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General Director of FC "Blagoveshchensk" Vladimir Semenov: "Return Professional Football – Real to the region" – Amur truth

From the match between the Max-Internet and Blagoveshchensk-V teams, the Amur Region Championship on …

General Director of FC Blagoveshchensk Vladimir Semenov: Return Professional Football – Real to the region

From the match between the Max-Inter and Blagoveshchensk-V teams, the Amur Region Championship in football started last Sunday. On Tuesday in Blagoveshchensk, the city championship began in this sport. Sensation – that football life in the Amur region is in full swing! “If it were really so,” in the eyes of the general director and the current player of FC “Blagoveshchensk” Vladimir Semenov, anxiety for the future of Amur football. “For the title of champion of the 2018 region, only five teams are fighting this year.” Why so little? Will the Amur residents play the third Far Eastern League? When will the match of the winner of the DV Cup with an opponent from the second division take place? The answers to the questions were looking for Amur Truth.

General Director of FC Blagoveshchensk Vladimir Semenov: Return Professional Football-Real to the region / From the match between the Max-Internet and Blagoveshchensk-B teams, the Amur Region Championship in the last Sunday started. On Tuesday in Blagoveshchensk, the city championship began in this sport. Sensation - that football life in the Amur region is in full swing! “If it were really so,” in the eyes of the general director and the current player of FC “Blagoveshchensk” Vladimir Semenov, anxiety for the future of Amur football. “For the title of champion of the 2018 region, only five teams are fighting this year.” Why so little? Will the Amur residents play the third Far Eastern League? When will the match of the winner of the DV Cup with an opponent from the second division take place? The answers to the questions were looking for Amur Truth.

Photo: Andrey Ilyinsky

Championship in a truncated version

The championship of the region is the main tournament where the players stand on the wing and grow to the level of the team of the masters. Logically, it should be the most massive football, which is in a hemisphere from professional. In the old days, 16-18 teams competed in such championships. Not only all the cities of the Amur region, but even large villages, exposed their players. And they played well. Why, today, when the region on the rise and sports began to pay more attention, participants in the competition of regional scale of only five?

– Only three cities were able to put their teams for the championship of the Amur Region this year: Belogorsk and Raichikhinsk – one at a time, Blagoveshchensk – three. There will be no such strong opponent as Dynamo, ”the head coach of FC“ Blagoveshchensk ”Evgeny Shkilov regrets. – The city of Shimanovsk could not put his team. Everyone refers, in particular, to financial problems. What surprised: even free, where several large federal objects are being built, where two teams used to play and where there is their own children's sports school, could not put up a football team.

Today, more teams are involved in the regional tournament among veterans than existing football players of flowering age. In addition to city teams, there is no one to play in the region – this is the problem.

Who are the stadiums for?

In recent years, a lot has been done for the development of sports. The state allocates hundreds of millions of rubles on subsidies, in particular for the purchase of artificial coatings for football fields and equipment for the youth schools of the Olympic Reserve. At schools, stadiums are covered with artificial lawn. At the same time, not only in Blagoveshchensk, there are good football fields with an artificial coating in Belogorsk, and in Raichikhinsk, and in the free … There is a paradoxical situation: the stadiums are being built, and the teams disappear – even where they were.

3 strategic programs for the development of football were adopted in Russia. The first was until 2016, the second was called Football-2020, and recently the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation published an updated version of the National Strategy for the Development of Football in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. “We have a strategy, we are building fields for children, but when will professional football revive in the region?” – Football fans of the Amur region raise the problem.

– If children's football in the Amur region is gradually developing at the expense of private schools, then the adult, by and large, is dying, – states Vladimir Semenov. – Of course, you can only develop children's football and at the same time not have a single professional team. But tell me, what should talented boys strive for then!? We will lose these guys – they will leave for other cities where there are professional football teams. Which is exactly what we are seeing today. Everything should be integrated: we need to work with children and develop adult football. And we don't have a team of masters, football teams don't even participate in the third league. This is a big problem for Amur sports. And so the outflow of the population from the region is large, and even parents take promising children to other cities where there are professional football teams. In the issue of reviving a professional football team on the Amur, all football fans place great confidence in the new governor and the regional government.

Photo: Andrey Ilyinsky

What will happen to the third league

The general crisis situation in the Far East also affected football. It has not yet been determined in what format the games of the second, professional league will be held. There is no clarity with the third – the amateur league, which the Far Eastern Football Federation proposed to make cluster from this year.

– It is assumed that the third league will be divided into two zones, that is, in addition to the Far East Cup, the teams meet two more times a season. And the principle is this: we met in Ussuriysk, played the first round, counted the points and parted. A month later we met again in Birobidzhan, played with each other, summed up the points of the first and second rounds, determined the championship podium, – explained the head coach of Blagoveshchensk. Why these cities in particular? Because they are located in the center of the Far East and it is easier to get to them.

Photo: Andrey Ilyinsky

“Under the bridge at the exit from Blagoveshchensk, there is still an inscription: “Return the Amur football team.” Ask whether it is realistic to return professional football to the region? I think it’s real,” says Vladimir Semenov. – Now the salaries of the players of the second league have become more modest. About 30-35 million a year will be enough to support the team of the second division, if you play with local guys and only occasionally invite professionals. Our club has young talented football players – Sych, Voyakin, Sychov, Kiselev, Korobeinikov, who are ready to play in the team of masters even tomorrow – but there is nowhere to go.

Some football clubs of the Far Eastern region have already confirmed their participation in the Third League. The leadership of FC Blagoveshchensk is still thinking.

“We have not yet given our consent, because the format itself, how to hold the championship, raises questions: this“ bush ”is unprofitable for us,” says Vladimir Semenov. – There is a certain plus – game practice. And the minus is that we play in another city and our fans do not see us. That is, the popularization of football in our area does not occur. We played a tournament somewhere, so what? If the goal were, as in the Cup of the Far East: we went to Birobidzhan to win in order to bring the second league professional team to Blagoveshchensk. And here all matches will be away. Where is the feasibility of we spend large sums that our fans do not see us?

– Vladimir Sergeevich, you are the main sponsor of FC Blagoveshchensk, supporting the club at the expense of your own business. If it's not a secret, how much did the team’s trip to the Cup of the Far East result in?

– About a million rubles. I think the costs of the third league will be much more. The point of spending money and not playing at home? Who will we play for?! Only fifty people came to the final match of the Cup of the Far East in the same Birobidzhan. Even when their local team entered the field, we did not see mass support. And in Blagoveshchensk, when we fought for the Cup of the Far East, thousands of people came to all matches. We love football.

– In the capital of the Amur region, they have not seen professional football for a long time. The victory of FC Blagoveshchensk at the DV Cup gives fans such a chance. When will the long -awaited match take place?

– We will play with FC Sakhalin – this is the club of the second league, which took first place in the second league of this year. The exact date of the meeting has not yet been defined. I can only say that the match will take place in early August.

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Football | Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Vyshnevolotsky City District (KFKIS)

All matches Volochanina 2014 (1, 2) Cup of the Tver region 2014. Calendar Games 2015 …


1 tour

FC Bologoe – FC Upper Volga (Tver) – 2: 2 played in Tver.

4 tour

The highest division. 5th tour. 05/23/2015.

FC Rzhev – FC Tver – 0: 0

FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – FC Bologoe – 1: 0

FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – FC Nelidovo – 0: 0

FC Wallet (Kushvynovo) – TSK (Torzhok) – 2: 4

FC Zvezda (Kimry) – FC Olenino – 1: 5

FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – transfer

5 tour

Higher Division 6th Tour. 05/30/2015.

FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – FC Rzhev – 3: 0

FC Tver – FC Star (Kimrai) – 5: 3

FC Olenino – FC wallet (Kushvynovo) – 10: 1

TSK (Torzhok) – FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – 3: 2

FC Nelidovo – FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – 2: 1

FC Bologoe – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – 4: 3

6 tour

1/4 Cup of the Tver region 06/03/2015.


The highest division 7th tour 06/06/2015.

FC Rzhev – FC Bologoe – 1: 0

FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – FC Nelidovo – 2: 0

FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – TSK (Torzhok) – 1: 2

FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – FC Olenino – 0: 4

FC Wipe (Kushvynovo) – FC Tver – 0: 5

FC Zvezda (Kimry) – FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – 2: 5

7 Tour 06/06/2015.

The highest division. 8th tour. 06/13/2015

FC Bologoe – FC Nelidovo – 5: 0

TSK (Torzhok) – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – 4: 0

FC Olenino – FC Upper Volga (Tver) – 2: 0

FC Tver – FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – 3: 1

FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – FC wallet (Kushvinovo) – 1: 0

FC Rzhev – FC Zvezda (Kimry) – 6: 0

8 tour

The highest division 9th tour. 06/20/2015

FC Wipe (Kushvynovo) – FC Rzhev – 1: 3

FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – 0: 1

FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – FC Tver – 1: 4

FC Nelidovo – TSK (Torzhok) – 2: 2

FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – FC Olenino – 0: 3

FC Zvezda (Kimry) – FC Bologoe – Transfer

9th tour 06/20/2015

The highest division. 10th tour. 06/27/2015

FC Zvezda (Kimrai) – FC wallet (Kushvynovo) – 2: 1

FC Rzhev – FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – 2: 1

FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – 7: 0

FC Tver – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – 6: 0

FC Olenino – FC Nelidovo – 9: 0

FC Bologoe – TSK (Torzhok) – 7: 2

10 tour

The highest division. 11 Tour. 07/04/2015.

Nelidovo – Tver (3: 3)
Volochanin-2-Toropchanin (2: 2)
Seliger – Star (4: 1)
Wipe – Bologge (3: 0)
Upper Volga – Rzhev (2: 1)

Table 11 Tour

The highest division. 12th tour. 07/18/2015

FC Bologoe – FC Olenino – 1: 2

FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – FC wallet (Kushvynovo) – 0: 1

FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – FC Zvezda (Kimry) – 4: 1

FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – FC Rzhev – 3: 1

FC Nelidovo – FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – 1: 5

TSK (Torzhok) – FC Tver – 2: 8


Cup of the region.
Volochanin Tver 1-4
Tver in the final

Higher division. July 25.

FC Bologoe – FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – 2: 1

FC Wallet (Kushvyvinovo) – FC Upper Volga (Tver) – 4: 2

FC Zvezda (Kimry) – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – 9: 0

FC Nelidovo – FC Rzhev – 0: 2

FC Volochanin (G.Vyshny Volochek) – TSK (Torzhok) – 2: 0

FC Olenino – FC Tver – transfer.


2 circle

Higher division. 01 August

Toropchanin 3-3 wallet
Nelidovo 1-5 star
TSK 1-2 Rzhev
Bologoye 2-1 Tver
Olenino 2-0 Volochanin-2
Upper Volga 3-0 Seliger

14 Tour

The highest division. August 15

FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – FC Bologoe – 2: 2

FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – 3: 0

FC Wipe (Kushvynovo) – FC Nelidovo – 5: 1

FC Zvezda (Kimry) – TSK (Torzhok) – 7: 0

FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – FC Tver – 0: 0

FC Rzhev – FC Olenino – interrupted.


The highest division. 08/22/2015

FC Bologoe – FC Volochanin (Vyshny Volochek) – 0: 0

TSK (Torzhok) – FC Wipe (Kushvinovo) – 1: 1

FC Nelidovo – FC Seliger (Ostashkov) – 0: 1

FC Olenino – FC Zvezda (Kimry) – 4: 0

FC Toropchanin (Toropets) – FC Verkhnevolzhier (Tver) – transfer

FC Tver – FC Rzhev – transfer


The highest division. 17 tour. 08.29.

Wallet 1-2 venison
Star 4: 1 Tver
Rzhev 0: 3 Volochanin-2
Toropchanin 1: 1 Bologge
Seliger 2: 0 TSK
Upper Volga 9: 0 Nelidovo

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French Bulletin ”: If you are given a linked paper, write across – a review of the film.

French Bulletin: If you are given a linked paper, write across – a review of the film – Kino

French Bulletin: If you are given a linked paper, write across

On Russian screens – French Bulletin» Wes Anderson . In a difficult era of pandemia and post -truths, the director pays tribute to the newspaper men of the past and their inspired work. Of course, in the format of gigantic installation with all the stars of the world. Daria Tarasova He tells if Anderson brought to the graphomaniac impasse, and what the new director managed to demonstrate as part of a well -recognized style.

French Messenger: If they give you lined paper, write across

Once the son of a large media magnate Arthur Hovitzer Jr. (Bill Murray ), written off from The New Yorker, left Kansas to the French Annui-Sur-Blase and founded a division of the newspaper Liberty-French Herald there. On the pages of his issues, materials of the best journalists of the 20th century gathered – daredevils who, for the sake of professional duty, will pass fire and water, and then write about it – exciting and interesting, accessible and original, with fascinating details.

«French Bulletin – Love letter to reporters , compiled by the Wesanderson toy scribble – was probably a matter of time. Director Since childhood, he adored the printed press and read out just the New Yorker to the holes. Echoes of this love can be found in almost every film of it, where if not newspaper clippings, as in Grand Budapest and The island of dogs, Then full -fledged issues of periodicals in the hands of the characters, as inWater life, Reported the misadventures of the heroes or events in the world.

French Messenger: If they give you lined paper, write across

The format of the almanac, chosen by Anderson for the “French messenger”, also naturally looms from his infantile-megalomanian manners. UES is a nostalgic collector who selects for each work the most bizarre visual images of different eras, compulsively hiding them in the back of the frame and behind the backs of world stars. In the new film, the director neatly packaged Benisio del Toro , Edian Brody , Tilda Swinton , Ley Seyd , Francis McDormand , Timothy Shalame , Jeffrey Wright , Mathieu Amalric , Bill Murray , Boba Balaban And another dozen of eminent actors, whom you may not even notice, according to several novels and sketches from the life of a fictional edition. Each head of the stylistically differs somewhat from the other, and the plots are deployed on the basis of materials really written by journalists. These are stories: about the love of a psychopathic prisoner (del Toro), who discovered a talent for modern art, and his overseer (Seydu); about the barricades of student protests, consider, ruined by the same love (Shalama and Stotovschi); And about the unsuccessful kidnepping, where the child saved the desperate Japanese chef.

Despite the fact that the plots in their conception are interesting and typical of Anderson's well-considered buffoonery, the measure of the director's creativity has been not narrative, but visuality for quite a long time. It’s not for nothing that each of his paintings is taken away for picturesque posts with frames and artifacts for a video essay? And no matter how much the director himself likes to play in the ivory sandbox, it may seem that his filmography is gradually heading into a graphomaniac dead end, and Wes himself becomes a hostage of a polished, but too familiar style.

French Messenger: If they give you lined paper, write across

In the French Messenger the director is still true to himself: the wealth of the smallest retro details competes with a scattering of world-famous performers, the space of general plans is furnished with exquisitely funny interiors, the camera spans accompany the heroes rushing through the streets, and overhead sounds Alexandre Desplat . However, the director is also groping for others that have hitherto not constrained his framework. In the third novel, Anderson, who previously worked only with dolls, uses 2D animation for the first time in the style of the French-language comic strip bande dessinée. Such a transition, which does not seem to fit into the usual emasculated style, attracts more attention than the director probably expected. In the first and second novels, Wes finally allows himself to play with monochrome: scenes of student riots are shot predominantly in black and white and are reminiscent of the revolutionary May 1968 and the New Waves associated with that time, while a segment about art behind bars turns to color to reflect sensual experiences (due to) creativity.

In the creative method of Wes Anderson, it is customary to single out two facets of his talent: on the one hand, he is able to create such an artistic world that is pleasant and safe to return to, on the other hand, he builds this world like a real neurotic who becomes furious if something it is not in its place. The French Herald corresponds to the first point, but not quite to the second. Wes seems to be slowly looking for loopholes from his own designed exquisite captivity.

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He came to New York to replace Pirlo and studied with Villa. CSKA signs MLS champion

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He pawed me every damn day and my bosses laughed at it. David Villa accused of harassment

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Borussia Mönchegladbach signed a contract with a 16-year-old American defender

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Gaitan's goal and three assists helped Chicago beat Atlanta.

Remember Willa? At 37, he still scores: already 421 goals

Bonucci chooses between PSG, Man City and New York City

Rooney's goal did not save DC United from relegation from the US Open Cup. Video

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He was very angry that they broke the formula for The Expendables by stuffing a company of inexpressive youngsters into it. The unstoppable old men, as before, without straining, will tuck this pine picked from the forest into the belt.

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FIFA 14 files – trains, fashion, preservation, patches

FIFA 14 → Files download 1945 original persons from EA Sports from FIFA 19, converted for FIFA 14 installation: 1) Copy the contents of the archive in the game folder; 2) We make the regeneration of files in

FIFA 14 → Files

FIFA 14 files - trains, fashion, preservation, patches

Download 1945 original persons from EA Sports from FIFA 19, converted for FIFA 14 installation: 1) Copy the contents of the archive in the game folder; 2) We make the regeneration of files in the Creation Master 14, or File Master 14..

All original faces from FIFA 18

Download 1881 original persons from EA Sports from FIFA 18, converted for FIFA 14 installation: 1) Copy the contents of the archive in the game folder; 2) We make the regeneration of files in the Creation Master 14, or File Master 14..

Updating compositions, skill on 07/12/2019

Download the latest FIFA 20 updates are included. The latest transfers are taken into account on 07/12/2019. Installation: The contents of the DB folder in the archive are copy into the root folder of the game. \ FIFA 14 \ DATA \ DB. .

40 new persons (New 40 Faces) [1.0]

Download adds 40 new faces for players. We copy the contents of the folder into the FIFA 14 \ Game \ DATA \ SceneASSEST folder

Updating compositions, commands, skill on 03/18/19

When the game does not succumb to any and it seems impassable, special programs come to the rescue – cheats, skins, mods, traineers for games, etc. With their help, the player can get an advantage: additional resources, a lot of money, immortality, increased speed and much more.

If you want to facilitate the passage of FIFA 14, you can use our file archive. Only proven and efficient Files for gameswhich can be downloaded for free.

When downloading files, you need to pay attention to the version of the game for which it is intended. Trainers for gamesFor example, they are not always compatible with all versions of the game, since the developers, releasing updates, can change the architecture of the game and the principles of the work of one or another mechanic. Usually the version with which the file is compatible is indicated directly in its name.