Horse Betting

Metallurg" (NK) – "Donbass" – 0: 2 – In the world of sports

Metallurg (NK) – Donbass – 0:2 Quite recently in Donetsk, Donbass carried out the outsider of the East with a score of 5:1. The clubs, by the way, have strong ties, because a whole group of Kuzny players

Metallurg (NK) – Donbass – 0:2

Metallurg (NK) - Donbass - 0: 2

Quite recently, in Donetsk, Donbass carried out the outsider of the East with a score of 5:1. The clubs, by the way, have strong ties, because a whole group of Kuzny players now play in Andrey Nazarov's team – Robitaille, Kagarlitsky (still in the infirmary), Nedorost and Belukhin.

After the defeat in Vladivostok, the Pitmen's coach decided to give Leighton the main goalkeeper a rest and put in Laco, who played only the fifth game of the season. But the Novokuznetsk mentor German Titov had to do without the forward Vyglazov, who was injured.

Metallurg will certainly not be able to make it to the playoffs this season, although the team sometimes clings to points even with recognized leaders. In the home game with Donbass, local fans apparently did not believe in success, because the stands were empty.

KHL – regular season
December 06, 2013, Friday. 16:00 Moscow time

0 : 2
0:1, 0:0, 0:1

0:1 – Kolarzh (Kashpar, Robitaille) – 05:04 (5×5), 0:2 – Yakutsenya (Dadonov, Fedotenko) – 58:42 (5×5)

The game itself began with the attacks of the Forge, and already in the fourth minute the hosts got the majority. But they didn’t gain any dividends from this, they couldn’t settle in the zone in any way and over and over again ran into the opponent’s counterattacks.

Finally, the Novokuznetsk side missed the Pitmen's scoring attack, when the Pitmen's defender Kolarzh scored from a penny – 0:1.

This puck completely cooled Metallurg's offensive impulse, while the guests, on the contrary, got used to it and seized the playing advantage. The score had to grow more than once in favor of the Donetsk team, who gradually rolled out.

In the actions of Nazarov's wards, if there were no superspeeds, then the guests played quite rationally. As if there was no difficult departure to the Far East and a six-hour return flight to Novokuznetsk.

The hosts' goalkeeper Lozhkin had to work hard to save the team. Laco also had a job, but much less.

Robitaille had the most real moment to consolidate the success of the Donetsk team – Lozhkin saved. Before the siren for the first break, the hosts again got the majority and started up.

True, the teams soon went on a break, and at the end of it, the Forge continued to play extra, although it created only one moment when McLean dangerously corrected on a penny. In equal lineups, Donbass pressed on, and Fedotenko was close to success twice – Lozhkin did not allow the captain of the Donetsk team to score.

The hosts tried to play hard – sometimes even too much, but only in this way, probably, it was possible to squeeze something out of an unsuccessful match, and the opponent excelled in skill.

However, Donbass did not use the chances in the majority, but the guests liked to catch on counterattacks in the minority.So, Kashpar flew one on one with Lozhkin, picking up a puck in the middle zone, but the goalkeeper played great a club.

In the second period, Lozhkin reflected 19 shots, but this is not just statistics – each of them was extremely dangerous, as, for example, the completion of inexpensive after the “two into one” exit. Latsu mostly missed, but did not relax, and a couple of times did his job reliably.

In general, the advantage of the Donetsk residents was noticeable, but the account remained slippery.

Calmly fighting off in the minority at the start of the third period, the guests stormed the gates of Lozhkin, ending with the removal of the Novokuznets. The problem of the implementation of excess wards Nazarov is still present.

But after the fifth player’s release, the Donetsk people for a long time clasped the opponent in the zone and decently “turned”. This ended with a new removal from Metallurg.

This time the guests were perfectly settled in the zone, but it never reached the throw. Unless Lyne had a chance after the defense error, but here Lozhkin stood in the way of the puck.

When the compositions were equal in the middle of the period, the “metallurgists” sharply added and arranged a whirl at the gate of Latso. A protracted attack ended with removal from the Donetsk residents. It was a chance for the owners, and they tried to use it, wound up in earnest.

However, the crazy pressure did not give results. Time was leaving, the speeds on the site increased.

Hockey players “forge” acted to the detriment of defense and missed the most dangerous lunges of the Donetsk residents. The fate of the meeting, however, hung in the balance.

And now, 3.42 before the siren, the powerful attack of the Donetsk residents was crowned with removal from the owners.

“Donbass” again could not realize too much, and the Novokuznetsk residents acted aggressively, pressed in a foreign zone, attacked. A couple of times the guests caught an opening opponent on counterattacks, and they scored already in equal compositions, not allowing Titov to remove the goalkeeper.

The “two in one” exit was used by the best scorer of Donetsk Yakuenia, who scored his tenth washer in the season – 0: 2. For Donbass, this is the sixth “dry” victory in the season, but for Latso it became the first in two years in the Donetsk club.