Sports Betting Maryland

B6-Sport BMW MINI HL B6 Bilstein 24-139380 ➤ Buy in Moscow, Russia

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BILSTEIN 24-139380 B6-Sport BMW MINI HL B6

BILSTEIN 24-139380 B6-Sport BMW MINI HL B6

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If you want to increase the damping power of your shock absorbers – even when loaded – but don't want to opt for a sports suspension, then BILSTEIN B6 shock absorbers are the perfect solution.

Sports Betting California

Ajax-Benfica Review of the match ✅ March 15, 2022 account 0-1 ⚽ | Free direct broadcast of the match.

Watch Online Translation of the Ajax match – Benfica ✅ March 15, 2022. Free. ⚽ Europe – Champions League. Football

Ajax – Benfica watch online 03/15/2022












































































Santa Clara

Santa Clara







Lived Vicente

Lived Vicente









# Group C. And W. D. L. G O
1. AjaxAjax 6 6 0 0 20:5 18
2. SportingSporting 6 3 0 3 14:12 9
3. Borussia dBorussia d 6 3 0 3 10:11 9
4. BesiktashBesiktash 6 0 0 6 3:19 0
# Group E And W. D. L. G O
1. BavariaBavaria 6 6 0 0 22:3 18
2. BenficaBenfica 6 2 2 2 7:9 8
3. BarcelonaBarcelona 6 2 1 3 2:9 7
4. Dynamo KyivDynamo Kyiv 6 0 1 5 1:11 1

Personally, the club from the Netherlands does not cease to surprise me. From year to year, Ten Hag creates a new combat -ready team, despite the fact that the best is leaving. And this coach is still not in the European top club. Although Ajax is not a top? Top, of course. 6 victories in 6 matches at the group stage of the Champions League. Let me remind you that the group had Besiktash, Borussia from Dortmund and Sporting. Not the last teams in their countries and such a result. For 6 games, 20 goals are clogged. Of these, half of them on the account of Haller, on which they most likely already laid their eyes in Europe. But the Ajax coach is not used to building a new team. In fairness, it is worth saying that Ajax not only sells now, but also makes purchases. But by and large, the club lives from sales. In general, you understood a hint of the favorite, guys. But is everything so simple? Benfica went around for a minute in the group Barcelona. The victory of Ajax for 1.35 I would not dare. Rather, it is better to take a head of guests +1.5, for 2.02. Now the statistics of the corner three faces. The first match was 7: 2 (3: 0) and two matches 3.5 years ago: 2: 2 (1: 1) and 3: 2 (1: 1).

Sports Betting California

Bus Moscow (m. Water stadium) – wedge number 437: schedule and route of movement, exit at 07: 40

Bus Moscow (m. Water stadium) – wedge number 437: schedule of the route, stop, schedule of movement, time of arrival and departure, departure at 07:40

Bus Moscow (m. Water stadium) – wedge number 437 (07:40): schedule and route of traffic at stops

The current schedule of the bus Moscow (m. Water stadium) – wedge number 437 for 2022 is provided. In order to see the bus schedule at a particular station, follow the relevant link.


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On its page in social. networks

  • On the way 0 h 10 min
  • On the way 0 h 13 min
  • On the way 0 h 15 min
  • On the way 0 h 23 min
  • On the way 0 h 33 min
  • On the way 0 h 48 min
  • On the way 0 h 50 min
  • On the way 1 h 0 min
  • On the way 1 h 4 min
  • On the way 1 h 6 min
  • On the way 1 h 11 min
  • On the way 1 h 14 min
  • On the way 1 h 16 min
  • On the way 1 h 22 min
  • On the way 1 h 24 min
  • On the way 1 h 31 min
  • On the way 1 h 34 min
  • On the way 1 h 37 min
  • On the way 1 h 39 min
  • On the way 1 h 45 min


Save this schedule
On its page in social. networks

If you need to find out by what days the Moscow bus runs (m. Water stadium) – wedge number 437, then you got to the right place. Bus Moscow (m. Water stadium) – the wedge is moving according to this schedule: daily except Sunday. The movement of the bus Moscow (metro Water Stadium) – the wedge number 437 may periodically change, which is why we strongly recommend clarifying the information in the reference service of the bus station.

Information about the bus route
Moscow (m. Water stadium) – wedge number 437 (07:40)

According to the schedule, the bus Moscow (metro Water Stadium)-wedge number 437 begins to move from the station metro station stadium at 2022-04-29 07:40:00. At the final station, the bus station wedge the bus is in 2022-04-29 09:25:00. The total movement of the bus is 1 h 45 minutes. The total downtime at stops is 19 min.

The bus route contains the following stops: Butakovo, Rodionovo, Monument, Leningradskoye Shosse, Black Dirt, Turn on Kryukovo, 49 km, spoons, Master shop, DK named after Leps, SEMZ, Turn to the Solar, Brick Plant, Koskovo, Nagornaya, Davydkovo-1, South, substation, Tchaikovsky Square, Sportivnaya Street.

On our site you have the opportunity to find out the route and schedule of bus stops Moscow (metro Water Stadium) – a wedge online. If you have not purchased tickets for the bus yet, then contact the cash desk of the nearest bus station.

Horse Betting

Avogadro and the number of his name

Evgeny Meilikhov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences “Science and Life” No. 4, 2017 • Library of Scientific and popular articles on “Elements” • Chemistry, history of science, physics

Avogadro and the number of his name

The Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro-a contemporary of A. S. Pushkin-was the first to understand that the number of atoms (molecules) in one gram atom (prayer) of the substance is the same for all substances. Knowledge of this number opens the way to assess the size of atoms (molecules). During his life, his hypothesis did not receive proper recognition. The story of the number of Avogadro is devoted to the new book of Evgeny Zalmanovich Meilikhov, Professor of the MIPT, chief researcher at the Kurchatov Institute.

If, as a result of any world disaster, all accumulated knowledge would be destroyed and only one phrase would have come to the upcoming generations of living creatures, then what statement made from the least number of words would bring the greatest information? I believe that this is an atomic hypothesis: all bodies consist of atoms – small Tails, which are continuously.

R. Feynman, Feynman lectures in physics

The number of Avogadro (constant Avogadro, constant avogro) is defined as the number of atoms in 12 grams of pure carbon isotope-12 (12 C). It is usually designated as N.Aless often L.. The value of the Avogadro number recommended by CODATA (working group on fundamental permanent) in 2015: N.A = 6.02214082 (11) · 10 23 mol −1. Mol is the amount of substance that contains N.A structural elements (that is, as many elements as atoms are contained in 12 g 12 C), and atoms, molecules, ions, etc. are usually structural elements. According to the definition, the atomic unit of mass (and, i., m.) is 1/12 of the mass Atom 12 C. One moth (gram-can) has a mass (molar mass), which, being expressed in grams, is numerically equal to the molecular weight of this substance (expressed in the atomic units of the mass). For example: 1 sodium mol has a mass of 22.9898 g and contains (approximately) 6.02 · 10 23 atoms, 1 mol of calcium CAF2 It has a mass (40.08 + 2 · 18,998) = 78.076 g and contains (approximately) 6.02 · 10 23 molecules.

The cover of the book of E. Z. Meilikhov “The number of Avogadro. How to see an atom

At the end of 2011, at the XXIV General Conference on Measures and Libra, it is unanimously accepted to determine the mole in the future version of the international system of units (SI) in such a way as to avoid its link to determining the gram. It is assumed that in 2018, the mol will be determined directly by the number of aviado, which will be assigned an accurate (without error) value, based on the measurement results recommended by Codata. In the meantime, the number of Avogadro is not accepted by definition, but measured by the value.

This constant is named after the famous Italian chemist Amedeo Avogadro (1776–1856), which although he himself did not know, he understood that this was a very large size. At the dawn of the development of the atomic theory, Avogadro put forward a hypothesis (1811), according to which, with the same temperature and pressure in equal volumes of ideal gases, the same number of molecules are contained.Later it was shown that this hypothesis is a consequence of the kinetic theory of gases, and now it is known as the Avogadro law. It can be formulated as follows: one moth of any gas at the same temperature and pressure occupies the same volume, under normal conditions, equal to 22.41383 l (normal conditions correspond to the pressure P.0 = 1 atm and temperature T0 = 273.15 K). This value is known as the molar volume of gas.

The first attempt to find the number of molecules occupying this volume was made in 1865 by J. Loshmidt. From his calculations it followed that the number of molecules per unit volume of air is 1.8 · 10 18 cm −3, which, as it turned out, is about 15 times less than the correct value. Eight years later, J. Maxwell brought a much closer to the truth – 1.9 · 10 19 cm −3. Finally, in 1908, Perren gives an acceptable assessment: N.A = 6.8 · 10 23 mol −1 of the Avogadro number, found from experiments in the Brownian movement.

Since then, a large number of independent methods for determining the number of aviado have been developed, and more accurate measurements have shown that in reality, 1 cm 3 ideal gas under normal conditions contains (approximately) 2.69 · 10 19 molecules. This value is called Loshmidt (or constant). It corresponds to the number of aviado N.A ≈ 6,02 · 10 23 .

The number of Avogadro is one of the important physical constant, playing a large role in the development of natural sciences. But is it “universal (fundamental) physical”? This term itself is not defined and is usually associated with a more or less detailed table of numerical values ​​of physical constants that should be used in solving problems. In connection with this fundamental physical constant, those values ​​that are not constants of nature are often considered to be only the chosen system of units (such, for example, magnetic and electric constant vacuum) or conditional international agreements (such, for example, an atomic unit of mass) . The fundamental constants often include many derivatives (for example, a constant gas R, classic electron radius rE. = E. 2 / mE.C. 2, etc.) or, as in the case of a molar volume, the value of a certain physical parameter related to specific experimental conditions, which are selected only for reasons of convenience (pressure 1 atm and temperature 273.15 K). From this point of view, the Avogadro number is a truly fundamental constant.

The history and development of methods for determining this number is devoted to this book. The epic lasted about 200 years and at different stages was associated with diverse physical models and theories, many of which have not lost relevance to this day. The lightest scientific minds attached a hand to this story – it is enough to name A. Avogadro, J. Loshmidt, J. Maxwell, J. Perren, A. Einstein, M. Smolukhovsky. The list could be continued.

The author must admit that the idea of ​​the book does not belong to him, but to Lev Fedorovich Soloveichik-his classmate at the Moscow Physics and Technology Institute, a person who was engaged in applied research and developments, but remained a romantic physicist in his soul. This is a person who (one of the few) continues “and in our cruel century” to fight for the real “higher” physical education in Russia, appreciates and to the best of strength promotes the beauty and grace of physical ideas. It is known that from the plot, which A. S. Pushkin gave N.V. Gogol, a brilliant comedy arose. Of course, this is not the case, but maybe this book will seem useful to someone.

This book is not a “popular science” work, although it may seem like that at first sight. On a certain historical background, serious physics is discussed, serious mathematics is used and rather complex scientific models are discussed. In fact, the book consists of two (not always sharply delimited) parts designed for different readers-it may seem interesting from a historical and chemical point of view, while others may focus on the physical and mathematical side of the problem. The author had in mind the curious reader – a student of the physical or chemical faculty, not alien mathematics and enthusiastic about the history of science. Are there such students? The author does not know the exact answer to this question, but, based on his own experience, he hopes that there is.

Introduction (in reduction) to the book: Meilikhov E. Z. The number of avogadro. How to see an atom. – Dolgoprudny: ID Intellect, 2017.

Sports Betting Maryland

Avito delivery of Balashikha – delivery points. Admission and issuance addresses in Balashikha

Where are the reception points and issuing Avito Delivery in Balashikha? In the city of Balashikha, Avito delivery points work through their partners regarding logistics: Boxberry and DPD. You can see the list of addresses on the city map by pressing the button below on the page. Thanks to the new program and experienced companions, users got a whole …

Avito delivery of Balashikha – delivery points. Admission and issuance addresses in Balashikha

In the city of Balashikha, Avito delivery points work through their partners regarding logistics: Boxberry and DPD. You can see the list of addresses on the city map by pressing the button below on the page.

Thanks to the new program and experienced companions, users received a number of pleasant bonuses.

  • Increasing sales speed.
  • Expansion of the audience of potential buyers.
  • Contactless and guaranteed payment or a refund for non -documented goods.
  • Operational delivery.
  • Free packaging of goods.

The listed advantages were the reason for the high interest in the Avito Delivery scheme.

Addresses of the reception and delivery points of Avito in Balashikha on the map

To withdraw all delivery points, it is necessary on the opened map in the left upper field enter the name of the city “Balashikha” and click “Find”, After that, a list of issuing points will appear.

Map of delivery of the Avito Delivery Service. A map of addresses of the reception and issuance points in Balashikha

Map of delivery of the Avito Delivery Service. A map of addresses of the reception and issuance points in Balashikha

Information about Boxberry and DPD

The Boxberry logistics company has been actively operating since 2014. Its departments are available throughout Russia; Now there are more than 470 points. The geography of Boxberry is as wide as possible: it covers the territory from Murmansk up to Pyatigorsk and from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to the capital.

The points of receiving and delivery of parcels are located at strategically calculated points in the city of Balashikha, much easier to get from any area. Usually – in the center. It is easy to find the department, even if the visitor is poorly oriented in the city: each item is equipped with a bright sign, prominent from afar.

The departments provide a service of free package packaging. Boxberry and DPD guarantee compensation for losses if the contents were damaged during delivery, each departure is automatically insured in the amount of the full amount of investment.

The receipt of the parcel can be carried out in two ways.

  • Personal visit to the department.
  • Through courier service.

In both cases, before signing the act, the recipient has the right to check the integrity, completeness and quality of the ordered goods. In case of inconsistency with the characteristics declared by the seller, the buyer refuses to receive, the reserved amount is returned to his card, and the goods are returned to the seller without financial shares – the sender will not pay for the return shipping.

Very convenient points for receiving Avito delivery in Balashikha and for the sender. He chooses a suitable department, comes to the place and gives the employee the parcel. Boxberry and DPD have developed clear rules for packaging goods, including fragile things. It is carried out for free, at the end of the process a receipt is issued to the seller, according to the code of which he and his client can monitor the location of the departure.

Avito delivery points are especially impressed by the speed of service: thanks to a good organization of the process in departments, there are almost never queues. The prices set by the company for logistics are also pleasant: tariffs are held in a reasonable framework. Moreover, they can be calculated in advance using an online calculator proposed by the official site. If desired, you can compare the cost with the prices of other companies.

Thanks to Avito’s partnership with Boxberry and DPD, the delivery of any product has become more reliable, affordable and operational.

Horse Betting

Aircraft dumps for travelers and aircraft amateur – boring texts

Where to store data on flights, how to find your own flight, where planes are flying right now – there are answers to many questions on the Web. There is a list of low -cost airlines here too.

Travelers and aircraft enthusiasts

From these data, it follows that for flights from December 17, 2008, Airbus A319-115 (CJ) in VIP comprehension is used.

Watching flights in real time anywhere in the globe: who is where and at what speed flies.

3D-video from the cab-schematically, but no less interesting.

The site has a search according to various parameters, for example, by the registration number of the side. The number of the Ukrainian government aircraft is UR-Aba. You can see the records of the last few flights. (The number of one private aircraft, often flying from/in Donetsk, p4-RLA.) The sovereign register of the cyvic dousers. is a powerful competitor FR24, but not so convenient and beautiful. You can subscribe to tracking the flights of the counter side by its number.

The location of places in the cabin of specific aircraft of specific airlines. The choice is only from large carriers, there are no Ukrainian.

Security Security Library, read-not re-read. For example, the Aviation Safety Statistics of various organizations, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Aviation Safety Network is a private initiative, which has been collecting data on air preferences since 1996. Their database describes about 14,000 incidents, captures and disasters. Daily update.

Aviation Safety Network: airliner accident fatalities 2013

ASF statistics for 2013 (clickable): 265 people died in 29 fatal accidents, 8 of which occurred in flight, and 13 during a decrease in landing (like the Odessa-Donetsk flight February 13).


Amadeus is one of the existing air booking systems. On their special site you can check your ticket by number and surname. Training materials are available if there is a desire to understand how and with what agencies work.

Avia forums – Forum of the Ukrainian air site. – forum of the Russian site, a lot of radio engineering.

Real radio – some Russian and Ukrainian airports. – Borispol (UKBB / KBP)

How to assemble a device for listening to the ether on the basis of a twenty-dollar DVB tuner: link-1, link-2. The keyword for the search (in Chinese stores): RTL2832 and SDR.

Approximately the topic of the Conet Project: Recordings of Shortwave Numbers Stations – two hours of processed air of the so -called license plates of short -wave radio stations:


Weather at Borispol Airport (UKBB / KBP), there is also the weather in Zhulyany (UKK / IEV).

View from a satellite to Ukraine is a part of the useful information provided by the Ukrainian Gidrometeorologa Center.

Statistics – a simple and understandable interface, data export.

There are many competitors, one of the best – (colorful modern interface, export, “environmental” statistics).

Low -budget airlines of Eurasia (low -cost airlines)

The list is not mine, I copy so that I have always been at hand.As I use it, I will add and correct.

I recommend subscribing to newsletters and updates on social networks. Please note that Asian and Arab companies require you to leave personal data (full name, phone number, year of birth, etc.) to activate the mailing list – such is their legislation.


Ryanair – Europe
Wizzair – Europe, from different cities to Kyiv, Donetsk, Kharkov, Lviv; Israel
easyJet – Europe, Israel, Turkey
Vueling – Barcelona – Europe, from Barcelona to Kyiv, Moscow; Israel
German Wings – Europe, mainly from Cologne to other European cities; Israel
Norwegian – Scandinavian countries, from Oslo to Moscow and Kyiv; Israel

Air Lingus – UK Ireland
Air Baltic – Europe, from Riga to Ukraine and Russia; Israel
Air Berlin – Europe, Germany, Israel
Blue Air – Europe, from Romania to Europe
Condor – from Europe to resort destinations in Asia and Africa
Air Europa – Spain
Air One – from Italy to Europe and Russia
Volotea – flights between small cities in Europe, they promise to start flights to Kyiv
FlyBe – UK – Europe
Iceland Express – Reykjavik – Europe
jet2 – UK – Europe; Israel
Malmo aviation – Sweden, there are several international flights
Monarch – From the UK to the resorts
Smartwings – Prague – Europe


Pegasus – From Turkey to Europe and Asia, as well as Kharkov, Donetsk, Lviv; Israel
Onur Air – Turkey, from Turkey to Europe, from Istanbul to Odessa
Sunexpress – Turkey, from Turkey to Europe
Anadolu jet from Turkey
Atlasjet – Turkey


Air Arabia – From Sharjah to Asia and Africa, as well as Kyiv, Moscow, Odessa, Kharkov, Donetsk, from Casablanca and Alexandria – to Europe
Fly Dubai – From Dubai to Asia and Africa, to Kyiv, Odessa, Donetsk, to a number of peripheral airports in Russia
Jazeera – Middle East


Air Asia – Southeast Asia, Australia, China
Tigerair – South East Asia, Australia, mainly from Singapore, China
Jetstar – Southeast Asia, Australia
Scoot – South East Asia, Australia, big plans, few flights yet
Malindo from Malaysia
Firefly – Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand
Cebu Pacific – Philippines, from Manila and Cebu to Southeast Asia, China
PAExpress – Philippines, from Manila and Cebu to Southeast Asia, China
Merpati from Indonesia
Srivijaya from Indonesia
Nokair from Thailand
Orient Thai airlines – Thailand
Thai Smile – Thailand, India, Malaysia


Spicejet – India, there are flights to the UAE, Nepal, China
IndiGo – India, there are flights to the UAE, Nepal, Singapore
Go air India
Air India express – India, connects India with the Middle East, Singapore and Malaysia

Horse Betting

S7 Airlines Airlines Official website

S7 Airlines S7 Airlines (Siberia Airline) Another airline in Russia, which is currently part of the three leaders of Russian air carriers. Classical airline,

S7 Airlines

S7 Airlines (Siberia Airline) Another airline in Russia, which is currently included in the three leaders of Russian air carriers. Classical airline that flights mainly in Europe and Asia.

history of the company

The year of the foundation of the S7 Airlines, the year 1957 can be considered, the first flight was carried out for the transportation of civilian people. It is worth noting that the first flight was by no means made on modern comfortable aircraft, but on air detachment aircraft. Only in 1992 was the state enterprise Siberia formed. And in 2005, a brand S7 appears, under which, in fact, Siberia Airlines flies.

In 2012, S7 turned out exactly 20 years. To date, the S7 Airlines is a private airline owners of which are the branches of the branch.


Today, the airline is flying in more than 83 points


Service classes

Airlines S7 provides two classes of service for its customers – business and economy, which can be purchased in accordance with various tariff plans.

Special offers


Airlines S7 Airlines offers its customers 4 types of tariffs:

Business – tariff for people who value comfort. Absolute freedom of action. In case of failure to appear for a flight, the ticket cost is returned completely!
Standard – For those who like to travel freely. The ticket change is allowed without additional fees and payments.
Economy – The very name of the tariff speaks for itself. Suitable for those who want to save, but allow the possibility of changing plans. A fixed cost is charged for re -registering a ticket. Check on the airline’s website.
Promo – A suitable tariff for those who are sure of their plans, because tickets purchased according to this tariff plan are irrevocable. Naturally, their price is most attractive. However, it is worth remembering that the S7 Airlines does not position itself like a low -cost airline, so you should not search for tickets for 5 €!

Sports Betting California

ATOL 60F online cash desk (Zenith) buy at a low price » Retailprof

ATOL 60F online cash desk (Zenith) – main characteristics, description, help in choosing. We deliver, set up, train. Delivery throughout Russia.

ATOL 60F online cash desk (Zenith)

Max. receipt tape width 57 mm

Connect ATOL 60F to a tablet, smartphone or data collection terminal and keep a full record of your business processes, update information in a timely manner, control the fulfillment of orders by couriers. ATOL 60F operates under the control of an external device (not included in the set) – a tablet, smartphone, PC – and receives information for issuing checks via a Bluetooth wireless interface.

The use of a cash desk at the place of settlement at the time of settlement and by the person making the settlement is unambiguously defined in clause 1 of Article 4.3 of 54-FZ (as amended by 290-FZ of 07/03/2017). Thus, in the case of accepting payment of funds by a courier, the latter must have a cash desk with him to issue a check. ATOL 60F complies with 54-FZ and is included in the register of CCPs by order of the Federal Tax Service of April 26, 2017 No. ED-7-20 / 327@


There are no reviews yet.

Order delivery

  • Around Moscow. The cost of courier delivery is 400 rubles. Delivery time 1-3 days.
  • Around Moscow. The cost of courier delivery is 800 rubles. Delivery time 1-3 days.
  • Across Russia. We carry out delivery throughout Russia by any transport company or mail.
  • Pickup. Free pickup from our office.


  • Cashless payments . In the case of a cashless payment, we will issue you an invoice and send it to your e-mail. After receiving the money to the current account, you can either pick up the goods yourself from our office, or we will deliver your order by courier.
  • Cash at the office or courier. We will notify you about the availability of the goods and you can pick it up from our office and pay, or our courier will bring it and you will transfer the money to him.

Related products

The service of registering an online cash desk in the IFTS (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service)

Digital signature issuance service

The service of connecting an online cash desk to a fiscal data operator

Integration of the cash register with the inventory system

Effective training to work with CCP is a step-by-step task. The success of business and financial relations of organizations, enterprises, institutions depends on how competently it is solved. A lack of qualifications and knowledge is a reason for charging penalties (for an incorrectly punched check, an incorrectly indicated amount, doubling, etc.). The variety of modifications and models of online cash desks is also recognized as a complexity.

Similar products

The demand for cash drawer 330A in Moscow is determined by its ability to connect to all known types and models of cash registers. The necessary equipment can be simply supplemented without changing. This will provide savings and convenience in work.

Smart terminal with 7″ screen. Up to 100 checks/day, mains powered. 5 USB, DYA, WiFi, 3G, BT.

Online cash desk and bank terminal in one. Up to 100 checks/day, battery powered. WiFi, 2G.

Sports Betting California


The Department of Education of the Prokopyevsk city administration recommends the following vacation periods for educational institutions for the 2021-22 academic year:

-autumn: from 1.11 to 09.11.2021

-winter: from 12/27/2021 to 01/09/2022

-spring: from 28.03 to 05.04.2022

For students in grade 1, establish additional weekly holidays from February 21 to February 27, 2022. –News of the Ministry of Defense of KUZBASS —

–WARNING —Calendar of events

from May 2 to May 8, 2022–TEMPERATURE CONDITION —


Recommended temperature regime for limiting students' visits to educational institutions in winter
It is recommended to establish restrictions for students to visit municipal educational institutions in the winter at the following temperatures: – for students in grades 1-4 at a temperature of 27 degrees below zero, – for students in grades 1-6 at a temperature of 30 degrees below zero, – for students in grades 1-8 at a temperature of 32 degrees below zero, – for students in grades 1-11 at a temperature of 36 degrees below zero. Please note that parents have the right to independently decide whether their child will attend school on frosty days (more info) –#KUZBASS300 —
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31


–News archive —

Students of the House of Children's Creativity are among the winners of the National Prize of Children's Patriotic Creativity-2022.

The event is held in four stages and brings together more than 10,000 children from all regions of Russia. This year, the participants were the guys from the creative association Intellectual (headed by Natalya Yuryevna Khazieva) of the House of Children's Creativity. In the nomination Modern technologies in creativity the residents of Prokop were recognized as winners.

The award ceremony will take place on June 1 in Moscow. . Read more
May 6 at the Cultural and Exhibition Center Vernissage in Prokopyevsk opens an exhibition of participants in the city competition of children's drawings Thank you grandfather for the Victory! Dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory.
The authors of the works are pupils of kindergartens, students of schools, creative associations of institutions of additional education. lang=en style=height: 28px;Arxiv_novostey_-_UPRAVLENIE_OBRAZOVANIYA_gor._PROKOPEVSKA

Without a keyword — –Search — –Admission to school and kindergarten — Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 2, 2020 No. 458 On approval of the Procedure for admission to study at

Without a keyword

— –Search —
–School and Kindergarten Admissions —

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2020 No. 458

On approval of the procedure for admission to study in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education

Order of the Department of Education dated 01.03.2022 No. 118
On assigning municipal educational institutions to specific territories of the Prokopyevsk urban district
Order of the Department of Education dated January 27, 2022 No. 46
On assigning municipal preschool educational institutions and preschool departments of schools to specific territories of the Prokopyevsk urban district
May 2022







— — Login to the site —


The Department of Education of the Prokopyevsk city administration recommends the following vacation periods for educational institutions for the 2021-22 academic year:

-autumn: from 1.11 to 09.11.2021

-winter: from 12/27/2021 to 01/09/2022

-spring: from 28.03 to 05.04.2022

For students in grade 1, establish additional weekly holidays from February 21 to February 27, 2022.

–News of the Ministry of Defense of KUZBASS —


Calendar of events

from May 2 to May 8, 2022


Recommended temperature regime for limiting students' visits to educational institutions in winter

It is recommended to establish restrictions for students to visit municipal educational institutions in the winter at the following temperatures:

– for students in grades 1-4 at a temperature of 27 degrees below zero,

– for students in grades 1-6 at a temperature of 30 degrees below zero,

– for students in grades 1-8 at a temperature of 32 degrees below zero,

– for students in grades 1-11 at a temperature of 36 degrees below zero.

Please note that parents have the right to independently decide whether their child will attend school on frosty days (more info)

–#KUZBASS300 —

–News archive —

Students of the House of Children's Creativity are among the winners of the National Prize of Children's Patriotic Creativity-2022.

The event is held in four stages and brings together more than 10,000 children from all regions of Russia. This year, the participants were the guys from the creative association Intellectual (headed by Natalya Yuryevna Khazieva) of the House of Children's Creativity. In the nomination Modern technologies in creativity the residents of Prokop were recognized as winners.

The award ceremony will take place on June 1 in Moscow. . Read more

May 6 at the Cultural and Exhibition Center Vernissage in Prokopyevsk opens an exhibition of participants in the city competition of children's drawings Thank you grandfather for the Victory! Dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The authors of the works are pupils of kindergartens, students of schools, creative associations of institutions of additional education.- Entrance to the site-

– Vacations-

The Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Prokopyevsk recommends for the 2021-22 academic year to educational institutions the following deadlines:

-senniya: from 1.11 to 09.11.2021

-Winter: from 12/27/2021 to 01.01.2022

-doed: from 28.03 to 04/05/2022

For students in grade 1, install additional weekly holidays from February 21 to February 27, 2022

– News of the Ministry of Education of Kuzbass-

– Attention-

Calendar plan of events

from May 2 to May 8, 2022

– The temperature regime-

Recommended temperature regime to limit the visits by students of general educational institutions in the winter period

It is recommended to establish restrictions on visiting by students of municipal educational institutions in the winter at the following temperatures:

– for students of grades 1-4 at a temperature of 27 degrees of frost and lower,

– for students of grades 1-6 at a temperature of 30 degrees of frost and lower,

– for students of grades 1-8 at a temperature of 32 degrees of frost and lower,

– for students of grades 1-11 at a temperature of 36 degrees of frost and below.

We pay attention that parents have the right to independently decide to visit the child to the school on frosty days (more) lang=en style=height: 28px;Arxiv_novostey _-_ upravlenie_obrazovaniya_gor._prokopevska

News Archive – Mountain Education Department. Prokopyevsk

Without Kevorda – – Search – – Reception to School and Kindergarten – Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 2, 2020 No. 458 On approval of the procedure for admission to training on

Without Kevordo

— Search-

– Admission to school and kindergarten-

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2020 No. 458

On approval of the procedure for admission to training in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education

Order of the Department of Education dated 01.03.2022 No. 118

On the consolidation of municipal educational institutions behind the specific territories of the Prokopyevsky city district

Order of the Department of Education dated 01.27.2022 No. 46

On the consolidation of municipal preschool educational institutions and preschool departments of schools behind the specific territories of the Prokopyevsky city district

May 2022








— Entrance to the site-

– Vacations-

The Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Prokopyevsk recommends for the 2021-22 academic year to educational institutions the following deadlines:

-senniya: from 1.11 to 09.11.2021

-Winter: from 12/27/2021 to 01.01.2022

-doed: from 28.03 to 04/05/2022

For students in grade 1, install additional weekly holidays from February 21 to February 27, 2022

– News of the Ministry of Education of Kuzbass-

– Attention-

Calendar plan of events

from May 2 to May 8, 2022

– The temperature regime-

Recommended temperature regime to limit the visits by students of general educational institutions in the winter period

It is recommended to establish restrictions on visiting by students of municipal educational institutions in the winter at the following temperatures:

– for students of grades 1-4 at a temperature of 27 degrees of frost and lower,

– for students of grades 1-6 at a temperature of 30 degrees of frost and lower,

– for students of grades 1-8 at a temperature of 32 degrees of frost and lower,

– for students of grades 1-11 at a temperature of 36 degrees of frost and below.

We pay attention that parents have the right to independently decide to visit the child to the school on frosty days (more)- Entrance to the site-

– Vacations-

The Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Prokopyevsk recommends for the 2021-22 academic year to educational institutions the following deadlines:

-senniya: from 1.11 to 09.11.2021

-Winter: from 12/27/2021 to 01.01.2022

-doed: from 28.03 to 04/05/2022

For students in grade 1, install additional weekly holidays from February 21 to February 27, 2022

– News of the Ministry of Education of Kuzbass-

– Attention-

Calendar plan of events

from May 2 to May 8, 2022

– The temperature regime-

Recommended temperature regime to limit the visits by students of general educational institutions in the winter period lang=en style=height: 28px;Arxiv_novostey _-_ upravlenie_obrazovaniya_gor._prokopevska

News Archive – Mountain Education Department. Prokopyevsk

Without Kevorda – – Search – – Reception to School and Kindergarten – Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 2, 2020 No. 458 On approval of the procedure for admission to training on

Without Kevordo

— Search-

– Admission to school and kindergarten-

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2020 No. 458

On approval of the procedure for admission to training in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education

Order of the Department of Education dated 01.03.2022 No. 118

On the consolidation of municipal educational institutions behind the specific territories of the Prokopyevsky city district

Order of the Department of Education dated 01.27.2022 No. 46

On the consolidation of municipal preschool educational institutions and preschool departments of schools behind the specific territories of the Prokopyevsky city district

May 2022








— Entrance to the site-

– Vacations-

The Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Prokopyevsk recommends for the 2021-22 academic year to educational institutions the following deadlines:

-senniya: from 1.11 to 09.11.2021

-Winter: from 12/27/2021 to 01.01.2022

-doed: from 28.03 to 04/05/2022

For students in grade 1, install additional weekly holidays from February 21 to February 27, 2022

– News of the Ministry of Education of Kuzbass-

– Attention-

Calendar plan of events

from May 2 to May 8, 2022

– The temperature regime-

Recommended temperature regime to limit the visits by students of general educational institutions in the winter period– Login to the site —


The Department of Education of the Prokopyevsk city administration recommends the following vacation periods for educational institutions for the 2021-22 academic year: lang=en style=height: 28px;Arxiv_novostey_-_UPRAVLENIE_OBRAZOVANIYA_gor._PROKOPEVSKA

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Archaeologists find hundreds of prehistoric human remains in a cave in Spain

The research team is made up of specialists including anthropologists, geologists, biologists, as well as young people with university internships and Erasmus students from Portugal and Germany.

Archaeologists have found hundreds of prehistoric human remains in a cave in Spain

Archaeologists photo

The research team is made up of specialists including anthropologists, geologists, biologists, as well as young people with university internships and Erasmus students from Portugal and Germany.

Archaeologists from the Santomera Historical Heritage Association have discovered hundreds of prehistoric human remains at a collective burial site in a cave in the Sierra de Malombre.

Excavations began last week, and archaeologists now face the time-consuming and tedious task of determining exactly how many corpses the skeletal remains belong to.

According to the president of the Santomera Heritage Association, professor and archaeologist Miguel Pallares, the remains could be at least 5,000 years old and belong to the early Stone Bronze Age settlers. And interestingly, they could be associated with some kind of ritual process.

Archaeologists first selected two caves/sites and conducted preliminary surveys to determine if there was real archaeological potential.

Having established that this is the case, a team of 10 researchers will spend another two weeks at the collective burial site, which is of greater significance than the other eight or nine burial caves previously documented by Association archaeologists in the area.

“In all of them, anatomical parts of the bodies were deposited, but if secondary and partial deposits of human remains were found in previously discovered caves, then in the cave, which is now being excavated, many more remains were found than in other caves,” Pallares explained.

Excavations are still at an early stage and it remains to be seen whether the site is actually worth excavating in future projects.