Sports Betting California

New Year's games for children near the Christmas tree. Society news in Voronezh – RIA

The latest news of society today, a week in Voronezh and the Voronezh region. New Year's games for children near the Christmas tree

New Year's games for children near the Christmas tree

Rospotrebnadzor announced the lack of cases of cholera in the country

RIA Voronezh network edition (Voronezh Regional Information Agency), (Regional News Agency Voronezh), (RNA Voronezh)

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  • Editor address, publisher: 394026, Voronezh, st. Plekhanovskaya, 53, 10th floor
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The new composition of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region was formed | Administration of the city district Podolsk

The new composition of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region has formed the term of powers of the existing composition ends in September 2018. In accordance with Article 9 of the Law on Public

The new composition of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region was formed

The term of powers of the existing composition ends in September 2018.

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law on the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region, the apparatus of the Public Chamber within 30 calendar days from the date of posting the Moscow Regional Duma on its official website on the information and telecommunication network information about the beginning of the procedure for the formation of a new composition of the Public Chamber began to accept documents for candidates. Reception of documents ended on June 2, 2018.

The Governor of the Moscow Region was presented with a list of candidates for members of the Public Chamber, nominated by the structural units of all -Russian and interregional public associations registered in the Moscow Region.

Governor Andrei Vorobyov with his order dated 02.07.2018 No. 234-RG approved one third of the composition of members of the OPMO.

A list of candidates for the Public Chamber, nominated by non -profit organizations, including regional public associations registered in the Moscow Region, was presented to the Moscow Regional Duma. The Moscow Regional Duma with its resolution dated 06.21.2018 No. 31/56-P approved the second third of the composition of the OPMO.

On July 12, 2018, members of the Public Chamber, approved by the Governor of the Moscow Region, and members of the Public Chamber, approved by the Moscow Regional Duma, at the organizational meeting approved the remaining one third of the composition of the Public Chamber.

The Public Chamber was created to ensure the interaction of citizens and public associations with state authorities and local authorities in order to account for the needs and interests of citizens. The role of the Public Chamber is that activists delve into problems as much as possible, prepare proposals taking into account the circumstances that occur in the Moscow Region and reported them to the government, while conducting explanatory work among the population. The Public Chamber should have people who are really not indifferent to what is happening in the territory, – emphasized the Minister of Government of the Moscow Region Irina Pleshcheva.

As a result, the new composition of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region includes:

  1. Abbyasov Rushan Rafikovich
  2. Akimova Valentina Mikhailovna
  3. Anfinogenov Sergey Ivanovich
  4. Arsentiev Evgeny Anatolyevich
  5. Babayan Roman Georgievich
  6. Belova Ulyana Alekseevna
  7. Bolshakova Maria Alexandrovna
  8. Butman Igor Mikhailovich
  9. Vaits Alexey Evgenievich
  10. Vorobieva Marina Vyacheslavovna
  11. Voroshilo Alexander Stepanovich
  12. Galoganov Alexey Pavlovich
  13. Gorgadze Shota Olegovich
  14. Gorodetsky Dmitry Igorevich
  15. Grishina Elena Vladimirovna
  16. Groznetsky Andrey Igorevich
  17. Gubanov Andrey Andreevich
  18. Diskin Iosif Evgenievich
  19. Dmitriev Alexey Vladimirovich
  20. Dmitrieva Tatyana Romanovna
  21. Dubrovsky Ivan Yurievich
  22. Evtushenko Larisa Ivanovna
  23. Emelianenko Ludmila Nikolaevna
  24. Zagrekov Valery Viktorovich
  25. Zalivukhin Ilya Vyacheslavovich
  26. Zaretsky Ivan Nikolaevich
  27. Zvereva Larisa Alexandrovna
  28. Zelikov Nikolay Ivanovich
  29. Zimova Julia Konstantinovna
  30. Ivanov Dmitry Yurievich
  31. Ivanova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna
  32. Isaeva Svetlana Yurievna
  33. Kamaeva Guzel Nailevna
  34. Karamyan Artur Robertovich
  35. Karakhtanov Valery Sergeevich
  36. Kvint Vladimir Lvovich
  37. Klimuk Petr Ilyich
  38. Klyushnikov Mikhail Petrovich
  39. Knyazev Evgeny Vladimirovich
  40. Kozlovsky Egor Valerievich
  41. Kolyadin Andrei Mikhailovich
  42. Konchalovsky Egor Andreevich
  43. Kopychev Christian Andreevich
  44. Korochkin Vladislav Leontievich
  45. Kruglov Evgeny Efimovich
  46. Kuimov Igor Evgenievich
  47. Kurtser Mark Arkadievich
  48. Li-Chang-Lin Natalya Nikolaevna
  49. Makarova Vera Borisovna
  50. Malanicheva Galina Ivanovna
  51. Mammadov Farhad Hidayat
  52. Mamchur Valery Mikhailovich
  53. Martynov Evgeny Vyacheslavovich
  54. Mineeva Tatyana Vadimovna
  55. Nesterovich Igor Leonidovich
  56. Nikitina Natalya Gennadievna
  57. Ogurtsov Alexey Nikolaevich
  58. Ogurtsov Igor Alekseevich
  59. Orlova Inna Alexandrovna
  60. Otchertsov Maxim Valerievich
  61. Paley Mikhail Alexandrovich
  62. Panasyuk Artem Borisovich
  63. Pankin Vyacheslav Anatolievich
  64. Perepechaeva Anna Nikolaevna
  65. Pechenegin Alexander Sergeevich
  66. Polikanov Dmitry Valerievich
  67. Politova Irina Alexandrovna
  68. Popov Petr Petrovich
  69. Popova Olga Nikolaevna
  70. Rodionov Alexey Viktorovich
  71. Salogub Alexander Vladimirovich
  72. Safronov Sergey Vasilievich
  73. Safronova Maria Nikolaevna
  74. Semenova Marina Anatolievna
  75. Sergeeva Anna Alexandrovna
  76. Setdikov Marat Raisovich
  77. Sirota Oleg Alexandrovich
  78. Skorobogatov Sergey Sergeevich
  79. Stogov Oleg Nikolaevich
  80. Strelkov Alexey Anatolievich
  81. Tamonov Andrey Vladimirovich
  82. Tikhomirov Alexey Alexandrovich
  83. Torkunov Anatoly Vasilievich
  84. Tropina Lyudmila Ivanovna
  85. Tugushev Sergey Vladimirovich
  86. Ugolnikov Igor Stanislavovich
  87. Ulyanov Petr Mikhailovich
  88. Fedoseev Artem Alekseevich
  89. Firago Andrey Vladimirovich
  90. Khanin Nikolai Alexandrovich
  91. Khvostov Ruslan Alekseevich
  92. Chugunov Dmitry Alexandrovich
  93. Chukhov Sergey Alexandrovich
  94. Shalygin Dmitry Mikhailovich
  95. Shatov Alexander Vladimirovich
  96. Shingarkin Maxim Andreevich
  97. Shokhina Evgenia Alexandrovna
  98. Shuvalov Valery Ivanovich
  99. Shchetinin Sergey Viktorovich

Source and photo: press service of the Main Department of Social Communications of the Moscow Region

Online Betting Sites

New sports collections are already in the store! | news

We have news: new sports collections are already in the store!

New sports collections are already in the store!

New sports collections are already in the store!

New sports collections are already in a store on the Bolshoy PS PS, 43 and online store!

The ski sub -collection “Techno Garden” fascinates with delicate winter shades, such as pink, blue, silver and white. The contrast is black and silty colors. Twrid prints are applied over the entire surface of three- and one-color jackets. Elements with laser engraving and glued elements, including straps for the belt, parts on pockets, as well as zipper-zero with a water-repellent coating, give the collections a high-tech character. The inscription Sportalm emphasizes the message of the collection. Distinctive features are stars in the form of stars, as well as embroidery and applications.

The collection for fitness and Vellnes “Jungle Flash” meets the prints of colorful colors with exciting motifs of the jungle and relict forests. Bright and saturated colors bring a little summer mood into the winter collection. Along with nylon parking jackets, functional sports leggings and tops in the collection, T-shirts and pants from super-furry bike fabric are also presented. The tiger motive is present everywhere and is found both on prints with repeating drawings, and on T -shirts and bike t -shirts in the form of a partial print or as a noble embroidered motive. The main bait for the eyes is small rhinestones that act as a jewelry in a typical striped design for tiger style, giving the collection a glamorous and elegant shade.

Horse Betting

Nizhny Novgorod ”opened an account in a match with the Tula Arsenal. Fresh news on the site

Nizhny Novgorod opened an account in a match with the Tula Arsenal. Share your opinion, commentary and additional information about the news on the website – the news portal Young Communard. You can contact the editors by phone +7 (4872) 31-65-65

Nizhny Novgorod opened an account in a match with the Tula Arsenal

At the stadium in Tula there is a match of the RPL tour between Arsenal and Nizhny Novgorod.

In a minute, Kirill Gotsuk opened the score in the match. 1: 0 in favor of the guests.

The chief judge of the match is Sergey Karasev from Moscow.


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Horse Betting

Nikita Kryukov and Alexander Panzhinsky at MGU: materials of the press conference, interview with V.I. Majuga

New Sports News: Nikita Kryukov and Alexander Panzhinsky at MGU: press conferences, interviews with V.I. Majuga

Nikita Kryukov and Alexander Panzhinsky at MGU: materials of the press conference, interview with V.I. Majuga

Recently, our site wrote that the owners of the gold and silver awards of the Olympic Games in ski sprint Nikita Kryukov and Alexander Panzhinsky met with students and teachers of their university. We bring to your attention a detailed note dedicated to the meeting and interview with the head of the physical education of the MGSU named after Sholokhova V.I. Majuga.
We meet the Olympic champions

This year, Russia did not speak very well at the Olympic Games in Vancouver – in just 11th place in the number of gold medals (eh, and officials predicted almost 20 medals). Because of this, each of the 15 awards received, brought on March 2 to the country, is valued as a weight in gold. The prize -winners of the Olympics in ski sprint – Nikita Kryukov (who was the first to bring the long -awaited gold to the piggy bank) and Alexander Panzhinsky (first silver).

On March 3, they arrived at their university to meet with the rector and students with whom they held a small press conference. They were the head coach of the Champions, Kaminsky Yuri Mikhailovich and professor of the Department of Physical Education (who is just developing unique training programs for athletes) Majuga Vladlen Ivanovich. From the first steps, the champions were pleasantly surprised: in the lobby, from 1 day of the competition, a poster hung with the inscription “We are rooting for ours!”; The rector promised to name the sports hall of the university in honor of the guys, and Alexander (who is also a student) – to write out an increased scholarship. Both make a pleasant impression: friendly, funny and open (despite cameras and cameras). Nikita is an emotional, confident strategist and tactics (as a commentator said during the broadcast of the competition). Alexander, apparently, was still unusual for falling glory, often smiled and embarrassed in response to questions. They relate to each other warmly – Nikita called a colleague as a comprehensive “Sashka”, and Alexander to the question “Do you have a talisman?” – He pointed to a friend sitting nearby, answering: “Why? Here he is, sitting with me! It is impossible not to note the simplicity and sincerity with which they talked with students: I have not seen so much laughter and smiles at any conference.

– How are minutes during the distance? A moment or eternity? What is it thought about?

Nikita: – When you run, you think that you must win, adjust the tactics. When I was driving the last descent, I looked back, I realized that the Norwegians were behind and that at the finish the fate of gold we will decide with Alexander. I tried to make every effort.

Alexander: – Time passes quickly, but when you look at the video, it stretches slowly. During the competition, I think about tactics on the race: it is important to keep everything under control.

Nikita: – This is a sprint – the distance is short, it is important to concentrate and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts – one mistake and loss. Sprinters generally go with headphones in order to communicate less, go to their senses and concentrate as much as possible.

– One sports newspaper wrote that no one expected such agility from a young athlete. Nikita, what did you feel at the finish?

Nikita: – I just really wanted to win, I was not afraid of rivals. Feel? You go out and fight to the end, try to jump above your head. Not immediately after the finish, he realized that he had won – at first Sasha and I fell on each other crosswise. Then I lay 5 seconds, remembered the finish line and began to jump: “It was already over! We must celebrate! He tore his throat. He jumped up, ran to Sasha – he was lying at all at all. (Both laugh). Then we ran through the flag in the stands. I also wanted to throw a bouquet into the crowd, but the organizers drove us, they say, time!

– What was your first desire after euphoria from victory?

Nikita: – I had a desire to take the Russian flag and, in gratitude to the fans, run through the stands with him, which Sasha and I did later.

Alexander: (for loud applause) – Thanks to the relatives, the fans who watched us in Russia, and those who came for us in distant cold Canada. Feel support!

– Competitions are great stress and psychological pressure for many athletes. How did you relax?

Nikita: – There was no stress, there was only a clear mood to win. We looked and worried about the performances of our athletes, but I personally tried not to take a failure to heart – I tuned in to win. I am glad that that day it happened.

– Between you in the final, the struggle for gold broke out. Often fame and money spoil friendship. What about you?

Alexander: – Of course, this did not affect our relationship with Nikita. On the contrary, we became as a non-preconway parrots: we spend more time together, we are invited to conference and perceived as a tandem “Kryukov-Panzhinsky”.

Nikita: – We hope that if Sasha wins 1st place in Sochi, I will get three times. Etc. (smiles).

– What is your relationship with the coach, Yuri Mikhailovich?

Alexander: – As a student-teacher.

– He certainly made a great contribution to our victory. The most important quality of the coach is faith in the ward. This is also transmitted to the athlete.

Yuri Mikhailovich: – Of course, I believe in everyone! Although I did not study the textbook of pedagogy-psychology, I understand people. Sasha arranged us all a big surprise with his victory.

– How did you congratulate you at home?

Alexander: – I will be at home (Khabarovsk – approx. Auth.) Only in April.

Nikita: – Parents and guys from the university met at the airport. Thanks to them and the support group from my city.

-Nikita, they say you have a funny story from your childhood with the Olympic Games …

Nikita: – In grade 6-7, I argued with a classmate that if I win the Olympic Games, I will give him $ 100.

“He, of course, met you?”

Nikita (laughing): – It was. 2 days after the victory, he sent SMS Well, at least something I earned to you!

– And what is it, to become famous in an instant?

Alexander (embarrassed): – Good, but not easy.

Nikita: – Five years ago, at the airport, I met Dmitry Nagiyev, went up to him and asked for an autograph. He muttered something like Yes, you are still 200 of you. I looked at him squinted and thought “yes ah. Duck. But now, when he felt something similar, I understand why he answered so. Increased attention is very difficult.

– Is the attention from the press annoying?

Alexander: – A little unusual, especially to me, because I did not give hope for a medal. And now conferences, photo shoots (smiling, looks around students with notebooks and cameras).

– Everyone admits that our team unsuccessfully performed games. I would like to know your opinion on this issue. Is hockey offensive?

Nikita: – Well, for hockey, of course, it’s a shame. In Turin, Canada, according to the general standings, was not even entered in the five countries. This year they set a record for earned gold. Perhaps their native walls helped them, perhaps preparation. As for Russia, perhaps this is a problem of skill, perhaps the whole country. We hope that everything will improve in Sochi. In skiing, everything is fine.

– Tell us about your typical skier day.

Nikita: – Oh, if you tell, you will probably fall asleep with boredom. (Smiles). Rise at 7 in the morning, charging, breakfast, sleep (because I still want to sleep), the first training, lunch, again sleep, second training, dinner, business and sleep.

Alexander (with a laugh): The more you sleep, the more medals!

– Surely, in Vancouver there were curves. Share, please!

Yuri Mikhailovich: – Before racing, athletes are raised at 6 in the morning and checked for doping. On the eve of the competition, we are sitting with the doctor … I say: Do what you want, but so that my guys would not raise my guys before. And our doctor is overall and with bass. And so he heroically got up at 6 in the morning for 2 days and was on duty.

– Did you bring something to your relatives except medals?

Nikita (laughs): – Of course! Magnets for refrigerator and baseball caps! I came to the souvenir store in the last days, when all the icons were already daring there, etc. Alexander was lucky with this more – he managed to buy a day earlier.

Alexander: In Vancouver there was a very great demand for souvenirs, especially for mittens: the line behind them was built an hour before the opening of the store.

– Do you have a talisman for happiness?

Alexander (pointing to Nikita): – Why? There he is!

– Did you celebrate February 23?

Nikita: I quietly flew, recognized him only from SMS from his relatives.

-What books did you take with you to Canada?

Nikita: – Valeria Sidelnikov “Secrets of the subconscious” – it helped tune in.

Alexander (to the friendly laughter of the surrounding teachers): “Pedagogy and psychology”!

– Nikita, do not want the presidency, you will put things in order in the country and sports?!

Nikita: Maybe I want, but later! In the meantime, I only want to run to Sochi and in Sochi.

– I would like to ask about personal life. What qualities should your chosen one have?

Nikita (after a minute embarrassment and hitch): – must have patience and ability to cook.

Alexander: She should be able to wait and understand our way of life: we are at home 2-3 months a year. Who is ready to subscribe, raise your hands! (laughs and nods for students)

– What are you waiting for from Sochi?

Both in chorus: Victory!

– What are the plans for the near future?

Nikita: – We are soon flying to Norway, Sweden to finish the ski season well. There are plans until 2014!

After the conference, the champions for the joy of the girls generously distributed autographs and took pictures with those who wanted. Well, we can hope that at the Olympics in Sochi we will repeatedly hear the Russian anthem and see Alexander and Nikita on the podium. Good luck, guys!

Majuga Vladlen Ivanovich (professor at the Department of Physical Education MGU named after Sholokhov, master of sports in skiing)

-In the MGU named after I have been working Sholokhov for 20 years, 15 of which we take skiers. We are studying many athletes, since an individual study program has been developed for them – 8 years – which allows professional athletes to get higher education.

What is the difference between this sprint group? The fact that another 25 years she was created led by the Olympic champion Voronkov Vladimir Petrovich. Then we traveled around the mountains for 2 years, studied their conditions and we know that staying in the mountains is an alternative to the Eretropoetin; There are also other scientifically based things. The Middle Ages became our trump card in preparation for Vancouver. For many factors, we are preparing not worse than in the West. But, as Yuri Mikhailovich Kaminsky said, there are still many problems in science. We offered Tenzo sticks and tens-bots: we said that they would do in 2 months. 50-60 thousand were required. We went with this proposal to Fetisov, he sent us to the married, he to the federation … And so far. And they could be the first in Hi-Tech technology. In ski races, we have no scientific brigade. The only ones who help this Golovachev (functional diagnosis) and a number of consultants from MGU named after Sholokhov. I am abroad: in Poland, Switzerland – they are considered with our developments, they listen; We have all this unreasonably rejected.

It is sad that we do not even have a reserve, because many (more than 60%) in school age use prohibited funds. The junior calendar is spoiled – they are driven 3 races in 4 days. We did an analysis at the department and clearly revealed that when the junior champions go into adult ski races, they do not win. Some call our federation, because everything is “on old yeast” – there is nothing new and is not discussed.There are sponsorships, they wrote that they allocated $ 12 million, but nothing came to science from this money.

Now the athlete’s training itself is 72-76 %, and 22-24 % are recovery procedures. We ourselves at the Kurchatov Institute took infrared radiation, which we use in between races, took out propolis scarves (no one has them). We flew to the mountain, where Baikonur was located and harvested honey there. These are all natural products that are difficult to get.

Now we need to raise the question of what to do and how to give the passage to scientific methods.

– If you summarize the victory of this team in the sprint (outstanding against the rest of the rest), is this the result of a private initiative?

– This is not only the merit of our approach. We meet at the World Cups with another 3-4 ski specialists, carefully collect information, exchange experience, consult with the Olympic champions: the leaders and others. This is the merit of Yuri Mikhailovich-we switched to high-speed and powerful training, although we were criticized for this. We did an analysis based on the two past Olympiads: the speed in sprint increased from 26 km \ hour to 31.2 km \ hour. And this means that preparation should also change.

Do you know what our defeat on the relay is? Yes, the fact that on 4-5 people you will not work out the program. Norwegians have 20 sprinters; 14-15 equals become and each participant competently “sticks” into this crowd. We do not have such opportunities. We tried to connect someone, but they were clearly weaker.

We want and are ready to organize a round table, invite compatriots from abroad (Smirnov, Botvinov) and independently discuss the problems. This is a dream that can be fulfilled and will help a breakthrough in skiing.

Sports Betting California

There were no announcements, we have been waiting for 40 minutes already ”: crowds of Omsk residents who bought tickets for the performances of the Bi-2 group took the Krasnaya Zvezda sports complex into the ring – Evening Omsk

The audience wonders why the concert was canceled without warning.

“There were no announcements, we have been waiting for 40 minutes”: crowds of Omsk residents who bought tickets for the performances of the Bi-2 group took the Krasnaya Zvezda sports complex into the ring

“There were no announcements, we have been waiting for 40 minutes”: crowds of Omsk residents who bought tickets for the performances of the Bi-2 group took the Krasnaya Zvezda sports complex into the ring

The audience wonders why the concert was canceled without warning.

Sources of Vecherny Omsk report that they could not get to the Bi-2 concert, which was supposed to start at 19:00 at the Krasnaya Zvezda sports complex. According to the audience, there were no announcements about the cancellation of the concert.

“They didn’t explain anything to us, crowds of people just stood and waited for more than 40 minutes. Someone said that they called the watch, they answered that there would be no concert, then someone came out and said something about not providing a venue, – said one of the spectators.

According to her, she paid 3.5 thousand for the ticket. Also, there are no announcements on the official page of the group in social networks.

Nfl Betting

She will never be a TV presenter ”: Channel One refused Anastasia Volochkova – News.

The former prima of the Bolshoi Theater wanted to take a decisive step on TV. However, no one is waiting for her on the main federal channel of the country.

“Never be a TV presenter for her”: Channel One refused Anastasia Volochkova

“Never be a TV presenter for her”: Channel One refused Anastasia Volochkova

The former prima of the Bolshoi Theater wanted to take a decisive step on TV. However, no one is waiting for her on the main federal channel of the country.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze hosted the release of the Tonight program on Channel One. Anastasia Volochkova was delighted when she found out that Nikolai Tsiskaridze played the role of the host. According to her, she can also apply for the role of the second presenter. By the way, the ballerina proposed her candidacy for TV.

Volochkova noted that they actually have a lot in common with Nikolai. After all, they are always with him on everyone's lips. The artist also noted that with her the program will become even more positive. According to social commentator Levan Todua, the former ballerina was refused. In his opinion, Volochkova just wanted PR, but she would never become a TV presenter.

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Neftekamsk dancers won the Grand Prix of the International Competition-Festival "Star Friends"

Neftekamsk dancers won the Grand Prix of the International Competition-Festival Star Friends

Neftekamsk dancers won the Grand Prix of the International Competition-Festival Star Friends

A good gift for the New Year was earned by the Children's Studio of the Tangaur Dance Ensemble of the Neftekamsk State Philharmonic, taking part in the Star Friends international competition in Izhevsk on December 19.

Children's Studio Tangaur - winner of the international competition.

The Tangaur Children's Studio is one of the best exemplary groups that has gained authority and popularity not only in the native city of Neftekamsk, but also outside our republic. Small Tangaurists under the leadership of qualified teachers master new styles of modern choreography and are improved in performing skills. They once again proved this by taking part in an international competition.

The younger group of the studio, led by Nali Kasimova and Dinar Ziganov, as well as the middle group under the guidance of Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Gulnara Safarova and Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus, Arevik Gugasyan, became laureates of the I and II degree.

The senior group, which is also led by the Arevik Gugasyan, won the Grand Prix of the competition in the nomination “Choreography. Folk dance. The girls conquered the jury members with the magnificent performance of the Lak girlish dance – one of the crown numbers of the adult composition of the Tangaur ensemble.

The girls returned home full of impressions and indescribable emotions. Ahead is the New Year, which means new dances, new victories and achievements!