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    April 29, 2022, 20:15
    Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy
    Eric Frank Russell (1905-1978) is one of the world's most popular science fiction writers – leading figures of the Golden Age of science fiction, on whose books several generations of readers grew up. He has published in every major journal, from Astounding Science Fiction to Amazing.

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Views: 532

    April 29, 2022, 19:46
    Genre: Fighting Fantasy, Fantasy
    At these moments, I am visited by thoughts that lady luck is not always with us. When the alarm came, I already knew that everything had not gone according to plan. We were forced to do this … We never abandon our own, no matter where they end up. And here.

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Views: 526

    April 18, 2022, 16:56
    Genre: Modern Russian Literature, Modern Prose
    A collection of essays by the prose writer, translator and critic Alexei Polyarinov is like a sincere conversation with a good friend about cinema and literature. The author shares the most intimate – the ideas of unwritten books: talks about a novel about the adventures of Cervantes' mother, about fan fiction.

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Views: 646

    April 18, 2022, 16:19
    Genre: Historical fiction, Fantasy
    The army of Field Marshal Rumyantsev defeated the Turkish troops in Northern Rumelia and crossed the Balkans. The brilliant Porta requested peace, and on July 10, 1774, it was concluded in the town of Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhi. The first Turkish war of Catherine II, covered with glory.

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Views: 1366

April 18, 2022, 15:57

    Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy
    Chasing the Punker is one of the most daring science fiction experiments ever carried out by the legendary author of the classic Starship Troopers.
    Earth is under the threat of an alien invasion. Only four people know about it and can.

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Views: 336

    April 18, 2022, 15:45
    Genre: Modern detectives, Detectives
    If you are not able to stand up for yourself, be prepared for bullying and ridicule. If you cheated in the game, remember that the secret always becomes clear. If you hide, know that you will be found.If you are a politician, do not forget: you have a lot of enemies. If you got it.

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Views: 392

    April 18, 2022, 15:45
    Genre: heroic science fiction, science fiction
    The plague epidemic, generated by the magic of the Sky, devastated the Royal Academy of Kavawla. Many cadets died, and those who were lucky enough to survive her were undermined so much that they are forced to say goodbye to a military career and return to their families.

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Views: 254

    April 18, 2022, 15:44
    Genre: thrillers, militants
    For half a century of writing, the British author of detectives Rene Brabazon Reimond (1906–1985) published about ninety criminal novels and changed several creative pseudonyms. The most famous of them is James Hadley Chase.

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Views: 344

    April 18, 2022, 15:44
    Genre: Love Fantasy, Fantasy
    The organizer of the palace conspiracy was destroyed more than four months ago, but the main inquiry officer Hector Date, nicknamed the dog’s dog, still continues to unravel the web that the conspirators weaved. Traces lead Hector to the north, to small.

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Views: 433

    April 18, 2022, 15:41
    Genre: science fiction, science fiction
    A strange discovery was made by the biochemist Alice Tauridis. Studying the data of spectral analysis, she found in the atmosphere of Mars the traces of tetrahydrocannabinol – the main psychoactive substance contained in marijuana. To check the hypothesis to Mars is sent.

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Views: 272 Vladimir:

What a pancake tandem. Nikolai Leonov, a wonderful writer, died in 1999, 23 (twenty -three) years ago Mamakeev was added to the glory of Leonov, and guessed his worksStanislav:

The first and so far the last time I read this book at the age of forty. But it seems that I never forget about her. In it, in my opinion, there is a section of toponymy, I involuntarily try to guess where one or another geographical name came from.

  • 3-05-2022, 01:35


This book is a real manual for everyone who decided to devote themselves to Scythology. She not only teaches, but also extends the research horizon of the library continuous deception.Everything is done in such a way to leave customers with the nose.

  • 2-05-2022, 15:52

Just added to the library

Genre: 19th century literature, classic

  • 2-05-2022, 12:41

“… Pond -entertaining tourists, requiring communication with people, already in my memory somewhat dulled this feeling of complacency and wide hospitality. But now, if you belong to the local circle and if you do not look at the wolf at people, you are open to you.

Genre: modern Russian literature, modern prose

  • 2-05-2022, 07:04

Due to the colonization of the planet Dinging by the occupation forces, Prince Enilot Atlantis with a handful of close associates is forced to leave his homeland forever. Finding a refuge in the backyard of the galaxy, on a planet called Earth, he founds a new civilization.

Genre: Personal growth, books on psychology

  • 2-05-2022, 04:09

Surprisingly, at school and universities no one talks about how human life actually arranges. All that we are taught remains on the surface and in the theory distant from reality. How to make money, find our purpose and life partner-for some reason we learn this only from our own experience. Failing and starting everything from scratch, we gradually realize the recipe for our own success and happiness. The author of the book made us all a big gift – visual comics and notes will help to avoid negative experience and look at the world differently. Happiness is inside, and the road to it is shorter.

Genre: Politics and Political Science, Science and Education

  • 2-05-2022, 02:21

“The Great Geopolitical Catastrophe” – this book confirms the correctness of the words of President Putin about the death of the USSR as a terrible tragedy that turned out to be colossal human and economic losses. However, it was not the worst of the possible scenarios – 25 years ago it was impossible to exclude either a full -scale civil war, or even a nuclear apocalypse. In reality, it was not a complete collapse, but the “half -life” of the Soviet Union – at least the Russian Federation at least the Russian Federation managed to save the cost of incredible efforts and huge victims. What forces were ruined by the USSR and why did they not manage to finish Russia? Thanks to whom we stayed on the edge and did not die under the wreckage of the collapsed superpower? How to revive the Russian state from the ashes of the Soviet Union? Being not just a witness,and one of the main participants in the events, Ruslan Khasbulatov, talks about what he saw and experienced with the utmost frankness, without passing over in silence even the most critical moments, without hushing up either his own mistakes or the names of the main culprits and customers of the Great Geopolitical War.

Genre: Modern Russian Literature, Modern Prose

  • 2-05-2022, 00:48

The pessimist Faya Romashina “is even worse” – her department has been suspended from work, her boss has disappeared, her sister is pregnant, and the man of her dreams, psychotherapist Igor, disappeared after a date and does not call. Faya swears she won't call him first, but waiting by the sea for the weather isn't her style. The girl is trying to find answers to all questions using scientific methods. The findings are not only surprising.

Genre: Foreign fiction, Fantasy

  • 1-05-2022, 23:57

The Dream Archipelago is a vast network of islands. In different countries they are called differently, and even their location seems to be very unstable. Some islands resemble huge musical instruments, others are home to deadly creatures, others are a playground for high society. Hot winds sweep through the Archipelago, but the war waged by the inhabitants of two distant continents freezes at its borders. The Islanders is not only a vivid depiction of the Archipelago of Dreams, but also a layered, intriguing tale of murder and a suspicious legacy of an enjoyable but definitely unreliable one.

Genre: Foreign fiction, Fantasy

  • 1-05-2022, 23:49

The Mysterium returns to Berlin, and Danny Wu will once again find himself where the most terrible event of his life took place. And the international criminal organization Forty-Nine is planning to commit a robbery of the century in this city … And Danny is the one who can stop them, although the boy himself does not yet know about it. But he is getting closer to unraveling the mystery that cost the life of his parents, and ahead of him is a deadly duel with the Center, the mysterious leader of the Magpie.

Genre: Health, Home Family

  • 1-05-2022, 23:31

Increased fatigue, weakness, swelling, joint pain, bad breath.Many people have these seemingly harmless symptoms. But they can indicate chronic renal failure, which doctors call the silent killer! The kidneys are playing.

Genre: Politics and Political Science, Science and Education

  • 1-05-2022, 23:05

More than a dozen years have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, but so far, disputes have not subsided around the fact of the existence of this controversial, but, without a doubt, great power, opinions clash and new questions arise. There are many in this book.

Genre: Foreign detectives, Foreign literature

  • 1-05-2022, 18:06

Is it possible to do good by breaking the law? Charlotte Nichols doesn't have an answer to that question. But when she kidnaps three-year-old Chloe, she is faced with a terrible dilemma: save a child from her father's abuse, risking jail time for kidnapping, or else.

Genre: Action: Other, Action

  • 1-05-2022, 17:56

A platoon of Russian Marines is killed in the Argun Gorge. From all sides he was surrounded by the Khattab gangs. There is nowhere to wait for help: the only road through the pass is controlled by militants. All hope for aviation, but a suitable landing site for the Mi-8 is nearby.

Genre: Biographies and Memoirs, Journalism

  • 1-05-2022, 17:44

This book is a collection of rare stories about rare people whose hobbies were the noble hunting and fishing. A brief history of hunting – from the first ax to the present day. Sergei Aksakov, Vladimir Gilyarovsky, Alexander Ostrovsky, Nikolai Przhevalsky, Leonid Sabaneev.

Genre: Horror and Mystery

  • 1-05-2022, 17:44

This book is about the mystical side of one of the most mysterious cities in the world. It contains legends and traditions, there were also fables that did not fall into the official chronicles and historical archives. You will learn about bad places, bad houses, geopathogenic zones.

Genre: Sports Fitness, Home Family

  • 1-05-2022, 17:42

Real Madrid is the most successful sports team on the planet. This football club has more trophies than any other sports team. Including in their piggy bank 11 UEFA Champions League trophies. However, the story behind the triumph.

Genre: Popular business, Business Books

Blockchain is a data storage and processing technology that can transform the world around us. Blockchain looks like a distributed database, a system in which information is stored not on any one centralized medium, but simultaneously on all.
Genre: Urban fantasy, Fantasy