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House of storks and flowering lotuses: the Khingan reserve in the Amur Region

House of storks and flowering lotuses: the Khingan reserve in the Amur Region

House of storks and flowering lotuses: the Khingan reserve in the Amur Region

Every year, more than a thousand tourists visit the Khinggan reserve in the Amur Region. People rest in nature, admire the flowering lotus and get acquainted with rare birds. Some can even “adopt” their favorite chick and help the reserve in its content. Details are in our material.

Fees for additional services:

Where is the reserve?

  • Address: Arkhara village, road lane, 6.
  • Coordinates in Google Maps: 8QXG 497M+MC.

The history of the reserve

The reserve was opened in 1963, along with other reserves of the Far East: Bolshekhtsirsky, Komsomol and Zeisky. Initially, they were created as national parks near large industrial centers. The Khingan reserve was opened as a resting place for residents of the nearby city of Obluchye.

Payment for changing passport data - 1,000 p.

Features of the reserve

The Khingan reserve is partially located in the mountains, the height of which reaches 500 meters, and partially in the steppes of the Arkharin lowland. The total area of ​​the reserve is more than 97 thousand hectares. About 50 species of mammals and about 300 species of birds live here. Tourists can meet many roe deer on excursion trails, as well as hear a raisor rivet in the mountains. Sometimes traces of the Himalayan bear, lynx and the Far Eastern forest cat are visible on tourmarchs.

The plant world in the reserve is represented by lotus flowers, irises, water lilies, as well as forests in which the Mongol oak, Korean cedar, Amur linden and yellow birch grow. On the plain part of the reserve, near-water birds nest: the Japanese and Daurian cranes, a bump duck, a gray heron, the Far Eastern stork and others. Among the protected species here you can find an eagle-whitewater and a big gear. In addition, thousands of migrant birds fly into the reserve annually, including a rare black crane.

Making remarks with any information - 450 p.

In the 1980s, a new department was opened under the reserve-a reinthroduction of rare species of birds to increase the number of cranes and storks. The chicks are brought up at large, without aviaries, and thus learn to get their food and adapt to adulthood. After the chick grows, he is released by the will. In addition, the station is also monitored by other birds, which are sometimes found by local residents.

Since 2011, it became possible to take the bird under guardianship in the reserve. The purpose of the event is to improve the conditions of detention and veterinary services of birds. The guardian will be issued a certificate of adoption of the bird. This title can receive a child, entrepreneur, student, company or public organization. Conditions – financially (or products) to help the reserve in the content of the chosen chick.In this way, the guardian can find a new friend and help him improve his living conditions.

Admission of additional baggage - 900 p.

During the season, which lasts from May 15 to September 15, more than a thousand tourists visit the reserve. Here you can walk along the Lake of White Birds eco-route, where guests are introduced to the feathered inhabitants of the reserve. During the lotus bloom, the organization's employees conduct excursions to Lake Dolgoe, where the flower grows. Before visiting the reserve, lovers of rafting can raft along the Arkhara and Salokachi rivers. For those who want to stay near the reserve for a few days, a recreation center is organized on the shores of Lake Dolgoe. There are unheated houses and a kitchen.

How to get to the reserve?

Choosing a place, food (if the airline provides an opportunity) - 800 rubles. for the flight segment

The closest to the village of Arkhara is the city of Blagoveshchensk. It can be reached by plane. There is a regular bus from Blagoveshchensk to Arkhara. In addition, the village can be reached by train from Vladivostok.

Photo: D.N. Kochetkov,,, website of the Khingan Reserve

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The terms You, Your, Your and Customer refer to a user who has visited our website and/or received any service through our website.

All contracts of carriage concluded by you by booking, paying for and issuing tickets on this site you conclude directly with the airlines. We act as an aggregator of airline offers for a fee.

We offer for your approval without any changes all the terms and conditions set forth below (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”). Please read this Agreement carefully. If you do not accept all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, please do not use this site. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the Client expresses his consent by opening any page or using any service of our site.In this way, the guardian can find a new friend and help him improve his living conditions.

During the season, which lasts from May 15 to September 15, more than a thousand tourists visit the reserve. Here you can walk along the Lake of White Birds eco-route, where guests are introduced to the feathered inhabitants of the reserve. During the lotus bloom, the organization's employees conduct excursions to Lake Dolgoe, where the flower grows. Before visiting the reserve, lovers of rafting can raft along the Arkhara and Salokachi rivers. For those who want to stay near the reserve for a few days, a recreation center is organized on the shores of Lake Dolgoe. There are unheated houses and a kitchen.

How to get to the reserve?

The closest to the village of Arkhara is the city of Blagoveshchensk. It can be reached by plane. There is a regular bus from Blagoveshchensk to Arkhara. In addition, the village can be reached by train from Vladivostok.

Photo: D.N. Kochetkov,,, website of the Khingan Reserve

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Sports Betting Maryland

Children's directions

Without a Kevordo, in a period of 3-5 years, the child manifests the character, talents, and the type of physique is also formed. This is a great period to start taking the child to the section not for sports

Without Kevordo

In the period of 3-5 years, the child manifests the character, talents, and the type of physique is also formed. This is a great period to start taking the child to the section not for sports achievements, but for health and discipline.

Our program Little athletes is aimed at developing motor qualities and main types of movements, strengthening the main muscle groups. Power exercises in a game format, funny games and all the most interesting are waiting for kids in this lesson.

Form of clothing: sports, sneakers

Choreography 3-5 years old, 6-9 years old

Classical choreography is a class in which they study the movements of classic ballet. This is the basis of all dance areas.

Classes of ballet give such development of the body and posture that you can only dream of. Also, classic choreography classes are very important for beginner dancers. Ballet classes help the development of the right lines of the case, competent movements. In the classroom, you will receive basic ideas about classical choreography, learn the main positions, setting up the case, and also begin to study the simplest elements of classical dance and perform exercises at the machine.

Form of clothing: gymnastic swimsuit/ballet

Children's fitness 3-5 years old, 6-8 years old, 9-13 years old

Fascinating sports classes in groups of peers without reference to a specific sport.

The direction includes elements of rhythm, dancing, elements of outdoor and sports games. It is carried out both using various equipment (balls, steps, ropes, a Swedish wall), and without it.

Objectives: development of coordination, increased endurance, the development of power qualities, the development of a sense of rhythm, the development of the technique of owning the ball. In addition to the development of physical training, the guys will be able to throw out all the accumulated energy and get a charge of good mood!

Form of clothing: sports, not constraining movements. Shoes: on Mondays – socks and/or Czechs (emphasis on OFP), on Fridays – sneakers (emphasis on dance training).

School of climbing 4-6 years, 7-13 years old

Five reasons to start practicing on a climbing clock:
1. Classes at the climbing are developing all muscle groups. During classes rock climbingM the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, the muscles of the back and the press, the gluteal muscles and the muscles of the legs.
2. Rock climbing Improves coordination, flexibility, endurance, makes a slender figure and more beautifully posture.
3. Rock climbing – This is a completely new format of physical activity, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition and improves mood.
4. Rock climbing Develops creative thinking, the ability to quickly make decisions in a large load.A person climbing the wall should correctly determine the sequence of setting the arms, legs and the whole body to overcome the route;
5. Skalolas is characterized by support, mutual assistance, friendliness, rallying, which creates a relaxed atmosphere, turning your training into outdoor rest

Form of clothing: sportswear, preferably fitting, not constraining movements. Shoes are not sliding, sneakers, sneakers. It is advisable to have a small towel, a water bottle.

School of Young Champions 5-8 years old

A set of exercises for the development of all muscle groups and an increase in the main indicators of strength and endurance.

Training is carried out using game elements. The overall training is not distinguished in a separate sport, but the elements of this training are present in each sport. In other words, general physical training is a culture of the athlete’s development on the way to victories and prizes.

Form of clothing: sports, sneakers.

Sports aerobics 5-10 years old

Sports aerobics is a power and dynamic sport. Sports aerobics combines elements of rhythmic and gymnastics, as well as elements of acrobatics. This sport develops the flexibility of the child, coordination, explosive strength and endurance. Suitable for both girls and boys.

The training includes:
* General physical training
* Stretching
* Power preparation
* Basic elements of acrobatics
* Classical choreography.

Khoreo-Mini 5-10 years old

Khoreo-Mini is a mixture of modern dance areas (mainly HIP-hop). Classes are aimed at studying the main (basic) material, the development of coordination, studying music (rhythm), working with musicality and emotions.

Back school 5-10 years old

Parents do not always manage to monitor how the child sits at the table, especially difficult with active children, whose heels tend to climb into a chair.

If you want to help your child form beautiful and healthy posture, then you need to think about strengthening the muscles of the back in advance. Our back school will help you with this, which is included in the program exercises and game tasks aimed at strengthening the muscles that support the correct posture (prevention of posture disorders).

Form of clothing: sports.

Antigravity Kids 5-13 years old

A unique fitness program for children using hammock, having unique features. Performing anti -gravity exercises in hammock, children learn to control their fear, train balance and vestibular apparatus. Swating, rotation and other physical movements in space help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system that allows the spine to develop correctly. The methodology of classes is developed based on the movements of air acrobatics, suitable for children of different ages. Classes have a beneficial effect on the entire body of the child and his character.

The creative atmosphere of classes contributes to the development of the attention and imagination of the child, gives a sense of confidence in success. All this positively affects the learning of the child at school, communication with peers and adults.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu 5-13 years old

A modern type of wrestling, recognized and revered all over the world.

This type of struggle is developed on the basis of various well-known types of struggle, such as sambo, judo, free and Greco-Roman struggle, Jiu-Jitsu and Luta Livre. The purpose of this type of martial arts without weapons is to identify the most rational method of fighting with the enemy in a duel without blows, regardless of his physical condition and weight category, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu develops a sense of balance, distribution of his own weight and partner weight during the fight due to levers and movement .

Aikido 5+

Aikido is a relatively safe sport. There are no sparings, and the blows are only indicated.

Features of aikido as martial art:

  • the use of enemy force against himself;
  • leaving the attack line;
  • conducting pain on the joints of the enemy.

What will your children get from Aikido training:

  • excellent physical shape;
  • developed self -discipline and self -control;
  • will learn to achieve any goals;
  • And itching techniques of self -defense.

Speudcubing 7-14 years old

Speudcubing is an intellectual and entertainment lesson for children to assemble a chubby cube and other puzzles for speed.

– logical thinking
– memory
– Spatial imagination
– speed
– Dexterity

For children from 7 years old and older. Adults can also come to classes themselves or with children

Perhaps participation in competitions with the subsequent entry of results in the global rating.

If your child is engaged in speedkubin, then he will spend less time at the computer and sit in gadgets.

Circular training 7-17 years old

Power training aimed at strengthening the main muscle groups using dumbbells, shock absorbers. Usually carried out at stations.

All exercises are performed in a certain sequence, forming a circle. Training is performed at a fast pace with a short rest between the approaches.

Form of clothing: sports, not constraining movements, shoes – sneakers.

Jazz-Funk, 9-13 years old

The class of stage choreography, which combines different street styles (HIP-Hop, House, Dancehall, Vogue, etc.), as well as borrowed elements from the directions of Modern, Contemporary. Jazz-Funk is what we see in the clips of the stars of pop culture: a very bright, interesting and tasty mix! In the classroom, ligaments are learned, performances and shows are placed for the purpose of performances, participation in competitions, as well as shooting a video.

Sports Betting Maryland

Deliever receiving sports rates 8 letters

Sport rates

Deliever receiving sports rates 8 letters

Makes business on bets; Totalizer employee; Forecast of the results of matches;. Etymology of the word Totalizer. Tingling the accumulated cable. The answers to all the scanwords with the analysis of the letter you always. List of terms.

A person taking bets when playing on the run, etc. 8 letters

A person taking bets when playing on the run, etc. Sports forecast Biathlon Women's relay race. Not favorable to the accepting bets on the sports office of 8 letters does not flip out.

1. According to statistics, demand for.

2. The second letter y.

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The accepting bets on the sports office of 8 letters will be dismissed. Heightsomely enclosing or differentially accepting sports rates of 8 letters of the scanword landscape is mechanism. Ozhegov Leon Betting on Sports from the phone Bookmaker in Nikolaev N. Third letter K.

Trucks on the races, 8 letters Assistant to the scanwordist, crossword player answers to scanwords, crosswords. The third letter K. The word of 8 letters, the first letter is “b”, the second letter is “y”, the third letter is “K”. Go to the section receiving rates, 8 letters, a scanword – a descendant receiving bets. Discussion on.

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Accepting sports rates 8 letters

Alternative descriptions. The answer to the question in the scanword is a person receiving bets in a totalitumor consists of 8 letters. There is no suitable option? A cult English bookmaker taking bets from a year.

The answer to the question in the scanword is a person receiving bets in a totalitumor consists of 8 letters. The office of the sport rates.

Tingling the accumulated cable. The main thing is that this sport has a lot of fans.

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Firstly, the word bookmaker consists of letters: the first b, the second, the third K, the fourth m,. Accepting bets. Almost any totalizer accepting sport rates stipulates their regulation in the rules, leaving the right to amend.

Sports Betting Maryland

CSKA takes the second game. Will there be a flue in Yaroslavl? Hockey news – Official website HC Metallurg (Magnitogorsk)

CSKA takes the second game. Will there be a flue in Yaroslavl? Nikitin needs to think tightly about how to upset his former employers. Unlike the first game, today the account was opened

CSKA takes the second game. Will there be a flue in Yaroslavl?

Nikitin needs to think tightly about how to upset his former employers.

Unlike the first game, today the Yaroslavls opened the bill. This happened already in the fourth minute – Igor Nikitin's wards realized John Gilmor's removal. Marchenko clicked aimed at the blue line, and Anisimov corrected the flight of the puck on the heel, which Disoriented Fedotov.

Soon, Fedotov had to work again – Ivanov dangerously threw it down, but the goalkeeper repelled the shot with his shield. CSKA's answer was quite timely. Already in the 7th minute, Sergei Plotnikov, who once had played the Lokomotiv, did what he always succeeded-he rummaged on his heel after he threw it out there, and buried the puck into the goal.

An abandoned puck, obviously, gave the desired impulse to the players of CSKA – the next few minutes they completely controlled the course of the game. The removal of Averin also helped them. Ditz could take his command forward, but the puck flew next to the bar after his dense throw. In general, the rest of the first period passed with equal struggle, but more often threw Lokomotiv.

The second twenty -minute brought to this even more struggle, but more often the gates were threatened by Lokomotiv. Korshkov was a good moment in the middle of the game segment, which rolled out of the right edge and threw it into the near Gukgol – Fedotov took the puck into a trap. Anisimov could also score, who almost turned the same chip that he was a success in the first period. This time the puck flew past the gate. In general, on the side of Lokomotiv in the second period was both the territory and the actual advantage. But the Yaroslavl did not work out to squeeze something out of him.

And at the beginning of the third twenty -minute CSKA came forward. The hero of the episode in the 44th minute was Vitaly Abramov. Having received a puck in the center of the Lokomotiv zone, he turned around and definitely threw it from the hands.

From the side of Lokomotiv, of course, a surge of activity followed. It is logical – Yaroslavl needs Bulo to recoup. It ended pretty quickly when, as a result of a skirmish between Shalunov, Averin and Dalbek. In that majority, CSKA did not have moments, but we must understand that the railway workers spent strength and time. And it came to them. In the 56th minute, Plotnikov removed all questions about the winner with his naked. And again his puck came from the heel. The most interesting thing is that Okulov assisted him again.

And the final chord in today's song was played by Svetlakov, who sent the puck into the empty gate.

4: 1 in the match, 2-0 in the series – with such introductory data, the teams move to Yaroslavl.The game in both matches was equal, but so far CSKA so far uses its moments. We are waiting for the third game.

Sports Betting Maryland

CSKA turned on the turbo and gave a perfect match. No one plays at such an intensity in the KHL – even Lokomotiv – Hockey news – official website of HC Metallurg (Magnitogorsk)

CSKA turned on the turbo and gave a perfect match. No one plays at such intensity in the KHL – not even Lokomotiv I'll start from the end: it's hard to find a team in the KHL that has spent this season

CSKA turned on the turbo and gave a perfect match. No one plays at such intensity in the KHL – not even Lokomotiv

I'll start from the end: it's hard to find a team in the KHL that has played this season better than Lokomotiv (well, except for CSKA). Competent restructuring with a new coach: defensive schemes quickly mastered by the players and a tight team like Mike Tyson's fist. Yaroslavl promised that it would be as difficult as possible for CSKA when they met in the playoffs – everything was so.

It was six close matches. In the seventh Lokomotiv was a bit lacking – but in this case, this is not a diagnosis, but a reason to work on yourself and become stronger. And come back next year with new ambitions.

Yaroslavl's majority was messing up this entire series – it failed in the seventh game as well. The team lacked diversity in attack – they really lacked it today. For the last week and a half, Lokomotiv compensated a lot with pure energy, desire, motivation – and it seemed that if they held the Match of Life today, then everything would be okay. But it is impossible to have three Life Matches in one series.

In general, what happened was what was supposed to happen: one brilliant team finished the season. The problems of Lokomotiv became problems only against the backdrop of CSKA – so these are not such problems. This is a resource for reinforcement. The West has long needed someone new in the Gagarin Cup final: before SKA / CSKA, it was already Lev in 2014.

But there is good news: another brilliant team continues the season. Before the game, I thought like this: at some point, Nikitin will have to humanize his team's game a little, add unpredictability and creativity to make the necessary difference.

No: CSKA today has become even more mechanical. The team turned on even more power. Her coach's method is to break the game into micro-segments and play each with maximum intensity, maximum right – today he has reached perfection (perhaps intermediate – we will find out from the series with SKA). CSKA played quickly, powerfully and effectively.

Not so long ago, I compared SKA hockey with constructivist architecture – and so the game of CSKA today resembled the flight of a jet plane. On the one hand, it would seem that flight is some kind of spiritual, almost creative phenomenon, but it was ensured by the harsh, honest and repeatedly thought-out work of mechanics.

This CSKA is so thought out that even when “Sanya Popov” (as Nikitin called him after the match) came to the defender’s position, nothing changed in the game. Not a single failure.

Each player has all the necessary instructions in his head.

I like to note this efficiency in Shalunov's link – in how lightning fast it brings the puck to the shot and, most often, to the goal. Maybe this is too bold an association, but I think that if Viktor Tikhonov Sr. saw this team, he would be very pleased.

Now it’s not very clear to me who will be able to cope with this at all – and where else can you see such monstrously high-quality hockey (there are no analogues even in the NHL). Thank God it's not my headache.

The next opponent of the army team of Moscow is SKA. MiG-9 against Dom Melnikov. Interesting.

Sports Betting Maryland

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Cherkasy Dnieper – Steel, 1: 3, 21 August 2015: watch online, live broadcast of the match, results. Ukraine. Cup. 1/16 finals. Sport-Express

Cherkasy Dnieper – steel, online broadcast of the match, August 21, 2015, 1: 3, Ukraine. Cup. 1/16 finals, Cherkasy Arena, Cherkasy, football. Statistics, results and overview of the game, the course of the match and goals

Cherkasy Dnieper – Steel, August 21, 2015

Cherkasy Dnieper

SE is glad to welcome all football lovers! Here you are waiting for the online broadcast of the match Cherkasy Dnieper (Belozorye)-steel (Dneprodzerzhinsk). Ukraine. Cup, 1/16 finals. The match will be held on August 21, 2015 at the Cherkasy Arena (Cherkasy, Ukraine). Start – at 18:00 Moscow time.

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City Championship and championship: Results

The Olympus USK ended the championship and championship G.O. Togliatti in the room. Competitions on the site of our sports complex were held from March 17 to 19. AT

City Championship and championship: Results

On the first day, the struggle for awards within the framework of the city championship was carried out by 30 young archers (13 boys and 17 girls) under the age of 14 years. In the amount of 30 shots at a distance of 12 meters at boys, the entire podium consisted of athletes SSHOR No. 10 Olympus. The first place was taken by Ilya Demidov, the second – Matvey Kostin (both coach – Alexei Podgornov), the third – Gleb Fisenko (coach – Gennady Shapochkin). In the girls, our Margarita Lebedeva became the winner (coach – Gennady Shapochkin).

On the second day, the city championship awards were played among 39 athletes (24 boys and 15 girls) aged 14-17 years. According to the sum of two episodes of 30 shots each at a 18-meter distance, three pupils of Alexei Podgornov rose to the podium. Egor Korkin won silver with young men, Bronze – Stanislav Fedorov. In the girls, Sofya Podgornova took third place. In the junior championship (17-21), another student of the same coach was awarded the bronze award-Kirill Gorban.

On March 19, 48 representatives of seven sports organizations of Togliatti, Samara, Ulyanovsk and Ust-Kinelsky (21 women and 27 men) took part in the city championship. According to the sum of two distances in the discipline “Classic onions” (41 participants), both of our athletes made their way to the final. Sofya Podgornova in qualification was the second, Polina Soboleva – the fifth. In the final round, having lost only one point to the master of sports of the USSR Tamara Istomina, Podgornova won silver. And Sobolev, who is also trained by Alexei Podgornov, was able to get ahead of two more experienced archers and became the owner of a bronze award.

Our younger participants in the competition.

Our senior participants in the competition.

All photos of the event on the page of our school VKontakte (10 pcs.)here

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Mix Fighters will take to the ice in Lobnya | LobnyaMedia

Mix Fight fighters will take to the ice in Lobnya The presentation of the new hockey team under the INDUSTRIALS brand will take place next Sunday in Moscow. In essence, we are talking about the unification of the ice

Mix Fight fighters will take to the ice in Lobnya

The presentation of the new hockey team under the INDUSTRIALS brand will take place next Sunday in Moscow. In essence, we are talking about the unification of the Legion ice squad and the INDUSTRIALS mixed martial arts club into one sports community based in Lobnya.

“We and the guys came up with the idea to unite and move in the same direction. We have the same ideas, the same goals, why not help each other and develop together? We developed a uniform for the guys, included me in the team and other fighters who fight in the cage, in the ring. They will also sometimes play hockey, in the night hockey league, – Valery Myasnikov, head of INDUSTRIALS, told

“For several years our team was called Legion (Lobnya). We successfully took part in various amateur tournaments, in the championship of the Night Hockey League. And since many of the guys from our team were also engaged in martial arts at one time, we are familiar and good friends with Valera Myasnikov, a famous fighter of the INDUSTRIALS team. Plus, the martial arts club INDUSTRIALS has been successfully operating in Lobnya for a year now. We talked and decided that it would be great if the INDUSTRIALS hockey team appeared. Thus, we want to give impetus to the development of mass sports in our city, ”the words of Legion captain Dmitry Vintsukevich are quoted on the club’s social network page.

Those who want to be present at the birth of a new team are expected at the Yantar Palace of Sports on Marshal Katukov Street, 22 at 18:00, Sunday, September 24th. According to the Sportbox portal, the presentation will be attended by figure skating star Evgeni Plushenko and vice-president of the MMA Union of Russia Radmir Gabdullin.