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Using outdoor games as a means of developing motor activity | Article in the magazine "Young scientist"


Using outdoor games as a means of developing motor activity

Chokotov, E. N. Using outdoor games as a means of developing motor activity / E. N. Chokotov, O. V. Fadeev. – Text: direct // Young scientist. – 2012. – No. 12 (47). -S. 607-609. – URL: (date of application: 05.05.2022).

The game is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity characteristic of man. With his formation in the modern world, a person owes a greatly to the game. By the game, it is customary to understand the conscious activity aimed at achieving the set conditional goal [1, p. eleven].

The game can be a means of self -knowledge, entertainment, rest, a means of physical and general social education, a means of sports. Games are a treasury of human culture. Their variety is huge. They reflect all areas of material and spiritual creativity of people. They can be divided into 2 large groups: mobile and sports. Sports games are the highest stage of development of outdoor games. They differ from the moving uniform rules that determine the composition of the participants, the size and marking of the site, the duration of the game, equipment and inventory, etc., which allows competitions of various scale. Competitions in sports games are in the nature of the wrestling and require participants in great physical stress and volitional efforts [4, p. 6].

The game has long been an integral part of a person’s life, it occupies leisure, brings up, satisfies the needs for communication, motor activity, and obtaining external information. Progressive Russian scientists – teachers, hygieneists (P.F. Zlesgft, A.P. Usov and many others) revealed the role of the game as an activity that contributes to qualitative changes in physical and mental development, which has a versatile effect on the formation of his personality.

Sports games are traditionally popular among all categories of the country's population due to the versatile effect on the human body, including emotional. Therefore, they serve as an effective means of physical education in a wide age range [2, p. 21].

A variety of movements and actions performed by participants in outdoor games are of great healing value. They contribute to strengthening the motor apparatus, improving the total metabolism, increasing the activities of all organs and systems of the body and are an active vacation, especially for persons engaged in intense mental activity.

Outdoor games relate to those manifestations of game activity in which the role of movements is pronounced. The sports game is characterized by creative active motor actions motivated by its plot (theme, idea).These actions are partially limited to the rules (generally accepted, established by the leader or playing). They are aimed at overcoming various difficulties along the path to achieving the goal (win, master certain techniques) [3, p. 22].

The most important result of the game is joy and emotional upsurge. It is thanks to this wonderful property of the game, especially with elements of competition, more than other forms of physical education, which are adequate to the needs of the body in motion. For a purposeful training of some muscle groups, along with outdoor games, playing exercises that do not have a complete plot, development of events (for example, relayers) can be used.

The diverse motor activity inherent in outdoor games, which carries the embryo of a sports competition, is extremely useful and even necessary for the proper development of the motor and psychological sphere and the education of personal qualities. Therefore, sports games are not only a means of full development of the body, but also wide open gates into the world of physical culture and sports [5, p. 6].

The most important feature of sports games is that they represent a universal type of physical exercises. Games classes affect the motor and mental sphere of those involved. The choice of behavior in constantly changing conditions of the game determines the wide inclusion of consciousness mechanisms in the processes of control and regulation. As a result, the strength and mobility of nervous processes increases, the functions of regulating the activity of all body systems with the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system are improved.

At the same time, game activity is difficult and variety of movements. As a rule, all muscle groups can be involved in them, which contributes to the harmonious development of the supporting engine apparatus.

The variability of game conditions requires the constant adaptation of the movements used to new situations. Therefore, motor skills are formed by flexible, plastic. Dexterity is being improved, the ability to create new movements from previously learned.

In game activity, the need for creativity inherent in a person finds its expression. The variety of game situations sets the playing a wide variety of tasks that require the right solution. The result and directly the process of solution itself bring to playing internal pleasure, causing the desire to experience it again and again [2, p. thirty].

Thus, the game is a process of satisfying the needs of an individual in physical and aesthetic activity, in creative, socially significant activities.

Movements are called games with relatively simple content, where natural movements are used, and the achievement of the goal is not associated with high physical and mental stresses.

The actions of the participants in the game are determined by its plot and are conscious acts of behavior due to the current game situation and the chosen way to resolve it. The actions of the players are of a competitive nature and are expressed in the desire to emerge victorious in every single combat and during the entire game.

Thus, gaming activity appears as a special kind of competitive activity between individual participants and teams. To resolve a particular game situation, participants use special actions called game techniques. These actions can be individual or collective [3, p. 28].

Each participant must master all the variety of individual actions in order to be able to resolve any situations that he encounters during the game. In the most frequently repeated situations, game skills are used, which are a fixed way to perform game techniques.

The actions of the players are distinguished by a special variety, but in each of them two interconnected sides can always be distinguished: external and internal. Under the external should be understood the chosen way of solving a motor problem, which has a certain motor structure, due to a specific situation and the laws of motion mechanics. The other side is made up of mental processes associated with choosing the right solution.

In the conditions of modern civilization, due to a sharp decrease in human motor activity, the role of systematic physical exercises, outdoor games increases [4, p. 34].

The importance of outdoor games in the education of physical qualities is also great: speed, dexterity, strength, endurance, flexibility. Games foster feelings of solidarity, camaraderie and responsibility for each other's actions. The rules of the game contribute to the education of conscious discipline, honesty, endurance, the ability to pull oneself in hand after a strong excitement, to restrain one's egoistic impulses.

In the institutes of physical culture, sports games are a special subject, including: history, theory, teaching methods, practical mastery of the technique and tactics of individual games, and the development of pedagogical skills. Each sports game has its own characteristics. At the same time, various sports games have initial features that allow them to be divided into certain groups: team and non-team, with direct contact with the enemy and without contact, with an additional projectile (stick, rocket, bat) and without it. When determining the influence of sports games on the body of those involved, as well as their significance in the system of physical education, it is necessary to proceed from the general characteristics of game actions. In outdoor games, a variety of movements and actions are used: walking, running, jumping, sudden stops, turns, various throwing and hitting the ball (puck).Players, appropriately using gaming techniques, strive together with their partners to achieve an advantage over the enemy, which is active. Outdoor games are one of the effective means that help relieve nervous tension and cause positive emotions.

Leshaft emphasized that the game, unlike strictly regulated movements (for example, gymnastics), is always associated with initiative moments of solving physical problems. The game is the need for restoration of both physical and spiritual forces. Outdoor games help not only in solving a number of special tasks, but also (bearing in mind the nature of the game activity) is always met by a good appointment with students, a new interest in training sessions. The game is an impetus for sports. Make a game or relay, i.e. Turn on the “emotional” lever from the students to continue training with desire and interest. In sports, games are widely used, the main content of which is to promote the development of strength, speed, dexterity and other qualities. The game is also the best output after training. The game is morally strong -willed education.

The game is rightfully occupied by one of the central places in the field of physical education. Only the game is both a means and method of physical education.

Game activity is characterized by a number of fundamental features that distinguish it from other types of human activity.

Game activity is active, creative, causing an integral reaction of the body. It takes place with the participation of all functional systems of the body with the leading role of mental processes and brain activity.

Game activity proceeds within the framework of certain targets, the achievement of which serves as an incentive motive for the actions of the players [5, p. 32].

The effectiveness of outdoor games for solving the problems of physical education largely depends on the conditions of their conduct – emotional saturation, a variety of motor content, the presence of a spacious room, a site, a sufficient amount of necessary objects and a creative approach to both players of games.

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Basic terms (generated automatically): game, game activity, physical education, action, motor apparatus, the action of the playing, the right solution, the body system, sports game, physical culture.