Travel Salon Bon Voyage
Without Kevordo
LLC Salon Travel Bon Voyage
Our address: city of Sarov, st. Silkina, d. 13, Nizhny Novgorod region, 607188
Contact phone numbers: (83130) 3-05-23, 3-91-81, 7-76-76
E-mail: This email Address is Being Protected from Spambots. You Need JavaScript Enabled To View It.
CEO: Bakhaev Saadet Ramizovna
ICQ: 490522558
Chief Accountant: Mamedova Anna Adamovna
We are waiting for you On weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00. On Saturday – from 11:00 to 14:00.
Find us is very simple: The blue building of the Sarovbusinessbank, the main entrance to the construction department, the 1st floor.
Find out the first!
tel. (83130)
LLC Salon Travel
Bon Voyage
Nizhny Novgorod Region
Sarov 607188
Silkina St. 13