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GMS Clinic on Smolenskaya

🧬 GMS Clinic Smolenskaya – make an appointment and consultation.

GMS Clinic Smolenskaya

GMS Clinic on Smolenskaya is an outpatient department of GMS Clinic with a day hospital, a department of general practitioners, a pediatric department, specialists in the main areas, such as allergologists, gastroenterologists, gynecologists, dermatologists, cardiologists, chiropractors, ophthalmologists, neurologists, urologists, endocrinologists, otorhinolaryngologists, traumatologists.

The clinic is located:

laboratory and diagnostic department, which includes ultrasound diagnostics, including prenatal,

endoscopic small operating room, in which gastro- and colonoscopy is performed,

radiology room for X-ray examination of various organs and systems.

Most of the 2nd floor is GMS Dental, where 14 dentists of various specialties work. All types of dental treatment are carried out here and successfully help adults and young patients.

Employees of various enterprises, including companies in the oil and gas industry, undergo examinations in the occupational pathology department.

Our patients appreciate the high quality of medical services, the great experience and knowledge of doctors and their ability to explain complex medical processes in an understandable language, for the opportunity to go through all the studies in one place and receive prescriptions based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.


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Other clinics

Togoev Oleg Olegovich

Medical director of the GMS group, leading specialist. Allergist-immunologist, pediatrician

Glebovsky Roman Vladimirovich

Chief Physician of GMS Sadovnicheskaya and Yamskaya. Head of the Clinic for Psychogenic Disorders, Leading Specialist

Zamashkin Yury Sergeevich

Medical director of GMS Yamskaya. Family doctor, cardiologist

Silence Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Deputy Chief Physician

Bashkirtsev Grigory Sergeevich

Head of Rehabilitation at GMS Clinic, Neurologist, Chiropractor, Rehabilitologist

Abdullaev Igor Arkadievich

Urologist, onco-urologist, andrologist

Ageenkova Oksana Alexandrovna

Head of the Department of Ophthalmology. Ophthalmologist, leading specialist

Dmitriev Konstantin Vitalievich

Rykunov Alexey Vasilievich

Head of the Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics. Traumatologist-orthopedist

Magarina Nadezhda Yurievna

Head of Pediatrics Center, Leading Specialist

Olkin Dmitry Borisovich

Head of oncology department. Oncologist. Chemotherapist

Artemova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Leading family doctor, leading therapist

Ignatova Olga Yurievna

Kirillov Georgy Mikhailovich

Leading specialist, otorhinolaryngologist

Kolycheva Ludmila Vladimirovna

Deputy Chief Physician for CER. Family doctor, therapist, occupational pathologist

Kotova Natalya Vladimirovna

Lokshin Konstantin Leonidovich

Head of the Center for Operative Urology/Oncourology and Andrology.

Navotneva Elena Vladimirovna

Head of the Center for Ultrasound Diagnostics

Oros Andrey Ivanovich

Leading specialist, manual therapist

Aliev Vladimir Anatolievich

Anesthesiologist-resuscitator, candidate of medical sciences

Batchaev Eldar Osmanovich

Cardiologist, doctor of functional diagnostics

Beloyartseva Maria Feliksovna

Besedin Andrey Viktorovich

Family doctor, therapist, occupational pathologist

Budanova Maria Vladislavovna

Doctor of the highest category, mammologist, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics

Vavilov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Dermatovenereologist, oncologist, trichologist

Voytyuk Elina Gennadievna

Ultrasound doctor

Volodin Igor Alexandrovich

Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. Doctor of the highest category

Galkina Ekaterina Nikolaevna

Georgievskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Golubchenko Oleg Ivanovich

Grigorieva (Loshkareva) Olga Alexandrovna

Family doctor, therapist, nephrologist

Gryaznova Ekaterina Igorevna

Pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist

Ermolaeva Ekaterina Igorevna

Zalesova Victoria Gennadievna

Doctor of the highest category, endoscopist

Zakharova Daria Ivanovna

Zubkova Galina Vasilievna

Family doctor, therapist, gastroenterologist, leading specialist

Kalyonova Inna Vladimirovna

Ultrasound doctor

Karpakov Artem Borisovich

Leading specialist, osteopath, chiropractor, neurologist, reflexologist

Kats Mikhail Valerievich

Kotov Vladimir Leonidovich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatric orthopedic-traumatologist

Koshko Saida Khazretovna

Kuchukova Madina Yusupovna

Obstetrician-gynecologist, endoscopic surgeon, ultrasound doctor

Ledenev Ivan Andreevich

Ledentsova Natalya Leonidovna

Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound doctor

Lisin Mikhail Mikhailovich

Lokshina Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna

lactation consultant

Lyndin Andrey Alexandrovich

Pediatrician, pediatric nephrologist

Magnitskaya Nina Evgenievna

Makarov Sergey Antonovich

Makichyan Tigran Grigorovich

Neurologist, manual therapist, rehabilitation specialist

Meshkov Alexey Dmitrievich

Minka Ekaterina Evgenievna

Obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, ultrasound doctor

Mikhnevich Fedor Vadimovich

Family doctor, therapist

Ostrovskaya Maria Alexandrovna

Pavlov Alexey Yurievich

Ultrasound doctor

Pasechnik Inna Viktorovna

Petrunina Elena Leonidovna

Neurologist, pediatric neurologist

Pirogov Nikolai Nikolaevich

Polenova Natalia Valerievna

Family doctor, therapist, cardiologist, pediatric cardiologist, nutritionist

Poluektov Mikhail Gurevich

Popova Victoria Anatolievna

Pulmonologist, family doctor, therapist

Potapova Olga Andreevna

Ultrasound doctor

Punina Yulia Sergeevna

Reshettsova Galina Viktorovna

Rios Eduardo Alexandrovich

Ryazantseva Olga Gennadievna

Saburov Semyon Viktorovich

Samorodov Ilya Yurievich

Svininnikova Maria Andreevna

Semashko Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Sencha Alexander Viktorovich

Sergeeva Natalya Dmitrievna

Serov Dmitry Dmitrievich

Sidorovich Olga Igorevna

Silenko Svetlana Georgievna

Deputy Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound doctor

Tarasova Daria Gennadievna

Tishchenko Galina Evgenievna

Trusov Alexey Viktorovich

Trusova Natalya Gennadievna

Usacheva Anna Yurievna

Fadeeva Maria Vladimirovna

Fiveyskaya Elena Yurievna

Leading Specialist. Psychologist, coach

Shirshov Vasily Nikolaevich

Urologist, oncologist, andrologist, doctor of the highest category

Shmeleva Lyubov Petrovna

Stromberger Andreas

Head of the Rehabilitation Department of the Center for Congenital Pathology

Eteria Liya Vakhtangovna

Yunusov Bulat Timirzyanovich

After leaving the tunnel under Novy Arbat, you need to change lanes to the right, pass the Smolensky Passage and immediately after it turn right onto 2nd Smolensky Lane. At the end of the lane turn right again, drive another 150 meters, turn right onto 1st Nikoloshchepovsky lane. The clinic building is on the left, in front of the square.

Spontaneous, starting from the turn to the 2nd Smolensky. It is convenient to use the Smolensky Passage parking lot (parking price is 200 rubles). In this case, turn left from the Passage, walk 100 meters to the 1st Nikoloshchepovsky lane, follow it another 30 meters to the left to the blue building with the GMS logo on the porch.

Before the tunnel under Novy Arbat, change lanes to the right without entering the tunnel. Turn around above it, change lanes to the right, pass Smolensky Passage and immediately after it turn right, onto 2nd Smolensky Lane. At the end of the lane turn right again, drive another 150 meters, turn right onto 1st Nikoloshchepovsky lane. The clinic building is on the left, in front of the square.

Spontaneous, starting from the turn to the 2nd Smolensky. It is convenient to use the Smolensky Passage parking lot (parking price is 200 rubles). In this case, turn left from the Passage, walk 100 meters to the 1st Nikoloshchepovsky lane, follow it another 30 meters to the left to the blue building with the GMS logo on the porch.

Smolenskaya Filevskaya line:

The blue building of the clinic is located 30 meters from the metro exit, diagonally across the square to the right. Entrance from the left side of the building (bank on the right), GMS logo on the porch.

Smolenskaya Arbat line:

You need to turn right onto the Garden Ring and walk 100 meters to the arch between the Sportmaster store and Sephora. There is an underground passage through the Garden Ring in the arch. After exiting the passage, the clinic is on the left, through a small square.