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The official website of the Astrakhanochka Group of Companies – Emilia Turey – Sports Director of Astrakhanchka

Today, in the small hall of the administration of the governor of the Astrakhan region, Igor Babushkin’s working meeting with the Gandbox team Astrakhanochka was held ….

Without Kevordo

Emilia Turey - Sports Director of Astrakhanchki

Today, in the small hall of the administration of the Governor of the Astrakhan region, Igor Babushkin’s working meeting with the Gandbox team “Astrakhanochka” took place.

During the event, the head of the region introduced the new deputy director of the GAU JSC RCSP Zvezdny for sports training. They were a three-time world champion, the silver medalist of the Olympic Games 2008 Emilia Turey.

It was my decision. Emilia Turey is a sign of the world of handball. I am sure that her work will bring an additional impulse to the team and will allow high results. The whole Astrakhan region monitors the performances of Astrakhanchka !

In the response, Emilia Turey thanked the region’s leadership for the confidence rendered: “For me, returning to Astrakhanchka is a return home. I will try to do everything to develop effectively. I am sure that we will succeed in success!”

We wish Emilia Halsburyevna and Astrakhanochka good luck in achieving the goals!

Information sheet

Emilia Khalsburyevna Turey

Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation

The pupil of the Astrakhan school of the handball (the first coach is Galina Viktorovna Sadovnikova).

She began her career in Astrakhanochka and in total performed as part of the team for seven seasons (1999-2005, 2012–2013). She also played in Denmark, Spain and Romania.

Three -time world champion
Silver medalist of the Olympic Games-2008
Silver and bronze medalist of the European Championship
The winner of the Champions League and the Cup Cup.

She became the first Astrakhan handball player to win the medal of the Olympic Games.