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Lewis Hamilton and Serena Williams can become co -owners of Chelsea – Football 24

Lewis Hamilton and Serena Williams can become co -owners of Chelsea – Football 24 If the “Pensioners” are sold precisely by Bronon, then the club will be seven -time champion co -owners

Lewis Hamilton and Serena Williams can become co -owners of Chelsea

If the “pensioners” are sold precisely to Bronon, then the club’s co-owners will be the seven-time Formula-1 champion and the triumph of 23 large helmet tournaments. Both Hamilton and Williams provided 10 million pounds of a consortium fighting for the acquisition of Chelsea.

By the way, the plans of the ex-owner of Liverpool include immediate investment to improve the composition, infrastructure, women’s team and the Academy. He also wants to keep Bruce Baku and Marina Granovskaya as leaders.

In addition to Broton, Chelsea strive to purchase two more candidates: Todd Boeli (co-owner of Los Angeles Dodders) and Stephen Palyuk (one of the owners of Atlanta and shareholder Boston Celtics).

Arsenal confidently defeated Chelsea, interrupting a series of defeats – the double of Nketia kept the “gunners” in the struggle for the Champions League.