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The Ministry of Education of Russia

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Without Kevordo

Press service

Phones * Tel. +7 (495) 587-01-10 Additional 3622
Email * [email protected]
The address 127006, Moscow, st. Barrow row, 2
Building unit Department of International Cooperation and Public Relations

News calendar

April 29

A community of specialists in educational work of SPO will appear in Russia

A community of specialists in educational work of SPO will appear in Russia

In Kazan, the All -Russian Forum for the preparation of specialists of educational work of secondary vocational education “The Pro team” was opened. Its participants were more than 500 representatives of 50 regions of Russia. Among them are specialists of regional ministries and departments for educational work, director of SPO institutions and their deputies. The forum is supported by the Ministry of Education of Russia, its organizer is the Russian Union of Youth.