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Irkutsk Trade Newspaper


Without a keyword

“The holidays are over, everyday life has caught up with us,” the Kalinov Most group sings. It seems that quite recently we bought New Year's gifts and made up a menu for the festive table, and now the time has come to clean up the Christmas tree until the next New Year. However, many have already taken the forest beauties out into the street, because collecting needles showering on the floor is still a pleasure, but those whose apartments are decorated with artificial spruce can take their time. Still, the tree in the room sets a certain mood, especially in the evenings, when you turn on the garland, and the room is lit up with flickering lights. In the evening, prepare a delicious cake – hearty or sweet¸ make a salad or roast and do not rush to drive away the holiday, because the monotonous winter days will still have time to get bored. By the way, dear readers, have you noticed how the day has already arrived? Even if only for a couple of tens of minutes, but nonetheless. And it is impossible not to say about the past earthquake with its numerous aftershocks. Worried, be honest? For example, this time I was more frightened than before, because the force of the shocks was rather big, and this dance of furniture continued decently. May there be fewer such “surprises” in the New Year, and more positive ones! We are now sharing some good news with you.

Cultural institutions are having a hard time right now. Here comes the tax burden

The Committee on Budget, Pricing, Financial, Economic and Tax Legislation of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region sent a draft federal law to the Council of Legislators of the Federal Assembly, which proposes to exempt cultural institutions that are autonomous institutions from advance income tax payments .

Rosconcert caught on false notes in the public procurement symphony

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation revealed procurement law violations at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture Rosconcert .

Ildar Uzbekov: In 2018, historical values ​​were also stolen in Europe

Rossiyskaya Gazeta published an interview with Ildar Uzbekov . Patron and co-owner of an art gallery in London commented on the incident with the theft of the painting Arkhip Kuindzhi Ai-Petri. Crimea from Tretyakov Gallery .

Russian cinema interested in colorful trio

The economic performance of domestic cinematography, which has been improving in recent years, is increasingly attracting the attention of lovers of easy money. Many have set their sights on the big investments that have begun to flow into the industry after record box office domestic films.

Legislation to be amended to take into account cultural public procurement

Head of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev promised that the legislation concerning competitions and purchases in the field of culture would be amended in the near future, taking into account the interests of theaters. He made a promise on Friday at the GITIS Educational Theater.

Hybrid policy for cello with an orchestra

On January 26, “Special Guest” (this phrase from official news) of the Irkutsk regional Philharmonic became a cellist Sergey Roldugin . He took part in concert of the Governor's Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Choir . The concert was dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust, which for some reason was not reported in the original news about Roldugin's performance in Irkutsk . International Memory of memory of the victims of the Holocaust It was the day after the concert, but in this case it does not matter.

Vladimir Putin called on the governors not to produce poverty. This is he about theaters

The network of state theaters in Russia can be optimized. This was stated Russian President Vladimir Putin In Yaroslavl at a meeting with theater figures. It is clear that the leaders of the territories now have a carte blanche to reduce subsidies for the foci of culture. And the local intelligentsia? Yes, what will happen to her: they’re grooming – and they will go further to drink vodka.

Monkulture offer: bookstores in theaters, libraries and museums

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation A bill will introduce to the State Duma, which will grant bookstores the right to rent premises in libraries, theaters, museums and other cultural institutions on preferential conditions.

The Krasnoyarsk authorities suddenly opposed the tour of the teenage group Fredson

AT Krasnoyarsk canceled Concert of the teenage group Frendzon . The organizers report that the cause of the city hall is the reason for the owners of the sites.

The city of Russia

Yuri Dudia No one needs to represent. This is the most discussed and most unable interviewer in modern Russia. A man is very talented and undead, with natural and unnatural gaps in education. Generously awarded by nature by the appearance of a complete moron and served by hairdressers who bring this gift of nature to true perfection. Yura recently interviewed a young rapper Gone.Fludd . The level of moronism of the creative pseudonym chosen by the rapper, of course, is also worthy of a high assessment. But the Irkutsk people in this interview may primarily be interested Chelyabinsk city .

Gospel of Mark

The second for October and the second consecutive is a memorial text. So fate ordered that – people left very significant, significant and iconic for the city of I. from the city cut off the piece. Irkutsk has become smaller twice in a row.

The monopoly was authorized in the public procurement For the sake of science and culture

State Duma adopted in third reading a law allowing scientific institutions realize State procurement The only supplier has.

On the code

So that there is no misunderstanding with the heading, I will quote the dictionary of the Russian Argo: « Hit on the code – (or go) to switch to the final part of the musical work, composition, to complete the performance of a musical work..

Cyclists plundered Russia

Yesterday I had a chance to work as a jury member at a youth debate. The debate took place between the team LenKom (Komsomol members, novice communists) and a team MGER (Young Guard, beginning United Russia). Political debates between future political stars are very interesting, I will definitely write a column about debates on occasion, but today about boiling point in which these debates took place. Because I was going to write about it for a long time.

The world through the eyes of youth – a piece of enthusiasm for everyone

Photo exhibition The World Through the Eyes of Youth ISU started exhibiting in Irkutsk Regional Library named after Molchanov-Sibirsky . The grand opening in the new comfortable urban space took place on September 7th.

A shrine in a junkyard or a junkyard in a holy place. A heartbreaking story about the protection of religions in Russia

Bayandaevsky District Court satisfied the claim of the environmental prosecutor's office to invalidate the decisions of the mayor of the district on the allocation of land for the construction of a landfill in the cult place of worship of the Buryat people Buryutyn Tude.

For speculation in culture it is proposed to punish mercilessly

Government of the Russian Federation contributed to State Duma a number of laws relating to the implementation and ticket refund for cultural and entertainment events.

Strength in the rules

In the city of I., kipish, or in a new way, it would be correct to say – hype. Oh God, Irkutsk Mayor's Office tearing down signs and posters from buildings ! What is especially terrible is that they are torn off, among other things, from buildings “recognized as objects of cultural heritage.” Signboards and posters, as you know, are the best way to preserve cultural heritage from damage. And they are liquidated, leaving the cultural heritage naked and defenseless against the natural and climatic conditions and the views of the townspeople. The fact is that from August 1, they began to act in Irkutsk. you will not believe! … regulations! And “the improvement rules approved by the Decision of the Duma of the city of Irkutsk regulate the placement of information materials: posters, announcements, leaflets, posters, printed messages, images and inscriptions only in specially designated places.” Just think, the city of Irkutsk is known throughout the universe as city without rules – intends to live by the rules.

Breathe, baby, this is our Dashi

AT Irkutsk Gallery of Modern Art Viktor Bronstein The opening of the exhibition took place on July 13 Dashi Namdakova Another dimension. Thanks to the prompt assistance of Sberbank, Irkutsk residents can be the first in the world to evaluate the new collection of the famous sculptor.

Sweet I. from the bitter city of I.

columnist , as a media genre, does not imply even the slightest manifestation of false modesty. Moreover, one of the reasons why serious people are fond of columnism is the well-known principle “if you don’t praise yourself, no one will praise you.”So, leaning not only to zeroled shyness, but also to the verified facts, responding to the frequently asked by local and nonresident the question of who invented the word book City I., I responsible directly and honestly: “I came up with. And I can tell how.

It is just right to write the opera: the Buryat Theater is accused of overspending funds for fabric

Violations of the Regulation on remuneration and premiuming employees The administration allowed Buryat Opera and Ballet Theater . The amount of unreasonable payments amounted to 63 million rubles.

High -quality fucking in Buryatia is undergoing money. In the name of identity!

Winner festival Yokhora Night in Buryatia He will receive 100 thousand rubles for the best dance performance. According to the organizers, today Yohr is performed everywhere, but not always correct. In this regard, the organizing committee of the festival intends to come to each team and conduct clarifications on the competitive program, position, as well as conduct consultations on the synchronous movement and songs, writes Vostok-Teleinform with reference to the press service Theater Baikal .


One of the dictionaries says: Fordybach – simple. To contradict, stubborn, boldly respond, arrogant. “With people like Petka,” he thought is dear, “you have to knock down right away FORS ; And then they will now begin to Fordybach ”(P.D. Boborykin,“ Vasily Terkin ”, 1892)”. Do not be surprised that Vasily Terkin in the example in the dictionary with a second -bit pre -revolutionary writer Boborykin, and not with the usual Soviet Alexander Twardowski. This is one of the most mysterious coincidences in the history of Russian literature. Tvardovsky named his combat merry fungi Vasily Terekin, completely unaware of Boborykin’s novel, whose hero was a reserved merchant Vasily Terkin.

Chinese investment project in Buryat forests: the local population persuades not to apply taboos

Public Council will be created in Zakamensky district of Buryatia To control the implementation of a large investment project for forest processing. Issues related to large projects were discussed on May 10 in the government. Participation in a meeting chaired by the deputy chairman of the Government for Economic Development Igor Zuraev Representatives of the district, deputies of the People’s Khural, employees of the Republican Forestry Agency, the Republican Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Natural Resources adopted. The meeting was also attended by the Director General LLC MTK-Jenkey who plans to do the implementation of the project, Lee Shubo . Recall that there was a very sharp situation when the plans of entrepreneurs from PRC (with the support of the authorities Buryatia ) came across a sharp distrust of the local population.

Buryat circus is torn to tourist attractions number one

Visit Circus of Buryatia They offered to include in tours for residents of the Irkutsk region and foreign tourists. Especially for this plastic Buryat show tour operators visited the Angara region, Vostok-Teleinform reports with reference to the press service of the circus.

Know your homeland: developers of cultural and educational tour routes will be rewarded with a ruble in Buryatia

Developers of the new cultural and educational route in Buryatia 150 thousand rubles will be awarded. The republican competition of projects “Know your Motherland”, which started in April, was established by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for the regions of the republic. This was announced at a government briefing today, May 7, by the Minister of Culture Soelma Dagaeva , writes Vostok-Teleinform.

New Irkutsk people

– I saw you on Saturday at the action Burn, Putin, in hell!.

– I was just passing by.

– Come on. You have the words Down with the autocracy! were on the forehead in neon style letters Irkutsk printed.

Longrid city, spire city…

Thanks to the hype that has arisen around the proposed developers from company Instead of the Irkutsk brand project . Thanks to the hype, those who like to jump up don't have to invent anything. You just need to approve the proposed product, or at least not join the general condemnation of it. And you will do well to yourself – a unique cucumber!

ISU Youth and Student Choir celebrates its 50th anniversary

This year the choir of youth and students Irkutsk State University celebrates its 50th anniversary. In honor of this significant event, the creative team invites Irkutsk people to a concert, which will be held on April 1. This was reported by the press service of the university.

Irkutsk University spoke about the history of its choirs

The anniversary website of Irkutsk State University has published another essay, this time dedicated to history of university choirs .