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Spartak striker Ponce will continue his career in the Spanish club Russian news EN

Spartak striker Ponce will continue his career in the Spanish club

Forward Spartak Ponce will continue his career in the Spanish club :: Football :: RBC Sport

Photo: Global Look Press

Spartak striker Ponce was one step away from moving to the Spanish Elche Argentine football player Ezequiel Ponce flew to Elche for a medical

Spartak football player Ezequiel Ponce is close to moving to the Spanish club Elche. This is reported by the Cazurreando portal.

This is confirmed by RBC Sport. According to the portal, the striker has already left the Spartak location and flew to Elche for a medical examination. RBC asked the press service of FC Spartak for a comment.

Photo: Global Look Press

In Venice responded to reports of interest in the striker Spartak Football

Earlier it was reported about the interest in Ponce from the Italian Venice, but the club denied this.

Ponce has been playing for Spartak since 2019, when he moved from Roma. In total, the forward played 73 matches for the Moscow club and scored 25 goals.

Sports Betting Maryland

On the eve of BC Barnaul, a guest played the final match of the regular season in Super League 1 against Novosibirsk

On the eve of BC Barnaul, a guest played the final match of the regular season in Super League 1 against Novosibirsk

On the eve of BC Barnaul, a guest played the final match of the regular season in Super League 1 against Novosibirsk

News 22

The beginning of the game was dictated by the owners of the site: the Novosibirsks at the expense of the large players managed to quickly take possession of the advantage. After four minutes of the match, the score was already 9: 0.

Evgeny Gorev, the head coach of Barnaul, quickly took the timaut, the necessary pause helped the Barnaul residents recover. Basketball players from Altai began to act more carefully in the defense and finally began to fall into the rival ring. By the end of the first quarter, the advantage of Novosibirsk was only three points – 17:14.

The team from the capital of Siberia again “rushed” forward in a quarter No. 2. Andrei Semenov was noted from behind the arc. Nine points in 10 minutes! Against the background of the opponent who caught the courage, Barnaul looked inexpressive. And then the errors began.

It would seem that Novosibirsk felt for its game, and it will simply increase the advantage, but the Barnaul coaches in a large break, apparently, had a serious conversation with the wards. In the third quarter on the floor, everything changed dramatically. Barnaul began to defend himself again. The guests did not allow the Novosibirsk to throw freely, forced them to go to the aisles under the ring, where sometimes they folly, forcing the players of Novosibirsk, to score points with throws from the penalty line. And there were problems, especially among the center Alexander Semenyuk.

Nikita Barinov played well in the attack by Barnaul, who distinguished himself with accurate throws not only from under the ring, but also from a long distance, scoring 10 points in this quarter.

In the final game segment, the game was viscous and dense. Both teams had a lot of contact and fouls, both in defense and in attack. And also emotions. Where without them in the Siberian Derby? Unfortunately, Nikita Barinov received a small injury, and could not help his team in the end.

After the fifth foul, captain Barnaultsev Dmitry Zlobin and Center Vyacheslav Voronchikhin left the site. It should be noted that a few minutes before the end of the match and the leader of Novosibirsk, Alexander Lavnikov also went through the fouls and went to the locker room earlier than the partners. Probably, this was one of the turning points of the fight, since the attack of the team of Mikhail Terekhov was largely built through this striker.

In the course of the entire quarter, the advantage of one of the teams was no more than 2 points. In one of the last attacks, the players of Barnaul brought Danil Pevnev to the throw of their sniper: the striker did not miss the arc. This hit has become decisive. The Barnauls came forward and brought the match to victory – 67:61.

Give a personal assessment to the players – the destiny of specialists, we will only note the game of Danil Pevnev. Recall that this season the Novosibirsk residents leased it. As a result, against the actually native team, Danil spent one of his best matches this season. Well, BK Barnaul BC, following the results of the regular game remained outside the playoff zones. Our team with 39 points remains on the 10th line of the Super League-1 standings.

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Recruitment to the hockey academy named after Petrov in the Moscow region has begun: Regions: Russia.

The admission of children to the Vladimir Petrov Ice Hockey Academy in Krasnogorsk has started, it will open on July 10, said the regional Minister of Physical Culture and Sports Roman Teryushkov. At the academy, under the guidance of 15 professional coaches, young hockey players will go through all stages of sports development, he noted.

Recruitment to the Petrov Hockey Academy in the Moscow Region has begun

The admission of children to the Vladimir Petrov Ice Hockey Academy in Krasnogorsk has started, the institution will open on July 10, said the regional Minister of Physical Culture and Sports Roman Teryushkov. His words are quoted by the correspondent of on Tuesday, July 9.

“In the Vladimir Petrov Academy, under the guidance of 15 professional coaches, young hockey players will go through all stages of sports development and improve their skills,” Teryushkov said.

The Hockey Academy will hold review training sessions to select children for the teams born in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, as well as for the junior team. There are paid and free places, specified on the website of the institution. The training season starts on September 2nd.

At the end of June, Governor Andrei Vorobyov checked the readiness of the ice arena, which was built in honor of two-time Olympic champion and nine-time world champion Vladimir Petrov.

The center will host training in figure skating, bandy and ice hockey. Also, once a week, beneficiaries will be able to attend sports classes free of charge.

Sports Betting Maryland

Start work with Power Bi Desktop – Power Bi | Microsoft Docs

The start of work with Power Bi Desktop.

Start work with Power Bi Desktop

Welcome to the leadership at first work with Power Bi Desktop. This review will introduce you to the principles of work and the capabilities of Power Bi Desktop. It also shows how to create reliable data models and amazing reports to increase the effectiveness of business analytics.

To quickly get an idea of ​​how Power Bi Desktop works, look at the screen pictures in this guide. It takes only a few minutes. For a deeper understanding, read each section, follow the instructions given in it and create your own Power Bi Desktop file for publication in the Power Bi service and joint use with other users.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing a sample work item.

You can also watch the video at first working with Power Bi Desktop and download the Excel book with a model of financial data, which can be based on video viewing.

Power Bi Desktop is updated and released on a monthly basis, including customer reviews and new functions. Only the latest version of Power Bi Desktop is supported; Clients who apply to the Power Bi Desktop support service will be invited to update to the latest version. You can get the latest version of Power Bi Desktop from the Windows store or in the form of one executable file containing all supported languages ​​for downloading and installing on a computer.

Principles of Power Bi Desktop

The following opportunities are available with Power Bi Desktop.

  1. connection to data, including many data sources;
  2. the formation of data using requests that create attractive and useful data models;
  3. creation of visualizations and reports using data models;
  4. Providing general access to reports of reports to other users who can work with these files, supplement them and share them further. Power Bi Desktop files in format PBIX They can be jointly used as any other files, but the most effective way is to send them to the Power Bi service.

The Power Bi Desktop integrates a proven query processing subsystem, data modeling system and visualization technology. Data analysis specialists and other users can create collections of requests, data, models and reports that can easily be used together with other users. Thanks to the combination of the Power Bi Desktop and Power Bi service, it becomes much easier to model, build, jointly use and expand new ideas from the data in the world.

Power Bi Desktop centralizes, simplifies and accelerates that otherwise it could be a scattered, disordered and rather complicated process of designing and creating repositories and reports of business analytics. Ready to try? Let's start.

For data and reports that should remain in the local environment, there is a separate specialized version of Power Bi, which is called the Power Bi report server.The Power BI report server uses a separate specialized version of Power Bi Desktop, called Power Bi Desktop for the Power Bi report server. It only works with the version of the Power Bi server. This article describes the standard version of Power Bi Desktop.

Installation and launch of Power Bi Desktop

To download Power Bi Desktop, go to the Power Bi Desktop download page and click Free download. To view download options, choose viewing options for language versions or download options.

Power Bi Desktop can also be downloaded from the Power Bi service. Click the icon downloading in the top line of the menu, and then select the item Power Bi Desktop.

Screenshot of Power B I Service showing the download Power B I Desktop option.

On the Microsoft Store page click Get And follow the instructions to install Power Bi Desktop on a computer. Launch Power Bi Desktop from the menu Start Or using a windows icon on the taskbar.

At the first launch of Power Bi Desktop, the screen is displayed Greetings.

On the screen Greetings can to get data, view The latest sources, open the latest reports, Open other reports Or choose other links. To close the screen GreetingsClick the closure icon.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Welcome screen.

On the left edge of the Power Bi Desktop window there are icons for choosing one of the three Power Bi Desktop performances: Report, Data and Model (top down). The current performance is indicated by the yellow strip to the left of the icon. To change the performance, click another icon.

If you use navigation using keys, press Ctrl+F6 to move the focus to these buttons in the window. Additional information about special capabilities and Power BI see the articles on special capabilities.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the icons for Report, Data, and Model.

The default is chosen Report.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the default view.

Power Bi Desktop also has Power Query editorwhich opens in a separate window. AT Power Query editor You can create requests and transform data, and then upload the updated data models to Power Bi Desktop to create reports.

Data connection

After installing Power Bi Desktop, you are ready to connect to a continuously expanding data environment. To view available types of data sources on the tab The main page In Power Bi Desktop, select To get data>Additionally, and then in the window To get data Scroll through the list All. In this brief review, you will connect to several different sources of data in Internet.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Get Data tool.

Imagine that you are working as a data analysis specialist in a company engaged in retail sales of sunglasses. You want to help the company organize targeted implementation where the sun shines more. On the website on the Best and Worst States for Retirement (the best and worst states for pensioners) there is interesting data on this topic.

In Power Bi Desktop on the tab The main page Choose To get data>InternetTo connect to the data source on the Internet.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Web option of the Get Data tool.

In the dialog box From the Internet Insert the address in field URL address and press button OK".

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the From Web dialog box.

When a request on the screen appears Access to the web consumer Press the button ConnectionTo use anonymous access.

The Power Bi Desktop request function is activated and will turn to the web resource. In the window Navigator Found on a web page is displayed. In this case, this is HTML table Ranking of Best and Worst States for Retirement (Rating of the best and worst states for pensioners) and five other recommended tables. You are interested in the HTML table, so select it to make pre-viewing.

At this stage, you can click the button Downloadto download the table, or button Transform datato make changes to the table before loading it.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing a table display of imported data.

If you press the button Transform data, Power Query editor with the presentation of the table will start. On the right is the region Request parameters. So that it is displayed constantly, in the Power Query editor on the tab View Press the button Request parameters.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Power Query Editor with Query Settings.

Additional information about the data connection, see the article connection to the data in Power Bi Desktop.

Data formation

Now that you have connected to the data source, you can configure the data in the right way. For formation The data in the Power Query editor indicates step -by -step instructions for setting data as they are loading and displaying in the editor. This does not affect the source source of data, but only on this specific idea.

The tabular data used in this manual may change over time. Therefore, the actions that need to be performed may differ, and you will need to creatively approach the setting of steps or results. Dare, because this makes the learning process exciting.

Formation can mean Transformation data, for example, renaming columns or tables, deleting strings or columns or changing data types. In the Power Query editor, these actions are recorded in turn in the section Applied steps areas Request parameters. These actions are performed every time the request is connected to the data source so that the data is always set by you. This happens when you use a request at Power Bi Desktop or when someone else uses your request open for general access, for example, in the Power Bi service.

Please note that in the section Applied steps areas Request parameters There are already several actions. You can choose each of them and see how it will affect the Power Query editor. First you indicated a web source, and then looked at the table in the window Navigator. At the third step (Changed type) the Power Bi application recognized the imported data as integer and automatically changed the initial Type of dataText on the Integer.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Power Query Editor with Query Settings pane showing the three Applied Steps.

If you need to change the data type, select the desired column or column. To choose a few adjacent columns, hold the key pressed Shift. To choose non -lane columns, hold the key pressed Ctrl. Click the header of the column with the right mouse button, select the item Type of change and select a new type of data in the menu or open the opening list Type of data in a group Transformation On the tab The main page And select a new type of data.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the change data type option.

Available tasks in the Power Query editor in Power Bi Desktop are selected on the tape or in contextual menu. Almost all the actions that can be selected on the tabs The main page and Transformation, are also available in the context menu that appears if you click the element with the right mouse button.

Now you can apply your own changes and transformations to data and see them in the section Applied steps.

For example, for sales of sunglasses, the weather rating is most important, so you decide to sort the table by the column Weather (Weather), not Overall Rank (General rating). Click the arrow of the opening list next to the heading Weather And select the item Sort Ascending. Now the data will be sorted according to the weather rating, and in the section Applied steps The action will appear Sorted lines.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing Sorted Rows appearing in Applied Steps.

It does not make much sense to sell sunglasses in the States with the worst climate, so you decide to remove them from the table. On the tab The main page Choose Reduce lines>Remove the lines>Remove the lower lines. In the dialog box Remove the lower lines enter the number 10 And press the button OK.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Remove Bottom Rows dialog box.

10 lower lines corresponding to the states with the worst climate are removed from the table, and in the section Applied steps The action will appear Remote lower lines.

You think that the table has a lot of extra information, so you decide to remove columns Affordability (Price level), CRIME (Crime), Culture (Culture) and Wellness (Health). Select the title of each column that must be removed. To choose a few adjacent columns, hold the key pressed Shift. To choose non -lane columns, hold the key pressed Ctrl.

Then on the tab The main page in a group Column management Press the button Remove columns. You can also click with the right mouse button one of the selected column headings and select item in the menu Remove columns. The selected columns will be removed, and in the section Applied steps The action will appear Remote columns.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing Remove Columns added to Applied Steps.

After some time, the idea that the column Affordability (Price level) may be important for sailing glasses. You want to return it. Last action in the section Applied steps can be easily canceled by clicking the removal icon next to it X. Now repeat the action by choosing only those columns that are not needed. For greater flexibility, each column can be removed separately.

Any action in the section Applied steps You can click with the right mouse button to remove it, rename, move up or down in the list or add or remove steps after it. In the case of intermediate actions in Power Bi Desktop there will be a warning that the change can affect subsequent actions and disrupt the request.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Applied Steps modification options.

For example, if the table no longer needs to be sorted by the column Weather, you can try to remove the action Sorted rows. Power BI Desktop will issue a warning that deleting this action may cause the query to fail. You deleted the bottom 10 rows after sorting on the Weather column, so different rows will be deleted when the sort is unsorted. A warning will also appear if you select an action Sorted rows and try to add an intermediate action instead.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Delete Step dialog box.

Finally, the heading of the table needs to be changed to refer to sales of sunglasses rather than conditions for retirees. In area Request parameters In chapter Properties replace title with Top States for Sunglasses Sales.

The completed request will look like this:

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the finished query for shaped data.

For more information about data styling, see Shape and combine data in Power BI Desktop.

Data aggregation

This data on various states is of interest and will be used to create additional analyzes and queries. However, there is one problem: most of the data here does not use the full name of the state, but its two-letter code. To use this data, you need to link the state names to their state codes in some way.

Fortunately, there is another public data source that does just that, but the data will require a fair amount of shaping before it can be unite them with a table.

To import state codes into Power Query Editor, on the tab Main page ribbons in a group New request select Create source>Internet.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Power Query Editor selecting Web from New Source.

In the dialog box From the Internet enter the URL for the abbreviated states site:

In the window Navigator select table Codes and abbreviations for U.S. states, federal districts, territories, and other regions (Codes and abbreviations for US states, federal districts, territories, and other regions) and press the button OK. The table will open in the Power Query Editor.

Delete all columns except Name and status of region (Name and status of the region), Name and status of region (Name and status of the region) and ANSI. To keep only these columns, select them by holding down the key CTRL. Then right-click on the heading of one of the columns and select Delete other columns or on the tab Main page in a group Column management select a team Delete other columns.

Click the dropdown arrow next to the heading Name and status of region_1 (Region name and status_1) and select Filters>Equals. In the dialog box Row filtering open the dropdown Enter or select a value next to the field equals and select the item State (State). Click OK.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Power Query Editor

After removing redundant values ​​such as federal district (Federal District) and island (island), you will get a list of 50 states with their official two-letter abbreviations. To make the column headings clearer, you can rename them, for example State name, Status and Reduction. To do this, click the header with the right mouse button and select the command Rename.

Please note that all these actions are recorded in the section Applied steps areas Request parameters.

The formed table now looks like this:

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Power Query Editor with Applied Steps in the Query Settings pane.

Rename the table c States codes in field Properties areas Request parameters.

Now that you have formed a table States codes, can Combine Two tables in one. Since the obtained tables are the result of execution of data requests, they are also called requests. There are two main ways to combine queries: Mergers and addition.

When there are one or more columns that you want to add to another request, you Drink Requests. If there are additional lines of data that must be added to the existing request, is executed addition Request.

In this case, it is necessary to perform Mergers Request States codes With a request The best states for sales of sunglasses. To do this, go to the request The best states for sales of sunglasses, choosing it in the area Requests On the left side of the editor Power Query. Then on the tab The main page ribbons in the group Combine Select the team Combine requests.

In the window Mergers In the field with an opening list, select a request States codes. Select the columns that need to be compared between the tables. In this case, this is a column State (State) from request The best states for sales of sunglasses and column Name of the state From the request States codes.

If a dialog box appears Privacy levelsSet the flag Skip checks of confidentiality levels for this file And press the button Save. Click OK.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Merge Queries window.

On the right side of the table The best states for sales of sunglasses A new column will appear States codes. It contains a request States Codes, which was united by a merger with the request The Best States for Sun Suns. All columns from a combined request are collected in a column States codes. You can expand The combined table and enable only the necessary columns.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the State Codes column.

To expand the combined table and select columns to turn on, click the icon deployment In the heading of the column. In the dialog box deployment Select only a column Reduction. Remove the flag Use the original column name as a prefixthen click the button OK.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the State Codes Abbreviation column.

You can test different ways to add table States codes. Experiment a little, and if you are not satisfied with the result, just remove the corresponding step from the list Applied steps in area Request parameters. This can be repeated as much as you like, until the deployment process will happen as it should.

A detailed description of the actions on the formation and combination of data see.The article Formation and Unification of Data in Power Bi Desktop.

Now you have one request (table) that combines two data sources, each of which is formed as you need. This request can serve as the basis for a large number of additional connections to the data of the data, such as demographic data, the level of well -being or recreational capabilities in different states.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Power Query Editor with shaped and combined queries.

Now you have enough data to create an interesting report on Power Bi Desktop. Since this is a milestone, apply changes in Power Query editor and download them to Power Bi Desktop by clicking button Close Apply On the tab HomeRibbons. You can also choose a command ApplyTo leave the request open to the Power Query editor while working in Power Bi Desktop.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Close and Apply Changes option.

After loading the table in Power Bi Desktop, you can make additional changes and restart the model to apply them. To open it again Power Query editor From Power Bi Desktop, select Transform dataOn the tab HomePower Bi Desktop.

Creation of reports

In the view Report In Power Bi Desktop you can create visualizations and reports. Performance Report Contains six main areas.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Report view.

  1. The tape at the top of the window, on which the general tasks related to reports and visualizations are displayed.
  2. The canvas area in the middle of the window where visualizations are created and organized.
  3. The area of ​​the page tabs in the lower part, where you can choose or add the pages of the report.
  4. Region Filtersin which you can filter data visualization.
  5. Region Visualization where you can add, change or configure visualizations, as well as apply details.
  6. Region Fieldsin which the fields available in the requests are presented. These fields can be dragged to the canvas, to the area Filters or area Visualizationto create or change visualizations.

Areas Filters, Visualization and Fields You can deploy and curtail with an arrow at the top of each area. By curling the panel, you can get more space on canvas to develop visualizations.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Fields pane.

To create simple visualization, just select any field in the field list or drag the field from the list Fields to the canvas. For example, drag the field State (State) from request Best States for Sunglass Sales (The best states for sales of sunglasses) and see what will happen.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Drag State field to create a map visualization.

As you can see, the Power Bi Desktop application recognized that the field State Contains data on geographical, and automatically created a visualization based on the card. It shows data points for 40 states from the data model.

In area Visualization Information about visualization is presented, and you can change it.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Visualization pane.

  1. The icon indicates the type of visualization created. You can change the type of visualization by choosing another icon, or create a new visualization by clicking the icon when visualization is not selected.
  2. Tab Fields in area Visualization allows you to drag the fields with data in Conditions and other field containers in the area.
  3. Tab Format allows you to apply formatting and other controls to visualizations.

Items available on tabs fields and Format, depend on the type of visualization and data.

You want the map to show only the top 10 states by climate rating. To display only the first 10 states, in the area Filters hover your mouse over the field State (all) and click the arrow that appears. Drop Filter type select item Leading N. In chapter Show elements select item Bottom, because you want to show the items with the lowest numeric rating, and then in the next field, enter a number 10.

Drag box Weather from the region fields in field By value and click Apply filter.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Weather filter.

Now only the top 10 states by climate rating are visible on the map.

Change the name of the visualization by clicking the icon Format in area Visualizationsby selecting an element Name and entering in the field Title text text Top 10 states by climate.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Change Title field in the Visualization pane.

To add a visualization that displays the names of the top 10 states by climate rating and their ranking from 1 to 10, select an empty spot on the canvas, and then in the area Visualizations click icon bar graph. In area fields select fields State and Weather. The bar chart displays 40 states from the query, sorted by numerical rating in descending order, that is, from worst climate to best.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Column chart visualization.

To change the order of the states so that the state ranked 1 comes first, click the Extra options in the form of an ellipsis in the upper right corner of the visualization, and then select the menu item Sort Ascending.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Sort Ascending option.

To keep only the first 10 states on the histogram, apply the same filter as on the map.

Rename the histogram the same as the map. In addition, on the tab Format areas Visualizations change the parameter value Y-axis>Axis Title with Weather to a more understandable one: climate rating. Then set the selector Y axis into position Off. Install zoom slider into position On and Data Labels into position On. Finally, adjust the zoom slider along the y-axis so that the stacked bars fill the chart.

The top 10 states with the best climates are now displayed in order, along with numerical rankings.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the finished column chart.

You can create similar or different visualizations for fields Affordability and overall ranking or combine multiple fields into one visualization. There are all kinds of interesting reports and visualizations that you can create. On these visualizations like Table and Graph and histogram with grouping showing the top 10 climate ranking states along with price levels and overall rankings:

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Table as well as Line and Clustered Column visualizations.

You can use different visualizations on different report pages. To add a page, click the symbol + next to the available pages in the page bar, or select the command Insert>Create page tab Main page ribbons. To rename a page, double-click its name in the Pages row, or right-click the name and choose Rename Page, and then enter a new name. To go to another report page, select it in the page row.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Pages bar.

From the group Insert tab Main page You can add text boxes, images, and buttons to report pages. To set formatting options for a visualization, select it, and then in the Visualizations click icon Format. To customize the size, background, and other page settings, click the icon Formatwhen visualization is not selected.

When you have finished creating pages and visualizations, select File>Save and save the report.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the finished report page.

For more information about reports, see Report view in Power BI Desktop.

Sharing work

Now that you have a Power BI Desktop report, you can share it with others. This can be done in several ways. You can distribute the file PBIX report like any other file, send the file PBIX from the Power BI service, or publish the report directly from Power BI Desktop to the Power BI service. You need a Power BI account to publish reports to or upload reports to the Power BI service.

To publish to a service Power BI from Power BI Desktop, on the tab Main page ribbon click Publish.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Publish option.

You may be prompted to sign in to Power BI or select a destination.

When the publishing process is complete, the following dialog box will be displayed:

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Publish Success message.

After you click the link to open the report in Power BI, it will open in your Power BI site under My workspace>Reports.

You can also download your work from the service to share your work. Power BI . Go to opening Power BI in the browser. On the page home Power BI click To get data in the bottom left corner to start the Power BI Desktop report download process.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Get Data option.

On the next page select Get In chapter Files.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Get Data screen.

On the next page select local file. select a file PBIX Power BI Desktop and click Open.

When the file is imported, it will appear in the section My workspace>Reports in the left pane of the Power BI service.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing a file imported into Power B I.

If you select a file, the first page of the report appears. You can select other pages using the tabs on the left side of the report.

To make changes to a report in a service Power BI, at the top of the report canvas, select Extra options>Change.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Edit option.

To save your changes, click File>Save a copy.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Save option.

In a service report Power BI you can create any visual elements, and then attach them to dashboards. Learn more about dashboards in the service Power BI see design guidelines for the perfect dashboard.For more information about creating, editing, and sharing dashboards, see Sharing a Dashboard.

To share a report or dashboard, click General access>report at the top of an open report page or dashboard, or click General access next to the report or dashboard name in the list My workspace>Reports or My workspace>Dashboards.

Perform the necessary actions on the screen Report Sharing or Sharing a Dashboardto send an email message or get a link that allows you to share your report or dashboard with others.

Screenshot of Power B I Desktop showing the Share Report screen.

With Power BI Desktop and the Power BI service, you can create many impressive mashups and data-driven visualizations.

Further actions

Power BI Desktop supports connecting to the diagnostics port. This port allows other tools to connect to perform diagnostic tracing. When using the diagnostic port making changes to the model is not supported. Model changes can lead to data corruption and loss.

To learn more about the many features of Power BI Desktop, see the following resources:

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Christian Dior Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet» He gives his owner the soft breath of delicate flower petals, caressing her body like a natural velvet. The presence of the peony notes makes the aroma delightfully soft and silky even a few hours after applying to the skin.

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Jo Malone Peony Blush Suede» Built around the sound of two main notes: delicate peony and soft suede. The fresh red apple is replaced by the sensual trepidation of the peonies, roses and jasmine, gradually inferior to the warm suede base. In the heart of the fragrance, there are also chords of spicy cloves, giving the compositions piquant severity.

Montale Sweet Peony» It resembles a traction caramel candy – tasty, expensive and fragrant. A precious gift for sweet tooth, with a unique taste of pens and sweet wool petals. This bright tandem is complemented by notes of the royal rose, making a perfume of exquisite-oxatory and feminine classics.

Dolce and Gabbana Dolce Peony» – A cozy, soft aroma that creates a positive and romantic mood. Each time he acquires new shades and seems even more interesting and fascinating than before. It is suitable for women who are looking for a highlight in a perfume, with an interesting and catchy base with a transition to a deep train.

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Murmansk | WEEKEND POSTER – No Format

MURMANSK Murmansk Regional Art Museum (Murmansk, Kominterna st., 13. Murmansk region. Murmansk.


WEEKEND POSTER - https://xn----7sbhwjb3brd.xn--p1ai

The exhibition continues: to the 225th anniversary of the birth of Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot (until July 25); Tie (until July 25); Seasons of Contemporary Art (until July 27); Towel (until August 29); Dreamers (until August 29); Paintings by St. Petersburg artists from the museum's collection(until August 29); Domestic fine arts of the XVIII-XX centuries.(until December 31); Open storage of paintings and arts and crafts of Russia” (until December 31).

July 17 – 14.00 and 16.00

The game Guess the object at the permanent exhibition Open storage of paintings and arts and crafts of Russia». (12+)

July 18 – 14.00

On the museum's website you can get acquainted with a virtual exhibition of paintings and graphic works by Mikhail Lapin from the stock collection.

Cultural and Exhibition Center of the Russian Museum

(Murmansk, Sophia Perovskoy st., 3. Phones: 815-2-99-43-57 and 815-2-99-43-58)

The exhibition continues: «Self-portrait. Paintings and drawings from the museum's collection(until August 1); Sea element. The image of the sea in painting, graphics and arts and crafts(until August 29); Russian Porcelain (until August 29); Illustrations for the works of William Thackeray(until August 29); 1941. Protect the North” (until September 5); Artistic crafts of Russia. Part 1. From the museum collection(until December 26); Old Apartment (until December 31); Sculpture XX – XXI centuries. (until December 31).

July 17 and 18 – 14.00

An event with a master class “The sea worries once. . (6+)

July 17 and 18 – 17.00

Excursion to the permanent tactile exhibition Sculpture of the XX-XXI centuries. (0+)

July 21-23 – 15.00

Event with a master class Khokhloma painting. (6+)

July 21-23 – 17.00

Tour of the exhibitionold apartment». (0+)

July 18 – 16.00

As part of the video subscription Stories about the Russian Museum films will be shown: The project of reconstruction and restoration of the Great Courtyard of the Mikhailovsky Castle with elements of recreation(Russia, 2009), After Paul … (Russia, 2005), Architectural self-portrait of Paul I (Russia, 2003), History of the Mikhailovsky Castle (Russia, 2003), The interior of the Mikhailovsky Castle(Russia, 2003),Mikhailovsky Castle: real and virtual (Russia, 2003). (16+)

The Russian Museum invites you to become members of the online project To the anniversary of the great writer: 200 years since the birth of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (12+). The screenings will take place on the museum's YouTube channel. Program:

Murmansk Regional Museum of Local Lore

(Murmansk, Pavlova st., 1a. Phones: 42-25-89, 42-27-67, 99-44-58.

The exhibition continues: Advice and love (until July 30); On guard of the world (until July 30); Border guards of the Arctic (until July 30).

July 17 – 11.00-16.00

Lottery Lucky ticket. Each visitor will have the opportunity to win a gift: an entrance ticket to the museum, a ticket for an excursion or souvenirs. For young guests, an interactive Play-a-ka platform will be prepared, which includes mathematical coloring, graphic dictations and origami. (0+ and 16+)

July 17 – 14.00

Demonstrations of educational and interactive programs will be held. History of Murmansk. (16+)

July 17 – 15.00

Demonstrations of educational and interactive programs will be held. Nature of the Murmansk region. (6+)

July 19 – 15.00

July 20 – 15.00

The VKontakte community posts a hit parade of visitors' reviews, a publication dedicated to mica, brief information about the oldest village of the Kola North – Varzuga. The next issue of the heading Hero of Museum Labor tells about the artist Alexander Voronov. The sections also work: “Murmansk is unique”, “Do you know?”, “Letters from the front”, “Murmansk Streets” and others. (12+)

Murmansk State Regional Universal Scientific Library

(Murmansk, Sofia Perovskaya St., 21a. Phone 45-48-05.

The exhibition continues: “Coins of Glory” (until July 31); I do not remember the names, but the cover … blue! (until July 31); “And I am warm in the north, not crowded …” (until July 31); World of family hobbies (until July 31); “The history of generations. The best in the genre ”(until July 31); “In search of Marseille Proust” (until July 31); Books of the Summer Format (until July 31); Fishing is a cool matter! (until July 31); Flower disease (until July 31); Tourist potential of the Murmansk region(Until August 29); Books that will easily fit in a road suitcase(Until August 30); “Cruise without visas” (until August 31); “Kola North in New Editions” (until September 1); Nature of Khibin (until September 6); “In the world of colors” (until September 10); World classics in English (annual); Corner of polyglot (annual); Have you read? (annual); There are strange rapprocheces: Nespucki calendar(Annual); “Books that. (Annual).

July 20 – 13.00

Watch at the YouTube channel library video review “Secret. Mystic. Mystery. The books presented in the video will send readers to the world of unusual, amazing, gloomy-pronouncing and genuine-passionate. (12+)

Murmansk Regional Children and Youth Library named after V.P. Makhaeva

(Murmansk, 30 Burkova St., https.//

To September 5

In the Children's Reading Department – the Interregional Creative Festival Summer. Children. Book. The participants are waiting for a video with a record of the performance (dance, song, reading poems about summer, logically completed excerpts of works of art, reviews (reviews) about the book read in the summer. You can also send a photo of the drawing or illustrations. Nominations: “Individual performance”, “Individual creativity”, “Individual creativity”, “Individual creativity”, “Individual creativity , Family performance , Theatricalization . (6+)

Until September 15

On the eve of the 105th anniversary of the hero city of Murmansk, the library holds the regional literary competition “105 words about your favorite city”. Applications will last until September 15. According to the results of the competition, a collection is planned, which will include the best works. (6+)

July 17 – 15.00

Webinar 3 secrets of achievement of goals. The lesson will be held at Zoom. (16+)

July 18 – 17.00

Verbal role -playing game based on the books of J. R. R. Tolkien Fernan Magadan: High School Travel. Record will be available in the library community In contact with». (12+)

July 20 – 16.00

Webinar How to become YouTube blogger?The session will take place on ZOOM. (16+)

Murmansk Regional Palace of Culture and Folk Art. CM. Kirov

(Murmansk, Pushkinskaya st., 3;

Regional Palace of Culture and Folk Art named after S.M. Kirova invites northerners to send Summer greetings for Kirovka from vacation and share their mood. To do this, you need to take a photo or video of your vacation and put it on the social network In contact with with hashtags #KirovkaMurmansk #SummerPrivetDlyaKirovka.

The results of the competition will be announced in early September. Photo and video materials will be evaluated in five categories: Summer Compass (the most northern, the most southern, the most western and the most eastern); “Good moment” (photo or video of a vacation in the country, in the village, etc.); “Around the World in One Collage” (a photo or video where the family captured the entire vacation in one collage); Summer at arm's length (selfie with his family on vacation); In the North – to rest! (photo or video of a holiday in the Murmansk region).

The main conditions of the competition Summer greetings for Kirovka – open page of the author of the post In contact with”, a mark of the Murmansk Regional Palace of Culture and Folk Art named after S.M. Kirov (@odkkirova).

Arctic Exhibition Center Nuclear icebreaker Lenin

(Murmansk, Portovy proezd, 25, a / l Lenin»)

Sightseeing tour of the icebreaker with a visit to the navigation bridge, radio room, nuclear reactor monitoring post, energy and survivability post, engine room, medical unit, wardroom and other facilities. Acquaintance with the recently opened multimedia interactive exposition Atoms and the Arctic on the living deck of the nuclear-powered ship. A variety of video, photographic materials, installations, scientific, archival information on the history of the nuclear icebreaker fleet and the development of the Arctic.

Open every day except Monday and Tuesday.

Permanent expositions telling about the nuclear power industry of Russia and an exhibition of photographs of the finalists of the All-Russian competition of the Russian Geographical Society The Most Beautiful Country were opened.

Murmansk residents and guests of the city are invited to excursions daily from Wednesday to Sunday. Sightseeing walks on the atomic icebreaker begin – in 12.00, 14.00 and 16.00. A visit to the interactive exhibitionAtom and the Arctic starts at 13.00 and 15.00.

Sign up for a tour of the legendary nuclear icebreaker Lenin you can call +7(911) 345-67-77. Individual and group visits by appointment.

Exhibition hall of Murmansk

(Murmansk, Oktyabrskaya st., 22. Phones: 42-86-68, 42-45-86)

The exhibition continues : Kaleidoscope of creativity (until July 19); Emotions of color (until July 21).

An exhibition of paintings and drawings from the Summer Kaleidoscope funds will begin (until September 16).

Works are being accepted for the city competition of children's drawings I love my city. The conditions and requirements are posted on the website of the Committee for Culture of the Administration of Murmansk. Entries are accepted until September 10 inclusive. (0+)

There is an exhibition of creative works by Olga Kotenko.

Acceptance of works for the city competition of children's drawings has begunI love my city. The conditions and requirements are posted on the website of the Committee for Culture of the Administration of Murmansk. Entries are accepted until September 10 inclusive. (0+)

Department of Folk Arts and Crafts

(Murmansk, Knipovich st., 23a. Phones: 45-08-38; 45-08-60)

The exhibition continues How a shirt grew in the field (until December 26).

July 21 – 17.00

Center for Contemporary Art 21A

(Murmansk, Sophia Perovskoy st., 21a. phone 45-08-58)

The exhibition continues THE VOID OF TIME (until July 31).

(Murmansk, Sophia Perovskoy st., 21a. Phone 45-08-58.

Screenings are held with 50 percent filling of the hall.

July 17 – 12.30

July 17 – 13.30

July 17 – 14.30

July 17 – 17.00

July 17 – 18.00

July 17 – 19.15

July 18 – 12.30

«How the Moon went to visit the Sun». (6+)

July 18 – 13.30

«Astronautics for children». (6+)

July 18 – 14.30

July 18 – 16.00

July 18 – 17.00

July 18 – 18.00

«The sun is the star of our life». (12+)

July 18 – 19.00

July 20 – 16.30

«Water is a miracle of nature». (6+)

July 20 – 17.30

«Astronautics for children». (6+)

July 20 – 18.30

«Into the depths of the universe». (12+)

July 20 – 19.15

«Mayan. Observers of the Universe». (12+)

July 21 – 16.30

«Astronautics for children». (6+)

July 21 – 17.30

«How the Moon went to visit the Sun». (6+)

July 21 – 19.15

July 22 – 16.30

«Astronautics for children». (6+)

July 22 – 17.30

«How the Moon went to visit the Sun». (6+)

July 22 – 18.30

«Vision». (12+)

July 22 – 19.15

«Return to the Moon. Forever and ever». (12+)


The exhibition continues: works of participants in creative courses and club formations of the crafts department (until September 2), painting by Igor Grustnev (until July 29). (12+)

ZATO Severomorsk, Safonova st., 22. Severomorsk Museum and Exhibition Complex.

The museum and exhibition complex will open an exhibition of paintings and items from the stock collection of the Naval Museum of the Northern Fleet and SMVC (until August 5). (12+)

ZATO Severomorsk, Safonova st., 22. Severomorsk Museum and Exhibition Complex.

The community of the Youth Leisure Center published a video about the abandoned airfield in Kilpyavr, as well as a recording of the concert of the modern choreography ensemble Improvisation. (6+)

The Energetik DC community has posted a video called “North in the lens”, dedicated to the birthday of the Murmansk region. Viewers will learn how photographers see our land – people who are irresistibly attracted by the harsh northern beauty, stunning landscapes, amazing natural features. (6+)

village of Murmashi, Energetikov st., 1. House of Culture Murmashi.

ZVEROSOVHOZ settlement

In the DC groupIn contact with” posted: entertaining and educational video “Entertaining experiments”, a virtual exhibition of fine arts “I am proud of Russia!”, The film “Murmansk. Battle for the Arctic. (12+)

The remote competition of children's creativity Colors of Summer has begun. (6+)

Expositions in the museum: about the animal world of our region (until December 31), Recipe for Life (until July 25), Muse in a Soldier's Overcoat (until July 27), Cosmos (until August 1), About the Northern Fleet (until 1 August), Ships of my Motherland (until August 30).

Polyarny, Moiseeva street, 3. City Museum of Local History.

In the museum communityIn contact with – virtual exhibition 06/22/1941. Tragedy. Courage. Feat». (12+)


In the foyer of the State Central Committee Tatyana Kugavda exhibition Dreams of Spring.

On the basis of the GCC, a creative workshop works. Its participants are waiting for creativity, walks, excursions, funny contests and quiz. (6+)

Monchechensk, Ave. Metallurgov, 30. Monchegorsky city center of culture.

In the GCC group, the heading Tales at night is opened, and sketching master classes are resumed. (6+)

G. Apatites

In the community of the State Duma In contact withAuthor's play-demitivator The priceless gift of life and the online excursion History of the city. Povir. (16+)

14.00 -Literary and creative online master's “kids”: reading the poems of Stanislav Vostokov “I couldn’t” ”and the master class on drawing“ Funny UFO ”

16.00 – Video version Vinyl tea: Popular about grames for amateurs and collectors

16.00 – “Social” – a section on mental and physical health and

17.00 – “DIY art” – a master class from the Oer “Ark”

17.00 -online studio Hobby Club: a master class on sketching Macks

15.00 – Rubric Family weekend

16.00 – online reading studio “Visiting a fairy tale”: the fairy tale “White Duck” in the processing of A.N. Afanasyeva

16.00 – «Social – a section on mental and physical health and

17.00 – «DIY art – A master class from OerThe arkHttps://

19.00 – Owing Stories: We read before going to bed

9.00 – Cycle of video reviews First strip: a retrospective of articles from local newspapers

10.00 – Rubric: “Events. Folk calendar

14.00 – Video review “Everyone plays chess” (by International Chess Day)

15.00 – Dancehall Choreo master class from the choreographer of the Dance Evolution Studio studio –

15.00 – Summer online cinema: Cartoon Become a legend! Jr. Bigfath

11.00 – Loud online readings Absolute Hearing (Books on Art)

11.00 – Book Environment: online readings of the book by Rene Guisha The Best Dad

15.00 – Local history online lesson On the Northern Paths

15.00 – Country-broadcast online ekscur Journey on the sofa: United Arab Emirates-the Eastern Tale. Part 2

17.00 – PR-action “Apatites in each of us” (to the anniversary of the city of Apatita)

11.00 – “Book New items”: Video Carrower “Fairytale Correctional School” (Jen Kalonite Books)

12.00 – Cultural online standing “Temptation by a book” (reviews of books on artists, discussing books with artists, musicians, etc.)

15.00 – Book online exhibition The investigation is conducted by Eric Foster: Robert Bryndza detectivesHttps://

15.00 – Summer workshop Red cat (master class): crafts from colored paper Giraffes

G. Kirovsk

July 17 – 11.00

In the community of the State Duma of the online visitor to the Experts of the microdistrict. (6+)

In the community of the State Duma, congratulations to the head of the city of Kirovsk, musical postcards from the teams of the recreation center, summing up the online contest of the children's drawing on the asphalt “I love Kukisvumchorr!”, The online photograph “My profession is my choice!”, Online quiz ”Experts of the microdistrict». (6+).

In the GDK community, an Internet competition for children's drawings on asphalt I draw a fairy tale dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Favorite Books has begun. Entries are accepted until July 29. (0+)

Kirovsk, Mira st., 7. Kirov City Palace of Culture.


Exhibitions continue at the GDK: Evgenia Popova The Artist Lives in Everyone (until July 26), photo exhibition by Valentina Kolinko Wild and Free (until August 28). (6+)

Polyarnye Zori, st. Sivko, 5. City Palace of Culture.

In a group In contact with”, a video was published on the rules of the road and general safe behavior while riding bicycles, scooters, rollerblades, a video of the children’s carnival-festival “Fairytale City of Childhood”, an educational program about the life, culture and beliefs of the Slavic people, a folklore expedition around the city. (12+)


Every Saturday – 12.00

« Board Games Club. (6+)

Kandalaksha, Kirovskaya alley, 1a. MBU DK Metallurg.

Every Wednesday – 15.00

The School of Useful Skills will work. In the classroom at such an unusual school, children will learn how to work with a thread and a needle, sew on a button, sew up a hole, tie knots, laces and bows, work with scissors, and make an interesting craft and souvenir with their own hands. (6+)

Kandalaksha, Kirovskaya alley, 1a. MBU DKMetallurgist».

The Kandalaksha Library System community has a link for free access to a selection of books. Access is open until August 31st. (6+)

In the DC groupMetallurgist the Warmth from Kind Hands campaign was launched to collect school supplies, things and personal hygiene products for children in difficult life situations. There are also published master classesEverything ingenious is simple: we draw a fox with the children”, “How to sew a button for good luck”, “Wreath of wild flowers”, “Hairstyle ideas: easy and simple”, action “Sun, summer, me!”. (12+).

The library has a book and illustrative exhibition The History of the Native Land, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Ivan Ushakov.

Kovdor, Builders street, 1a. Kovdor Central Regional Library.

In the DC communityIn contact withheadings work: “Psychologist and I”, “Vocational guidance. My choice. (12+)

In the group of the centralized library system, an information and local history video “Water pantries of the Kovdorsky district” is posted. (6+)

Master classes Magic Transformation and It's good when everyone is at home have been published in the DC community. (6+)

The Local History Museum of the Pechenga District invites you to exhibitions: “Workshop of the North”, “Call me, call. ”,“ Angels of goodness ”,“Expanded Universe LEGO NEXO KnightS PBLNK”, “On guard of the Motherland”.

town of Nickel, Pechengskaya st., 1a. Museum of History and Local Lore of the Pechenga District.

Video materials from the patriotic expedition are posted in the group of the local history museum of the Pechenga region. (6+)

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Cartoon Club Vinx – Silmarian school season

Bloom needs to regain the strength of the dragon, and the struggle for it does not promise to be easy. Monsters continue to attack Alpheus, and Trix attack Winx. Riven frees prisoners of prison, and Miss Griffin helps fairys cope with his former wards and creates a protective screen that stops witches.

Vinx club – Silmarian School Season 1 Episode 23 – Game of Forces watch online

Bloom needs to regain the strength of the dragon, and the struggle for it does not promise to be easy. Monsters continue to attack Alpheus, and Trix attack Winx. Riven frees prisoners of prison, and Miss Griffin helps fairys cope with his former wards and creates a protective screen that stops witches.

Watch the cartoon club Winx – Silmarian School Season 1 Episode 23 – A game of forces online you can completely free in Russian in good HD quality. Happy viewing!

Bloom is a resident of the North American town called Kardinia. She is an ordinary schoolgirl who loves fairy tales and does not doubt the existence of magic. And miracles, as you know, happen only to those who believe in them. One fine day, Bloom meets a girl who turns out to be a real fairy.

Bloom says goodbye to her parents and her former life – now she will become a resident of the Kingdom of Magiks and a student of the Alpheus school. Once in school, she gets acquainted with her future faithful friends – muse, flora and text and immediately finds out that the treacherous witches Triks live in the cloud tower: Aisi, Darcy and Stormy.

The academic year in Adlfa begins with the ball, which each fairy should appear in a beautiful dress. But Bloom does not have a suitable outfit, and girlfriends go shopping. Meanwhile, the trix witches again conceived something bad and are going to disrupt the solemn event. Will Winx be able to save the long -awaited holiday?

Winx fairies receive a new task, and this time they need to work not in the most favorable conditions – in the swamp. In addition, during classes it is forbidden to use magic. To the very place where the students of Alfei work, the ship of specialists of the Red Fountain school is landing. The fact is that the troll escaped from these guys, which needs to be caught.

Prince Sky invited Stella on a date. The young fairy is sent to a place called Black Lagoon full of hopes, but when she returns back, her friends cannot recognize her. Stella behaves very strangely, and, it seems, hides something. After some time, the reasons for this behavior of the fairy are becoming clear – it was not without the influence of Trix.

The witches took possession of Stella’s magic ring, and now Fairy Winx should return it. Girlfriends go to the cloud tower, where they will have a fierce fight with monsters.Having defeated the monsters and steadfastly enduring all the tests, the girls still achieve their own, but for the sortie into the cloud tower of Farangonda, he takes up magical powers from them.

Faragonda, the director of the Alpheus school, punished fairies for entering the cloud tower, and did not allow them to go to the concert with everyone. Now, instead of fun and dancing, Winx is waiting for careful cleaning of the entire school. But fairies and fairies that can be found everywhere and everywhere. They definitely will not get bored, and cleaning will turn into a holiday.

During the day of the rose, Bloom quarrels with Riven. To somehow rectify the situation, she gives him a racing helmet. Riven with gratitude accepts a gift, but, putting on a helmet, almost falls into an accident. In what happened, he blames Bloom, but in fact the helmet was spoiled by the witches of Trix.

Having quarreled with Stella, the muse decides to wander around the city and leaves the school territory. The fairy accidentally encounters the witches of the cloud tower. Of course, the conflict is inevitable. Fortunately, her friends and specialists come to the rescue. The battle with Trix gives Bloom the opportunity to discover incredible power.

Fairies of Winx should take the test in the so -called simulation room. The witch Darcy decides to take advantage of the situation and check if Bloom has the strength of the dragon. To do this, she breaks the mechanism in the room where the test should pass, hoping in this way to get the Bloom out of itself. As a result, it turns out that the fairy force is enclosed in herself, and not at all in the ring, as Trix thought.

It seems that in her hobby, Flora went too far: her plants were filled with everything around and now literally evict girls from their rooms. When Tekna turns out to be a hostage to one of them, Flora understands that it is time to take measures, and transfers the field for its experiments to mud swamps.

Flora successfully passed the exam, but Stella for unknown reasons missed the lecture of Professor Palladium. It turns out that she is preparing for the Miss Magiks contest. The witch Lucy, who wants to get victory dishonestly, is also involved in the same competition, but herself turns out to be deceived.

All schools have a vacation, and Alfeya is no exception. Bloom goes to his native land. News are waiting for her at home: they want to buy a flower store of parents. Fortunately, Bloom has a gift that allows her to see the aura of people, and she quickly exposes the unclean to the hands of buyers, who almost deceived her mother and dad. True, the problems do not end there.

And what the cunning trixes will not come up with. This time they decided to play a truly evil joke over Bloom, forcing her to think that she was a descendant of witches. It all started with the fact that the fairy began to torment questions about her real parents. Bloom was sure that she could find answers in the archives of the cloud tower, so she went there together with Brandon to find out the truth.

Among the students of Alpheus schools, anxiety is growing, and this is not surprising, because very soon they have to go through complex testing and test their knowledge.Of course, there is no question of any cheat sheets or tips, because in the exam you need to demonstrate your true abilities. But the Winx fairies seem to be lucky: they find an envelope with answers to questions that was lost by Professor Squeal. Will they take advantage of this luck?

The Trix's antics are endless, and this time they've come up with something really scary. With the help of their evil spells, the witches sent a monster to the Alfeus school, capable of penetrating dreams and feeding on other people's fear. Every night, the Winx fairies began to have nightmares, but the brave girls decided not to give up and fight back the monster. The result of the struggle exceeded all expectations.

The specialists of the Red Fountain arrange a holiday, but for some reason the Winx fairies were not invited. The friends want to know what is the reason and still make their way to Fonterossa, where they meet Princess Diaspro. It turns out that Brandon, who actually does not love her at all, should marry her. Bloom fights Diaspra, and in the end it turns out that Brandon is not Brandon at all.

Bloom is desperate: she no longer wants to study at Alfea and is going to return home to her foster, but beloved mom and dad. One of the Trix finds out about her decision, and the witches come up with a cunning plan: they want to attack Bloom on Earth, capture her parents and deprive the fairy of magical powers.

Having taken away her power from Bloom, the Trix witches capture the Cloud Tower, and the fairy herself returns to Alfea and tells Faragonda about everything that happened to her. In a fight with the witches, Bloom learned that she has the power of the Dragon, thanks to which the Trix are now capable of much. The Alpheus school is under threat because it is surrounded by monsters.

To regain her lost power, Bloom, along with the rest of the Winx, goes to the planet Domino, but there she meets with a snow monster. Meanwhile, a fierce struggle is being waged in Magix: the specialists of the Red Fountain are fighting the Trix witches, who have seriously decided to capture Magix.

Bloom finally makes it to Domino's palace, where a real revelation awaits her. Here she meets with the ghost of her older sister Daphne, who reveals to Bloom the secret of her origin. The rest of the Winx also fly to the palace and, together with Daphne, find the crown in Domino's treasury.

Trix witches continue to attack Magix. Bloom, Stella, Sky and Brandon decide to infiltrate Cloud Tower and stop them. Their path lies through the dungeon, where they meet with Riven, who was imprisoned. While in prison, he met Miss Griffin, the former director of the witch school, who is not happy with the behavior of the current students.

Bloom needs to regain the power of the Dragon, and the fight for it is not going to be easy. The monsters continue to attack Alfea, while the Trix attack the Winx. Riven frees the prisoners of the dungeon, and Miss Griffin helps the fairies cope with their former wards and creates a protective screen that stops the witches.

During the chase, Sky and Bloom are accidental and now they cannot get home, because their aircraft is broken. They decide to seek help from the residents of Magiks, who guard Alpheus from witches and their monsters. Bloom does not forget about his main goal – to regain the strength of the dragon that Triks abducted.

Bloom learns that in order to discover new forces in himself, you just need to believe in yourself. The ghost of her sister Daphne told her that no one was able to take her magical power, even the most powerful witch. So Bloom again becomes a fairy, and in the meantime, the Trix again attack Alpheus.

So, the time has come for a decisive battle. Alpheus students and specialists from the Red Fountain are firmly intended to defend the honor of the school and the entire Magix. Bloom converges in a duel from Aisi, and her friends fight with others Trix. But for Winx, the joy of the victory over Darcy and Stormy is premature: Bloom disappeared somewhere.

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Can coronavirus lead to long-term health problems? | Events in the world – estimates and forecasts from Germany and Europe | dw | 03/25/2020

In some patients who recovered from COVID-19, doctors noted a weakening of lung function. But there is good news: the likelihood of re-infecting the virus is extremely small.

Can coronavirus lead to long-term health problems?

In some patients who recovered from COVID-19, doctors noted a weakening of lung function. But there is good news: the likelihood of re-infecting the virus is extremely small.

Woman with coronavirus on examination in Tehran's Hospital

A woman with coronavirus being examined in a hospital in Tehran

The statistics are encouraging: as of Tuesday, March 24, more than 100,000 COVID-19 cases worldwide have already recovered. Most of these people had a mild or moderate disease, and in more serious cases, patients were provided with qualified medical care.

The recovered describe with relief how they managed to get through this difficult period – the treatment of symptoms, the horrific uncertainty and the grueling quarantine. They rejoice that having been ill with the coronavirus, they have developed immunity to this disease. However, there is no complete information about how people feel after recovery.

Possible consequences of COVID-19 – decreased lung function and shortness of breath

In the coming months, it will become clear whether the coronavirus infection can lead to long-term health consequences. SARS-CoV-2 is an infectious agent that primarily infects the lower respiratory tract, so people who carry the virus in moderate to severe form mostly suffer from dry cough, choking or pneumonia.

At the same time, it is possible that health problems may persist after recovery. Chinese doctors stated that individual patients who recovered from COVID-19 had weakened lung function and persistent shortness of breath. Some recovered patients may experience a decrease in lung function by 20-30 percent. They suffocate when they walk fast, said Owen Zeng, head of the infectious diseases center at Princess Margaret Hospital in Hong Kong.

A doctor with samples

Some COVID-19 survivors experience changes in lung function

In a number of patients, during computed tomography, darkening was found in the lungs, which may indicate damage to them. Previously, similar effects of the disease were observed during research in Wuhan in early February. In one study conducted at the Wuhan University Hospital, 140 images of the lungs of patients were analyzed and blackout was detected in all cases.

Suspicion of pulmonary fibrosis

However, it is too early to draw comprehensive conclusions: at the moment, too little data has been analyzed. Further research should show whether coronavirus infection contributes to the development of pulmonary fibrosis, a pathological process in which connective tissue grows in the walls of the alveoli (lung vesicles).

Because of this, the patient experiences a chronic lack of oxygen, he develops rapid breathing, shortness of breath and dry reflex cough. This negatively affects, among other things, the working capacity of a person: it becomes difficult for him to perform even simple daily activities.

Pulmonary fibrosis is not treated because lung tissues that have undergone changes are no longer restored. However, with a timely diagnosis, the development of the disease can be slowed down or even stopped.

Is immunity to coronavirus developed??

Most experts are convinced that people who recover from COVID-19 develop immunity to this disease. This applies equally to those who have had a mild illness, with little or no symptoms. The human immune system even in this case reacts to the virus and produces the appropriate antibodies. Therefore, re-infection with coronavirus in people who have already had it is extremely unlikely.

Young man in a protective mask against the background of a pharmacy sign

How the world is fighting the coronavirus

More than 188 countries are affected by the coronavirus pandemic

The total number of people infected with coronavirus in the world by June 12, according to Johns Hopkins University, was about 7.5 million people, the epidemic covered at least 188 countries and territories. About 3.5 million people have recovered, more than 420 thousand have died from the consequences of coronavirus infection.

Tent at the beer festival Oktoberfest

How the world is fighting the coronavirus

Events canceled around the world

Due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, public events, especially sports, are being canceled around the world. The Olympic Games in Tokyo were postponed a year later, in Germany the world's largest tourism fair ITB in Berlin, the Leipzig Book Fair, the Craft Fair in Munich, as well as the annual Oktoberfest beer festival were canceled (pictured).

A medical worker on the border of Austria with Italy measures the temperature to the driver of a car from Italy.

How the world is fighting the coronavirus

Europe is trying to protect itself from the coronavirus

Fearing the rapid spread of the coronavirus, almost all EU countries closed their national borders. Classes in educational institutions were at first completely canceled, later they were restored to a very limited extent. Pictured: A medical worker at the Austrian-Italian border measures the temperature of a car driver. An elevated temperature is a reason for a ban on entry into the country.

Italian soldier stops the car for control

How the world is fighting the coronavirus

Italy, Spain, UK

Italy and Spain were the first in Europe to be hit hardest by the coronavirus. In Italy, quarantine throughout the country has been introduced since March 9. The streets and squares of Italian cities were empty, and the army was involved in maintaining public order (see photo). By the end of May, the maximum number of deaths from SARS-CoV-2 in Europe was recorded in the UK.

Entrance to the University Clinic of Dusseldorf

How the world is fighting the coronavirus

Germany: gradual easing of quarantine measures

Until February 25, only 16 cases of coronavirus infection were registered in Germany. But then the number began to rise sharply.By June 12, the number of infected exceeded 186 thousand people. Most of all the infection is in the lands of Bavaria, the North Rhine – Westphalia and Baden -Württemberg. About 8.7 thousand people died. Since April 27, a gradual mitigation of quarantine measures has begun in the country.

Disinfectants in the store

How the world fights coronavirus

Azhiotazy demand for disinfectants

Due to the outbreak of coronavirus in Germany, there was a stir for disinfectants and liquid soap. In supermarkets and household chemical stores, shelves were initially empty, previously clogged with all kinds of bottles and tubes with antiseptics. By May, the supply was restored. In some stores, there are only announcements with a request not to buy goods to create reserves at home.

An ambulance with a doctor in a protective suit and patient in a mask

How the world fights coronavirus

Coronavirus reached Russia

The number of coronavirus in Russia by June 12 exceeded 510 thousand people. The largest number of cases is registered in Moscow, the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and the Nizhny Novgorod region. Since April 15, a universal checkpoint has been in force in Moscow and MO. The platform for the issuance of such digital passes is planned to be introduced in the 21st region of Russia.

Volunteers in protective costumes in Israel

How the world fights coronavirus

Israel: hard quarantine brought the results

In Israel by June 12, coronavirus was diagnosed in more than 18 thousand people. Hard measures were taken in the country to combat the spread of coronavirus including full quarantine and a ban on entering the country of foreigners. On April 19, a gradual mitigation of quarantine measures began, separate non -food stores opened and the movement of public transport resumed.

Measures to combat coronavirus in Iran

How the world fights coronavirus

Iran: real numbers can be much worse than official

By June 12, more than 180 thousand sick and more than 8.5 thousand deaths were registered in Iran. However, it is possible that in reality the numbers can be much higher. Trying to prevent the spread of the virus, the Iranian authorities instructed to abundantly fill the streets of cities with disinfectants (in the photo).

Doctors of one of the temporary hospitals in Jun at the closing ceremony

How the world fights coronavirus

China: Coronavirus Epidemic went on decline

Meanwhile, in China, where at the end of 2019 a flash of SARS-COV-2 began, there are no new cases of infection. Most hospitals built for coronavirus in Jun are closed. In the photograph there are doctors of one of the temporary hospitals in Juan at the closing ceremony. In total, about 84 thousand people fell ill in China with a coronavirus infection, about 4600 died.

Intensive therapy in the hospital in Jun

How the world fights coronavirus

Who is most susceptible to coronavirus infection?

The most dangerous coronavirus infection for the elderly older than 80 years and people with chronic cardiovascular, respiratory diseases, diabetes and hypertension. It is in these groups that the maximum risk of death. Another risk group is medical workers. In most patients – about 80 percent – the disease takes place in a mild or relatively mild shape.

A scientist in a German laboratory is working on creating a vaccine against coronavirus

How the world fights coronavirus

When will the vaccine appear from coronavirus?

The number of laboratories working on the creation of a vaccine against coronavirus SARS-COV-2 around the world cannot be counted. Scientists have already created several options for vaccines and test them on animals. In the USA and the UK, tests are also carried out in public. But with the most favorable course of events, the vaccine may appear on the market no earlier than mid -2021.

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Moscow> Chkalovskaya: Schedule of trains (suburban trains) for 2022

Moscow – Chkalovskaya ➤ Schedule of electric trains (suburban trains) in the direction, time of departure, arrival and paths. Schedule with changes for today, tomorrow and any date on ➤ 2022

Moscow – Chkalovskaya
Schedule of trains (suburban trains)

Information about the schedule of electric trains (suburban trains) Moscow – Chkalovskaya:

The current schedule of the Moscow -Chkalovskaya trains includes 67 electric trains (suburban trains, diesel engines) that connect these stations, among which there are night, morning, daytime, evening. It is recommended the most speedy train (suburban train), which leaves at 21 hours of 45 m from the Moscow station and arrives at Chkalovskaya station at 22 hours 29 m. If you need to spend the longest possible time on the way, it is worth selecting an electric train number 6676 with a message from Moscow Yaroslavskaya – Monino, in this case the trip will take 1 h 20 m. Between the Moscow and Chkalovskaya stations, this electric train passes 16 stops. Among them are Malenkovskaya (00.14), elk (00.28), subsidy subsidiaries (00.44), Sokolovskaya (01.10), which it is possible to make a transplant to the train of other directions. On this page, you can always find out the schedule of the trains Moscow – Chkalovskaya, including the seasonal, operating in summer and winter. Before planning a trip along the route Moscow Chkalovskaya, first, first, with the schedule on our website, and also check this schedule at the nearest station, since some operational changes are possible.
Electric tickets Moscow – Chkalovskaya can be purchased at the box office of the nearest station.

Popular directions:

Electric trains and suburban trains

Type Number Route Departure Arrival On my way Schedule
Suburban 6676 Moscow → Monino 00.07
1 h 20 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6678 Moscow → Monino 01.00
1 h 9 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6602 Moscow → Monino 04.21
1 h 2 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6700 Moscow → Fryazevo 04.46
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6604 Moscow → Monino 05.04
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6606 Moscow → Monino 05.22
1 h 2 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6608 Moscow → Monino 05.28
1 h 4 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6702 Moscow → Fryazevo 06.10
1 h 5 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6610 Moscow → Monino 06.16
1 h 8 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6612 Moscow → Monino 06.34
1 h 6 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7262 Moscow → Monino 07.20
44 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6704 Moscow → Fryazevo 07.22
1 h 7 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6614 Moscow → Monino 07.40
1 h 6 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6616 Moscow → Monino 08.10
1 h 2 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7264 Moscow → Monino 08.15
46 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6706 Moscow → Fryazevo 08.28
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6618 Moscow → Monino 08.40
1 h 2 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6620 Moscow → Monino 09.00
1 h 1 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6622 Moscow → Monino 09.16
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7266 Moscow → Monino 09.55
44 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6708 Moscow → Fryazevo 10.04
1 h 2 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6624 Moscow → Monino 10.30
1 h 4 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7268 Moscow → Monino 10.35
46 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6710 Moscow → Fryazevo 10.43
1 h 4 m A special movement schedule - see
Suburban 6626 Moscow → Monino 11.04
1 h 3 m A special movement schedule - see
Suburban 6628 Moscow → Monino 11.34
1 h 5 m A special movement schedule - see
Suburban 6630 Moscow → Monino 12.08
1 h 3 m A special movement schedule - see
Suburban 6712 Moscow → Fryazevo 12.42
1 h 4 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6632 Moscow → Monino 13.06
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6634 Moscow → Monino 13.32
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7270 Moscow → Monino 14.05
46 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6714 Moscow → Fryazevo 14.13
1 h 4 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6636 Moscow → Monino 14.31
1 h 4 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6638 Moscow → Monino 14.58
1 h 7 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6640 Moscow → Monino 15.34
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7272 Moscow → Monino 15.35
46 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6716 Moscow → Fryazevo 15.40
1 h 5 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6642 Moscow → Monino 15.52
1 h 4 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6644 Moscow → Monino 16.05
1 h 5 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7274 Moscow → Monino 16.35
45 m A special movement schedule - see
Suburban 6718 Moscow → Fryazevo 16.51
1 h 4 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6646 Moscow → Monino 16.57
1 h 5 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6648 Moscow → Monino 17.21
1 h 5 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7276 Moscow → Monino 17.30
44 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6720 Moscow → Fryazevo 17.35
58 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6650 Moscow → Monino 17.45
1 h 10 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6722 Moscow → Fryazevo 18.15
1 h 6 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7278 Moscow → Monino 18.25
45 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6654 Moscow → Monino 18.40
1 h 8 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6652 Moscow → Monino 18.40
52 m A special movement schedule - see
Suburban 6656 Moscow → Monino 18.50
52 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6724 Moscow → Fryazevo 18.57
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7280 Moscow → Monino 19.30
46 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6658 Moscow → Monino 19.33
1 h 5 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6660 Moscow → Monino 19.35
53 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6662 Moscow → Monino 19.58
1 h 5 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6726 Moscow → Fryazevo 20.11
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6664 Moscow → Monino 20.30
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6666 Moscow → Monino 20.54
1 h 4 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7282 Moscow → Monino 21.00
46 m A special movement schedule - see
Suburban 6728 Moscow → Fryazevo 21.36
1 h 5 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7284 Moscow → Monino 21.45
44 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6668 Moscow → Monino 21.48
1 h 3 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6670 Moscow → Monino 22.20
1 h 4 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 7286 Moscow → Monino 22.20
45 m A special movement schedule - see
Suburban 6672 Moscow → Monino 22.56
1 h 6 m Daily movement schedule - see
Suburban 6674 Moscow → Monino 23.08
1 h 6 m Daily movement schedule - see

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In the schedule of electric trains (suburban trains) on the route Moscow – Chkalovskaya, current changes are possible. We recommend checking the information in the reference service of your station. We draw your attention to the fact that the time specified in schedules – Local .