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Action of the Week: Dividends are expected from LUKOIL – ExpertRU – Lukoil. News Lukoil. Gas stations Lukoil. Russian news. Lukoil news. News of the company Lukoil. News. Russia news. News 1.05.11. News May 1st. News today. (April 30, 2022)

The best result on the Russian stock market last week was shown by LUKOIL shares, which skyrocketed by 22.77%. A number of events coincided that improved the attitude of investors towards these securities, but most importantly, their hope for high dividends strengthened

Action of the Week: Dividends are expected from LUKOIL

The best result on the Russian stock market last week was shown by LUKOIL shares, which skyrocketed by 22.77%. A number of events coincided that improved the attitude of investors towards these securities, but most importantly, their hope for high dividends strengthened.

Action of the Week: Dividends are expected from LUKOIL

Many Russian stocks were up last week, but mostly they were up 1-5%. Still, the Moscow Exchange Index added 9.54%. The result was provided by a narrow circle of heavyweights who showed double-digit or close to that profitability. This group included the shares of Gazprom, NOVATEK, Sberbank and Norilsk Nickel, but LUKOIL was the undisputed leader. Compared to the close of the previous Friday, its shares by the evening of April 29 rose by 22.77%.

It was a worthy end to a month that, for the most part, was a rather gloomy one for the oil company's stock. On April 1, a new round of their decline started, as a result of which on the afternoon of Friday the 22nd, they lost 37%.

The news background was appropriate: the refusal of Canada and the United States from Russian energy carriers, continuous, although by no means always serious, talk about the embargo of European countries threatening domestic oil. There were also rumors about a possible expropriation of refineries owned by Russian companies in the West. On April 13, Great Britain included the permanent head of LUKOIL, Vagit Alekperov, on the sanctions list, and on the 21st, he announced his decision to leave the board of directors and resign.

Vagit Alekperov was not a controlling shareholder. As of March 31, he owned 3.12% of the shares, and in relation to another 5.43% of the shares he had a “beneficiary economic interest” (beneficiary) through trusts, funds and other instruments. But there were fears that this situation could affect the business of the oil company, both in the market and among the top manager himself. This is how he later explained his decision.

But with the announcement on April 22 of the appointment of Vadim Vorobyov as interim head of the corporation (it is planned to appoint him as president of LUKOIL), the perception of the shares of the oil giant by investors began to change. After all, if we ignore the gloomy external background, then the economic situation of the company at the moment is by no means not bad.

The volume of hydrocarbon production in 2021 amounted to 2.16 million barrels of oil equivalent (of which oil accounted for 1.6 million bpd), which is comparable to the production of countries such as Norway, Mexico, Kazakhstan or Nigeria. Oil prices are still very high.

For 2021, according to BCS Express, the estimated dividends on LUKOIL shares amounted to about 870 rubles, of which 340 rubles were already paid in December. This, analysts believe, means that in 2022, total payments could exceed 1,000 rubles per share. At April 22 prices, this corresponded to a dividend yield of over 27%. Even based on quotes for the close on April 29, we get quite a solid 21.3%.

And this was followed by a whole series of positive and confidence-building events for investors. Brent oil, which fell below $100 per barrel on April 25, returned above this figure on the same day and grew most of the week. It reached $10 on Friday but closed the day lower at $106.08.

On April 26, LUKOIL exercised its right to waive the moratorium on bankruptcy introduced by the government for the period from April 1 to October 1. This removed a number of restrictions from the company, but the main thing for investors was that the moratorium did not allow the payment of dividends.

On April 27, LUKOIL paid $34.2 million on bonds maturing in April 2023. This also made an impression, because earlier some Russian companies, for example, Severstal, EuroChem Finance and Russian Railways, were unable to fulfill their debt obligations due to the blocking of foreign exchange payments by Western intermediaries.

Finally, on Friday, the company released its RAS financials for the first quarter of 2022. LUKOIL's net profit soared 10.4 times in annual terms, amounting to 133.38 billion rubles. Its revenue grew by 2.2 times (up to 723.2 billion rubles), and gross profit – by 3.5 times (up to 191.247 billion rubles). It is not surprising that according to the results of this day, LUKOIL shares became the leader in the Moscow Exchange Index, soaring by 7.27%.

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Poster City: 10 things that need to be done for a long weekend – archive

Since Saturday this week begins on Thursday, then the business over the coming weekend can be redone twice as much – noted …

10 things that need to be done for a long weekend

Since Saturday this week begins on Thursday, it can be redeemed twice as much over the coming weekend-to celebrate the birthday of “hodgepodge”, listen to jazz in “Arkhangelsk” or rush to important festivals to St. Petersburg, Nikola-Lenivets or Ochoka.

Marking the birthday Solyanka

Photo: Promo Hard Ton

Club entertainment cycle can be started with the 7th anniversary of Sollyanka today. The announcement playfully reports that the time frame of the celebration is quite flexible and when it ends, no one knows for sure. It is not surprising – it is quite difficult to fit about fifty artists in one night, and the whole party promises to rattle 40 hours continuously. The whole color of club Moscow should be expected both for turntables and a dance floor, but they will also not forget about foreign guests: as a gift-the Italian hi-energy-duet Hard Ton, the energetic house from the Swedes Genius of Time, as well as the DJs from Half of the Canadian duo Blue Hawaii Alex Kovan. A round -the -clock party will smoothly flow into the viewing of football on the veranda: on the night of June 12 to 13, the first match of the World Cup – Brazil – Croatia will be shown here. Details and schedule make sense to check here.

  • When June 11–12
  • Where is the Solyanka
  • Entrance 700 p. (from 23.00 June 11), 500 p. (from 8.00 June 12)

Bring the child to the children's arches

The organizers of the Festival Archistanese in Nikola-Lenivts decided to make a child-adult holiday with curators in the person of a foolish art collaboration The body of Varenye. There will be all the same contemporary artists, designers and architects as at a large festival, but only all objects and attractions will be focused on a more active leisure for the whole family: a train from sofas, transmission of thoughts at a distance, giants of the protein of the darkness, quest “Keys from Paradise” based on a medieval French game, “sound sneeler of trees” by Andrei Bartenev, enhancing the sounds of water absorption and evaporation of carbon dioxide, and the like. You can get to the place either in your car, or order a transfer (800 p.). You can come with your tent (a place for it will cost 500 rubles) or rent it for two or three nights with different levels of comfort (1000–4100 rubles). Book a place and buy a ticket to the festival (900 p.) You can here.

  • When June 13-14
  • Where is Nikola-Lenivtsa, Kaluga region
  • program

Listen to jazz in Arkhangelsk

A calm pastime in the fresh air in the last days of a long weekend. At five scenes of the Jazz Manor will be about 40 groups – in the compulsory program Alexei Aigi with a performance dedicated to Kurekhin, the Aristocrat site, completely given to the New Orleans jazz, and Brazilian singer Marcia Castro with modernized Bosanova.In addition, it is worth taking a closer look at the gaining speed of Therr Maitz, playing an inconspicuous pop music, and Leonid Agutin with a jazz program performed only at concerts.

  • When June 14-15
  • Where is the Evalum Museum Arkhangelskoye
  • program

Admire James Bond costumes

Photo: United Artists

The 2012 exhibition and blockbuster was brought to Moscow from the Barbican London Hall: 500 exhibits for 4 floors. Bond cars, Bond motorcycles, Bond's costumes, Bond lighters, Bond watch, Bond Girls – sketches of artists, rebellion, Makers of villainous interiors, fake weapons (from a style of Smerashevka Rosa Klebb – this is from the series “From Russia with Love” – to white Blaster made of toy ultrasound is from the Lunar Racer). A separate hall is dedicated to the villains, with whom 007 fought, there is also a room stylized under the casino, and the warehouse of strategic developments of the MI6, caught by wooden boxes, which presented gadgets, which Kew supplied the British agent for 50 years. The exhibition, like the film itself, is certainly commercial, such that is made with the calculation in line and profit to the museum’s budget: together with the history of the franchise, all the brands that ever arose penetrate the consciousness. There is only a drink that is mixed, but not shaken, but this is understandable, because in recent films the Italian vermouth abandoned the production playing.

  • When June 11 – September 7
  • Where is the multimedia art museum

View Kite

Photo: All Media

The film version of the famous anime about the Avenging Girl. When the bandits kill the father-policeman young girl Kite (India Aili), she begins to systematically exterminate all those involved in his death. She has a former partner of her father (Samuel L. Jackson) in her assistants. The film was shot based on a successful anime, which once caused fierce disputes due to its cruelty and frankness.

  • Schedule
  • Tickets

Go to St. Petersburg on Beecamp

Beecamp is a free -entrance and spectacular sports entertainment festival, passing on the Bay of Finland. The main thing there, however, is not so much sport as the musical program: this year, the Hercules Love Affair discos, the HyperDub Kulie Jee, the Dâm-Funk, as well as Benji Bi, the DJ with BBC Radio 1, will come. Only the sky, only the wind, only the joy ahead.

  • When June 12, 12.00
  • Where is the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg

Eat burgers with Yakut Olenina

City holidays turn face to gastrochipsters. Within the framework of the Day of Russia, a festival of Russian cuisine and regional products will be held, where there will be burgers with frosty Yakut Olenina, a goose on a spit prepared according to the Old Russian custom, and other exotic dishes like Karelian cakes or Buryat pose for citizens. The quality can first be judged by the worthy list of participants: the updated “CDL”, the restaurant “Suitcase” (recently surprising his guests with a barbecue from a lynx), Lavkalavka, a seafood store “Old man and the sea”, Ginza and others.So, you look, and the day of Russia from a majority that is obscure to a lot of reasons not to go to work will gradually be filled with new content.

  • When June 12-15
  • Where the Kuznetsk bridge

Relax at the 300% Chill festival

Photo: Violette Esmerald

The promoter Alexander Khmelevsky, aka Savier, holds on the “arrow” the demonstrations of modern electronics workers are not the first time for the first time, but again makes his eyes scatter when looking at the light. Here and-it’s scary to think-a three-hour DJ network from the Master of Techno Theo Parrish, and the head of the resonant label WT Records Willy Burns, and the bright representative of the “new strange” SFV Acid. Fans of new and interesting music, most likely, do not need to explain anything further, but 300% of Chill is really one of the best options to grab the important electronics of the current moment in one place.

  • When June 12th
  • Where is the arrow
  • Entrance 1000 p.

Go to the (m) student to the Gogol Center

Photo: provided by the Gogol Center Theater

Shortly before the capture of Marius von Mayenburg, from a visit to Moscow in connection with the law on the ban on gay propaganda advanced German playwright released a performance according to his play-just about all this. About how the son of a drug addict reads the Bible and terrorizes the school with moralizing; About how intolerance it feeds permissiveness, and the sermon becomes an ultimatum. “(M) student”, based on the play by Mayenburg, stands on a par with the dots arranging a point on the issue of religious pseudo -equality “pagans” in “Theater.doc”, “Karamazovs” in the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov and the “gentlemen of the Golovlevs” in the same place, in the production of the same Serebrennikov almost ten years ago. Another thing is that this time it will be an unambiguous conversation about the deformation of consciousness here and now.

  • When June 13–15, 20.00

Go to the Ovrag Ovrag

The festival of new visual art is held in the glorious city of Pansa for the fourth year in a row. A rare case when the Tango School and the Songs Songs of Pasha 183 and the master classes “Theater.doc” are found at one event. The main achievement of ART OVRAG is the residences of participants from Moscow: “Garage”, the Partizaning Blog, the Center for Glory of Polunin and modern dance figures. Concerts are attached to them Naadi, RZHB and Naum Blind and demonstrations of Moscow cooks.

  • When June 13-15
  • Where is the OTKSA, Nizhny Novgorod region
  • Program Festival website

Look at the Soviet Vanguard at the Jewish Museum

Today it is difficult to overestimate the value of the image of the car for futurists – this is speed, engine roar, aggressive movement and victory over the old world. The same symbol of the future for the avant -garde was the aeronautics. The idea of ​​flying into a sky, which is ascending a person to one level with God, was present in the work of almost every Russian avant-garde artist. The real performances were the real successes of aviation – at the exhibition of the work of Alexander Rodchenko, Varvara Stepanova, Alexander Deineki and other avant -garde leaders from meetings of various museums will be combined with historical artifacts, cinema and music of that time: all about the sky and its conquerors.

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Microsoft Edge Version 88: What's New? | Surface Pro

Microsoft Edge Version 88: What's New?

Microsoft Edge Version 88: What's New?

Last week, Microsoft released version 88 of its Edge browser, an update that includes new privacy, security, and productivity features. Among them, the company highlights a new password protection – it will come in handy if one of your passwords was leaked and will help you create a new and strong one. There are also more options for customizing new tabs.

First, Edge has a new search that works much like the old Ask Cortana feature. When you right-click on an image or text, you can open a search for them in a separate panel without leaving the tab.

On the New Tab page, you can now see incoming emails from Outlook if the site is pinned to your Quick Links list. The 88th version also introduced new icons in the address bar and context menus, consistent with the style of Fluent Design. In addition, the company has added 24 new themes.

For battery-powered devices, Edge is now more energy efficient as it puts tabs to sleep when the user doesn't open them for a long time. This frees up resources to work with other tabs and maintains high performance even on devices with a small amount of RAM and a weak processor.

Security: Edge now has a built-in password generator that will automatically suggest and save a password when you sign up for a new site, and sync it with your Microsoft account. The browser also has built-in password leak checking – Edge will report that the password is no longer strong if it detects it on resources with leaked passwords.

And finally, a new feature has been added that allows you to remove third-party cookies, as well as the ability to synchronize open tabs and history on all devices that are signed in to the same Microsoft account.