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Book: The floating tank PT-76. From the Neva to Gang and the Suez Canal – Mikhail Baryatinsky. Buy a book, read reviews | ISBN 978-5-699-90136-4 | Labyrinth

Book: The floating tank PT-76. From the Neva to Gang and the Suez Canal. Author: Mikhail Baryatinsky. Abstract, reader reviews, illustrations. Buy a book at an attractive price among a million books Labyrinth | ISBN 978-5-699-90136-4

Mikhail Baryatinsky: The floating tank PT-76. From Neva to Ganges and the Suez Canal

Mikhail Baryatinsky - floating tank PT -76. From Neva to Gang and the Suez Canal Book cover

Annotation to the book floating tank PT-76. From Neva to Ganges and Suez Canal

This magnificent floating tank was created to cross any water barriers during the future big war in Europe and the jerk of the Soviet Army to the La-Channel. However, he had to fight on completely other shores. The PT-76 distinguished themselves in the Ganges delta, where Indian floating tanks even managed to drown the Pakistani gunboats (!), Fought against American armored vehicles in Vietnam, fought in Angola, Nicaragua, Indonesia. But the star hour for the PT-76 was the war day, when the trophy floating tanks modernized by the Israelis crossed the Suez Canal, creating a strategic bridgehead, which was a turning point in military operations. And in the native army, the floats (as they called the PT-76 in the troops) happened to participate in the suppression of the Hungarian rebellion, the commissioning of troops into Czechoslovakia, Afghan and both Chechen wars. In this book you will find comprehensive information about the half -century service and the combat application of the best floating tank. The collection publication is illustrated by hundreds.

This magnificent floating tank was created to cross any water barriers during the future big war in Europe and the jerk of the Soviet Army to the La-Channel. However, he had to fight on completely other shores. The PT-76 distinguished themselves in the Ganges delta, where Indian floating tanks even managed to drown the Pakistani gunboats (!), Fought against American armored vehicles in Vietnam, fought in Angola, Nicaragua, Indonesia. But the star hour for the PT-76 was the war day, when the trophy floating tanks modernized by the Israelis crossed the Suez Canal, creating a strategic bridgehead, which was a turning point in military operations. And in the native army, the floats (as they called the PT-76 in the troops) happened to participate in the suppression of the Hungarian rebellion, the commissioning of troops into Czechoslovakia, Afghan and both Chechen wars. In this book you will find comprehensive information about the half -century service and the combat application of the best floating tank. The collection publication is illustrated by hundreds of exclusive drawings and photographs.