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The main trends of the future travels from | Click. Magazine

Technological innovations, a more conscious attitude to travel and not only: represent the trends that will affect the future of travel.

The main trends of the future travels from

Technological innovations, a more conscious attitude to travel and not only: represent the trends that will affect the future of travel.

Click. Magazine Writer

Based on the results of the study, in which more than 20 thousand people from 28 countries took part, as well as data on the search for housing options and for trips in certain areas, it was nine forecasts for traveling in the coming year and not only.

Travels anyway with us

The time spent in isolation made people dream of traveling around the world with a vengeance. During the isolation period, two -thirds (65%) of travelers reported that they were pleased with the idea of ​​new trips, and 42% noted that in the future they want to travel more in order to catch up in 2020 (among representatives of the Z and millennials, this percentage is even higher: 51% and 49%, respectively). More than a third of the respondents (38%) plan a trip to compensate for the event laid out due to coronavirus, while 40% of respondents are going to re-book a trip that had to be canceled.

Price and value

The ability to save money will be an important factor in 2021: 62% of travelers noted that they will pay more attention to prices when planning a trip. In addition, 55% of respondents will be more likely to track special offers and shares – these trends will remain for several years.

Flexible conditions will also be very important: 46% of travelers consider the opportunity to return money when canceling the reservation of housing necessary.

Domestic tourism

Internal trips will remain as popular: over the next 7-12 months, 47% of respondents plan to travel in their country, and 38% – for a year and longer. 43% of respondents want to visit a new direction in their country or region, and 46% – see local natural attractions. Half of the respondents gathers in already familiar places both in his country and abroad.

Inspiration in the search

During quarantine, everyone wanted to be distracted and think about something good, so it is not surprising that 95% of the respondents spent time searching for ideas for new travels, and more than a third (38%) studied potential directions for the trip every week. The restrictions are either removed or introduced again, so intricate methods will appear to benefit from the growing desire of people to escape from reality and dream about new impressions. For example, hotels will increase activity on social networks, and local travel companies will create content using computer graphics to promote a particular direction.

Riding a bike

Safety first

79% of travelers worldwide will take extra safety precautions while traveling, and 70% of respondents expect travel destinations to be regulated to enforce physical distancing measures. At the same time, 70% of respondents will book a particular accommodation option only if they are provided with detailed information about health and safety measures, and 75% of those surveyed will prefer accommodation that has disinfectants.

Growing awareness

In the coming year and beyond, people will be more mindful of travel: 53% of those surveyed around the world want to travel more environmentally. 69% of respondents expect the travel industry to offer less environmentally friendly travel options and people to visit less popular destinations to avoid crowds (48%).

goodbye office

During the pandemic, remote work has become an integral part of our daily lives. This new format for many may lead to more people planning longer trips in the future, in which it will be convenient to combine leisure and work. More than a third of respondents (37%) have already considered booking accommodation for remote work, while 52% would take the opportunity to extend any business trip to take a break.

simple joys

After spending a lot of time within four walls, we dream of being in nature more often. Since the beginning of the pandemic, users have become interested in simple pleasures: hiking (94%), outdoor walks (50%), nature (44%) and relaxation (33%). The study shows that 69% of travelers will seek leisure activities such as walking and relaxing with their families while on a trip. 56% want to relax outside the city to enjoy the fresh air and be away from people.

Technology driven spontaneity

Technological innovation will play a critical role in the recovery of tourism and the adaptation of the industry to the changing needs of travelers. Already, 64% of respondents agree that technology will make a big difference in managing travel health risks, and 63% of those surveyed say that accommodations will need to use the latest technology to help guests feel safe. More than half of survey participants (53%) would like to use technology to make last-minute restaurant reservations, and almost a quarter (21%) would like to use ticket vending machines instead of regular checkouts.