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Indian solitaire

Indian solitaire is one of the most interesting fortune -telling of our time – online fortune -telling Indian solitaire. In Indian solitaires are used characters from life. Usually cards

Indian solitaire

Tragos Indian solitaire

Here is one of the most interesting fortune -telling of our time is the online fortune -telling Indian solitaire. In Indian solitaires are used characters from life. Typically, cards predict the future for two months, but, if necessary, you can find out what will happen in the coming days. It is only necessary to mentally make the right period. It is already recognized that Indian maps can feel the emotional state of the fortuneteller, develop intuition, and logical abilities.

Indian solitaire is a deck of 25 cards with various symbols. For fortune -telling, the solitaire is laid out five cards in five rows. Turn the cards in different directions around your axis so that the drawing coincides – this is a prediction. Cards cannot be changed in places. Pay attention to those cards that lie nearby. Often the value of prediction depends on which card lies nearby. There are also torn cards – that is, the drawing coincides, but through one or two cards. All this matters in fortune -telling

It is very important: it is advisable to focus on the question that is interlocuing you, and lay out the solitaire only after that, then the answers will be the most believable. If the solitaire is too often laid out, then the probability of truthful answers will decrease. That is, it is undesirable to often use the fortune -telling Indian solitaire.

How to guess Turn the cards in different directions around your axis so that the drawing coincides. As soon as the drawing coincides, the interpretation of the falling card will be displayed at the bottom of the page. You can read about all the cards here