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The car was torn to pieces: a fatal accident occurred on the highway near Khabarovsk – KP. Ru

One person died and two in the hospital after an accident on the highway near Khabarovsk [18+]

The car was torn to pieces: a fatal accident occurred on the highway near Khabarovsk

One person died and two in the hospital after an accident on the highway near Khabarovsk. Photo: Stop frame

An accident occurred on the highway near Khabarovsk, the consequences of which are horrified. One of the cars was literally torn to pieces, and near the scene of the accident, drivers passing by saw the body of its owner.

As it became known, the fateful collision of Honda Fit and Land Cruiser Prado occurred near the village of Royal on April 24. Both cars were driving along a half -empty highway on Sunday afternoon at high speed.

– The collision occurred about two in the afternoon. The 27-year-old driver was traveling from Komsomolsk-on-Amur towards Khabarovsk. He flew into the oncoming lane, losing control, and crashed into an SUV, – KP – Khabarovsk reported In the propaganda department of the traffic police of the Khabarovsk Territory.

There was almost nothing left of the passenger car. The entire front of the car and even the roof turned into shapeless pieces of iron. The driver had no chance to survive. The young man died on the spot.

Those who were inside the SUV was lucky a little more. The car is serious, but people are alive. Now the driver and passenger are in the hospital.

As the traffic police in the Khabarovsk Territory was added in the propaganda department, now on the fact of the accident, police officers are being checked.

The car was torn to pieces: a fatal accident occurred on the highway near Khabarovsk

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The age category of the site 18 +

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