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The new composition of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region was formed | Administration of the city district Podolsk

The new composition of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region has formed the term of powers of the existing composition ends in September 2018. In accordance with Article 9 of the Law on Public

The new composition of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region was formed

The term of powers of the existing composition ends in September 2018.

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law on the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region, the apparatus of the Public Chamber within 30 calendar days from the date of posting the Moscow Regional Duma on its official website on the information and telecommunication network information about the beginning of the procedure for the formation of a new composition of the Public Chamber began to accept documents for candidates. Reception of documents ended on June 2, 2018.

The Governor of the Moscow Region was presented with a list of candidates for members of the Public Chamber, nominated by the structural units of all -Russian and interregional public associations registered in the Moscow Region.

Governor Andrei Vorobyov with his order dated 02.07.2018 No. 234-RG approved one third of the composition of members of the OPMO.

A list of candidates for the Public Chamber, nominated by non -profit organizations, including regional public associations registered in the Moscow Region, was presented to the Moscow Regional Duma. The Moscow Regional Duma with its resolution dated 06.21.2018 No. 31/56-P approved the second third of the composition of the OPMO.

On July 12, 2018, members of the Public Chamber, approved by the Governor of the Moscow Region, and members of the Public Chamber, approved by the Moscow Regional Duma, at the organizational meeting approved the remaining one third of the composition of the Public Chamber.

The Public Chamber was created to ensure the interaction of citizens and public associations with state authorities and local authorities in order to account for the needs and interests of citizens. The role of the Public Chamber is that activists delve into problems as much as possible, prepare proposals taking into account the circumstances that occur in the Moscow Region and reported them to the government, while conducting explanatory work among the population. The Public Chamber should have people who are really not indifferent to what is happening in the territory, – emphasized the Minister of Government of the Moscow Region Irina Pleshcheva.

As a result, the new composition of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region includes:

  1. Abbyasov Rushan Rafikovich
  2. Akimova Valentina Mikhailovna
  3. Anfinogenov Sergey Ivanovich
  4. Arsentiev Evgeny Anatolyevich
  5. Babayan Roman Georgievich
  6. Belova Ulyana Alekseevna
  7. Bolshakova Maria Alexandrovna
  8. Butman Igor Mikhailovich
  9. Vaits Alexey Evgenievich
  10. Vorobieva Marina Vyacheslavovna
  11. Voroshilo Alexander Stepanovich
  12. Galoganov Alexey Pavlovich
  13. Gorgadze Shota Olegovich
  14. Gorodetsky Dmitry Igorevich
  15. Grishina Elena Vladimirovna
  16. Groznetsky Andrey Igorevich
  17. Gubanov Andrey Andreevich
  18. Diskin Iosif Evgenievich
  19. Dmitriev Alexey Vladimirovich
  20. Dmitrieva Tatyana Romanovna
  21. Dubrovsky Ivan Yurievich
  22. Evtushenko Larisa Ivanovna
  23. Emelianenko Ludmila Nikolaevna
  24. Zagrekov Valery Viktorovich
  25. Zalivukhin Ilya Vyacheslavovich
  26. Zaretsky Ivan Nikolaevich
  27. Zvereva Larisa Alexandrovna
  28. Zelikov Nikolay Ivanovich
  29. Zimova Julia Konstantinovna
  30. Ivanov Dmitry Yurievich
  31. Ivanova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna
  32. Isaeva Svetlana Yurievna
  33. Kamaeva Guzel Nailevna
  34. Karamyan Artur Robertovich
  35. Karakhtanov Valery Sergeevich
  36. Kvint Vladimir Lvovich
  37. Klimuk Petr Ilyich
  38. Klyushnikov Mikhail Petrovich
  39. Knyazev Evgeny Vladimirovich
  40. Kozlovsky Egor Valerievich
  41. Kolyadin Andrei Mikhailovich
  42. Konchalovsky Egor Andreevich
  43. Kopychev Christian Andreevich
  44. Korochkin Vladislav Leontievich
  45. Kruglov Evgeny Efimovich
  46. Kuimov Igor Evgenievich
  47. Kurtser Mark Arkadievich
  48. Li-Chang-Lin Natalya Nikolaevna
  49. Makarova Vera Borisovna
  50. Malanicheva Galina Ivanovna
  51. Mammadov Farhad Hidayat
  52. Mamchur Valery Mikhailovich
  53. Martynov Evgeny Vyacheslavovich
  54. Mineeva Tatyana Vadimovna
  55. Nesterovich Igor Leonidovich
  56. Nikitina Natalya Gennadievna
  57. Ogurtsov Alexey Nikolaevich
  58. Ogurtsov Igor Alekseevich
  59. Orlova Inna Alexandrovna
  60. Otchertsov Maxim Valerievich
  61. Paley Mikhail Alexandrovich
  62. Panasyuk Artem Borisovich
  63. Pankin Vyacheslav Anatolievich
  64. Perepechaeva Anna Nikolaevna
  65. Pechenegin Alexander Sergeevich
  66. Polikanov Dmitry Valerievich
  67. Politova Irina Alexandrovna
  68. Popov Petr Petrovich
  69. Popova Olga Nikolaevna
  70. Rodionov Alexey Viktorovich
  71. Salogub Alexander Vladimirovich
  72. Safronov Sergey Vasilievich
  73. Safronova Maria Nikolaevna
  74. Semenova Marina Anatolievna
  75. Sergeeva Anna Alexandrovna
  76. Setdikov Marat Raisovich
  77. Sirota Oleg Alexandrovich
  78. Skorobogatov Sergey Sergeevich
  79. Stogov Oleg Nikolaevich
  80. Strelkov Alexey Anatolievich
  81. Tamonov Andrey Vladimirovich
  82. Tikhomirov Alexey Alexandrovich
  83. Torkunov Anatoly Vasilievich
  84. Tropina Lyudmila Ivanovna
  85. Tugushev Sergey Vladimirovich
  86. Ugolnikov Igor Stanislavovich
  87. Ulyanov Petr Mikhailovich
  88. Fedoseev Artem Alekseevich
  89. Firago Andrey Vladimirovich
  90. Khanin Nikolai Alexandrovich
  91. Khvostov Ruslan Alekseevich
  92. Chugunov Dmitry Alexandrovich
  93. Chukhov Sergey Alexandrovich
  94. Shalygin Dmitry Mikhailovich
  95. Shatov Alexander Vladimirovich
  96. Shingarkin Maxim Andreevich
  97. Shokhina Evgenia Alexandrovna
  98. Shuvalov Valery Ivanovich
  99. Shchetinin Sergey Viktorovich

Source and photo: press service of the Main Department of Social Communications of the Moscow Region