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Beauty and sports: UlSTU is preparing a busy weekend for students

On March 17 and 18, Ulyanovsk State Technical University will host a bright weekend for students and guests of the university. On Saturday – a bright show Miss UlSTU-2018 on the stage of the concert hall Plate, and on Sunday – mass sports competitions.

Beauty and sports: UlSTU is preparing a busy weekend for students

Beauty and sports: UlSTU is preparing a busy weekend for students

On March 17 and 18, Ulyanovsk State Technical University will host a bright weekend for students and guests of the university. On Saturday – a bright show Miss UlSTU-2018 on the stage of the concert hall Plate, and on Sunday – mass sports competitions.

The traditional competition Miss UlSTU will be held at the university for the 17th time. 9 beauties will fight for the victory and the title of the first beauty of the Polytechnic University. In addition to the traditional appearances in evening dresses and swimsuits, the audience will find an unusual appearance of the girls and, of course, their creative numbers.

Sports competitions on March 18 will begin at UlSTU from 10 am. Sportsmen of the Polytechnic University will compete in badminton, kettlebell lifting, bench press, cross-country skiing, table tennis, orienteering, and chess. Winners are waiting for special prizes acting. Rector Alexander Petrovich Pinkov.

The guys participating in the competition did not forget about their important civic mission: they had previously submitted an application to cast their vote in the elections of the President of Russia at the UlSTU polling station.