Sports Betting California

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

g) money to your friends

EVALUATION MATERIALS FOR CURRENT CONTROL OF GRADE 10 IN ENGLISH FOR THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC YEAR | English language test (Grade 10): | Educational social network



English language test (Grade 10)

1. When all her other ​friends ​deserted her, Steve ​remained………. .

2. He had always been very ………..of his brother's good ​looks.

3. It was………. of him to make her stay late.

4. He was very hard-working and …………to his research.

5. My classmates were very helpful and……………. when I was ill.

6. You are a universally admired and …………. musician and songwriter.

7. She's a ………. woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.

8. A …………….. child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.

9. Be …………., your time will come.

10. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you're extremely …………..

II. Put the verbs in the correct present tense:

1. Friends always ……….(help) us to express ourselves.

2. They …………..(think) of going to France for a week.

3. Judy is a really caring person. I………….(know) her since we met at primary school.

4. I'am sorry that I haven't written back sooner. I ………….(study) for exams since March.

5. Our plane……….. (arrive) early in the morning.

III. Fill in: out for , down on, forward to, after, up:

1. I look ……………… ​hearing from you.

2. I told her to look ……… the word in the dictionary.

3. Look………… broken glass on the floor.

4. I looked ……….. my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

5. “A lot of people look…………… us because we're homeless,” she says.

IV. Fill in: on, about, with, at

1. Lana keeps house well, she is good … housekeeping.

2. Be careful ….. your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds.

3. Extreme sports are my passion. I am keen…..rock climbing and paragliding.

  1. 4. Whoever is careless …… the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.(A.Einstein)
  2. 5. I am so happy to see her enthusiastic …….. reading.
  3. V. Translate into English:
  4. Go to a movie, follow fashion, give a cold shoulder, give up, be cut, make fun of, get along with someone, get on someone's nerves, waste of time, can't stand it, window shopping, hang out, see eye to eye, write a line , laugh at, mock, highly skilled, sense of humor, helpline, tease.
  5. Loyal
  6. Jealous
  7. mean
  8. Dedicated
  9. supportive
  10. respected
  1. Moody
  2. Trusting
  3. Patient
  4. selfish
  5. Help

Are thinking

have known

have been studying


catch a film, be into fashion, give someone the cold shoulder, give up, be made redundant, make fun of, get on well with, get on one's nerves, waste of time, can't stand, go window shopping, hang out , see eye to eye, bully, highly qualified, sense of humor, helpline, tease.

Control work on module 2

  1. 1. Make phrases with the words
  2. d) Funny stories
  3. j) On expensive things
  4. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( -ing-form, to-infinitive or bare infinitive):
  5. She apologised for __________ (interrupt) the session.
  6. She is looking forward to. (get) a new mobile phone.
  7. John is afraid of __________(fly).
  8. I don't mind __________ (lend) you the book, but you must __________(return) it to me next week.
  9. It's cold outside. You'd better __________ (take) your coat.
  10. We saw them __________ (do) all the damage.
  11. She enjoys __________ (receive) people at home.

I would like __________ (meet) that writer.

  1. I stopped __________ (play) football because of a knee injury.

They couldn't __________ (find) the way easily.

  1. The English teacher doesn't let us __________(use) the dictionary while tests.

3. Complete the 2nd sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the 1st :

  1. I don't really love going to basketball matches.

keen I’m ……………………….. to basketball matches.

  1. French painting is up to her liking.

fond of She ………………………. french painting.

  1. My younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!

crazy My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!

10. I’m Afraid You Can’s.

Lucy is pleased with her son's achievements.

proud Lucy's ………………………. achievements.

In fact, I can't cook at all. I burn everything.

terrible I am really …………………….

4. Fill in the correct pre

1. Make phrases with the words

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

g) money to your friends


EVALUATION MATERIALS FOR CURRENT CONTROL OF GRADE 10 IN ENGLISH FOR THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC YEAR | English language test (Grade 10): | Educational social network



English language test (Grade 10)

1. When all her other ​friends ​deserted her, Steve ​remained………. .

2. He had always been very ………..of his brother's good ​looks.

3. It was………. of him to make her stay late.

4. He was very hard-working and …………to his research.

5. My classmates were very helpful and……………. when I was ill.

6. You are a universally admired and …………. musician and songwriter.

  1. 7. She's a ………. woman—she can be happy one minute and angry the next.
  2. 8. A …………….. child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.
  3. 9. Be …………., your time will come.
  4. 10. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you're extremely …………..
  5. II. Put the verbs in the correct present tense:

1. Friends always ……….(help) us to express ourselves.

2. They …………..(think) of going to France for a week.

3. Judy is a really caring person. I………….(know) her since we met at primary school.

4. I'am sorry that I haven't written back sooner. I ………….(study) for exams since March.

5. Our plane……….. (arrive) early in the morning.

III. Fill in: out for , down on, forward to, after, up:

1. I look ……………… ​hearing from you.

2. I told her to look ……… the word in the dictionary.

3. Look………… broken glass on the floor.

4. I looked ……….. my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

5. “A lot of people look…………… us because we're homeless,” she says.

IV. Fill in: on, about, with, at

1. Lana keeps house well, she is good … housekeeping.

2. Be careful ….. your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds.

3. Extreme sports are my passion. I am keen…..rock climbing and paragliding.

4. Whoever is careless …… the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.(A.Einstein)

5. I am so happy to see her enthusiastic …….. reading.

V. Translate into English:

Go to a movie, follow fashion, give a cold shoulder, give up, be cut, make fun of, get along with someone, get on someone's nerves, waste of time, can't stand it, window shopping, hang out, see eye to eye, write a line , laugh at, mock, highly skilled, sense of humor, helpline, tease.












Are thinking

have known

have been studying


catch a film, be into fashion, give someone the cold shoulder, give up, be made redundant, make fun of, get on well with, get on one's nerves, waste of time, can't stand, go window shopping, hang out , see eye to eye, bully, highly qualified, sense of humor, helpline, tease.

Control work on module 2

1. Make phrases with the words

d) Funny stories

j) On expensive things

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( -ing-form, to-infinitive or bare infinitive):

She apologised for __________ (interrupt) the session.

She is looking forward to. (get) a new mobile phone.

John is afraid of __________(fly).

I don't mind __________ (lend) you the book, but you must __________(return) it to me next week.

It's cold outside. You'd better __________ (take) your coat.

We saw them __________ (do) all the damage.

She enjoys __________ (receive) people at home.

I would like __________ (meet) that writer.

I stopped __________ (play) football because of a knee injury.

They couldn't __________ (find) the way easily.

The English teacher doesn't let us __________(use) the dictionary while tests.

3. Complete the 2nd sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the 1st :

I don't really love going to basketball matches.

keen I’m ……………………….. to basketball matches.

French painting is up to her liking.

fond of She ………………………. french painting.

1. Make phrases with the words

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

g) money to your friends

j) money from your friends

k) to splash out

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to

1) Please, remind me _____________ (return) the DVD to the video club.

2) My mother made me _______________ (clean) my room today.

3) Would you like ________________ (go) shopping tomorrow?

4) I don't mind ______________(watch) this film again.

5) Let me __________________ (help) you with these bags.

6) Jane hates _________________(take) the car to the garage.

7) I can't wait _________________ (hear) your news.

8) Kate must ____________________ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

9) Rick and Diane enjoy ______________ (do) extreme sports.

10) I'm looking forward to _______________ (travel) to South America next week.

11) Wendy is not keen on (cycle)

3. Circle the correct preposition.

Ian has taken in/up tennis.

Why don't you take off/out tour coat?

On her birthday I took my sister over/out to an expensive restaurant.

Your daughter has been taken off/after you. You are so similar.

I think you need to take these trousers in/out ; they're very loose on you.

4. Fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

1) My mother is crazy… photography.

2) Mu teacher is fond … painting.

3) Jack is brilliant … football.

4) My parents are proud … me.

5) I am really interested … English.

Control work on module 3

Test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.

3. extra curricular

6. highly qualified

II. Fill in the correct words/phrases.

experience; private; to participate; to pursue; night shifts; armed forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the ….. .

2. The professor required from his students ….. in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working….. because she got more money for them.

4. Tom couldn't afford to study at ….. school.

5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a teacher, children loved her very much.

6. She hopes….. a career in Marketing.

III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to ….. classes.

a) come b) visit c) attend

2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.

a) ready 2) free c) available

3. The workers demanded a pay….. .

a) raise b) rise c) increase

4. He’ll …… from the university next year.

a) graduate b) finish c) leave

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for(2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn't like his classmates because they always pick ….. him.

3. Read the poem and pick …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child …… whenever he cries.

5. He used to work….. Smith Co in his youth.

6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?

7. Don't worry! We'll deal…… the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their decisions.

V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ART)

2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSIC)

3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY )

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I (to wait) here until Jane comes.

2. I (to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!

3. By the end of the month, he (to work) for the company for ten years.

  1. 4. In twenty-four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5. Next week her granny (to be) 90 years old.

6. When you (to leave) for London? – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.

7. I hope one day I (to return) to my native town.

8. They (to finish) their project by June.

9. The match (to start) at 7 p.m.

10. They'll move house as soon as they( to buy) new furniture.

eleven. lang=en style=height: 28px;My younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!

crazy My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!

Lucy is pleased with her son's achievements.

proud Lucy's ………………………. achievements.

In fact, I can't cook at all. I burn everything.

terrible I am really …………………….

4. Fill in the correct pre

1. Make phrases with the words

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

g) money to your friends

j) money from your friends

k) to splash out

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to

1) Please, remind me _____________ (return) the DVD to the video club.

2) My mother made me _______________ (clean) my room today.

3) Would you like ________________ (go) shopping tomorrow?

4) I don't mind ______________(watch) this film again.

5) Let me __________________ (help) you with these bags.

6) Jane hates _________________(take) the car to the garage.

7) I can't wait _________________ (hear) your news.

8) Kate must ____________________ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

9) Rick and Diane enjoy ______________ (do) extreme sports.

10) I'm looking forward to _______________ (travel) to South America next week.

11) Wendy is not keen on (cycle)

3. Circle the correct preposition.

Ian has taken in/up tennis.

Why don't you take off/out tour coat?

On her birthday I took my sister over/out to an expensive restaurant.

Your daughter has been taken off/after you. You are so similar.

I think you need to take these trousers in/out ; they're very loose on you.

4. Fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

1) My mother is crazy… photography.

2) Mu teacher is fond … painting.

3) Jack is brilliant … football.

4) My parents are proud … me.

5) I am really interested … English.

Control work on module 3

Test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.

3. extra curricular

6. highly qualified

II. Fill in the correct words/phrases.

experience; private; to participate; to pursue; night shifts; armed forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the ….. .

  1. 2. The professor required from his students ….. in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working….. because she got more money for them.

  1. 4. Tom couldn't afford to study at ….. school.
  1. 5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a teacher, children loved her very much.

6. She hopes….. a career in Marketing.

  1. III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to ….. classes.

  1. a) come b) visit c) attend

2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.

a) ready 2) free c) available

3. The workers demanded a pay….. .

a) raise b) rise c) increase

4. He’ll …… from the university next year.

a) graduate b) finish c) leave

IV. Use the correct preposition.

for(2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn't like his classmates because they always pick ….. him.

3. Read the poem and pick …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child …… whenever he cries.

5. He used to work….. Smith Co in his youth.

6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?

7. Don't worry! We'll deal…… the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their decisions.

V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ART)

  1. 2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSIC)

3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY )

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I (to wait) here until Jane comes.

2. I (to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!

  1. 3. By the end of the month, he (to work) for the company for ten years.

4. In twenty-four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5. Next week her granny (to be) 90 years old.

6. When you (to leave) for London? – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.

7. I hope one day I (to return) to my native town.

8. They (to finish) their project by June.

  1. 9. The match (to start) at 7 p.m.

10. They'll move house as soon as they( to buy) new furniture.

eleven.1. Make phrases with the words

c) for a new mobile phone

d) into the pockets

g) money to your friends

j) money from your friends

k) to splash out

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to

1) Please, remind me _____________ (return) the DVD to the video club.

2) My mother made me _______________ (clean) my room today.

  1. 3) Would you like ________________ (go) shopping tomorrow?

4) I don't mind ______________(watch) this film again.

5) Let me __________________ (help) you with these bags.

6) Jane hates _________________(take) the car to the garage.

7) I can't wait _________________ (hear) your news.

8) Kate must ____________________ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

9) Rick and Diane enjoy ______________ (do) extreme sports.

10) I'm looking forward to _______________ (travel) to South America next week.

11) Wendy is not keen on (cycle)

3. Circle the correct preposition.

Ian has taken in/up tennis.

Why don't you take off/out tour coat?

On her birthday I took my sister over/out to an expensive restaurant.

Your daughter has been taken off/after you. You are so similar.

I think you need to take these trousers in/out ; they're very loose on you.

4. Fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

1) My mother is crazy… photography.

2) Mu teacher is fond … painting.

3) Jack is brilliant … football.

4) My parents are proud … me.

5) I am really interested … English.

Control work on module 3

Test on Module 3.

I. Match the words in two columns.

3. extra curricular

6. highly qualified

II. Fill in the correct words/phrases.

experience; private; to participate; to pursue; night shifts; armed forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the ….. .

2. The professor required from his students ….. in all his seminars.

3. She didn’t mind working….. because she got more money for them.

4. Tom couldn't afford to study at ….. school.

5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a teacher, children loved her very much.

6. She hopes….. a career in Marketing.

III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Teachers encourage students to ….. classes.

a) come b) visit c) attend

2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.

a) ready 2) free c) available

3. The workers demanded a pay….. .

a) raise b) rise c) increase

4. He’ll …… from the university next year.

a) graduate b) finish c) leave

IV. Use the correct preposition.

  1. for(2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn't like his classmates because they always pick ….. him.

3. Read the poem and pick …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child …… whenever he cries.

5. He used to work….. Smith Co in his youth.

  1. 6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?

7. Don't worry! We'll deal…… the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their decisions.

V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ART)

2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSIC)

  1. 3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY )

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I (to wait) here until Jane comes.

2. I (to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!

3. By the end of the month, he (to work) for the company for ten years.

4. In twenty-four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5. Next week her granny (to be) 90 years old.

6. When you (to leave) for London? – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.

  1. 7. I hope one day I (to return) to my native town.
  1. 8. They (to finish) their project by June.
  2. 9. The match (to start) at 7 p.m.
  3. ten. lang=en style=height: 28px;My younger brother can play DOTS for long hours!
  4. crazy My younger brother ……………………. DOTS!
  5. Lucy is pleased with her son's achievements.

proud Lucy's ………………………. achievements.

  1. In fact, I can't cook at all. I burn everything.
  1. terrible I am really …………………….
  2. 4. Fill in the correct pre
  3. 1. Make phrases with the words
  4. c) for a new mobile phone
  5. d) into the pockets
  6. g) money to your friends
  7. j) money from your friends
  8. k) to splash out
  1. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to
  2. 1) Please, remind me _____________ (return) the DVD to the video club.
  3. 2) My mother made me _______________ (clean) my room today.
  4. 3) Would you like ________________ (go) shopping tomorrow?
  5. 4) I don't mind ______________(watch) this film again.
  6. 5) Let me __________________ (help) you with these bags.
  7. 6) Jane hates _________________(take) the car to the garage.
  8. 7) I can't wait _________________ (hear) your news.
  1. 8) Kate must ____________________ (see) a doctor as soon as possible.
  2. 9) Rick and Diane enjoy ______________ (do) extreme sports.
  3. 10) I'm looking forward to _______________ (travel) to South America next week.
  4. 11) Wendy is not keen on (cycle)
  5. 3. Circle the correct preposition.
  6. Ian has taken in/up tennis.
  7. Why don't you take off/out tour coat?
  1. On her birthday I took my sister over/out to an expensive restaurant.
  2. Your daughter has been taken off/after you. You are so similar.
  3. I think you need to take these trousers in/out ; they're very loose on you.
  4. 4. Fill in with appropriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.
  5. 1) My mother is crazy… photography.
  6. 2) Mu teacher is fond … painting.
  7. 3) Jack is brilliant … football.
  8. 4) My parents are proud … me.
  1. 5) I am really interested … English.
  1. Control work on module 3
  2. Test on Module 3.
  3. I. Match the words in two columns.
  4. 3. extra curricular
  5. 6. highly qualified
  1. II. Fill in the correct words/phrases.
  1. experience; private; to participate; to pursue; night shifts; armed forces
  2. 1. He has always dreamed of being in the ….. .
  3. 2. The professor required from his students ….. in all his seminars.
  4. 3. She didn’t mind working….. because she got more money for them.
  5. 4. Tom couldn't afford to study at ….. school.
  1. 5. Though she didn’t have any ….. as a teacher, children loved her very much.
  2. 1.
  3. 6. She hopes….. a career in Marketing.
  4. III. Choose the correct answer.
  5. 1. Teachers encourage students to ….. classes.
  6. a) come b) visit c) attend
  7. 2. I would be….. for the interview at any time.
  8. a) ready 2) free c) available
  9. 3. The workers demanded a pay….. .
  10. a) raise b) rise c) increase
  11. 4. He’ll …… from the university next year.
  12. a) graduate b) finish c) leave
  13. IV. Use the correct preposition.
  1. for(2); at; in; on; with; out; up;
  1. 1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.
  2. 2. He doesn't like his classmates because they always pick ….. him.
  3. 3. Read the poem and pick …… all the adjectives.
  4. 4. Mother picks her child …… whenever he cries.
  5. 5. He used to work….. Smith Co in his youth.
  6. 6. Who is ….. charge of the investigation?
  7. 7. Don't worry! We'll deal…… the problem properly.
  8. 8. Everyone should be responsible ….. their decisions.
  9. V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
  10. 1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ART)
  1. 2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSIC)
  1. 3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY )
  2. 4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (DEPEND)
  3. VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.
  4. 1. I (to wait) here until Jane comes.
  5. 2. I (to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!
  6. 3. By the end of the month, he (to work) for the company for ten years.
  7. 4. In twenty-four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.
  8. 5. Next week her granny (to be) 90 years old.
  1. 6. When you (to leave) for London? – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.
  1. 7. I hope one day I (to return) to my native town.
  2. 8. They (to finish) their project by June.
  3. 9. The match (to start) at 7 p.m.
  4. ten.My Younger Brother Can Play Dots for Long Hours!
  5. Crazy My Younger Brother ……………………. Dots!
  1. Lucy is pleated with her Son’s Achievements.
  1. Proud Lucy’s ……………………………. Achievements.
  2. In Fact, I Can’T Cook at All. I Burn EVERYTHING.
  3. TERRIBLE I am REALLY …………………….
  4. 4. Fill in the Correct Pre
  5. 1. Make Phrases with the Words
  1. c) for a new mobile Phone
  1. D) Into the Pockets
  2. g) money to your friends
  3. j) money from your friends
  4. k) to splash out
  5. 2. Put The Verbs in Brackets Into The Correct Form: -ing Form, To -Infinitive Or Infinitive Without to

1) please, remind me _____________ (Return) The DVD to the Video Club.

2) My Mother Made ME _______________ (Clean) My Room Today.

  1. 3) Woup You Like ________________ (Go) Shopping Tomorrow?
  2. 4) I Don’t Mind ______________ (Watch) this Film Again.
  3. 5) Let me __________________ (Help) You with these Bags.
  4. 6) Jane Hates _________________ (Take) The Car to the Garage.
  5. 7) I can wait _________________ (Hear) Your News.
  6. 8) Kate Must ____________________ (See) A Doctor as Soon as Possible.

9) Rick and Diane Enjoy ______________ (Do) Extreme Sports.

10) I’m looking forward to _______________ (Travel) to South America Next Week.

11) Wendy is not keen on (Cycle)

3. Circle the Correct Preposition.

Ian Has Taken in/Up Tennis.

Why Don’t You Take Off/Out Tour Coat?

On her Birthday I took My Sister Over/Out to An Expensive Restaurant.


I Think You Need to Take Thrusers in/out; They’re Very Loose on You.

4. Fill in with apprapriate prepositions: of, in, about, at.

1) My Mother Is Crazy … PhotoGraphy.

2) Mu Teacher Is Fond … Painting.

  1. 3) Jack is brilliant … Football.
  2. 4) My Parents Are Proud … me.
  3. 5) I am Really Interested … English.
  4. Control work on module 3
  5. Test on Module 3.
  6. I. Match The Words in Two Columns.

3. Extra- Curricular

6. Highly- Qualified

II. Fill in the Correct Words/ Phrases.

Experience; Private; to participate; to pursue; Night shifts; Armed Forces

1. He has always dreamed of being in the … .. ..

2. The Professor Required from HIS Students … .. in all His Seminars.

3. She disjoose … .. BecAuse She Got More Money for Them.

4. TOM COULDNYT AFFORD to Study At … .. School.

5. Though she do -’… .. as a teacher, children lined her very much.

6. She hopes … .. A Career in Marketing.

III. Choose The Correct Answer.

1. Teachers Encourage Students to … .. classes.

a) COME B) VISIT C) Attend

2. I WOULD BE … .. for the interview at AT AT ANY TIME.

a) Ready 2) free c) avalable

  1. 3. The Workers Demanded a Pay … ..
  1. a) raise b) rise c) increase
  2. 4. He’ll …… from the University Next year.
  3. a) graduate b) finish c) leave
  4. IV. Use The Correct Preposition.
  5. for (2); at; in; on; with; out; Up;
  6. 1. The Boy Picked SorrrowFully … .. HIS Porridge.
  • 2. He soresn’t like his classmates Becays the Always Pick … .. Him.
  • 3. Read the Poem and Pick …… All the Adjectives.
  • 4. Mother Picks Her Child ……. Whener He Cries.
  • 5. He used to work … .. Smith Co in his youth.
  • 6. Who is … .. Charge of the Investigation?
  • 7. Don’t Worry! We’ll Deal …… THE PROBLEM Properly.
  • 8. EVERYONE SHOULD Be Responsight … .. .. Their decisions.
  • V.Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
  • 1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ART)
  • 2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSIC)
  • 3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY )
  • 4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (DEPEND)
  • VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.
  1. 1. I (to wait) here until Jane comes.
  2. 2. I (to miss) the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!
  3. 3. By the end of the month, he (to work) for the company for ten years.
  4. 4. In twenty-four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.
  5. 5. Next week her granny (to be) 90 years old.
  6. 6. When you (to leave) for London? – Tomorrow at 10 a.m.
  7. 7. I hope one day I (to return) to my native town.
  8. 8. They (to finish) their project by June.
  9. 9. The match (to start) at 7 p.m.
  10. 10. They'll move house as soon as they( to buy) new furniture.
  11. 11. What did you (to do) at the weekend?
  12. 12. By the time you get back she (to get married).
  13. VII. Put the adjectives into the correct form.
  14. 1. Things are as (bad) as they can be.
  15. 2. Children these days seem to become (rude) and (rude).
  16. 3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?
  17. 4. He had to admit that Mary was much (slim) than his wife.
  18. 5. To get promotion you must work (hard) and be (responsible).
  19. 6. He lives a bit (far) than his parents.
  20. 7. It's ( interesting ) film I've ever seen. I didn't like it at all.
  21. 8. John is by far (sociable) person in his school.
  22. 9. (Much) you stay at home, (bad) you ‘ll feel in the street.
  23. 10. He is twice as (clever) as his (old) brother.
  24. Key to the test on Module 3.
  25. I. Match the words in two columns.
  26. 1.managing c. director
  27. 2. run e. business
  28. 3. extracurricular f. activities
  29. 4.skilled b. job
  1. 5. maternal d. instincts
  2. 6. highly qualified a. staff
  3. II. Fill in the correct words/phrases.
  4. 1. He has always dreamed of being in the armed forces.
  5. 2. The professor required from his students to participate in all his seminars.
  1. 3. She didn't mind working night shifts because she got more money for them.
  2. 4. Tom couldn't afford to study at private school.
  3. 5. Though she didn't have any experience as a teacher, children loved her very much.
  4. 6. She hopes to pursue a career in Marketing.
  5. III. Choose the correct answer.
  6. 1. Teachers encourage students to attend classes.
  7. 2. I would be available for the interview at any time.
  8. 3. The workers demanded a pay rise.
  9. 4. He'll graduate from the university next year.
  10. IV. Use the correct preposition.
  11. for(2); at; in; on; with; out; up;
  12. 1. The boy picked sorrowfully at his porridge.
  13. 2. He doesn't like his classmates because they always pick on him.
  14. 3. Read the poem and pick out all the adjectives
  15. 4. Mother picks her child up whenever he cries.
  16. 5. He used to work for Smith Co in his youth.
  17. 6. Who is in charge of the investigation?
  18. 7. Don't worry! We'll deal with the problem properly.
  19. 8. Everyone should be responsible for their decisions.
  20. V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
  1. 1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she'll be an …. . (ARTIST)
  2. 2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. (MUSICIANS)
  3. 3. The ….. advised me to read this book. (LIBRARIAN)
  4. 4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think……. (INDEPENDENTLY)
  5. VI.Put The Verbs Into the Correct Future Form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continous, Future Perfect Continous, Present Simple, Present Continous, To BE Going TO.
  6. 1. I am Going to /Will Wait Here Until Jane Comes.
  1. 2. I am Going to Miss The Flight BecAuse of this Terrible Traffic Jam!
  2. 3. By the end of the Month, He Will Have Been Working for the Company for Ten Years.
  3. 4. In Twenty -four Hours I Will Be Relaxing on My Yacht.
  4. 5. Next Week Her Granny Will BE 90 Years Old
  5. 6. When are you Leaving for London? – Tomorrow at 10 A.M.
  6. 7. I Hope One Day I Will Return to My Native Town.
  7. 8. They Will Havy Finished their Project by June.
  8. 9. The Match Starts at 7 P.M.
  9. 10. They ‘Ll Move House as Soon as the Buy New Furniture.
  10. 11. What are you going to do at the Weekend?
  11. 12. by the time you get back she will get get marrid.
  12. VII. Put The Adjective Into The Correct Form.
  13. 1. Things are as bad as They Can be.
  14. 2. Children theres seem to Become Ruder and Ruder.
  15. 3. Which of these houses is the mother?
  16. 4. He had to admit that mary was much slimmer than his wife.
  1. 5. To get Promotion You must work harder and be more responsight.
  2. 6. He Lives A bit farther/ further than her parents.
  1. 7. It’s The Least Interesting Film I’ve Ever Seen. I DIDN’T Like it at All.
  2. 8. John is by far The Most Sociable Person in His School.
  3. 9. The more you stay at home, the Worse You ‘Ll Feel in the Street.
  4. 10. He is twice as clever as his (Old) Brother.
  5. Control work on module 4
  6. Choose The Correct Answer A, B OR C.
  1. 1. I Ran … Alex On My Way to work.
  2. A) Onto b) into c) to
  3. 2. Mark … Money to Environmental Organizations.
  4. A) Congests b) Donates c) Increases
  5. A) with b) on c) in
  6. 4. Try to Reuse Things As Much as Possible So as to … Waste.
  7. A) Save B) Eliminate C) Protect
  8. 5. Washing Machines us a large … of water
  9. A) amount b) Crop C) Emission
  10. 6. We are supporters … wwf.
  11. A) ABOUT B) at c) of
  12. 7. When you go shopping, Make Sure You … to the Shopping List
  13. A) Stay b) Save C) Keep
  14. 8. You have to cut … the amount of peper you use.
  15. A) Down on b) out on c) up to
  16. 9. Switch of the Lights to … Energy.
  17. A) Protect b) Release C) Save
  18. 10. Don’t this jar away; I can us it to … different Things.
  19. A) Protect b) Eliminate c) Store
  20. 11. Hang The Cage Higher to Protect the Canary … The Cat.
  21. A) from b) out of c) under
  22. 12. What Can i Do To … The Environment?
  23. A) Protect b) Release C) Save
  24. 13. There Ar Still Many Factories that … Toxic Gases Into the Air.
  25. A) Eliminate b) Release c) Store
  26. 14. It’s Really Easy to Make a Compost … in your Garden.
  27. A) Home b) Heap C) Hill
  28. 15. We’ve Run … Sugar.
  29. A) of b) from) out of
  30. II. Write Down The Proper Word.
  1. 1. You look Very Pale. You Shoup/Can Take Some Aspirin and Go to Bed.
  2. 2. You Don’t have to/Sholldn’T Walk The Dog AGain. John Walked Him An Hour Ago.
  3. 3. You can’t/Don’t have to enter This Room; it’s for staff only.
  4. 4. You out to/have to reuse plastic and Paper Bags; Don’T Throw Them Away.
  5. 5. This is an old-Fashioned School. All Students Can/Must Wear a Uniform.

6. I can find meet my fireds in the Evening BecAuse I have to/can do my homework.

7. You can/Shoup Take All this Waste Paper to the Recycling Bin.

8. WOULD You Like SOME DESSERT/Desert?

9. You can’t/Mustn’t BE Loud During the Lesson.