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Summer outdoor games for children on the street "Sunny Summer"

Summer outdoor sports activities, with outdoor games, for older preschoolers. Purpose: To form in children an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle against the background of an emotionally active joyful mood.

Summer outdoor games for children on the street Sunny Summer

Summer outdoor sports activities, with outdoor games, for older preschoolers. Purpose: To form in children an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle against the background of an emotionally active joyful mood.

Summer outdoor games for children on the street

Summer outdoor games for children on the street


  1. Activate the motor activity of children; to consolidate previously acquired motor skills, using them in game situations.
  2. Through outdoor games and exercises in the fresh air, contribute to the hardening of the child's body. , empathy for the successes and failures of their comrades, mutual understanding.

Venue: sports ground.

Leisure time: 35-40 min.


  1. The host is a physical education instructor.
  2. Fairy Winx Stella is a girl in the preparatory group for school.
  3. Children of the senior group.

Site layout:

  • Multi-colored flags and balloons;
  • on the central wall there is a canvas with the image of the sun.


  • 2 cones;
  • 2 hoops;
  • 20 cubes and bricks from the building constructor;
  • 2 buckets;
  • fairy costume;
  • invitation cards;
  • music center and discs with records for musical accompaniment.

Leisure course Sunny summer

Presenter: To the sports ground
I invite you children
Hour of fun and health
Starts with us.

Children in a column one by one under a sports march enter the site and line up around the perimeter.

Presenter: Very kind, very bright
Golden clear day
We all go to visit the summer,
Let's go to the sun

To the tune of the song The happiest … cl. K. Ibryaeva, music. Yu. Chichkov, children snake along the site and line up along the side lines.

Boy: Big sunflower in the sky
It blooms for many years
Blooms in winter and summer
And there are no seeds!

Girl: The cloud is hiding behind the forest,
The sun looks down from the sky
And so pure, kind radiant
If we got him,
We would kiss him!

Presenter: Sun that all the guys
Turns into chocolate
Shout out loud baby
Our friendly…

Children: Hooray!

Fairy Winx Stella, the princess of the planet Solaria, enters the site.

Stella: Hello guys!
I heard the music
Voiced voices and I really wanted to talk to you.
Do you mind?

Presenter: Of course not against. We are even glad to meet you. Children, do you know who this is?

Children's answer…

Presenter: The sun, the sun is hot gray –
Our day will be merrier.
For a fun workout
I invite everyone now.
Hour of fun and health
Continues with us.

Rhythmic dance If life is fun … op. and music. O. M. Bazanova

Fairy Stella: Guys, do you like puzzles?

Children's answers…

Amazing! Guess what this riddle is about!

The centipede is crawling
along the narrow path,
It feeds on leaves,
It turns into a butterfly. (Guess)

Children's answers …

Presenter: I propose to check the Empathetic Guusenitsa.

Empathetic Guusenitsa

Girls perform this eppet in a column one at a time, putting their hands on the shoulders in front of the counter, move in a straight line to the landmark and in the same way return to the ICK position.

Presenter: These are the dexterous NAC girls. They showed fiscible guns.

Fairy CTLLA: I really like them.

To be in espthets
Children play
You must be mine
Riddles to guess.

In lev at the stump
Set, running around,
The people are worker
The day is busy. (Ants)

Children's answers …

Presenter: The Estatheta Ants will be performed by boys.

Empatheta Ants

The boys alternately take one brick, run to the hoop and might a house there, return to the team and transfer the e spatfet to another participation.

Fairy CTLLA: What boys are friendly mudfires. Well done!

But will you guess this riddle?

The home -made mistress,
He runs over the lawn.
Heat over the flower
And share the honey. (Bee)

Children's answers …

Presenter: Empathetic Bees. I invite VAC girls.

Empathetic Bee

Having taken a bucket, the girl runs to the hoop, takes one cube and returns to the team, reports a bucket of the easting participation, etc.

Fairy CTLLA: These are the hardworking bees. How they stared.
Nektar's full buckets scored.

Presenter: Clever girl, come up with a task.

Girls rest. And guess the boys.

Fairy CTLLA: Cicropach lives in the meadow
NOCIT FRAK and walks. (Grasshopper)

Empathetic grasshoppers for boys.

Empathetic grasshoppers

Boys should alternately jump on two legs in a dice.

Presenter: Our boys are agile jumping, being and outstanding. Well done daring.
Who are the guys friendly with?
We must know about this.

Children's answer: Solnza, air and water –
Our best friends!

Presenter: CTLLA, I invite you to play with us to interfere with an outdoor game.

The mobile game The sea is worried …

Presenter: Bucked up, you can eat, and sunbathe with the ball.

The mobile game Fun Ball.

Fairy Fairy: Pacca guys for the interior games, funny fuckers. I want to give you invitation tickets in the Cafe Summer Cafe.

Tickets are distributed to the children and forgives them to the new one.

Presenter: On this, the charm of health and permutal does not end. We send with you to a cafe.

Under the melody of Peacen's “Peace about Summer,” muses. E. Krylatova, pl. Yu. Enthina children send to an impromptu cafe to drink a fruit co.


  1. GEC to.
  2. Glazyrina L. D. Methodology of physical education of preschool children. MOCKVA VLADOC 2001
  3. Penzulaeva L.I. Outdoor games and game exercises for children 5-7 years old. MOCKVA VLADOC 2001

Author: Egorova Vera Petrovna
Position: InCTRUCTER in Physical Culture
Place of work: MBDOU D/C No. 39
Location: Taganrog, Rostean