cameroon – countries where Soviet athletes had never performed before.
On March 27, 1964, the first match in the major leagues took place, and besides, the first match in the championship in general. On a neutral field in Tbilisi, the Yaroslavl team met with Dynamo Minsk.“The Struggle of Equal” – as the “Trust” report on the first game “Shinnik” entitled. It recorded a draw – 1: 1. The first goal in the elite was scored by L. Lozovsky.
In fact, entering the Premier League took place later. Then there was a lot of everything: and sensitive defeats, and excellent victories, and tour from Chile to Iran, India and Vietnam. The first historical stage of the biography of the team ended. Ahead was the story of the new Shinnik, which everyone now knows.

In the photo: Valentina Tereshkova at the stadium Shinnik

The editors thanks for the help of Vorotililin Stanislav Petrovich, Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of Russia.

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