Sports Betting California

Reviews L. A. Sports 13829 -la | Scooters L. A. Sports | Detailed characteristics, customer reviews

Before buying L.A. Sports 13829-LA, be sure to read customer reviews and read detailed characteristics! Also, here you can write and leave your review.

Reviews L.A. Sports 13829-LA

Low price, small weight, strong design, beautiful.

The shoulder belt is a rather useless thing, because During the ride, the scooter is covered with dust and then carry it on the shoulder means to stain clothes. In addition, it is not very successful. Conclusion: in vain I was looking for a model with such an option.

The design of the scooter, although durable, but when driving through a not very even asphalt (with pebbles), a slight rattle of the structure is heard. On a smooth surface – everything is fine.

Removing handles are inserted loosely (there is a small backlash), but to stay well (due to the latches).

In a folded state, the frame does not very reliably hold the structure from the reverse laying. Those. With a horizontal carrying in the hand, a scooter may start to lay out.

The small wheel size causes discomfort when crossing medium -sized cracks in the asphalt and a friend of average irregularities. This is not a drawback – just a fact. Depends on the places of skiing. Scooter is not an SUV 🙂

The disadvantages are quite compensated by the price. The scooter definitely costs its money.