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Millerov Cossacks help young people get involved in sports and healthy lifestyles

Millerov Cossacks help young people get involved in sports and healthy lifestyle At the Millerov Cossack Cadet Vocational College, the leaders of physical education and

Millerov Cossacks help young people get involved in sports and healthy lifestyles

Millerov Cossacks help young people get involved in sports and healthy lifestyles

At the Millerovsky Cossack Cadet Vocational College, the leaders of physical education and the chess club, together with the deputy chieftain of the Millerovsky yurt for work with military and law enforcement agencies, are implementing a project that won the competition of the Presidential Grants Fund. With the funds received, they equipped the educational institution with sports equipment and inventory. An outdoor sports ground has recently been built.

The backbone of the team is Valery Kozurenko, Viktor Sukhin and Vera Levochkina. To help – the head of the technical school, volunteers and representatives of the local Cossack society. Together we found co-investors, picked up inventory, carried out accounting calculations, planned events and … won. The applicant, by the way, was the yurt Cossack society Millerovsky Yurt.

They called their project Strong and smart youth – the pride of the Cossack region. He won the second competitive wave of this year among hundreds of other applicants.

The name was not invented in vain. Both the technical school itself, and the Cossack Don, and the country as a whole need physically developed, patriotic guys who are ready for state or military service. Capable pre-conscription youth is needed.

Difficult guys come to the Millerovsky Cossack Cadet College to study as welders, cooks, confectioners, mechanics and computer operators. Almost half of them are at risk. There are many orphans and teenagers under guardianship. There are children from incomplete and low-income families. The majority have systemic problems in the social, educational, motivational or psycho-emotional spheres.

Until recently, the technical school, although it could offer them a certain resource to increase the level of preparedness and motivation, but, for example, about 20 people could work out in the gym at the same time, and the sports ground was equipped with only an obstacle course.

In order to change the situation for the better, a training ground was equipped with the allocated funds, new furniture and sports equipment were purchased for the existing chess club Kadetstvo. For active games, we purchased sports uniforms, volleyballs and mini-footballs.

The initiators of change are convinced that this is only the beginning. The project may be further developed. But it is important that even now the guys are getting involved in physical education and sports, training their intellect, participating in military-patriotic events, getting to know extraordinary people – frequent guests at the technical school.

The organizers of the changes hope that the young Cossacks and Cossacks will quickly switch to an active life rhythm of the educational institution.