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Burger King customers are attacking the chain's profile due to rising prices for goods

Fast food fans are attacking Burger King's social networks due to price increases. In the comments, they threaten to stop eating whoppers, go to Teremok and switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Customers are attacking Burger King's social media because of price increases. They promise to stop eating whoppers and switch to a healthy lifestyle

Fast food fans are rioting on Burger King social media over prices. They promise to stop eating whoppers and go to KFC

Burger King's social media has been attacked by customers dissatisfied with the increase in prices for their favorite whoppers, burgers and fries. Runet users do not understand why everything has risen in price, they promise to forget the way to the cafe and go to Teremok and KFC.

Regulars of the Burger King fast food chain have noticed how much their favorite whoppers, rolls and combos have risen in price since the start of the military operation and the closure of McDonald's. With this fact, netizens were extremely dissatisfied and began to attack the official page of the fast food restaurant on VKontakte.

And what happened?

In order not to be unfounded, visitors to Burger King scrupulously calculated how much the price of individual goods had risen. According to their analyses, prices rose by 10-40 rubles.

Alexey Chadov

139 rubles cost. Increased by 40 rubles.

Alexey Chadov

At the regular price, we cost 49 rubles.

Some netizens saw a cunning plan in the rise in prices – Burger King, after the departure of McDonald's competitor, joyfully raised prices, thinking that now all customers would still go to them.

Alex Shushkin

Until BK!! McDuck dumped, so are you the smartest? They fought forever with the McDuck, and now you think people will rush to you for a horse price tag? Yeah smart🤣🤣🤣 Bye BC!

In addition, customers complain about the quality of goods. If prices continue to rise, and food and drinks do not become tastier, then fast food lovers will go to extreme measures – they will leave Burger King for KFC, Teremok, or even switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Julia Guseva

I forgot the way to you, the prices are sky high, Teremok or even KFS with chicken burgers is better.

Gleb Tevyashov

Nothing unusual, just BC raised prices. Thank you, I'll switch to the ZZH.

Few commentators have tried to remind angry critics that prices have risen in all cafes and shops due to sanctions from Europe and the United States.

And earlier, a portion of dissatisfied comments went to the Krasnaya and Beloe alcohol market chain. Visitors began to ask in anger why the prices for alcoholic drinks are so high.