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The Russian champion in hand-to-hand combat died in the metro explosion in St. Petersburg: Boxing and MMA: Sport.

The champion of Russia in hand-to-hand combat Denis Petrov died in the metro explosion in St. Petersburg. According to the athlete’s colleague, he went to training, but did not reach the place. The explosion occurred on April 3 at about 14:30 in the stage between the Sennaya Square and Technological Institute 2 stations.

Russian hand-to-hand combat champion died in an explosion of metro in St. Petersburg

Denis Petrov

The champion of Russia in hand-to-hand combat Denis Petrov died in the metro explosion in St. Petersburg. This was reported on the website

According to the athlete’s colleague, he went to training, but did not reach the place. “He was a very good person, children loved him very much, they fled with pleasure to training. There were very few athletes like him, he had a great future, ”Life quoted the words.

Earlier on Tuesday, a list of victims of the explosion was published. It includes several unidentified women who are listed under numbers.

The explosion occurred on April 3 at about 14:30 in the stage between the Sennaya Square and Technological Institute 2 stations. As a result, 14 people were killed, more than 50 were injured.

A criminal case was instituted under this incident under the article “Terrorist Act”, investigators consider other versions of what happened. According to media reports, an explosive device could act as a 23-year-old native of Central Asia, associated with radical Islamic groups banned in the Russian Federation.