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Interactive training system. There are more minuses than pluses – Didator – an interactive training system. There are more minuses than pluses for a long time looked at this educational portal. I got acquainted with delighted and, on the contrary, with unpleasant reviews. – an interactive training system. There are more minuses than pluses


I had long looked at this educational portal. I got acquainted with delighted and, on the contrary, with unpleasant reviews. He himself carefully studied interactive resources that brought me to certain conclusions. It is absolutely free for teachers with access to interactive tasks and statistics. The teacher can create his own virtual class and track everyone's studies.


Students are also provided with free access to school and at home until 16:00. In the evening, students can solve up to 20 problems for free, and if they want to do unlimitedly, parents will be able to acquire access to an expanded account for them.

Most tasks have internal dynamics. Many of them can be used in the class on an interactive board.


Resources cover grades 1-11. In high school, only mathematics are presented. Most of the resources are devoted to elementary school, where there are interactive lessons and tasks in all subject disciplines. The teacher creates a virtual class. Registers students. Prints or sends the logins and passwords of students.


Parents can monitor the success of the student.


The teacher appears complete information about the educational activities of students.


It seemed that you could only admire. However, external attractiveness can be blocked big shortcomings data of resources.

Firstly, there is often doubt how interactive tasks correspond to the level of development of students. In many ways, they lag behind their intellectual abilities and have mainly reproductive.

Unfortunately, many teachers do not fully realize how to work with such resources. How justified is working with them in classes. For example, I read the next comment.

I, as a primary school teacher, know that the preparation of a child for school should start with the game. Therefore, I was literally involved in the process of using the platform from the first day And, I must notice, the project really works. I spend classes in a computer class, I just plant students in front of computers and explain what we will do. This is interesting and familiar to the guys (after all, not like in the USSR-sit directly and do not move!). Hence there are no problems with discipline at all. You can find this comment on link.

I do not presume to judge by this passage about the system of work of such a teacher. But replacing training in a computer class is unlikely to lead to the effectiveness of learning.

But the main unforgivable shortage is that the program is extremely poorly tested.It does not always react to the wrong answers.


Here and below I give examples when the program missed me further, despite the fact that I showed the wrong answers.




I walked only in mathematics for the first grade. Such blunders of the federal resource categorically Unacceptable. And all other advantages fade, if the resources are not verified, have not passed the corresponding technical and methodological Examination. Especially if the resource claims to the role of a program and methodological complex.