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GBOU evening (shift) comprehensive school No. 90 in Moscow

EDUCATION IN MOSCOW In 1944, the evening shift secondary school No. 90 of the Leningradsky district of Moscow accepted its first students. Until 1960, the school was located in the Timiryazevsky district, and since


Evening Schools

Evening shift secondary school No. 90 of the Leningrad district of Moscow accepted the first students in 1944. Until 1960, the school was located in the Timiryazevsky district, and from the 1960/61 academic year it moved to the Leningradsky district of Moscow.

In 1991, in connection with the liquidation of the district level of public education in Moscow and the creation of district administrations of the Moscow Department of Education, Evening (shift) general education school No. 90 was transferred from the jurisdiction of the Leningrad RUNO to the Northern District Administration of the Moscow Department of Education.

In 1995, the “Externat” department was opened at the school. Students are given the opportunity to complete a course of study for one or two classes during one academic year according to the lecture-block intensive system (full-time, part-time, day off) along with attestation in external studies.

In 2006, the school opened a structural subdivision School of the Russian Language for foreigners aged 15 and older who do not speak or have a poor command of the state language of Russia, now the school is studying Russian as a foreign migrant from countries near and far abroad.

In 2010, on the basis of the school, the Center for Vocational Guidance of Students of the OU SAO began its work.

The school does not have the I stage (primary grades)

At the second stage, the school has general education classes, from grades 7 to 9.

Education at the III stage is conducted according to a 2-year program (grades 10-11), or a 3-year program (grades 10-12).

The school provides full-time and part-time education:

Full-time education (daytime and evening) for classes II level.

Weekly load of students 26 hours: 22 hours lessons, classroom lessons, 4 hours – time for individual lessons

Full-time education (day and evening) for grades III level (with 2 and 3 years of study).

Weekly load of students 23 hours: 19 hours lessons, classroom activities,

4 hours – time for individual lessons

Extramural education for grades II and III. Weekly load of students 14 hours: 12 hours – lessons, 2 hours – time for individual lessons.

The school works in an adjacent mode: from 7th to 12th grades – in the mode of 4-day (full-time full-time and evening forms of education) and 3-day (correspondence form of education) academic weeks.

base component

The curriculum reflects all indicators of the basic plan: all educational areas are presented according to the plan of the evening (shift) general education school, the standards for the maximum amount of compulsory classroom and home study load for students, funding standards are observed, and the recommendations of the basic curriculum regarding the distribution of study time are taken into account, assigned to the study of various educational areas that are part of the basic component.

The basic component in a number of subjects has been strengthened by hours of compulsory elective, optional, individual and group lessons.

The educational field Philology is studied according to the third structural option proposed in the Explanatory Note to the Federal Basic Curriculum (Russian as a language of instruction, literature, a foreign language). In the educational field Philology 1 hour in Russian was introduced in grades 7, 10, 11 and 12.

In the educational area Mathematics 1 hour was introduced in 7, 8, 9, 10 (two-year) and 11 (two-year), 12 (three-year) classes; 2 hours in 10th and 12th grades; 3 o'clock at 11 (three-year).

In the area of ​​Natural Science introduced 1 hour at 8, 9, 10 (three-year), 11 (two-year) classes, 2 hours – at 10 (two-year), and 3 hours at 11 (three-year).

The educational area Social Studies is supplemented with 1 hour in 7, 10 (two-year) and 12 classes and 2 hours in 11 (two-year), 11 (three-year) and 10 (three-year) classes.

In the History section, the subjects History of Russia and General History are highlighted. These subjects are assessed separately.

The study of natural sciences is carried out within the framework of the humanitarian orientation in the study of individual subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

There is no increase in maximum load.

In order to master new information technologies, the area Technology was introduced at the expense of hours of compulsory elective classes, optional, individual and group classes.

The subject of Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies is introduced as an independent discipline. The study of this subject is given 1 hour in grades 9-12. The introduction of Informatics and ICT emphasizes the special role of these sciences in the conditions of Moscow.


Integration is one of the features of the Moscow Basic Curriculum, which reinforces the integrative principles of the Federal Basic Curriculum. The curriculum provides for the possibility of teaching and attesting a number of school subjects integratively and separately.

The subject Fundamentals of Life Safety is integrated in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (two-year) with the subjects Physics, Geography, in grades 10-11 it is integrated with the subjects Biology, Chemistry, History of Russia and Social Science. The subject Moscow Studies is integrated in the 7th, 8th grades with the subject History, and in the 9th grade – with the subject Geography.

In order to fulfill the Regional component of the curriculum in the graduating classes (stage III) is introduced as an independent course Moscow Ecology and Sustainable Development, with a total of 34 hours per year.

External form of education

For 16 years now, our school has been external form of education for students, which made it possible to educate 1301 external students only in the last three years. Over the years, 23 medalists have been released (19 gold, 4 silver).Graduates confirm their knowledge by entering various universities, such as MGIMO, Moscow State University, Moscow Higher School of Economics, Higher School of Economics, RUDN, MAI, MADI, etc.

How does the external work?

You can prepare and pass exams on your own. And training in intensive groups is possible.

The intensive curriculum is designed for 5 days a week. Education is modular, i.e. one subject is read for several days. One day is allocated for the preparation of the Russian language and mathematics.

In the second half of the year, students prepare for the USE for five days not only in compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), but also in elective subjects.

Who is an external student?

As a rule, high school students who want to shorten the time for getting an education in order to more thoroughly prepare for the entrance exams to a chosen university turn to an external student.

A significant group of external students are schoolchildren involved in sports and creative activities. They need a mode of study that would not interfere with the realization of their talents.

Weekend groups are for adults who work or have children. For them, this is sometimes the only opportunity to get a secondary education.

When are the classes

Time – 9.30-14.30

Monday (or Friday) – Russian language and mathematics

Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday – other subjects of the curriculum

Who is accepted as an external student?

Students aged 15 and over who wish to complete a basic or secondary general education.

Our doors will be open to everyone who does not receive a certificate based on the results of the Unified State Examination. They will be able to prepare for repeated exams at a convenient time for them.

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Newspaper New City Alexandrov | Weekly socio-political newspaper

Without a keyword More than 300 people took part in the Run campaign in Aleksandrovskiy district The Run sports and patriotic campaign dedicated to the memory of heroes

Without a keyword

More than 300 people took part in the “Run” campaign in the Aleksandrovsky district

In Aleksandrov, a sports and patriotic action Run was held, dedicated to the memory of the heroes of the Aleksandrovsky…

Flood in the Aleksandrovsky district. Are all operational services ready?

In the Aleksandrovsky district, they are again concerned about the spring flood. From year to…

Lyudmila Romanova visited the city of Aleksandrov

Commissioner for Human Rights in the Vladimir Region Lyudmila Valerievna Romanova…

Exemplary open lesson or free communication?

In the title of an article that tells about the meeting of the Council of Youth Organizations …

Medicine in Strunino. Separation of the hospital from the ARB is not advisable?

A heated discussion took place at a recent meeting of the Council of People's Deputies of the city …

Are the schools of Aleksandrovsky district ready for modern conditions?

Schoolchildren working in digital labs, using cloud technologies, writing and…

Denis Levin: “A specialized unit for combating IT crimes has been created in Aleksandrov”

What is the crime detection rate in the area, how many economic crimes were there, candid statistics on accidents, where one of …

Igor Nikolaenkov: “I teach team spirit, understanding that on the ice they represent their hometown, their region”

Bearing in mind that “real men play hockey”, we met with Igor Nikolaenkov, director of the Alexander Sports School…

Vadim Petrov: “In 2021, 259 drunk drivers were caught in the Aleksandrovsky district.”

January, the month of summing up the results of the past year, and building plans for 2022. Head of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia …

Alexander Pavlov: Alexandrovsky district is ready to respond to possible emergencies.

The Department for Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Aleksandrovsky District held an extended meeting at which they summed up the results of 2021…

Roman Kostin: Not a single appeal to the prosecutor's office is left without attention

On January 12, prosecutors celebrate their professional holiday. Journalists of the newspaper New City of Alexandrov talked with Alexandrovsky …

More than 300 people took part in the “Run” campaign in the Aleksandrovsky district

In Aleksandrov, a sports and patriotic action Run was held, dedicated to the memory of the heroes of the Aleksandrovsky…

Socio-patriotic action Conscript's Day was held in Aleksandrov

Today, April 29, in the assembly hall of the Alexander Industrial and Legal College,…

In Aleksandrov, a criminal case was opened against the head of the district housing and communal services department Elena Pankova

Elena Pankov, head of the housing and communal services department of the Aleksandrovsky district, is accused of official …

In Aleksandrov, the court imprisoned the accused of undermining people in the pine park

Aleksandrovsky city court chose a preventive measure against citizen S., …

The Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in the 33rd Region visited the Alexander District

The visit of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in the Vladimir Region Yulia Rasnyanskaya …

In Alexandrov, an unknown man threw a grenade at people. There are people injured.

In the evening of April 25, to the Posenki Park (specially protected natural territory) …


  • » 13:31In the Aleksandrovsky district, more than 300 people took part in the Mileage campaign
  • » 13:15In Alexandrov, the socio-patriotic action District Day was held
  • » 18:03In Alexandrov, a criminal case was brought up at the head of the district department of the housing and communal services Elena Pankovu
  • » 16:44In Aleksandrov, the court imprisoned the accused of undermining people in the Pine Park
  • » 11:27The Commissioner for Children's Rights on the 33rd Region visited the Aleksandrovsky district
  • » 08:51In Alexandrov, an unknown man threw a grenade at people. There are people injured.
  • » 07:37In Strunino, a stray dog ​​attacked a 17-year-old teenager
  • » 07:07Legal train drove through the Aleksandrovsky district
  • » 06:59Pavodok in the Aleksandrovsky district. Are all operational services ready?
  • » 11:20Lyudmila Romanova visited the city of Alexandrov
  • » 06:27Deputies heard the report of the head of the city administration Strunino
  • » 11:36In the Aleksandrovsky district, real estate prices increased 2.5 times
  • » 12:03The head of the city administration Karabanovo came to the deputies with a report for 2021

In Aleksandrov, the court imprisoned the accused of undermining people in the pine park

The Aleksandrovsky city court chose a measure of restraint against citizen S., accused of committing a crime on the fact of an explosion in the Sosenki Park of the city of Alexandrov. Resolution …

In Alexandrov, an unknown man threw a grenade at people. There are people injured.

On the evening of April 25, the ammunition took place in the “Sosenki Park” (specially protected natural territory), all operational services immediately left for the place. The park got into …

In Strunino, a stray dog ​​attacked a 17-year-old teenager

In the city of Strunino, the Aleksandrovsky district, a dog attacked a teenager. The victim was sent to the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital of the city of Moscow. He has badly damaged …

In Alexandrov, the police and the prosecutor's office began checks on the fact of the incident in the territory of the ARB

On February 1, an incident occurred on the territory of the Alexander District Hospital, a large amount of snow collapsed from the roof of the maternity hospital building. The blow fell on the parked nearby …

Vadim Petrov: For 2021, 259 drunken drivers were caught in the Aleksandrovsky district.

January, a month of summing up the results of the past year, and building plans for 2022. The head of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Aleksandrovsky district, police major Vadim Nikolaevich …

In Aleksandrov, neatly put up a 52-meter emergency tower crane

On Tuesday, September 7, to residents of house No. 8 on Zhulev Street in the city of Alexandrov, it was not calm, a construction crane 52 meters high almost …

He threatened the seller with a stamper. In Alexandrov, the court sentenced the impudent thieves

She lived on the slogan of one of the heroes of old films: “Long live the Soviet court – the most humane court in the world!” As the practice of the latter shows …

The Theater Day was celebrated in Aleksandrov by the premiere of the play Coast

In Alexandrov, it became a good tradition that every year 27 …

Will the works of local historian Victoria Boravskaya be published?

We are talking about the legacy, that before …

“Three sketches of the performance, three successes. This happens rarely. A laboratory in modern drama was held in Alexandrov.

In the Alexander Drama Theater, the laboratory finished its work …

The 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky was celebrated in Alexandrov

Last Saturday, May 29, in the city of Alexandrov …

The artists have their own building in Alexandrov

In March this year, a new one was opened in Alexandrov …

“Pandemia” – tired of being afraid! The Alexander Drama Theater held a cabbage.

March 27, World Theater Day, Alexander Theater …

In Alexandrov, a new head of the district committee on culture, youth and social policy was appointed ”

The administration of the Aleksandrovsky district decided with the candidate for the position …

In Cherepovets for the weekend. The industrial capital is known to the love of a tourist.

Probably, every resident of our country knows that the city of Cherepovets – …

The head of the city administration Karabanovo came to the deputies with a report for 2021

The deputies, when they evaluate the work of the head of the administration for a year, …

The best sites for studying English grammar

Grammar is an important section in the study of the language that needs to be given …

In the Aleksandrovsky district, more than 300 people took part in the Mileage campaign

In Alexandrov, a sports and patriotic action Mileage dedicated to the memory of the heroes of Aleksandrovsky was held …

Denis Levin: A specialized unit on counteracting IT excessions has been created in Alexandrov

What is the disclosure of crimes in the area, how many economic crimes were, frank …

In Aleksandrov, the court imprisoned the accused of undermining people in the Pine Park

Aleksandrovsky city court chose a preventive measure against citizen S., …

In Alexandrov celebrated the Theater Day by the premiere of the play Coast

In Alexandrov, it became a good tradition that every year Aleksandrovsky on March 27 …

Three young athletes from Karabanovo successfully performed at the Russian Championship

Despite the conditions in which children train, they continue to conquer …

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GAZelle on all-wheel drive (4×4) buy new in Nizhny Novgorod

The official dealer of the GAZ concern, the TSS-Auto salon, offers in Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region to buy from the factory new cars based on GAZelle and Sobol with all-wheel drive

GAZelle and Sobol all-wheel drive 4×4

The official dealer of the GAZ concern, the TSS-Auto salon, offers in Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region to buy new cars based on GAZelle and Sobol with all-wheel drive (4×4) from the factory, the price is from 805,000 rubles for an on-board model and from 980,000 rubles. for the farmer. We sell 4WD vehicles and provide a full range of services for their maintenance, detailed information on the configuration can be found by clicking the Download price button or by going to the car page.


All-metal van

All-metal van




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Light-duty vehicles with all-wheel drive, as well as their mono-drive counterparts, are produced in various modifications: board, van, minibus barguzin, special equipment.

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Car dealership TSS-Auto sells cars in Nizhny Novgorod on leasing, on credit, under the Trade-in program. To learn more about the configuration, call +7 (831) 257-60-50. We carry out maintenance of GAZ equipment, we offer original spare parts in assortment.

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Gannover – Padderborn: Direct video broadcast, watch online 11/19/2021

The live broadcast of online Hanover – Padderborn, will begin at 20-30. The live broadcast is represented by the bookmaker office of the betting league. For viewing (match, fight, tournament, etc.), you have to register. Enjoy the viewing!

Gannover – Padderborn: Direct video broadcast, watch online 11/19/2021

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Ryan Bider – Shayk Congo: Direct video broadcast, watch online 06/06/2022

Marcel – Feyenoord: direct video broadcast, watch online 05.05.2022

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[Total: 0 Average: 0]

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Wikomb – Milton Kins Dons: Direct video broadcast, watch online 05.05.2022

Cage Warriors

Ryan Bider – Shayk Congo: Direct video broadcast, watch online 06/06/2022

Marcel – Feyenoord: direct video broadcast, watch online 05.05.2022

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Football | Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Vyshnevolotsky City District (KFKIS)

All matches Volochanina 2014 (1, 2) Cup of the Tver region 2014. Calendar Games 2015 …


1 tour

FC Bologoe – FC Upper Volga (Tver) – 2: 2 played in Tver.

4 tour

The highest division. 5th tour. 05/23/2015.

FC Rzhev – FC Tver – 0: 0

FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – FC Bologoe – 1: 0

FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – FC Nelidovo – 0: 0

FC Wallet (Kushvynovo) – TSK (Torzhok) – 2: 4

FC Zvezda (Kimry) – FC Olenino – 1: 5

FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – transfer

5 tour

Higher Division 6th Tour. 05/30/2015.

FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – FC Rzhev – 3: 0

FC Tver – FC Star (Kimrai) – 5: 3

FC Olenino – FC wallet (Kushvynovo) – 10: 1

TSK (Torzhok) – FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – 3: 2

FC Nelidovo – FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – 2: 1

FC Bologoe – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – 4: 3

6 tour

1/4 Cup of the Tver region 06/03/2015.


The highest division 7th tour 06/06/2015.

FC Rzhev – FC Bologoe – 1: 0

FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – FC Nelidovo – 2: 0

FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – TSK (Torzhok) – 1: 2

FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – FC Olenino – 0: 4

FC Wipe (Kushvynovo) – FC Tver – 0: 5

FC Zvezda (Kimry) – FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – 2: 5

7 Tour 06/06/2015.

The highest division. 8th tour. 06/13/2015

FC Bologoe – FC Nelidovo – 5: 0

TSK (Torzhok) – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – 4: 0

FC Olenino – FC Upper Volga (Tver) – 2: 0

FC Tver – FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – 3: 1

FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – FC wallet (Kushvinovo) – 1: 0

FC Rzhev – FC Zvezda (Kimry) – 6: 0

8 tour

The highest division 9th tour. 06/20/2015

FC Wipe (Kushvynovo) – FC Rzhev – 1: 3

FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – 0: 1

FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – FC Tver – 1: 4

FC Nelidovo – TSK (Torzhok) – 2: 2

FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – FC Olenino – 0: 3

FC Zvezda (Kimry) – FC Bologoe – Transfer

9th tour 06/20/2015

The highest division. 10th tour. 06/27/2015

FC Zvezda (Kimrai) – FC wallet (Kushvynovo) – 2: 1

FC Rzhev – FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – 2: 1

FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – 7: 0

FC Tver – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – 6: 0

FC Olenino – FC Nelidovo – 9: 0

FC Bologoe – TSK (Torzhok) – 7: 2

10 tour

The highest division. 11 Tour. 07/04/2015.

Nelidovo – Tver (3: 3)
Volochanin-2-Toropchanin (2: 2)
Seliger – Star (4: 1)
Wipe – Bologge (3: 0)
Upper Volga – Rzhev (2: 1)

Table 11 Tour

The highest division. 12th tour. 07/18/2015

FC Bologoe – FC Olenino – 1: 2

FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – FC wallet (Kushvynovo) – 0: 1

FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – FC Zvezda (Kimry) – 4: 1

FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – FC Rzhev – 3: 1

FC Nelidovo – FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – 1: 5

TSK (Torzhok) – FC Tver – 2: 8


Cup of the region.
Volochanin Tver 1-4
Tver in the final

Higher division. July 25.

FC Bologoe – FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – 2: 1

FC Wallet (Kushvyvinovo) – FC Upper Volga (Tver) – 4: 2

FC Zvezda (Kimry) – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – 9: 0

FC Nelidovo – FC Rzhev – 0: 2

FC Volochanin (G.Vyshny Volochek) – TSK (Torzhok) – 2: 0

FC Olenino – FC Tver – transfer.


2 circle

Higher division. 01 August

Toropchanin 3-3 wallet
Nelidovo 1-5 star
TSK 1-2 Rzhev
Bologoye 2-1 Tver
Olenino 2-0 Volochanin-2
Upper Volga 3-0 Seliger

14 Tour

The highest division. August 15

FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – FC Bologoe – 2: 2

FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – 3: 0

FC Wipe (Kushvynovo) – FC Nelidovo – 5: 1

FC Zvezda (Kimry) – TSK (Torzhok) – 7: 0

FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – FC Tver – 0: 0

FC Rzhev – FC Olenino – interrupted.


The highest division. 08/22/2015

FC Bologoe – FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – 0: 0

TSK (Torzhok) – FC Wipe (Kushvinovo) – 1: 1

FC Nelidovo – FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – 0: 1

FC Olenino – FC Zvezda (Kimry) – 4: 0

FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – transfer

FC Tver – FC Rzhev – transfer


The highest division. 17 tour. 08.29.

Wallet 1-2 venison
Star 4: 1 Tver
Rzhev 0: 3 Volochanin-2
Toropchanin 1: 1 Bologge
Seliger 2: 0 TSK
Upper Volga 9: 0 Nelidovo

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After football, I drank two cans. Andrew served. Well, okay, massive favorite vit.



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Football club Petrograd in the framework of the children's Football School recruits boys and girls from 3 years old for classes in the football section. In the Krasnogvardeisky district

About Us

⚽ Professional football training for children from 3 to 11 years old; ⚽First training – FREE 🎉 ⚽Experienced trainers with higher education NSU. Lesgafta P. F. and extensive experience working with children 🥇 ⚽ Branches in St. Petersburg, we will select a convenient one for you ⚽ There is a limited number of children in group 1, which allows you to not leave each child without attention ⚽ The most important thing is the formation of teams and participation in tournaments 🥇 ⚽ You can sign up for a free training: 📞 +7 911 141-22-65 📞 +7 911 837-43-56 📱 Instagram: fcpetrograd (write in direct, or click on the how to call button ⚽ sign up in our group in discussions

  • +7 (911) 141-22-65
  • Russia, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

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Football club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

Football club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad region Football club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

Football club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad region Football club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

Football club Petrograd | G.St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

Football Club Petrograd | St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region

News and articles

The branded single, playing form of Dzhivov, for children, boys, men involved in the football section ⚽ PU

Jivova's branded unified game uniform for children, youths, men involved in the football section of the Pulkovo Sports Cluster Vysota, white and blue, as well as Dzhivov's training suits and pomegranate-black Dzhivova for children involved in other branches. The price of the set is a T-shirt, shorts, socks with printing 3999₽, a training suit with printing 4999₽. Also, branded backpacks, the nearest

Online Betting Sites

Football club Anzhi (Russia)

Latest news of Anzhi football club, country: Russia. standings in the table of FC Anzhi, upcoming and past matches

Anzhi (Russia)

Evseev told where he was paid on time, and in which clubs they still have to

The head coach of “Shinnik” Vadim Evseev recalled the situations with the payment of wages in various clubs from his coaching career.

Anzhi expressed condolences in connection with the death of 38-year-old ex-goalkeeper Chakrygin

This is

Ex-striker of Barcelona and Makhachkala Anji Samuel Eto'o told how he influenced the transfer of striker Alexander Kokorin to Anji.

Former press officer of Anji: This is

Former press attache of Anji Sergey Rasulov spoke about the role of Samuel Eto'o in the transfer of Alexander Kokorin to the Dagestan club.

Former Anzhi press officer: Khabib came very close to saving the club. He almost brought Arab investors

Former press officer of Anji Sergey Rasulov said that the famous MMA fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov was close to bringing Arab investors to the club.

Zhirkov: approached Abramovich and asked to be released to Spartak, I wanted to return to Russia. But they were released only in Anji

Former midfielder of CSKA, Chelsea and Zenit Yuri Zhirkov said that he could move from the London club not to Anji Makhachkala, but to Spartak Moscow.

The leadership of the Basta club, the confident series of Evseev and the All-Russian record of Chelyabinsk. What's new in FNL-2?

In the southern group, SKA Rostov became the leader, Shinnik won seven matches in a row, and Chelyabinsk, taking into account last season, scored 16 victories in a row, updating the record of Russian professional leagues.

The leadership of Anzhi, Shinnik and Sokol, the revival of Amkar, the resonance around KraSava. What happens in FNL-2?

In the second division of the FNL, which took the place of the PFL, the first month of battles is behind. Rusfootball studies the tournament spreads and names the main characters of the start of the season, some of whom are familiar names.

The author of the double against Dynamo Agalarov. Football family, playing in the youth team, disrupted transfer to Zenit

Former player Anzhi told how he was homophobically insulted in Makhachkala

Former Anji football player Todor Timonov shared his memories of how he encountered homophobic prejudice in Makhachkala while walking around the city.

Horse Betting

Fun-Box | Furniture from the manufacturer Factory Mirlachev St. Petersburg

Furniture Furniture Fun -Box furniture: 22, 16mm • Furniture – loops with a closer Blum (Austria) – MDF handles painted with enamel – supports of the tree H -12MM – System

FUN-BOX teenage room furniture

LDSP thickness: 22, 16mm
• Furniture
– loops with the closer Blum (Austria)
– MDF handles painted enamel
– supports array of wood H-12MM
– The system of hidden quadro guides for drawers (Hettich, Germany)
• LDSP (LDSTP) 22, 16mm facades, MDF facades covered with PVC, LDSP (LDSTP) 16mm – laminated wood -bearing plate, emission class E1 meets the requirements of GOST 32289-2013 – the ends of the chipboard details are processed with a plastic edge
• Rear DVP wall 3.2mm gray

Attention! The combinations of inserts/facades/furniture of furniture are similar to the images presented, other combinations are impossible!
Attention! The load on the housing of hinged modules should not exceed 40 kg. We strongly do not recommend fixing the hinged modules to the drywall walls. These modules can be fixed to brick or concrete partitions