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IV Baikal Material Board forum 2022

IV Baikal Material Board forum 2022

Without Kevordo

For the note of full -time forum participants

Dear colleagues!

The Local Committee completed the notification of the participants of the BMF-2022 on the format of the reports they submit and the conditions of the placement during the Baikal Bloc of the Conference (July 3–7, 2022). If you sent the theses (and their receipt was confirmed by the organizers), but did not receive letters with the above information, inform the local committee about this. We also ask you to immediately inform if your plans for full -time participation in the forum have changed.

Local committee


The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
the Russian Academy of Sciences
Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
International Center for DiffRaction Data
Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Federal Research Center
“Institute of Catalys them. G.K. Boreskova SB RAS
Buryat State University
Ufa State Aviation Technical University

Invite you to take part
At work

Fourth Baikal
Material science forum,

which will be held in the Republic of Buryatia July 1–7, 2022
(Ulan-Ude and the coast of Lake Baikal)

The purpose of the conference is to analyze the state of scientific research in the field of material science and outline the strategic directions of their development, to contribute to the continuity of generations of scientists-materials and integration of higher education, fundamental and applied science.